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.高一英语必修4 各单元知识点归纳Unit1 Women of achievement重点短语精品.by chance 碰巧,凑巧 come across 偶遇,碰见 carry on 继续,坚持carry out 实行,执行,完成 be dressed in 穿着 dress as 打扮成 fight for 为.而战 fight against 与战斗 put to death判死刑 mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着by now直到现在place an order排列顺序devoteto (doing) sth.把奉献给devote oneself to致力于,献身于 be devoted to专心致志于 get rid of =ridof 摆脱,丢掉move off 离开,启程,出发 lead alife过着的生活crowd in 涌上心头,涌入脑海 look down on/ upon 蔑视,瞧不起 gain doctors degree 获得博士学位 be considered as 被看做. concern oneself with关注注意 intend to do sth./ doing sth.打算做某事gain doctors degree 获得博士学位 take turns to do sth 采取步骤做某事 do research on做方面的研究精品.in the shade of 在的树荫下,在的庇护下 refer to 查阅,参考,谈到 (其中,to为介词) 1.condition n. 状况(不可数),条件(可数),环境(复数)on no condition 决不2.inspire v.鼓舞,激发inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,有灵感的inspiring adj.鼓舞人的inspiration n.鼓舞,灵感3.intend v.计划,打算intention n.打算,目的,意图4. considerate adj.考虑周到的consider v.考虑,认为consideration n考虑,体谅considering prep考虑到5.deliver v.递送,生(小孩),接生,发表(演讲等)delivery n.投递,交货,分娩6.specialist n.专家,专业工作者special adj.特殊的,专门的specialize vi.专攻,专门从事重要句型1.worthwhile adj.值得的,值得做的 It is worthwhile doing sth./ to do sth.worth adj.值,值得be worth doing worthy adj.值得做的,可尊敬的 be worthy of sth/ being done be worthy to be done2. attach sth to sth把某物固定/附在某物上attach oneself to参加;和在一起,缠着be attached to连在上; 附属于.; 系在上attach importance/value to sth.认为某事很重要/有价值3. alternative adj. 替换的,可供选择的(二者中)选择其一的alternative energy 替代能源 alternative ways 可供选择的方法have no alternative but to do 除别无选择as an alternative 作为一种变通的方法 alternative to 的替代物辨析:alternative 强调必须从两或多个中选一个choice 强调自由选择,不论选择的方式多或少 preference 强调按自己喜欢的方式进行选择4. run out用完;耗尽run after 追求;追赶run at 冲向;突袭run away逃走run into偶然遇见;撞上;陷入5.free of charge=for free 免费the charge for sth. 某物的费用charge sb + money 收取某人多少钱6. 表部分否定Allnot= Notall并非所有都Everynot=Not every 并非每一个都Bothnot=Notboth并非两者都重点语法(主谓一致)1. “a +名词+and a half “, “one and a half + 名词”, “the number of + 名词” 等作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数. 如:Only one and a half apples is left on the table.注意: one or two + 复数名词作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式, 如:One or two places have been visited. 参观了一两个地点。2. (1) 通常作复数的集体名词. 包括police , people, cattle 等, 这些集体名词通常用作复数.如: The British police have only very limited powers.(2) 通常作不可数名词的集体名词. 包括equipment, furniture, clothing, luggage 等.精品.(3) 可作单数也可作复数的集体名词. 包括 audience, committee, government, family, enemy, group, party, team, public 等.如:The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. 委员会决定解雇他。3. the +形容词/过去分词形式”表示一类人或事物, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数.如:The injured were saved after the fire.4. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她的母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙;这才使她得以开始自己的计划。(only位于句首并修饰状语,句子要发生部分倒装,将助动词或联系动词置于主语之前)5. 一般将来时一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称)动词原形构成。美国英语则不管什么人称,一律用will。形式:1. will / shall + 动词原形(否定句在will/shall后加not)2、be going to+动词原形用法:(1)一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。(2)在一般将来时的句子中,有时有表示将来时间的状语,有时没有时间状语,这时要从意思上判断是否指未来的动作或情况。例如:(3)在以第一人称I或we作主语的问句中,一般使用助动词shall,这时或是征求对方的意见,或是询问一个情况(4)be going to+动词原形Will do与be going to do 的区别:be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别:1. be going to 表示近期、将要发生的事情,will 表示的将来的时间则较远一些,2. be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。3. be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如:If any beasts come at you, Ill stay with you and help you注意:be going to和will在含义和用法上稍有不同。be going to往往表示事先经过考虑的打算;will多表示意愿,决心。两者有时不能互换。如:She is studying hard and is going to try for the exams.她正努力学习并尝试参加考试。(is going to不能用will替换)主将从现:时间状语从句的主句是一般将来时,那么从句常常用一般现在时。Units 2 Working the land重点短语 精品.since then 从那时起thanks to 幸亏,由于be satisfied with 对感到满意 with the hope of 满怀希望.in some way 在某种程度上cause damage to对 造成危害build up 增强,强大 lead to 导致,造成(to为介词)focus on 集中(注意力)in no time立即;马上 get around随便走走;传播;绕开be limited to有限 under construction在修建中 one-way trip单向旅行 rush hour高峰期 traffic jam 交通堵塞get stuck被困住switch off关掉 a list of一列;一份whats more加之,而且 have a good view of有一个好的视角精品.no way肯定不, 没门儿重点句型精品.1.impress sth on sb 使某人铭记= impress sb with sthsth impress sb某物给某人留下影响sb be impressed by impress sth on sb使某人铭记= impress sb with sthsth is impressed on ones mind某事被印在脑海里have/leave/make/ a impression on sb 给某人留下的印象2.react to对产生反应react with sth.与某物起(化学)反应3.动词-ing形式作主语时,为了保持句子平衡,可以用it作形式主语。常用的结构:1. It is + no use / no good / useless etc.+ v-ing2. It is + nice / good / interesting / a waste of etc. + v-ing 例如:It is no use crying over spilt milk.重点语法二、动词-ing形式作宾语 动词-ing形式既可作动词的宾语,又可作介词的宾语。1. 以下动词或短语只接动词-ing形式作宾语:admit, avoid, appreciate, consider, enjoy, escape, finish, keep, mind, miss, suggest等动词; cant stand, give up, feel like, keep on, think of, set about, dream of 等短语。2. 在下列短语中,to是介词,后面应用动词-ing形式作宾语:be / get used to, look forward to, devoteto, pay attention to, object to等。3. 下列动词或短语既可以跟动词-ing形式作宾语,也可以跟不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别: like, love, prefer如表示经常性的行为后接动词-ing形式;如表示具体的行为常用动词不定式,但要注意:如果like, love, prefer前有would,后面则接动词不定式。如:Would you like to go shopping with me? 下列几组词接动词-ing形式作宾语和不定式作宾语含义不同:Forget/remember /mean/regret cant help doing 禁不住做; cant help (to) do 不能帮忙做。 在allow, permit, advise , forbid等动词后直接跟动词-ing形式作宾语,如果这些词后面有名词或代词作宾语,其后要用动词不定式作宾语补足语。allow sb to do如:We dont allow smoking in the classroom.We dont allow students to smoke. 动词need, require, want作“需要”解时,其后用动词-ing的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语,这时动词-ing的主动形式表被动意义。如:Your coat wants washing. = Your coat wants to be washed.三、动词-ing的复合结构动词-ing的复合结构即:物主代词或名词所有格(作宾语时也可以用代词宾格或名词普通格) + 动词-ing。如:Lucys turning up surprised everyone present.Would you mind my / me using your mobile phone?四、动词-ing的时态、语态以及否定形式动词-ing有一般式(doing) 和完成式 (having done) 两种时态,一般式的被动语态是being done,完成式的被动语态是having been done。动词-ing的完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前。动词-ing的否定形式是在doing之前加not。例如:Im sorry for not having told you the news earlier.Unit 3 A taste of English humour重点短语 精品.break into 闯入,进入 up to now 直到现在 brighten the lives of 照亮某人的生活道路 feel/be content with 对满足 badly off 穷的,缺少的精品.in search of 寻找.pick out 挑选出,辨认出on the edge of 在边沿in silence沉默,不作声make use of 使用star in 担任主角,主演 by accident偶然地,无意地shake hands握手in the distance在远处body language肢体语言give away泄露;失去 show sb. the way给某人指路take a sip小喝一口精品.重点句型1.vary in在方面不同vary fromto从到变化vary with随着而变化,因而不同2involve sb in允许某人参与involve oneself in积极参与be/get involved in被卷入到.之中3.more than surprised 十分/非常 吃惊more than与其说不如说(强调前者)4.on guard (保持)警惕;值班,站岗on holiday度假on leave休班on duty值班5.do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙ask sb a favour请某人帮个忙in favour of 赞成do sb a favor = do a favor for sb帮某人的忙重点语法(动词的-ing形式作定语、表语和补语)一、动词-ing形式作表语1. 表示主语的内容 ,可以转换到句首作主语Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible. (= keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible is her job) 她的工作是尽量使报告厅保持干净。2. 表示主语具有的特征、性质和状态(动词ing 相当一个形容词)The problem is quite puzzling. 这个问题很令困惑。3.常用来作表语的现在分词有astonishing, amusing, confusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, inspiring, moving, tiring, interesting, surprising等。全析提示:动词-ing形式作表语时,其逻辑主语往往是句子中的主语,但用作表语的-ing形式也可带有自己的逻辑主语。What worries me most is her staying too late every night.(staying too late every night的逻辑主语是her)二、 动词-ing形式作定语1 单个的动词-ing形式可以作前置定语,一般具有两种含义。 说明被修饰名词的用途和性能。a reading room = a room which is used for reading 阅览室running shoes =shoes for running 跑鞋a working method =a method for working 工作方法 表示所修饰的人或物的动作或状态,在意思上接近一个定语从句,可以表示正在进行的动作,也可表示经常性动作或当时的状态。developing countries = countries that are developing发展中国家an ordinary-looking house = a house that looks ordinary 看起来很普通的房子a puzzling problem = a problem that puzzles somebody 困扰人的问题2 作定语的动词-ing形式如是一个短语,则应放在被修饰词的后面,做后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。They lived in a house facing south.(=which is facing south) 他们住在一所朝南的房子里。Do you know the boy playing basket?(=Who is playing basket)你认识在打篮球的那个男孩吗?The man visiting Japan (=the man who is visiting Japan ) is my uncle正在访问日本的那个男人是我的叔叔。三、动词-ing形式作宾补1、动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。精品. When we returned, we found a stranger standing in front of the house.2、当主句转换为被动结构时, 原来作宾语补足语的动词-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。 They found the film very exciting. = The film is found very exciting.3、能用-ing形式作宾语补足语的几类动词:1) 表示感觉和心理状态的感官动词,(常见的有see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等)+ sb + doing sth(作宾补)I felt somebody standing behind me.2) 表示指使意义的动词使役动词,(常见的有have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等)+sb/ sth + doing sth (作宾补)We kept the fire burning all night long.我们让火整夜燃烧着。I wont have you running about in the room. 我不允许你在房间里跑来跑去。4、see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用-ing形式和动词不定式作宾语补足语的区别: We heard the telephone ring. We heard the telephone ringing.前者表示动作正在进行,后者表示(或强调)动作的全过程。Unit4 Body language重点短语精品.defend against保卫以免受in defence 防御,保障intruduce sb to sb 向某人介绍某人kiss sb on some part亲吻某个部位together with 与某人一起be likely to 很可能;有希望on the contrary 相反nod at sb 向某人点头greet sb with/by 通过向某人问候express ones feelings表达感情in general 总的来说;通常at a job fair 在求职会上at ease 舒适;自由自在lose face丢脸turn ones back to 背对;背弃turn ones head away 把头转过去be willing to 渴望, 愿意look upset about sth 对. 感到沮丧 experiment with sth用某物实验experiment on sth.对某物进行实验have a narrow escape九死一生a fire escape紧急出口;安全门earn make get/gain ones living谋生be diagnosed with被诊断出, 患有become the voice of成为的代言人partly because of一部分因为精品.重点句型1.carry out/perform/conduct /do/make an experiment 做实验2.convert A into/to B把A转换成B3.take the place of = replace取代,代替in place of取代,代替(介词短语)instead of代替,而不是(介词短语)4.a quantity of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数quantities of+可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数quantities of+不可数名词,谓语动词用复数5.owing to /thanks to /due to /because of由于 6.he key to的关键the answer to the question问题的答案notes to the text课文注释an end to the meeting会议的结束the entrance to the building大厦的入口Unit 5 Theme parks重点短语 精品.no wonder(that)难怪;不足为奇be modeled after 根据模仿;仿造in advance提前get close to接近come to life 活跃起来be familiar with 熟悉,熟知at the edge of在.边缘 at least至少 be heavy with充满;有大量的go through通过;完成know about了解 go on a trip去访问on a spot在现场,当场in the distance在远处,在远方from a distance从远处at a distance of在一定距离处keep sb at a distance对某人冷淡精品.fantasy- n. 幻想;怪念头fantastic adj. 奇异的;稀奇古怪的fantast n. 幻想家preserve-vt 保存,保留 n保护区 presevation-n保护,保留athletic-adj. 运动的athlete- n. 运动员;运动选手 athletics- n.体育(运动);minority;-n. 少数;少数民族minor adj. 较小的;次要的majority n. 多数;advance; vt.&vi. 前进;促进;提前advanced-adj. 高级的;年老的;先进的重点句型A lake is an area of water surrounded by land.湖泊就是由陆地所围成的一片水域。本句使用了过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于定语从句which is surrounded by land,其具体用法如下:过去分词作定语常常位于其所修饰的名词前;过去分词短语作定语时,常常位于其所修饰的名词后,相当于一个定语从句。On a distant mountain was a sign in 20foot characters.远山上写着20英尺大的汉字。本句中由于地点状语放在了句首,且主语是名词a sign,所以使用了完全倒装。Unit 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World重点短语精品.close to(在时间或空间上)接近 be likely to很可能 be similar to与相似quite something不寻常的;令人惊讶的 jump out of从.跳出a group of一群 walk along沿着.走calm down (使)安静下来be related to与有关,与有联系relate sth to sth把与联系起来make a fortune发财try ones fortune碰碰运气die out灭绝;灭亡;come to light暴露,被发现,表现出来bring to light让人知道,公布于世adapt oneself to使自己适应于精品.句型1.attack sb with sth用某物攻击某人be attacked with a disease患/害病make an attack on/upon对发动攻击a heart attack心脏病突发2.There happens to be碰巧有There appears to be似乎有There seems to be好像有come straight to the point谈正题;开门见山beside/off the point不切正题,无关紧要to the point切题,中肯be on the point of正要语法情态动词表可能性的用法情态动词+have用法归纳1.must have done sth.肯定做了某事(表示对过去的某事做出肯定的判断) He knew the film. He must have seen it.2.may/might have done可能/大概已经做了某事(表示对过去情况的可能性推测)可用于肯定句(意思是“可能已经”)和否定句(意思是“可能没有”);might的语气没有may那么肯定。但有时might可用来表示过去可能发生而没发生的事情精品.Tom may have bought a new pen because I dont see the old one.3. cant/ couldnt have done sth.不可能已经做了某事(表示对过去情况的否定性推测)can常用于否定句(意思是“不可能已经”)和疑问句;The ground is dry, so it cant have rained last night.4.could have done sth. 本来能够做(却没有做某事)could除用于否定句及疑问句外,还可用于肯定句(意思是“那时可能;本来可以,但实际并未发生”。)5. should have done sth.过去应该做某事(而没做)= ought to have done sthYou are late. You should have come 1 minute earlier.6. shouldnt have done sth.过去不该做某事(却做了)含有不满或责备之意。= oughtnt to have done sth. She is crying. You shouldnt have told her the sad news.7. neednt have done sth. 原来不必做某事(却已经做了) Tom has bought a new pen. You neednt have lent him your pen.8. would rather have done sth.本来想做某事(却未做成) I would rather have come to help you with your English, but I was too busy at that time.二、情态动词表推测的其他用法1、情态动词 + 动词原形 表示对现在或将来情况的推测2、情态动词 + be doing 表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况进行推测3、情态动词 + have been doing 表示对过去正在发生的事情的推测如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!精品


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