2020仁爱版九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C讲学稿

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2020学年仁爱版英语精品资料Unit 3 English around the Word Topic 2 English is spoken differently in different countries Section C讲学稿【长课导学】课题Unit 3 Topic2 English is spoken differently in different countries. Section C P65-66第3课时 学习目标与要求:1.讨论英语英语和美国英语的不同。 2.培养学生的探究精神,让学生接纳英语的不同口音。模块一:温故知新学习内容( )1.In Australia the meaning of “Good on ya, mate!” is _A.“Not good!”B.“Its a pity!”C.“Well done!”D.“Sorry!”( )5.You must try your best because you cant depend _ your parents all the life.A.ofB.forC.onD.upon( )6.Im afraid I have to _ the doctors advice.A.followB.receiveC.carryD.listen( )7.Peters Chinese was very poor when he came to China, so he couldnt make himself _.A.understandsB.understandingC.understandD.understood模块二:自主学习 (独立进行) (Self-study & Self-exploration)学习内容摘 记Step 1 词汇学习-预习P65-66的新单词,并将新单词在课文中标记。Step 2 短语学习-请同学们在课本上找出下列短语,英汉互译。(要求:短语在课本上划出)在之间(两者) 一般说来,大致上说_= in general在方面与有差别 习惯于(做)某事_ 至于_ 填表格 _=_坐地铁 _= _做某事有很多困难_喜欢某物/某人_ 与靠近,与关系密切_Step 3 课文学习1、 理解课文P65-1a对话,并完成1b(对比英式英语和美式英语在spelling(拼写),pronunciation(发音),expression(表达)方面有什么不同。2、 课本P66-2 Work alone ,将图片和正确的句子匹配。 Step 4 句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳。4.1. For example, when a learner is used to the British pronunciation 例如,当一个初学者习惯于英式发音 I am not used to getting up early. 我不习惯于早起。 Wood can be used to make paper. 木材可被用来造纸。 =Wood can be used for making paper. We used to ride a bike. 我们过去常常骑自行车。【归纳】:be used to (doing) sth. 译成_, be used to do sth.译成_=_ used to do sth.译成_【及时训练】( ) 4.1.1. Mary _ shy, but she is quite outgoing now. She has made lots of friends. A. was used to doing B. used to be C. was used to be D. is used to be( ) 4.1.2 -Are you used _ up early? -No, Im not A. of getting B. to get C. for getting D. to getting小组内成员互查完成情况并给予等级评定: 模块三:交流研讨 (小组交流、合作、展示) (Cooperation ,Exploration &Show)研讨内容摘 记Step 5 Oral English and Reading(10) 1. We have known some differences between American English and British English in spelling and expressions. Do you want to know more differences between them? Lets learn 1a together to see more differences between British English and American English. 2. Listening. 听1a的短文,然后回答下面两个听力问题。 1) What are the differences between British English and American English?_ 2) We say “relax in a sitting room” in Britain, then whats the expression which has the same meaning in America? _2. 播放P65-1a 的短文,学生注意不会读的单词。第二遍播放时,注意跟读。3. 群读1a。Step 6合作 大组长组织,组员共同探讨下面研讨内容,并形成统一的组内意见;【研讨内容】 讨论一:群读1a,并核对1b;核对P66-2 Work alone讨论二:核对模块二Step 2 归纳本课时的重点短语或句型。讨论三:核对模块二 Step 4知识点归纳。讨论四:课本P66-1c,组内一起填写表格,注意英式英语和美式英语之间 的区别。Step 7 展示 【大组展示方案】展示任务一:讨论三:核对模块二 Step 4知识点归纳。建议:将句型在白板上板书,并按译-讲解-注意动词形式 方面着手。课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 书写规范,工整美观,双色笔运用得当;3、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;4、 面向全体,自然大方,肢体语言运用得当;展示生动活泼,独具特色。模块四:教师精讲(认真听讲并记录要点)训练内容摘 记be used to doing sthbe used to sthbe used to do sthbe used for doing sthbe used as .used to do sth教学反思:模块五:当堂训练(预时20分钟) 姓名:_班级:九(_)一、 单项选择。( ) 1. -How was your trip? -Wonderful, climbing mountains is _ A. many fun B. much fun C. a lot of funs D. many funs( ) 2._, American can communicate with people from English easily. A. Generally speaking B. Generally speak C. Speak generally D. Speaking generally( ) 3. Not only you but also he _ some trouble in spelling English. A. has B. have C. is D. are( ) 4. English is different _ French _ spelling and pronunciation. A. from;on B. in;in C. from; in D. with; for( ) 5.In American English ,“ colour ” is _“ color ”. A. spelling as B. spelt for C. spelling for D. spelt as( ) 6. Not only you but also Tom_ soccer. He spends two hours playing it every day. A. like playing B. likes playing C. like play D. likes play( ) 7. Our new house_ the school. A. next to B. close to C. is close D. is close to( ) 8. As_ me, nothing is difficult in the world. A. to B. for C. of D. with( ) 9.I used to get up late, but now I_ up early. A. used to get B. am used to get C. used to getting D. am used to getting( ) 10. Not only Xiaodong but I_ reading books. A. enjoy B. to enjoy C. enjoying D. enjoys( ) 11. My little son is fond of_ jokes on me. A. play B. plays C. playing D. played二、用括号里的单词填空。1.She _ _(喜爱)of singing songs . So she is. She is practicing singing now.2.My English teacher Can t always _(读音)my name correctly . 3.This kind of structure (结构)is often used in _ _(英语口语),but not in _ _ (书面英语).4.Ann is _ _(习惯于) the noise outside . 5.I wont have any different _(交流)with him ,because my English is very good . 6. The car is quite good. _ _(至于) the price of it , I think it too high .7.Our new house is _ _ (离近) the school ,so I can walk there . 8.Could you tell me the_ _ (与之间的不同之处) the two kinds of _(发 音)? - Sure. 最新精品英语资料


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