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用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 travel , wonderful , below , minute , rise66. Night temperature usually falls _ zero in winter here .67. Take the bus , and you will get to the university in five _.68. All of the children had a _ school trip to the mountain .69. I heerd the _ news that there was an accideid on wall street this morning .70. The river _ again aften the storm yesterday .( habit / result / talk to / get over / sorry / mad Id like to tell you a story about my best friend Jane. Last week in school we had a big fight, and she didnt (71) me. It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework. I asked her why she wanted to do that, and she said that she had forgotten to do hers. I said I didnt think it was a good idea. I said it would start a bad (72) and she should do her own work. She got really (73) at me and said she didnt want to be my best friend anymore. I said that was OK and that I was sure she would (74) it. And she did. Yesterday she told me she was (75). She said it was much better if she did her own work.【答案】71. talk to 72. habit 73. mad 74. get over 75. sorry(walk way without prevent easyTrees are useful in three important 96 .The most important way is that they provide man with food , wood and other products. Trees provide food not only for man, but also for animals. 97 trees, many animals could not live on the earth. Its not 98 for man to live on the earth, either.The second important way is that trees give us shade(树荫). On a hot summer day, people are eager to have a rest under the shade of a tree after 99 a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and animals.The third important way is that trees help to 100 droughts and flood. However, in many parts of the world, man hasnt realized it. He has cut trees down in large numbers. In the end, he finds that he has lost the best friends he had.【答案】96. ways 97 Without 98.easy 99. walking 100. prevent(2(crowd ,nine,beside,pick,knife)31.Were in the _ grade now.And we will have a very important exam in June.32.In Britain people not only use_to cut things,but also use them to have meals.33.-Bob,have you _up your things on the floor? -Not yet,Mum.I am still busy with my homework.34.On weekends,the supermarkets are usually _with people.35.-Excuse me,would you tell me where I can buy some shampoo? -Sure._the post office,theres a small supermarket.(luckily, environment,realize ,angry,believe,hobbies)61.It started to rain during the trip._,I brought my umbrella.62.Mary stayed out too late last night.That made her mother very_.63.We should do our best to protect the _.64.Can you _it?I went to Disneyland and met Jackie Chan!65.Her_are dancing,collecting stamps and playing the piano.66.Today,more and more people begin to _the importance of saving water.e51.The Chinese government has made great contributions t o the _of the worlds high speed railway.(develop)52.Its _possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day.(true)53.Simon is such a _person that no one believes him.(honest)54.This is the _and thinnest of all the e-books in the world .(light).55.Our planet,Earth,is becoming more and more crowded and _.(pollute)从下面方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分的选项。26.The speech was so dull that it made most of us sleepy.27.Lin Fei goes to school at about 7 every day.28.At that time Town Cinema was the cheapest ,but it had the friendliest service.29.Sarah discovered that it was important for a flight attendant to speak English well.(2010四川省成都市 短文填空。(cook ,dark , finish , high , lead , light , luck ,map ,sign ,sure, surprise ,worry)It was already late when we started for the next town,which according to the _1_was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the hill.There we felt_2_that we would find a bed for the night.Soon _3_fell after we left the village,but _4_,we met no one as we drove fast along the narrow road that _5_to the hill.As our car climbed _6_,it became colder and the rain began to fall,making it difficult to see the road.After we had travelled for about twenty miles,there was still no_7_of the town which was marked on the map,we were beginning to get _8_.Then,the car suddenly stopped .A quick examination showed that we had used up the gas.Although we had little food with us,we diceded to spend the night in the car.Our meal was soon _9_, and then I tried to go to sleep at once,but John,who was a poor sleeper,got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk up the hill.Soon he found,in the valley bellow,the _10_of the town we were looking for.We at once pushed the car to the top of the hill.In less than a quarter of an hour ,we were in the town.【答案】1.map 2.lucky 3.darkness 4.surely 5.leading 6.higher 7.sigh 8.worried 9.cooked 10.lights阅读下面短文,从所给单词中选出适当的单词,并用其正确的语言形式填在标有题号的空白处。(exercise big get when child size inside clear arrive outside what make)Dogs are very good pets.They are very friendly to people and very beautiful,too.Most dogs get on well with_6_and their parents.Others are good watchdogs because they cry loudly when a strange person_7_When you buy a dog,an important thing to think about is its_8_-buy a small dog if your home is small and a _9_one if your is larger.Many people dont know -10_to feed their dogs.Dogs eat almost anything!They like meat,rice and lots of other things.You can buy lots of food which is _11_for dogs in shops.Dont let your dog eat too much.Always leave some _12_water for your dog.It can _13_thirsty very quickly,especially in summer.Remember that dogs need _14_.You should take it for a walk every day.Dont keep your dog _15_all day. 【答案】6.children 7.arrives 8.size 9.bigger 10.what 11.made 12.clear 13.get 14.exercise 15.inside (阅读下面的短文,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每个单词限用一次。(important ,disabled;cheer;like;specially;send;deaf;pleasure;show ;because)Dear Miss Hu, Id like to thank you for _81_money to Animal Helpers,an organization set up to help _82_people.For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have Lucky,who has filled my life with _83_. Lucky is a _84_trained dog for the disabled.It is a good name for him _85_I feel very lucky to have him.Being blind, _86_,unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face. Luckyhelps me open and shut the doors ,carry things and even answer the telephone.He _87_me up a lot . Ill send you a photo of him if you like,and I could _88_ you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for surpporting Animal Helpers.It is _89_that this organization does not run out of money.Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people _90_me. Best wishes, Liz Smith【答案】81.sending 82.disabled 83.pleasure 84.specially 85.because 86.deaf 87.cheers 88.show 89.important 90.like用所给词组的适当形式填空,每空一词。81.Look! Some kids are _ _(放风筝)on the beach.82.Mrs.Brown is always _ _(对严格要求)her child in the study.83.Nowadays ,more and more people like going to work _ _(步行)84.Lets remember our friendship and keep our dreams alive_ _ (永远)85.On National Day,_ _(成千上万)people go to Tiananmen Square and watch the national flag go up. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。76.Our neighbors are always _to us.77.You can find the Captital Stadium on the map _.78.Today is Tonys _birthday.Lets go to celebrate it.79.A lot of _love going to Beijing for their holidays .80.My favorite football team was _in the Cup Final.【答案】76.friendly 77.easily 78.ninth 79.tourists 80.beaten先阅读A、B两篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列四项任务。 Regents Park is the largest grass area for sports in London. Its also the second largest park in the city. It opens at 5:00 a.m. all the year around, but the closing time _66_, depending on the season. Regents Park has a lake, several public gardens, some sports grounds and three _67_ playgrounds. Queen Marys Garden inside it is famous for _68_ of beautiful roses. In the north of Regents Park is the London Zoo. Its _69_ than any other zoo in the world. People can play many sports in Regents Park, including tennis and _70_. People can go boating on the main lake and enjoy a picnic in the park, too. There will be sports events of the London Olympic Games in Regents Park in 2012.任务1: 用方框中所给的适当形式填空,是文章通顺,连贯,合理。(每空一词,每词限用一次)【答案】66.changes 67.chilrens 68.thousands 69.older 70.running阅读下面短文,根据短文内容用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。(请你一定要注意词语的形式变化!)A tourist was traveling alone in the desert (沙漠). After two weeks his car stopped (66) , so he started walking. He was lost and had no water. It was very hot and he became very (67). After five hours he saw a small tent. There was a woman in it. The tourist said to her, Water. Please (68) me some water. Im sorry. I havent any water. I only sell ties (领带), the woman replied. The tourist had to walk on, and became more thirsty. Two hours later he came to (69) tent with an old man in it.Water. Please sell me some water.Im sorry. I havent any water. I only sell ties, the old man replied.The tourist put his (70) back into his pocket and walked on. He was very, very thirsty and tired. One hour later he arrived at a third tent. There (71) a tall man in front of it. The tall man said, Do you want to buy a tie? I have a lot of beautiful ties.No! No! No! (72) the tourist, I need water. Please sell me water!Im sorry. I only have ties, said the tall man.The tourist fell to the ground (73) started to crawl (爬). Half an hour later he saw a large, expensive-looking hotel. He crawled to the door and took out all his money. He said to the doorman, Water! I will pay 100 _ (74) a glass of water.The doorman looked at him and said, Im sorry, sir. You cant come into the hotel _ (75) you are not wearing a tie.请将答案写在下面的横线上:66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._【答案】66. working 67. thirsty 68. sell 69. another 70. money71. was 72. shouted 73. and 74. for 75. if(选择适当的词(组)并用其适当形式完成短文。每个词(组)只使用一次,其中有两个是多余的。 between, how, truth, courage , cry, which,at once , he , that , stay , later , what A father was really worried about his son, who was sixteen years old but had no _86_ at all. So the father decided to call on a monk (修道士)to train 87_child.The monk said to the boys father, You should leave your son alone here, Ill make him into a _88_man within three months. However, you cant come to see him during this period.Three months_89_, the boys father came. The monk arranged a box match _90_the child and an experienced boxer. Each time the fighter struck the boy, he fell down, but _91_the boy stood up, and each time he was knocked down again, then the boy stood up again. After several times, the monk asked, What do you think of your child?92_ a shame (羞愧)! the boys father said. I never thought he would be so easily knocked down. I neednt have him_93_here any longer.I am sorry 94_thats all you see. Dont you see that each time he falls down, he stands up again instead of 95_? Thats the kind of courage you wanted him to have.【答案】 86. courage 87. his 88. true 89. later 90.between91. at once 92.What 93.stay 94. that 95. crying,5)请根据对话内容选择正确的单词。 is fly help whose houseLi Hai: Its windy, Dad. Its a good day to fly kites.Father: Yes, it is. Oh, look! 76 is that yellow kite?Li Hai: Its Pingpings.Father: Pingpings kite is 77 very high.Li Hai: Oh, no, no! Her kite is falling down. Its on the 78 now.Father: Have we got a ladder(梯子)?Li Hai: Yes, there 79 one over there.Father: Good. Lets go and 80 her get the kite down.【答案】76. Whose 77. flying 78. house 79. is 80. help先阅读短文,然后根据短文内容从方框内所给的单词中选择恰当的词(注意词形变化)填入短文空白处,使短文完整、通顺。一词只用一次,一空限填一词。方框中有两个词是多余的。)。hungry hospital lunch thirsty miss sad asleepcome see quiet think leave eye It was a hot day during the holiday . My mother and I got on the bus which would take us to my grandmas village . It was so hot that I felf very 73 . Then I began to think of the sweet watermelons and other fruits in Grandmas house . I could hardly wait to arrive there and 74 my grandma earlier. It look us one more hour to get there . When we walked into the house , Grandma was busy preparing 75 in the kitchen . I knew from her smile face that she was very glad to see us . She brought out a big watermelon and cut it . It was so nice to eat the watermelon on such a hot day . After lunch my mother felt and went to bed to have a rest . I asked my grandma to tell me a fair tale . We sat on the bed and she began to tell it . I listened to her 76 . It was not long before I fell 77 . I was dreaming when a terrible sound woke me up . I saw Grandma was lying on the ground . I couldnt believe my 78 . How fearful a sight was ! I hurried to wake my mother up . We took Grandma to the 79 in a hurry . But it was too late . My grandmas heart stopped beating(跳动) when we got there . Youll never imagine how 80 we felt then. Grandma was very well all the time . I had never imagine she would 81 us so soon . That evening I lay in bed alone . Tears ran down my face . I prayed(祈祷) and prayed , wishing my grandma would be able to 82 back. Now several have passed , My dear grandma , where are you? I 83 you so much.【答案】73.thirsty 74.see 75.lunch 76.quietly 77.asleep 78.eyes 79.hospital 80. sad 81. leave 82. come 83.miss(选择动词词组,并用其适当形式填空。go to sleep, learningby themselves, used up, come ture, be angry with6. Sometimes,I would my best friend,but not for long.7. Tom,its time for you to or you will get up late tomorrow.8. The young man all the paper.9. I think my dream will sooner or later.10. the students in poor areas are some subjcts .【答案】6. be angry with 7. go to sleep 8. used up 9. come true 10. learning,by themselves综合填空, (invite,different ,work ,in ,popular ,do ,sport ,weekend ,or ,together)American people go to work five days a week.They usually have a two-day _66_which is Saturday and Sunday. One weekends,people spend their time _67_all kinds of things and they do them in _68_ways.Many families enjoy their weekends _69_.They may go shopping ,go for a walk,visit friends,_70_go to church ,They may also _71_friends over and have a party at home. Many American families do _72_on weekendsRunning biking and swimming ate _during summer ,while skiing and stating are very common _74_winter. The weekend is also a time for American families to _75_in their gardens ,For then.weekends are very busy.答案:66.weekend 67 doing 68 different 69 together 70 or 71 invite 72 sports 73popular74 in 75 work从下面的括号中选出可以填入句子中的单词, (A.asked .B,mine C.rice D.quickly E.helpful F.hers G.slowly H,kind I.fish J.invited)76.-Whats for lunch/ -Weve got _/_.77.Mrs.Turner is a nurse.She is _/_.78.-Oh,my bike is broken. -Dont worry.You can use _/ _.79.Yesterday Linda _/ _me to have dinner with her.80.Every morning,my grandfather gets up early and walks _/ _in the park.【答案】76 C/I 77H/E 78 B/F 79 A/J 80 D/G(请根据所给句子的内容,从下面的括号中选出适当的词,并用其 正确的形式填在答题卷相应的横线上。每空一词,每词限用一次。(million ,lose ,gold ,sing ,go ,few ,real ,friend,we ,care)86.-Whos Jiang Yungrong ,do you know? -Yes,Shes a young _who sings well.87.When crossing the mad,we must be_.88.Mary is a lively girl and she often makes _with others.89.Tom is looking forward to_to China because he likes Chinese culture.90.-Our teacher says we are going hiking next Friday. -_?Great!91.The 19th World Cup is attracting _of football fans all over the world.92.-Whose exercise books are these? -They belong to_.93.-Excuse me ,Ive got_here.Could you help me? -Sorry.Im a stranger here myself.94.Families in big cities have_children than they did thirty years ago.95.On sunny days ,you can enjoy yourself on the _beaches.【答案】86 singer 87 careful 88friendly 89 going 90 Really 91 millions 92 us 93 lost94 fewer 95 golden(2010青海省,宁夏,七,5)walk they take make light candle badOur environment is getting(76)_ than before. Now more and more people realize that we should do something to help the Earth. Here are the things we can do to help the Earth: We can recycle glass, metal and paper. We shouldnt throw(77)_ in the garbage can(垃圾箱)! We can(78)_ instead of driving cars! We should try to(79)_ short showers and turn off all the(80)_ and the TV when we leave the room. All of these things will help the Earth.【答案】76. worse 77. them 78. walk 79. take 80. lights从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空。rise, come , choose , win the prize , be on , draw pictures,pay for, struggle with, at the beginning, be used to56.Time for Africa _as the 2010 World Cup song, hasnt it ?57.-Jack, coffee or juice ? -Juice, please. I _ drinking it.58.If we dont reduce carbon emission(碳排放)to stop the temperature from _, there will be more disasters.59.-What a pity! The film _ for one hour. -It doesnt matter. We can see it next time.60.Tony wants to know how much I_this new dictionary just now.61.-Dad, Im very nervous because of the _ English competition.62.-Herta Muller is great. She was the winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize for Literature. -Yes. Shes the 12th woman_.63._ of 2010, a 3D film , Avatar was shown all over the world.64.People in some parts of China_ the serious rainstorms at present.65.-What were the children doing over there? -They _ to welcome the 41st World Earth Day.【答案】 56.has been chosen 57.am used to 58.rising 59.has been on 60.paid for ing 62.to win /winning the prize


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