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Unit 3 The First Function of Management管理的首要职能Text A Planning计划职能Pre-rearing Task 课前阅读Read the following questions first, which will help you understand the text below better, and then answer the questions after reading the text carefully. 先看看下面的问题,这些问题将有助于你更好地理解后面的课文,仔细地读完课文后再回答这些问题。1. Do you agree with the saying Planning is the first function of management? 你同意“计划是管理的首要职能”这一说法吗?2. Why do you think planning in an organizational setting is more complex? 为什么你认为计划在组织设置(体系)中是最复杂的吗?3. What do managers usually do while they are making plans for their enterprises? 当管理者为他们的企业制定计划时,通常他们会做什么呢?4. How do you understand the sentence Planning involves selecting the missions and objectives as well as the actions to achieve them ? 你怎么理解“计划包括选择任务和目标以及实现它们的相关行动”这句话?5. What does the last sentence in the passage A necessary first step in planning is to 这篇文章的最后一句话“计划中必要的第一步是要”干什么?Text Planning is the first function of management. It is also a complex process, although the steps involved seem simple. The basic planning process consists of assessing the environment and prediction of the future, setting goals, developing alternative courses of action, selecting the best one, implementing it, and monitoring progress. 计划是管理的首要职能。计划也是一个复杂的过程,尽管计划步骤看起来很简单。基本的计划过程包括:评估环境和预测未来,设定目标,开发替代性的行动方针,选择其中最好的一个,执行并监测其进展情况。In designing an environment for the effective performance of individuals working together in a group, a managers most essential task is to see that everyone understands the groups mission and objectives and the methods for attaining them. If group effort is to be effective, people must know what they are expected to accomplish. This is the function of planning, which is the most basic of all the managerial functions. 在一个设计好的环境中,个人为了能在团队中和他人一起有效地完成工作,一个管理者最重要的任务是要看到每一个员工都理解组织的使命、目标和实现使命和目标的方法。团队努力要变成有效的工作,员工必须知道他们自己被期望所要完成的是什么。这就是计划职能,它是所有管理职能最基础的职能。A.1 Planning Process 计划过程Planning is the process through which managers determine goals and devise the means for utilizing resources to accomplish them. In the planning process, managers analyze the current status of the organization, predict the future environment, establish goals, and design and implement a course of action to achieve the goals within a specified time frame. In other words, planning refers to identifying the organizations strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and constraints in the environment, then deciding what to do and where, when, and how to do it. 计划是管理者通过它来决定组织目标,以及设计各种方法从而利用多种资源来完成目标的过程。在计划的过程中,管理者分析组织的现有状况、预测未来环境状况、设定组织目标,以及在规定的时限内(时间框架下)设计和贯彻执行完成组织目标的行动方针。换句话说,计划是指在环境内识别组织优势和劣势、机遇和约束,然后决定何时、何地、做什么,以及如何做的过程。(6W,为什么什么人)The planning process is not complete until managers select an alternative. Normally, by preparing a plan, managers know where the organization is headed and basically how it is going to get there. Before managers can organize, direct, or control, they must set a course of action for the organization, and then select the alternative that, in their judgment, will best enable the organization to accomplish its goals. In choosing to implement one plan instead of another, the manager is engaging in choice making. So the most important steps in the planning process are to analyze the organizations current status and forecast the future environment. Analyzing current status requires determining the organizations strengths and weaknesses. For example, a broad-based cost-efficient distribution network or a powerful marketing operation would be strengths the organization could incorporate into a plan. On the other hand, an outdated production system or a shortage of skilled employees would be weaknesses the organization would have to remedy or work around in developing and carrying out a plan. 直到管理者在替代计划中作出取舍(选择了其中一个计划方案),计划过程才算完成。通常,管理者通过准备计划知道组织要前进到什么地方,以及它将如何到达那里。在管理者组织、指挥或命令之前,他们必须为组织设定一些行动方针,接着根据他们自己的判断选择其中一个最佳的方案,从而使组织最好地完成它的目标。在选择执行一种计划(而不是另一种计划)时,管理者就是在确定这项选择(决策)。因此,在计划中最重要的步骤是分析组织现有状况和预测未来的环境。分析现有状况需要确定组织的优势和劣势。例如,一个应用广泛的、有成本效益的销售网络,或者一个强有力的营销经营方式都将是组织纳入某项计划中的优势。另一方面,一套过时的生产系统,或者缺乏技巧熟练的员工将是组织的劣势,组织将不得不在制定和执行某项计划中采取补救措施或者应急措施。In addition, planning is a crucial function and precedes all the other management functions. It strongly implies managerial innovation and bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go. Through planning, managers can anticipate how best to utilize the organizations resources. Successful organizations of all kinds, including businesses, churches, universities, sports teams and government agencies, use plans. Although planning is not a perfect science, there are probably no managers or organizations whose plans do not occasionally miss the mark. But the planning process is valuable to managers and organizations. 另外,计划是一个至关重要的管理职能,还是在其他管理职能之前的职能。计划强烈地暗示了管理创新,还在我们的出发点和目的地(在哪里和我们所要去的地方)之间架起了桥梁。通过计划,管理者能预知怎样更好地利用组织的各种资源。成功的各种组织,包括工商企业、教堂、大学、运动队和政府机关等等,都在使用计划。计划不是完美的科学,可能不存在自己的计划偶尔没有不成功的管理者或组织(每一次计划都成功),但是计划过程对于管理者和组织来说仍然很有价值。The planning function serves several purposes. First, planning identifies priorities and guides managers in acquiring and committing resources (people, money, etc.). Second, planning provides clear directions to organizational members, showing how their activities relate to overall organizational goals. Third, planning is a blueprint for action and a reference point for monitoring activities and measuring whether goals are being accomplished. Besides, the panning function is to describe the steps in the planning process and show how managers with different responsibilities (technical, administrative, and institutional) plan in different ways. 计划职能有几个方面的目的。首先,计划能识别优先重点和指导管理者获取和配置人财物等资源。其次,计划为组织成员提供了一个清晰的方向,显示出了他们的活动是如何与整体组织目标相联系的。第三,计划是一个监视组织行动及测量组织目标是否完成的行动蓝图和参考点。而且,计划职能将能描述计划过程的步骤,展示管理者是如何在不同的责任(技术、行政和制度等)之间用不同的方法进行计划的。Though planning that is done by different managers may differ in scope and specifics but accomplish similar purposes for each of the managers. Planning is the tool that helps the manager connect present activities to future objectives. Managers concentrate their attention on how changes in an organizations operating environment -that is, technological developments, competitive shifts, and changes in the economy - make it necessary for them to continually adapt and revise the strategic plans of the organization. 尽管不同管理者制定的计划可能在范围和细节方面有不同,但是对每一个管理者来说都是完成类似的目的。计划是帮助管理者连接现在行动和将来目标的工具。管理者把精力集中在组织内经营环境的技术发展、竞争转移、经济情况改变等各种变化上,对于管理者来说,这些变化使得(他们)有必要不断地调整和修订组织的战略计划。(make it necessary to使得有必要)The same is true in any organization. As organizations grow in size and complexity, managers tend naturally to have difficulty meeting goals and staying on track. Planning helps managers follow developments and detect trouble spots. By identifying problem areas early, managers can quickly find the causes and either remedy the problem or adjust the plan to get the organization back on track. In addition, planning enables managers and organizations to protect themselves against surprise caused by changes in the economic, technological, and political environment. 在任何组织内都是如此。随着组织规模和复杂性的增长,管理者很自然难于满足(实现)组织目标和保持正轨发展。计划会帮助管理者关注(密切注意)事态发展、检测(发现)故障点。通过及早识别出问题所在,管理者能迅速发现问题的原因,要么改正问题,要么调整计划,从而使组织回归到(发展)正轨上。另外,计划能使管理者和组织保护自身免于因经济、技术和政治环境的变化而发生的意外。A.2 Planning Establishment 计划编制Planning in an organizational setting is more complex. As for decision making, management planning must be done in consideration of the resources and values of the organization. Planning in the organizational context takes on added dimension. So before making decisions, managers draw up organizational planning, such as strategic planning, and strategic management in changing environments. 在组织设置中制定计划是更复杂的事情。就决策制定来说,管理者在考虑组织资源和组织价值观过程中必须完成管理计划。在组织环境中的计划呈现(具有)更多方面(维度)。所以在制定决策之前,管理者制订组织计划,比如战略规划、在不断变化的环境中的战略管理等等。The establishment of a plan can invigorate an organization and its employees by encouraging people to focus their activities on helping the organization achieve its goals. But there are various types of plans, ranging from overall purposes and objectives to the most detailed actions to be taken, such as ordering a special stainless steel bolt for an instrument or hiring and training workers for an assembly line. Plans are also used to determine new courses of action, but no real plan exists until a decision - a commitment of human or material resources - has been made. 确立一项计划能通过激励员工集中所有行动帮助组织完成自身目标来鼓舞这个组织及其员工。但是存在多种类型的计划,范围从全部目的和目标到将要采取的最详细行动,比如为某个器械订购一个不锈钢螺栓,或者为某个装配线雇佣和培训工人等。计划也许被用来确定新的行动方案(路线),但是直到制订好“人力或物力资源得到保证”的决策,一项计划才算真的存在。(ranging from A to B)Managers who plan usually go through a rational thought process involving careful research, analysis, and determination of a course of action. The basic steps managers take to develop a plan are as follows. 那些做计划的管理者通常经历一个理性的思维过程,这个过程涉及仔细研究、分析和确定行动方案(路线、方针)。管理者开发一项计划而采用的基本步骤(罗列)如下:1. Analyze current status and forecast the future environment. What are the organizations strengths and weaknesses? What opportunities and threats will be present in the environment? 第一,分析组织现有状况,预测未来环境情况。组织的优势和劣势是什么?环境将提供的机遇和威胁又是什么?2. Establish goals and objectives. Given the predicted future, what do we want to do? 第二,确立组织目的和目标。给定未来预测的假设结果,我们要做什么呢?3. Identify alternative ways of achieving objectives in light of problems and opportunities likely to be encountered in the future.第三,根据未来可能遇到的问题和机遇,找出完成目标的替代性方法。4. Select the best alternative for achieving the objectives. 第四,从完成目标的替代方法中选择最佳的一项方案。5. Implement the plan. 第五,实施该项计划。These basic steps can be applied to all planning activities. The planning process helps managers clarify where they are in relation to their long-term goals and helps them chart a course by which to achieve the organizations goals. Plans for a department, for example, should be coordinated and integrated with the organizations overall business plan. After plans are implemented, activities and results must be monitored and adjustments made. 这些基本步骤能应用到所有计划行动中。计划过程帮助管理者分清楚涉及长期目标时他们在哪里(的出发点),帮助他们绘制完成组织目标的图表。例如,部门计划应该和组织的整体业务计划相协调和统一。在计划贯彻执行后,必须监视相关行动和结果,并进行有关调整。As planning is the management function, it involves setting goals and deciding how best to achieve them. For example, Whirlpools overall objective is to achieve world- class performance in delivering shareholder value, which the company defines as being in the top 25 percent of publicly held companies in total returns during a given economic cycle. To achieve that goal, Whirlpool is making an intensive effort to understand the customer so that it is possible to respond to genuine needs through breakthrough products and services. Part of the strategy is to be one company worldwide. Whirlpool wants to drastically change the previous strategy followed by Philips, whereby the company made a completely different product for each national market. Now Whirlpool is working toward developing innovative common platforms that allow various models to be built using the same basic internal chassis. If Whirlpool is successful, the company can save substantially on development and manufacturing costs and can incorporate the latest advances in technology more easily across brands. 由于计划是管理职能,计划涉及到设定目标和决定如何最好地完成这些目标。例如美国惠尔浦公司的整体目标是在实现股东价值方面取得世界一流的业绩(达到世界一流水平),即公司确定在一个给定的经济周期内,总收益(股东回报)在公开发行公司中占据前25%的位置。为了实现这个目标,惠尔浦公司(非常)努力地理解(搞懂)客户,(以至于)通过产品和服务的突破来满足(回应顾客的)真正需求成为可能。惠尔浦公司的部分战略是要成为一个世界级的公司,它想彻底改变先前总是追随飞利浦公司产品的战略,由此,公司为每一个国家的市场制造完全不同产品。现在,惠尔浦公司朝着开发创新的通用平台的方向发展(工作),这种通用平台允许利用同样的基础内部底盘来建造各种不同模型。如果惠尔浦公司取得成功,那么它就能大大节约开发和制造成本,能更轻松地跨越各种品牌吸收最新的技术进步。As mentioned above, selecting the best plan, like selecting the best decision possibility, should be a relatively easy task if the situation has been thoroughly analyzed, the goals have been clearly defined and feasible alternatives have been fully developed. All individual managerial decisions and actions can be related to one or more aspects of the basic plan. The plan that promises to achieve the goals most effectively and at the least cost is, of course, the most rational choice. If more than one plan meets these criteria, the manager will have to weigh other relevant factors, such as long-term market position versus short-term profit considerations. 如上所述,选择最好的计划就像挑选最佳决策的可能,如果彻底分析了相关形势环境、清晰地定义了各种目标、完全发展了相关可行性备选方案,那么挑选计划就是相对容易的任务(工作)。当然,能承诺更有效地完成各种目标和花费最少的计划是最合理的选择。如果能满足这些标准的计划不止一个,那么管理者将不得不权衡其他相关因素,比如对比长期市场地位和短期利润报酬(考虑)A.3 In summary 总结(概括地说)Planning involves selecting the missions and objectives as well as the actions to achieve them. There are many types of plans, such as missions or purposes, objectives or goals, strategies, policies, procedures, rules, programs, and budgets. It requires decision making, which means choosing a future course of action from among alternatives. 计划不但涉及选择任务和目标,而且涉及选择完成这些任务和目标的行动。现实中存在很多类型的计划,比如使命(任务)或目的、目标、战略、政策、程序、规则、方案(程序)以及预算等。计划需要决策制定,即意味着从相互替代性的方案中选择一个未来将实施的行动方针。Once an opportunity is recognized, a manager plans rationally by establishing objectives, making assumptions ( premises) about the present and future environment, finding and evaluating alternative courses of action, and choosing a course to follow. Next, the manager must make supporting plans and devise a budget. These activities must be carried out with attention to the total environment. Short-range plans must of course be coordinated with long-range plans. 一旦识别出一个机会,管理者就要合理地制定计划,即通过确定(组织)目标,作出现在和未来环境假设(premises假定,假设;前提),发现和评估各种替代性的行动方针,随后选择一个行动方针。接下来,管理者必须制定支持性计划,制定(设计)预算。开展这些行动必须重视整体环境。短期计划当然必须与长期计划相协调。Planning, in its simplest form, is a process by which managers analyze the organization and its environment, set objectives or goals, and design courses of action to achieve them. It also helps maintain managerial effectiveness by serving as guides for future activities. In a word, planning also means determining an organizations goals and deciding how best to achieve them. Objectives or goals are the ends toward which activity is aimed. They represent not only the end point of planning but also the end toward which organizing, staffing, leading and directing, and controlling are aimed. A necessary first step in planning is to establish goals that define an expected or desired future state. 计划最简单的形式就是管理者分析组织及其环境、设定目标、设计完成目标的行动方针的过程。计划通过担任未来活动的向导来帮助组织保持管理效果(效能、效益)。总而言之,计划也意味着确定组织目标、决定如何最好地完成这些目标。组织目标就是组织行动目的所指向的结尾(结果、最终目的)。组织目标不仅提供了计划的终点,而且还提供了组织职能、人员配备、领导和指导职能以及控制职能所指向的结尾(结果、最终目的)。计划的第一步就是建立组织目标,这个目标确定了预期的或者理想的组织未来状态。Text B Strategic Planning 战略计划Pre-reading Activities课前阅读Read text B carefully and then divide the class into groups. Choose one of the following topics to discuss in each group. Give a short report about the groups opinion after that. 仔细阅读课文B,然后把全班进行分组。每一个小组选择下面的一个话题进行讨论。最后每一组给出全组意见的简短报告。1. Tell each other about planning processes. 彼此讲讲计划的过程。2. What, do you think, is effective strategic planning?你认为:什么是有效的战略计划?3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning. 讨论战略计划的优势和劣势。4. Report the inside and outside focuses of strategic planning. 报告(公布)战略计划的内部重点和外部重点。5. List the approaches to strategic planning. 罗列出战略计划的实现途径(各种方法)。Text Knowing whereto managers want their organizations to be at a given time in the future, they next develop a strategy for getting there. This development process is called strategic planning. Once the strategic plans developed, the next step is to implement them to put the plans into effect. Specifying where the organizations are to go and how they are to get there involve making many decisions, and many more will have to be made along the way. As with the planning processes, managers must monitor and adjust strategic plans in order to achieve success. By adding these aspects of the control function to the strategic planning processes, managers can keep their organizations on track and up to date. 管理者知道在未来给定的时间内他们想要组织发展到哪里(目标发展趋势),接下来他们将为到达这个目标而开发一个战略。这个开发(制定)战略的过程就叫做(制定)战略计划。一旦制定好一项战略计划,下一步就是要实施该项计划,从而使计划生效。关于组织要发展到哪里(某目标)和如何能到达(该目标)的详细叙述涉及多项决策的制定,很多决策不得不在这个过程(详细叙述)中制定。正如计划过程那样,管理者为了获得成功必须监视和调整战略计划。通过在战略计划过程中增加控制职能方面的考虑,管理者才能使公司保持正常运转和与时俱进。In modern organizations, strategic planning is the process through which managers determine the organizations basic missions and the set of means for achieving them. Strategic planning is normally done by top-level managers, and besides, the time horizon for strategic plans tends to be long term, often three to five years. Because strategic planning is so fundamental to the long-term success and direction of organizations, top management may create specialized staffs to assist with the various planning steps. The planning staffs role is advisory; only rarely will such staffs have the power to implement directly any of the recommendations of the plan itself. Thus strategic planning, by its very nature, requires managers to think about where they want their organizations to be at some point in the future. The strategic plans of the organizations are the crucial context in which all other plans at all other levels of the organizations, must be designed and implemented. 在现代组织中,战略规划是管理者凭借它而确定组织基本任务(使命)和实现这些任务的一系列方法(手段)的过程。战略规划通常由公司高层管理者制定,此外,战略规划的时间跨度倾向于长期,常常35年。因为战略规划对于长远成功和组织的发展方向非常重要,所以高层管理部门(人员)可以设定(创建)专业人员(参谋)协助(制定或实施)各种计划步骤。这些计划人员的作用是一种顾问性质或者建议性质的。这些计划(参谋)人员很少有权力直接实施(执行)计划本身的任何劝告或建议。因此,战略规划就其本身的性质来说,需要管理者考虑他们想要他们的组织在未来某个时刻将在哪里(达到什么目标)。组织的战略规划是组织所有其他级别上的所有其他计划的关键(的母计划、母体、总计划背景),所以要必须设计和实施它。As strategic planning is on the longer-term basis, managers will focus on the steps in the strategic planning process, and apply various approaches to Strategic planning. Besides, strategic planning always requires the analysis of the current status and the prediction of future conditions to determine what threats and opportunities are likely to present themselves. In addition to utilizing forecasting techniques, managers should conduct organizational analyses and engage continuously in environmental scanning. 由于战略规划是基于长期的(计划),管理者将重点放在战略规划过程的步骤上,把各种方法应用到战略规划上。此外,战略规划总是需要分析现状和预测未来情况,从而确定他们到底会遇到有什么威胁或机遇。除了利用预测技术之外,管理者应该进行组织分析,进行环境连续扫描。The increasing size of organizations has made strategic planning more important for three main reasons. First, as organizations grow, management is often increasingly reluctant to rethink the activities and direction of the organization. Sometimes, a management team will use a great amount of time, money, and human resources developing a seemingly flawless plan only to have it ruined by unpredicted events. Going through the steps of strategic planning provides a way for managers to constantly check their companies directions and adapt to new circumstances. 组织日益增长的规模已经使得战略规划更加重要的原因有三个。第一个原因,随着组织的成长,管理人员往往越来越不愿意重新思考组织的发展方向和各种活动;有时,一个管理团队将用非常多的时间、金钱和人力资源来开发一个看似完美的计划,却不料被一些意想不到的事情所毁掉。执行战略规划的各个步骤却给管理者们提供了一个经常检查他们的公司发展方向和适应新环境的方式(手段)。The second reason, the organizational sizes make strategic planning important, is that larger organizations require more effective monitoring and coordinating mechanisms. With multiple divisions scattered in various location, it is easy for one or more of them to stray from the overall organizational plans. Strategic planning helps focus managerial attention on the question of whether the organizations objectives are the right ones and whether or not they are actually being accomplished effectively. 第二个原因是,组织规模使得战略规划变得重要,也就是较大的组织要求更有效的监管和协调机制。随着组织的分公司分散在各地,这些分公司的一个或更多个就会很容易地偏离总公司的计划。战略规划有助于把管理者的注意力集中在组织目标是否正确的问题上,以及组织目标是否确实得以有效地实现上。The third reason for the increased importance of strategic planning is the pace of environmental change. As the context in which organizations operate changes more and more rapidly, organizations must be able to anticipate and respond to changes more and more effectively. If the outside world were more static, organizations could focus solely on making their operations efficient. Since this is not the case, they must also continually ask if they are headed in the right direction. They must be able to forecast and estimate changes in capital costs, government regu


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