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河南省许昌高中2011届高三上学期第一次摸底考试英语试卷本试卷共150分,考试用时120分钟。本卷第一至第三部分为选择题,共110分,第四部分为非选择题,共40分。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What do we know about Terry?AHe didnt sent out his application on time.BHe didnt apply for any college.CNo college wanted to accept him.2Where is Citibank?AOn the street in line with Broadway.BOn the street next to Broadway.COn Fox Street. 3What will the man do in the future?AGet further education.BWork as a teacher.CHave a test.4When does the man want the woman to go to Atlanta?ATomorrow.BNext month.CNext week.5Who is the woman talking to?AA mailman.BA house painter.CA woodworker.第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6Whats the problem with Jim and Mary?AThey got married.BThey spent too much money.CThey saved much money.7Whats the womans attitude towards Jim and Marys problem?AShe believed it was their own business.BShe didnt want to help them.CShe got the same idea with the man.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8What will the two speakers do?ATo go to the bus stop.BTo go to the Canning Road.CTo meet at the bus stop.9Where is the place they will meet?AIn High Street.BOn the Canning Road end.CNear the Canning Road end.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What are the two speakers talking about?ASome shorten letters in the ads.BSome shorten letters on the sign.CSome useful shorten letters.11What does “H&C” mean?AHigh centigrade.BHole and corner.CHot and cold water.12Where can you find “own access” according to the conversation?AAt your neighbors house.BAt the entrance or front door.CIn the Stotfold one.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Where does the man work?AIn a factory.BIn a hotel.CIn a shopping center.14How did the woman deal with the TV?APlugged it in and turned it on.BAdjusted the channels.CChecked the TV set.15What does the woman want to do?ASell the TV.BBuy another second hand TV.CAsk someone to adjust it.16Why is the woman surprised at last?AThey cant adjust it.BShe thought it was a new TV.CThe guarantee is only two days.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What did the women have in common?ATheir husbands visited England.BTheir husbands died.CTheir husbands enjoyed watching plays.18What happened that spring?AThe women formed a club.BThe womans husband was dead.CThe Merry Widows went abroad.19How was Mr. Whites conversation with the woman?AFriendly.BAngry.CSad.20Which of the following is NOT true?AMr. Whiter was an Englishman.BThe widows go to England every summer.CThe woman joined the club after her husbands death.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21The school owns many qualified teachers, but when it_facilities, the school is not modern enough.Acompares withBcomes to Carrives at Drefers to22Not long ago, a person whom I know very well was_a robbery.Ainvolved inBrelated to Cincluded in Ddevoted to23It was reported that the government and the troops_the victims of the earthquake stricken areas in Qinghai province.ArelaxedBrelieved Cguarded Dfreed24When he was questioned about the necklace, he_that he had ever seen it.AhesitatedBrefused Cdenied Drejected25John had tried to find a job in the sales department, but he had no_.AchanceBtime Cquality Dluck26The young man was driving his new car, bought only three days ago, in the_of the airport, when an accident happened.Away Bpath Croute Ddirection27Lisa is completely_and receives no money from her family.Aconscious Bconfident Cindependent Dsensitive28He arrived home very late last night, _in the early hours this morning.Aor else Bor rather Crather than Dmore than29He has been in high spirits, for pieces of exciting news came to him _.Aone after anotherBone by one Clittle by little Dstep by step30While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded_the nurse Florence Nightingale.Ain need of Bin favor of Cin honor of Din place of第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I watched as she led him by the hand to the bathroom in the waiting hall of the airport. Although he looked a little confused, he seemed 31 as long as his hand was in hers.Returning to their seats at the gate, she 32 his hair and buttoned his jacket. He looked nervous and asked, “Where are we going, Mom? What time is it? When will we get to 33 our plane?”I wondered about the womans patience and love. I 34 her take him by the hand when they were finally 35 to board.Upon finding my seat, I discovered that the three of us would be 36 . I managed to pass the two of them to my window seat and then told him how handsome he looked in his new coat. He 37 . She helped take off his jacket and 38 his seatbelt. He said that he had to go to the 39 again, and she told him that he could last until the end of the 40 .As the plane started, he became frightened and 41 for her hand. She calmed him down and began talking to him about whom to visit. He was confused about the different 42 they would be seeing, but she patiently repeated who was who 43 he seemed to understand.We introduced ourselves and 44 the usual things all mothers like to exchange with one another. I 45 she had four children and was on her way to visit one of them.The hour passed 46 , and soon we were preparing to land. He became frightened again, and she 47 his arm gently. She smiled and hugged him. “I love you, Honey.”They 48 the plane before I did, the mother never realizing how deeply she had 49 me. I prayed for this remarkable woman and for myself that I would have enough love and 50 to meet whatever challenges came my way, as this extraordinary mother clearly had.31AnervousBsecureCstrong Dconfident32AwashedBdried Ccombed Dcut33Aride Bleave Csee Dland34AfoundBnoticedCmade Dwatched35AallowedBexpectedCannounced Dbelieved36Aapart BtogetherCupset Ddifferent37Acried BshookCresponded Dsmiled38AsearchBloosenCfasten Dset39Acafe Bshop Cbathroom Dairport40Aday Bflight Clife Dpatience41AstruggledBprayedClooked Dreached42ArelativesBbooksCplaces Dchildren43Auntil Bwhen Cafter Dsince44AexplainedBhad Cshared Denjoyed45Aheard BprovedCknew Dlearned46AslowlyBquicklyCsilently Dsenselessly47AseizedBheld Cstruck Dbeat48Awalked aroundBwandered aboutCleft forDgot off49AcalmedBexcitedCtouched Dconfused50AstrengthBqualityCenergy Dadvantage第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFrench people pride themselves on their delicious foods, such as cheese, baguettes and croissants (two kinds of food). In fact, food is an important part of French culture. Families and friends spend hours over the dinner table each night. It is the opposite of the fast food habit common in other parts of the West.Its the reason why the French are very angry that a McDonalds is opening beneath Pariss most famous museum: the Louvre (卢浮宫). The mew restaurant will be the 1,142 nd McDonalds in France, and will open in the underground approach to the museum. But many French people cant understand why this American chain is opening in the heart of French culture.However, McDonalds is paying no notice to the complaint. McDonalds now has 31,000 chains worldwide. Tourists are hungry, and opening chains in tourist spots pays well.There is another chain threatening Frances heritage. This time it is coffee rather than burgers. As more and more Starbucks open in Paris, traditional French cafes are forced to close.The trouble with American companies opening chains throughout the world is the destructive effect they can have on a countrys culture. How can a small, independent coffee shop compete with the multi billion dollar chain? You can go to a Starbucks in any city in the world, but you can only go to a Parisian caf in France.Responsibility is with the tourists. A McDonalds wouldnt open so near the Louvre if it werent not going to make money. Similarly, a Pizza Hut wouldnt overlook (俯瞰) Egypts Great Pyramid if no one wants to sit in it. Maybe next time you visit the Great Wall, you should think twice before ordering a Cappuccino in the Starbucks.51Why are the French very angry when a McDonalds is opening beneath the Louvre?ABecause they will spend many hours in McDonalds.BBecause French food culture is very impressive.CBecause they also have the fast food habit.DBecause they are proud of their own food.52The McDonalds will be located in the underground approach to the museum because_.Athe complaints of the French are uselessBopening a chain in tourist spot is rewardingCMcDonalds tends to be in the heart of cultureDit will help to attract more tourists for the museum53What is the trouble with American companies opening chains all over the world?AThe traditional stores of a country are forced to fight back.BThe traditional stores of a country become dependant.CThey have negative effect on a countrys culture.DThe multi billion dollar chain cant be matched.54The author suggests that the tourists can_.Adecide whether the multiple stores of America are successful or notBorder a Cappuccino in the Starbucks when they visit the Great WallCsit in a Pizza Hut when they visit Egypts Great PyramidDenter the McDonalds when they visit the LouvreBVampires (吸血鬼), creatures of myth, have been around in one form or another for centuries. Terrifying but also attractive, they are as popular in the early 21 st century as ever, as the current popularity of Twilight series, and its hero Edward Cullen, show.Vampires first appeared in fiction in the 1700s. in 1895 Irish novelist Bram Stoker published Dracula, introducing the worlds most famous vampire.But just what is it about these drinkers of human blood that continues to fascinate us? Speaking to Eric Lewis of the Times and Transcript website, academic Deborah Wells said that vampires are “culturally adaptive”. “We create very different vampires to fit different times. Edward Cullen is not the same as Count Dracula,” she said.Different as they are, Wells believes vampires are “the perfect containers into which we can pour our current cultural anxieties”, Bram Stokers Dracula is powerful, yet old and physically ugly. Stokers book dealt with fear of the fall of the British Empire, real fears in the day in which it was written.According to the website Bookrags, todays vampires have all our cultural desires, money, power and sexual attraction. Represented by Cullen, they are noble, handsome young men whom women find irresistible. Whats more, vampires challenge traditional ideas about death, science and parental authority. This may be why teenagers are drawn to vampire tales.“In many ways, the vampire story shows up teenage concerns,” said wells. “The emotional intensity (强度) of the relationship with the vampire matches the intensity of how it feels to have your first real love affairs. Your first real love, it really feels like life and death.”55The best title for this passage should be_.AVampires may continue to drink our bloodBVampires have been around us for longCWhy Twilight is so popular nowadays DWe still like the story about vampires56What is the image of the vampire in Bram Stokers book? AAnxious but perfect.BPowerful, old and ugly.CTerrifying but also attractive.DAfraid of the fall of the British Empire.57According to the website Bookrages, todays vampires_.Adesire money, power and sexual attractionBmay not think highly of parental authorityCdare to give up traditional ideasDare likely to be resisted by women58Which of the following statements is true according to Wells?APeople need different vampires in different times.BOur current cultural anxieties are hidden in vampires.CThe vampire story reflects the conches of the teenagers.DThe relationship with the vampire equals your first real love.CBarack Obama In the past hundred years, the U.S. presidency has turned more and more to the left not in policy, but in handedness. Barrack Obama is the latest to join a long list of left handed presidents from the 20th century: James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Henry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were all southpaws.What makes lefties so electable? Some experts think left-handed people have a greater aptitude for language skills, which may help them craft the rhetoric necessary for political office. And as for the bout of recent left-handed presidents, some think its because teachers only recently stopped working to convert lefties to rightist at an early age.Bill GatesClaiming the nations richest man among their number is a source of considerable pride for Americas society of southpaws. In fact, the Microsoft titan and philanthropist(巨头兼慈善家) is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner. But the club seems to be a guys-only fraternity research suggests that while left-handed men tend to earn more than their right-handed colleagues, there is no similar advantage for women. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research floated the idea that left-handed men favor divergent thinking, a form of creativity in which the brain moves from conventional knowledge into unexplored association. Maybe thats what it takes to develop a net worth estimated at $ 57 billion.Oprah WinfreyThe talk-show queen doesnt need much more to set her apart from the rest what with her estimated $ 2.7 billion fortune and a magic ability to sell books just by glancing at them but she also has the distinction of being a member of the left-handed club. Since men are more likely to be left-handed than women, that makes Oprah doubly impressive. Shes in good company: Other show-business ladies of the left handed persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina JolieMarie CurieNot only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists. Curie, who discovered the principles of radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes, was married to fellow lefty Pierre Curie, who was instrumental in helping Maries atomic research and shared one of her Nobel awards. Historians believe their daughter, Irene, was also left-handed. Irene went on to win a Nobel Prize of her own with her husband who, you guessed it, was also left-handed.59The underlined word “southpaws” in the last sentence of Paragraph 1 means_. Apeople coming from the southBpowerful presidentsCpeople who use their left handDforceful speakers60What makes it so easy for lefties to be elected as presidents according to the passage?ATheir great gift for foreign language.BTheir great language skills to make speeches.CThe need of left hinders in the political office.DTeachers stopping to force them to use their right hand.61It can be implied that Bill Gates, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Lou Gerstne_.Ahave creative thinking Bhave formed a special club.Cearn more money than their wives Dare wealthy philanthropists62The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 “She is in good company” means “_”.Ashe works in a very good company Bshe has many good friendsCshe has got on well with others Dshe is among many female leftiesD In 1993, researchers at the University of California at Irvine discovered the so called “Mozart Effect” that college students who listened to ten minutes of Mozarts Sonata for Two Pianos in D major (D大调) before taking an IQ test scored nine points higher than when they had sat in silence or listened to relaxation tapes. Other studies also have indicated that people gain information better if they hear classical or baroque (a style of art) music while studying.It is said that Albert Einstein was an average student until he began playing the violin. Before that, he had a hard time expressing what he knew, says Hazel Cheilek, orchestra director at Fairfax Countys Thomas Jefferson High School. “Einstein said he got some of his greatest inspirations while playing the violin. It liberated his brain so that he could imagine. In the early 1700s, Englands King George I also felt he would make better decisions if he listened to good music. Reportedly, Handel responded by composing his Water Music suites to be played while the king floated the Thames on his royal boat. Even Plato in ancient Greece believed studying music created a sense of order and harmony necessary for intelligent thought. The deepest effects take place in young children, while their brains are growing. This year, the same researchers at Irvines Center for Neurobiology of Leaming and Memory found that preschoolers who had received eight months of music lessons scored 80 percent higher on certain tasks than other youngsters who received no musical training. Music students continue to beat their non arts peers (同龄人) on the SAT, according to the 1999 “Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers” from The College Board. Students with coursework in music appreciation scored 42 points higher on the math section of the test than students with no coursework or experience in the arts.All of this to say you are the judge but listening to Mozart certainly wont hurt you. My point always is that making music is preferable to passive listening and that listening to live music is always preferable to listening to recorded music. Mozart WILL NOT raise your IQ, but it might help you organize your thoughts better before taking a standardized test. 63When people mention Albert Einstein, King George I and Plato, they believe that the effect of music is_. ApositiveBnegativeCsuspiciousDsensitive64So far researchers at the University of California at Irvine have done studies about_.Acollege students who listen to rock music every dayBpeople who hear classical music while studyingCpreschoolers with music lessonsDmusic students in SAT65Which of the following is an opinion rather than a fact?AHandel composed Water Music to be played while the kind floated the Thames on his boat.BMozart might help you organize your thought better before taking a standardized test.CPreschoolers with music training scored higher on object assembly tasks.DMusic students continue to beat their non arts peers on the SAT.66What is the authors opinion about music?AHe thinks that listening to music is better than making music.BHe has a doubt whether listening to Mozart will hurt the listeners.CHe is sure that listening to the music of Mozart will raise peoples IQ.


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