【优选】五年级上册英语课件-unit 1 what39;s he like?第6课时|人教PEP (共16张PPT)教学文档

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【优选】五年级上册英语课件-unit 1 what39;s he like?第6课时|人教PEP (共16张PPT)教学文档_第1页
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【优选】五年级上册英语课件-unit 1 what39;s he like?第6课时|人教PEP (共16张PPT)教学文档_第2页
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【优选】五年级上册英语课件-unit 1 what39;s he like?第6课时|人教PEP (共16张PPT)教学文档_第3页
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Unit 1Whats he like?第6课时Warming up1. Sing a song: “Whos your teacher?”. Whos your English teacher at school?Whos your English teacher at school?Is she pretty or tall or short?Tell me what you know!Whos your Chinese teacher at school?Whos your Chinese teacher at school?Is he funny or young or old?Tell me what you know!2. Bingo game.游戏规则:游戏规则:同学们任意写同学们任意写9 9个表示人物性个表示人物性格的单词,老师念这九个单格的单词,老师念这九个单词,三个单词连成一条线,词,三个单词连成一条线,喊喊“Bingo”。Presentation1. Oral practice: 展示图片,介绍你喜欢的老师。展示图片,介绍你喜欢的老师。S1: Whos he?S2: He is our.teacher.S1: Whats he like?S2: He is.例如例如:2. Present Beckhams photo.T: He is a good football player.handsometallstrong3. Look at the picture and try to understand the meanings of the following words.shootmissedten to three4. Listen to the story and answer the following questions.(1) Whos their new PE teacher?(2) Whats the new PE teacher like?(3) Is he a good football player?5. Listen again and check the answers.6. 教师领读,同学们跟读,整体齐读,分组朗读,分教师领读,同学们跟读,整体齐读,分组朗读,分 块朗读。块朗读。Consolidation1.完成完成Lets check部分中的两个练习部分中的两个练习:“Listen and circle.” 和和“Listen again and answer”。2.完成完成 Lets wrap it up 部分。部分。(1) (1) 连线。连线。(2 2)从)从am, is, are中选出合适的词填在横线上。中选出合适的词填在横线上。I _helpful!He _funny.She _kind.It _ small.They _ old.We _ strong! 总结总结am 跟随跟随 Iare 紧随紧随 they和和weis 连接连接 he, she, it3.角色扮演。角色扮演。规则:四人一组,两人扮演教师,两人扮演学生,创规则:四人一组,两人扮演教师,两人扮演学生,创编新的对话。例如:编新的对话。例如:T: Whos this man/woman/boy/girl?S: He/She is.T: Whats he/she like?S: He/She is. Is he/she.?T: Yes, he/she is. 或或 No, he/she isnt.Homework1.1.复习本单元重点单词和句型。复习本单元重点单词和句型。2.2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。完成课堂检测中的相关习题。


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