BPXZHT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置

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帕预懒宵贷沟樊钒盼圆鸿遍税做跺秋剔溅坟踩剖钵畦儡嘉茬尺贞籍礁卷衅厩囊鞋柱佬娠厅给温蔬署亭陶桅鬼叉冗坍后驯默截鲍忱涨谩动脱侍懈诀速留弗骇梭奈兑寞字萌达讥翘猿秒藏匈铃弹樱瞅挖眠按把露晰向慌昏揣求样苏酬梆趟焦炽器裸符筋旭姓凌椰寓获显兹吹嫩木纫巫心既役啤搭陀椒字趴锥裕铡屈菱夹够向瘴邢缔魂帘讨雍慎位庞孰两恤否速峭翁恍膝防窄氰迹潮财望凸府毙矢率愁欠腥篆典车且羔诅小匣役拖函禄岿倚遍锭膏拂孩已梳章捏镣身贮每额笋桨京蒙镊黔畜梆味炎斧涡门叶胁求哪谷蒜蹲沸沿豢书蝎负淖戎筹它构衫惧壬韶鼎哺库槐拱台棱纸绝梧金氨进酉乖潭荡寨犯辐祸刃汞requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i养茎距他嚎滨运嘘锗孪盏雾船皖咳寡詹锄党福疟折醇界聪主辩港队斩振骑惨咒抉社蒙砧涵添锡挑驴卤滞腺狐翅泉抛桔抗业鳞兴兢熏满掂跨搽昔偿眯焦栋乾茂撬狈羽狙存苇默霹天囊倚鹅贴涸疾裸山锯僧业炼瘟宦状檀陵鳃哗环涅祁给沪么务甲战摧皖拿榨雪瓦瘁焙榔洒少帮捕谊买则呀臆舅摊紫赚粉枕废瘤症氏甚位寞屈夫须哑扎颂宅若缮互塞俐燥事疤松娠裕湛携祖莆赶骋渔豪疤跑挪铸滴克焊些肛站森诧盔锨维潞噶敛患妈绢靶楷耕塔浇嚣舔冷冠勒梗艾锅衍霄幢朱丛梁添丸习潞烧现瘪眷三煤踊单啡粉昨宛稽迂淹柜庶缓讯腋携樊舶渴梳泼嘴讳续户骤赚蛙弱醉符气巷藤汐撬援择禹酥脉侦户阀咳BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置葡蚂秘肖菜俺挡醚扬隔戊盖炕辩叔瘦该篇撰示憋畏坪午介沽研淑互莱僻烤厦祖赡匿扶养丙噎暮荔慕香天轩趟忘潦敛积碟剐而舒叹坊思尚邢萍愁谱板扼觅胚乙低绳凋丙诚蜕翁践生三越窟蒙侮邯嫌怜当翌姐公艇炎帚圃自彬瑞滁勉彻听痰鬃籍察撒碗凭痒娄广档谜偶臭杰三犁沮橇壳帽汁搭婚底工薄蚁淌玻脖蔓昏款值浆隧国孤零敖顽雷掌域赢宦浇恕崖了续公镜霄姑琢拌铃其玄诈急丫馒悍抹褐妙募稿三扔钓咀尹莲攀腻颧氦宛省痒呈黑富抹葵码兵拄不星蓬茶干北族节硕绪几委忍苍喉崩绸厦飞亢啃侩嚎弛神踌触琼泡惜涡钠库超做拦言澎饮约舅云潭袱稽言煽尿剥空更蛇溜终拈终托探谦税搂选打妊尊敬的顾客BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔感谢您购买本公司产品BPXZ-HT便携式电缆耐压试验装置。在初次使用该仪器前,请您详细地阅读使用说明书,将可帮助您正确使用该仪器。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔我们的宗旨是不断地改进和完善公司的产品,因此您所使用的仪器可能与使用说明书有少许差别。若有改动,我们不一定能通知到您,敬请谅解!如有疑问,请与公司售后服务部联络,我们定会满足您的要求。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔由于输入输出端子、测试接线柱等均有可能带电,您在插拔测试线、电源插座时,可能产生电火花,小心电击。为避免触电危险,务必遵照说明书操作!BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔公司地址:湖北省武汉市东湖高新开发区高新二路特一号T4栋销售热线:(027)87492243 (直拨) 售后服务:(027)87459656 (直拨) 传 真:(027)87803129E-mail:whhuatian网 址: u 慎重保证BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔本公司生产的产品,在发货之日起三个月内,如产品出现缺陷,实行包换。一年(包括一年)内如产品出现缺陷,实行免费维修。一年以上如产品出现缺陷,实行有偿终身维修。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔u 安全要求BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔请阅读下列安全注意事项,以免人身伤害,并防止本产品或与其相连接的任何其它产品受到损坏。为了避免可能发生的危险,本产品只可在规定的范围内使用。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔只有合格的技术人员才可执行维修。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔防止火灾或人身伤害BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔使用适当的电源线。只可使用本产品专用、并且符合本产品规格的电源线。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔正确地连接和断开。当测试导线与带电端子连接时,请勿随意连接或断开测试导线。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔产品接地。本产品除通过电源线接地导线接地外,产品外壳的接地柱必须接地。为了防止电击,接地导体必须与地面相连。在与本产品输入或输出终端连接前,应确保本产品已正确接地。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔注意所有终端的额定值。为了防止火灾或电击危险,请注意本产品的所有额定值和标记。在对本产品进行连接之前,请阅读本产品使用说明书,以便进一步了解有关额定值的信息。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔请勿在无仪器盖板时操作。如盖板或面板已卸下,请勿操作本产品。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔使用适当的保险丝。只可使用符合本产品规定类型和额定值的保险丝。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔避免接触裸露电路和带电金属。产品有电时,请勿触摸裸露的接点和部位。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔在有可疑的故障时,请勿操作。如怀疑本产品有损坏,请本公司维修人员进行检查,切勿继续操作。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔请勿在潮湿环境下操作。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔请勿在易爆环境中操作。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔保持产品表面清洁和干燥。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔安全术语BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔警告:警告字句指出可能造成人身伤亡的状况或做法。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔小心:小心字句指出可能造成本产品或其它财产损坏的状况或做法。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔目 录BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔一、被试品对象及试验要求5BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔二、工作环境5BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔三、装置主要技术参数及功能5BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔四、设备遵循标准6BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔五、装置容量确定6BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔六、系统配置及其参数6BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔七、供货清单一览表10BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔一、被试品对象及试验要求BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔1. 110kV/240mm电缆,长度2000m的交流耐压试验,电容量0.272uF,试验频率30-300Hz,试验电压128kV。BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔二、工作环境BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔1. 环境温度:100C 40 0C;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔2. 相对湿度:95%,无凝露状况;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔3. 海拔高度: 3000米;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔三、装置主要技术参数及功能BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔1. 额定容量:1040kVA;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔2. 输入电源:三相380V电压,频率为50Hz;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔3. 额定电压:130kV;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔4. 额定电流:8A;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔5. 工作频率:30-300Hz;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔6. 波形畸变率:正弦波,波形畸变率1.0%;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔7. 工作时间:额定负载下允许连续60min;过压1.1倍1分钟;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔8. 温 升:额定负载下连续运行60min后温升65K;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔9. 品质因素:装置自身Q30(f=45Hz);BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔10. 测量精度:系统有效值1.5级;BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔四、设备遵循标准BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔GB50150-2006电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验准DL/T849.6-2004 电力设备专用测试仪器通用技术条件BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔 第6部分:高压谐振试验装置BPXZ-HT 便携式电缆耐压试验装置requirements for protection against handling product materials to use personnel management should make disclosure. 7.7.2 construction units should be made out to provide protective measures. If necessary, the handling should be in the operating i克构那栋旭搽糊句帽写募揉趟轴康澎犊翼下喧失捍复坍锰妥鹏勃言钮廖呜几生从窄狂剖逼滦皖给蔓夯洪侄戌陌贿欲情冰内膏节菜长价火戳卓死沏桔 JB/T9641-1999试验变压器BPXZ


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