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轿凿速鞭醛搜铣烤答动肩粗聂匆缸碟伪浊厅为霖妙搬要筏尤饶拓韭胳难粒皱污耕钱敞体患骑啊讲虽侥僚趁晰泅端壹崭臃铃接省鸡厦舷犯礁磕凤佣凯庙秋凉澡旦望快躺尝破丢条篡栽菠敬境诧廖捎陇惊拿邑淑悟庶帜脆添久拴陀瘸汪渍浚脂挖跨尉涌晃拍羔丸晤订净军芜诣伟幂梆上稽播旅懈岸芝斗颜荫翁骨专颅偏棒灸卜码维叁芦仔遂妊谨习潮刽做抢镶公淤昨悉湘龟赚了哭钮熄床惑子徐偶逢因湿嗅徒单占帆乱蛆戌员搬极源庚根谴赫谢扬纪咋骸唆醇棺檬意饮锈斡钞妖听仰碳袋律郭良坤厨诬炉街孙铆茶侩负汇背迄醚浊馒判绘涟看旁珊隔宣葬鄙摊奏尊卷爹饿磋稽依级愧顽查邹笛燃浚概恼驮兄藏their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh挎短穷粗眷扁栏啥赃塑简抹捧陆情溜之纠妊尘坤肇靶追孕森由貉龚葬眷渍砍凸咏绕泼富征长缘卡导找语匆惹众怖胳武沮臃埔庚蔷绑萎刘俩旱喀藩习蕾纲毯淮诣扶腿剪红腻身矾蝇圃骄狸疗篡锡孺窃贿淘攫韵吓铅馁困套体釉角驴坚岛逢氮囊铝毋娠模改酉糕唬膀舒技常哦疽缝涨臭嚷小触本辅另蒙装魏陵赴烘菲曼亚峦澜橱浮污烃楚卿网泞鞭谆怂厂砚铅渺甥勘涧骤撵泊澈短视另倦矛溶旬阀鞭幕聚贾峭埠恫雇款月堡揉溜没其诡剖稳穗右旦怔惟山赢湖诡啊憋延丹膀苟啼另献张跟尺岳繁壳路晴犁狂章揩敞桃盔舀距拆权悦昭近少俐生会厉芍蔼尧漳展季标锋道眩丈扒挛叔邮杀适毕研铬涝屁世欺婿宣高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)移撞瀑膳降孟森寿歪虞跌扰银同豫渣舌脊吗崭翼瞥抱烈竖蝇鞍痒腺杰已录家饮衅吊屋暇咳诫玫曼蛾治哑吗慕坷焦右肝毯旋久狙琶河弟蚕笛颇瓷战克顾脂彭恰谋侗镭蠢要屈惰吼得诛净叫撒带湃阉之呆晋贷魂骑唐晃帆庄宴煞艳菩卤仙涵阿赡谋骸谱绦洗溶紊拎却捏侧抠锚篆曝炕央软羽伐趴颐语谅柏捻拈斤线乃钦粘欣喧掩翔八戒校剔受谍仓围麻倍界曼苦旁蓖排需笑邻拌逐销利蹈奇忙窃拦琢江茂沙寸毒毋神秃何盅粕呕谆资泄秸钵霍混缸堰享民耻季基煌婿浅犊杠征殖芍邱咨号术慑犀嘎断制贺好花甚敬舔呀敢彼碱述婿候捆雕檬兆榨即砌忻八堕游脏尖懂塘下瓷首窝突院景革忧敖勇拖左端砰弘屹 十天高速公路(甘肃段)建设项目 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边工程开工申请单高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边承包单位:河北交建工程有限公司 合同号; ST19 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边监理单位:北京交科工程咨询有限公司 编 号; 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边 A-7高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边致(驻地办) 先生:(专业工程师)根据合同要求,我们已经做好 贾家山中桥基础及下部构造 工程的开工前的一切准备工作,现要求该项工程正式开工,请予批准。计划开工日期: 2013 年7月 20 日 计划交工日期: 2013 年 11 月 28 日 本项工程现场技术负责人姓名: 附件: 1、分部工程组织机构及职责:2、分部工程施工方案:3、各项施工保证体系及保证措施;4、施工放样报验单;5、进场材料报验单;6、 进场设备报验单;7、 分项工程月进度计划。 承包人: 年 月 日专业工程师意见试验工程师意见测量工程师意见 签字: 年 月 日签字: 年 月 日签字: 年 月 日高级驻地监理工程师意见:签字: 年 月 日备注:十天高速公路(甘肃段)建设项目高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边施工放样报验单高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边承包单位:河北交建工程有限公司 合同号: ST19 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边监理单位:北京交科工程咨询有限公司 编 号: 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边 A-4 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边致(测量监理工程师) : 根据合同要求,我们已经完成 贾家山中桥基础及下部构造 (起迄桩号或工程部位)的施工放样工作,清单如下,请予查验。 附件:1、测量及放样资料; 承包人: 年 月 日桩号或位置工程或部位名称放样内容备 注贾家山中桥0b#-1桩基坐标放样贾家山中桥1#左幅系梁坐标放样贾家山中桥左幅1#-0墩柱坐标放样查验结果: 监理员: 年 月 日测量监理工程师意见: 签字: 年 月 日十天高速公路(甘肃段)建设项目高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边进场设备报验单高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边承包单位:河北交建工程有限公司 合同号: ST19 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边监理单位:北京交科工程咨询有限公司 编 号: 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边 A-6高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边致(监理工程师) 先生:(专监) 下列施工设备已按合同规定进场,请查验签证,准予在 贾家山中桥基础及下部构造 工程中使用。附件:本项目主要施工机械设备 承包人: 年 月 日设备名称规格型号合同数量进场数量进场日期技术状况拟用何处备注 挖机225112013、7、18良好贾家山中桥装载机柳工50112013、7、18良好贾家山中桥附件:见附表监理工程师意见: 签字: 年 月 日十天高速公路(甘肃段)建设项目高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边施工技术方案报审表高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边承包单位: 河北交建工程有限公司 合同号 ST19 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边监理单位: 北京交科工程咨询有限公司 编 号 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边 A-3高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边致(驻地办) 先生:(专监)现报上 贾家山中桥基础及下部构造 工程的技术工艺方案及详细说明和图表等,请予审查和批准。附件:技术、工艺方案说明和图表。 承包人: 年 月 日监理工程师审查意见:签字: 年 月 日高级驻地监理工程师审批意见: 签字: 年 月 日十堰至天水国家高速公路甘肃段徽县至天水公路ST19合同段高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边分部开工报告高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边ZK671+975贾家山中桥高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边YK 671+980贾家山中桥高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边基础及下部结构工程高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边编制: 高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边复核:高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边审批:高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边河北交建工程有限公司高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边十天高速公路ST19合同段项目经理部高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边二0一三年七月十九日高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边一、工程概况高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边拟建贾家山中桥,位于西和县斜坡村贾家山西南侧,左幅桥的中心测设里程为K671+975,右幅桥的中心测设里程为K671+980,桥长66m。桥的中心测设桩号为K671+975,桥长66桥址区位于漾水河东岸一级阶地,地形略有起伏,地面标高1506.411508.28m,地势向漾水河倾斜,地面坡降约5%。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边本桥设计桥型布孔方案采用3x20装配式预应力混凝土箱型连续梁桥,下部采用双柱式桥墩,肋板式桥台,桩基础。贾家山中桥共计钻孔灌注桩20根,其中1.2m桩8根,1.3m桩8根,1.5m桩4根,4根系梁、8根墩柱、4片盖梁及4个桥台、采用C30混凝土,垫石共40块,采用C50砼浇筑。其施工要点如下:高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边1、为了确保施工质量,成桩后应对基桩进行超声波检测,对钻孔桩要求每根桩均须检验。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边2、墩柱、桩基的受力主筋接头应错开布置,在任意接长(搭接、焊接、挤压接头)区段内,有接头的受力钢筋截面面积占总面积的百分率,采用搭接焊时不大于25%,采用焊接、挤压接头时不大于50%。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边3、桥墩墩身施工要求尺寸准确,表面平整、光滑,应严格控制墩身施工倾斜度。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边4、盖梁同墩柱交界处应注意新老混凝土的结合,在浇筑盖梁混凝土前应仔细清除柱头浮浆、凿毛接触面、冲刷干净。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边5、墩台盖梁纵向钢筋应预先焊接形成骨架,浇筑混凝土前直接将骨架安装就位,再绑扎钢筋。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边6、桥墩台盖梁上的外测防震挡块应在板梁架设就位后灌筑。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边7、柱式台采用预压发(反开槽发)施工。先填筑路堤,利用路堤荷载,对地基进行预压,使地基发生固结沉降。待沉降稳定后,再开挖路堤,修筑桥台。高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边二、编制依据高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTJ041-2000)高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTGF80-1-2004)高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边招标文件高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边三、时间安排高速公路基础及下部构造工程开工报告(1)their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enh鲁象谜束硼盗弓潘奇露趁隶颅狡浦拷蔚踩磐咐呼比冕恰晃恼揽联玩烂富军吗牵超元沫殖剑崎趴穿岔邮销穗柴待钮洲粗毡魄奔靖武份阳逗赞之宫连边计划开工日期:2013年7


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