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.长沙市对口升学英语全真模拟试卷七Part II:知识运用(共三节,50小题,每小题1分;满分50分)第一节:词汇和语法(共15小题,每小题分;满分15分) 21. They _ go skiing in winter.A. right B. familiar C. family D. suit 22. The trees are so green and beautiful; they stand on _ of street.A. both side B. each sides C. both sides D. every sides23. She tried _ her tears. A. keeping back B. to keep back C. to keep down D. keeping down 24. His mother _ a doctor in the hospital.A. works like B. works as C. is like D. is as 25. You _ read that article if you dont want to. A. havent B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt26. I am going to the meeting, and _. A. so does Dave B. so goes Dave C. so is Dave D. Dave is so27. She was very busy last week. Otherwise she _ us more help. A. would give B. would have given C. will have given D. will give28. I need some blue ink badly, but there is _ at hand. A. not B. little C. none D. nothing29. I visited two of the families and Tom met to see _. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others 30. Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday, _? A. is it B. isnt it C. was it D. wasnt it 31. Is it necessary _ the book immediately? A. that he returns B. his returning C. for him to return D. to him return32. Hardly had the play started _ there was a power cut. A. than B. when C. as D. until33. He is said _ a new color TV set. A. buying B. to have buy C. having bought D. to have bought34. Write clearly _your teacher can understand you correctly. A. since B. for C. case D. so that 35. Who is the comrade _ was there? A. whom B. that C. which D. whose第二节:交际用语(共25小题,每小题分;满分25分)A. 根据提供的信息,从四个选项中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的答案,回答所提出的问题。36. -Happy birthday. -_.A. Its my pleasure B. Thank you C. Im glad you say so D. You are so kind.37. -Thank you for you help. -_.A. Thank you, too. B. It doesnt matter C. The same to you D. You are welcome38. -Let me introduce myself. Im Alice. -_.A. What a pleasure B. Its my pleasureC. Pleased to meet you. D. Im very pleased39. -Have you got any working experience? -_.A. Yes, I want to talk to the manager.B. Yes, I worked for two years at a large company.C. Yes, I saw your ad in a newspaper.D. Yes, I can use a computer.40. - Do you mind if I sit next to you? -_.A. Sit down, please. B. Not a bit.C. Id be glad to D. Yes, you may sit close to me.41. -Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me how to get to a bank? -_.A. You are welcome. B. Sorry, Im a stranger here.C. You cant miss it. D. Thats right42. -Im so glad to meet you. - _. A. Thanks B. So do I C. Me, too D. Great43. -How long has the factory been open? -_. A. Ten years B. Since ten yearsC. In ten years D. After ten years44. -Could you help me open the door? - _.A. Right B. Of course C. Yes, please D. Thats all right.45. -How often do you water the flowers? -_. A. One day B. Once. C. Once a day D. Twice B. 补全对话, 要求符合对话情景或含义.(5分)DialogueA: _46_.B: I was playing football with my classmates. A: Dont you know I was worried about you? B: _47_. A: Look, youve got a black eye. _48_. B: The ball hit me in the eye A: Oh, Its terrible. _49_. B: Not at all. A: _50_. B: Yes, mom.A. Why are you so late today?B. You must be more careful next time.C. Does it hurt?D. Oh .What shall I do?E. Im sorry. Mom.F. Whats wrong?G. It doesnt matter, mom.C. 匹配题:阅读下面的英文告示或指令,找出与中文相匹配的英文表达,对应题号填写正确答案的编号(10分)A. Entrance B. Cancel printing C. Be care of the thief ! D. No admittanceE. Make sure the disk is not write-protected F. Clean if infected G. Check your file format H. Shut I. Accept the setting in the dialogue box J. This Side Up. K. Change icon L. One Way Street 51( )检查文件格式 52( )单行道 53( )此面向上 54( )谨防小偷 55( )改变图标 56( )在对话框,接受设置 57( )闲人免入 58( )此路不通 59( )确定磁盘没有写保护 60( )如果受感染立即清除 第三节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从6170每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Todays young people are taking a more active part in online active part in online activities. Although the Internet can be _61_ for students to collect information and communicate (交流)with their friends, teachers and parents are becoming more and more_62_ about the unhealthy web content(网上内容) in the bar. They think that the _63_of setting up “Harmfree Internet Bars” is an important step to protect teenagers.It was Sunday afternoon and there were not many _64_seats in the Feiyu Internet Bar. A few teenagers were found playing online games. An employee was walking around_65_ Internet users online activities.“My job is to find anyone who is searching harmful websites and then ask them not to do so,” he said. “This is _66_ of the Harm-free Internet Bar project.” Feiyu, a famous Internet bar in Beijing, is _67_ the first 19 to join the Harm-free Internet Bar club.In order to help start a better_68_ for teenagers online activities, Chinas Communist Youth League(共青团)has brought out the program_69_ “Harm-free Internet Bar for Teens”.But while some people welcome the “Harm-free Internet Bars”, what do many school students _70_ them?61. A. successful B. usefulC. hopeful D. interesting62. A. amazedB. excited C. frightened D. worried63. A. way B. birth C. idea D. place64. A. safeB. emptyC. single D. clean65. A. watching B. looking C. seeing D. finding66. A. step B. part C. all D. one 67. A. during B. among C. between D. inside68. A. futureB. environment C. Internet barD. club69. A. called B. founded C. wanted D. needed70. A. hear of B. think of C. talk about D. look afterPart III:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)阅读下面四篇短文, 根据短文内容, 根据要求进行选择或简答。Passage OneOne Sunday,Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan. But Dan happened to be away. Dan's brother John offered to go instead, though he did not know anything about sailing. Mark agreed and they set out. Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Mark was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Luckily he saw a large buoy(浮标) through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying John, who did not know how to use the radio. The water carried him about and he was not seen until twelve hours later.Mark spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep. He was having a bad dream, then a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain. The captain told him that John had been picked up by another ship and the ship's captain had sent out a message. "Without the message I would not have found you on the buoy," he said. Choose the best answers 71. Why didn't Mark and Dan go sailing together? A. Dan asked his brother to go instead. B. Dan was in some other place. C. Mark was in some other places. D. Mark was better at sailing. 72. Mark tried to tie the boat to the buoy so that_.A. he could spend the night on it while John was looking for helpB. he and John could go sailing again when the fog clearedC. it wouldn't be hit by other ships D. he might be picked up by a passing ship73. John and Mark became separated(分离) because_. A. there wasn't room for both John and Mark on the buoy B. John couldn't control the boat and the water carried it away C. Mark thought it safe to stay on the buoy but John didn't D. John had to stay in the boat to radio for help74. What made it possible for Mark to be found on the buoy? A. John led people to look for him. B. John radioed to the Good Hope to get him. C. He shouted when he caught sight of the Good Hope. D. The message sent out by another ship.75. The word "he" in the last sentence refers to "_". A. the captain that got the message B. the captain that sent the message C. John D. MarkPassage TwoIn America, when people say "man's best friend", they don't mean another person. Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal-a dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give happiness to people's lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die!Animals can help people, too. Dogs can be taught to become the "eyes" for blind persons or "ears" for deaf people. Scientists have found that pets help people live longer! They make people happier, too. Because of that, animals are brought into hospitals.Americans hold "Be-Kind-To-Animals Week" on the first week of May. Pets shows are held during the week. Even if you don't live in America,you can do this too. How? First,think about how animals make your life richer. If you have a pet,take more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food. Also,be sure to keep your pet from those unwanted babies.If you don't have a pet,be kind to animals around you. For example if you see a street dog,don't kick it or throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone,or better yet,make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to an animal,try to stop them. As people,we must protect animals who can't speak for themselves.Choose the best answers76. "A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die" means that _. A. pets have the right to inherit(继承)money B. money can give pets happiness C. it's the best way to spend money D. some pets are taken as children77. Why are dogs brought to hospital? A. Because they are ill and need to see doctors. B. Because they can make the patients happier. C. Because they can find out problems of the patients. D. Because doctors can do experiments(实验)on them.78. What's the most popular activity on the "Be-Kind-To-Animals Week"? A. Holding pets shows the whole week. B. Playing with pets the whole week. C. Cooking delicious food for pets. D. Making friends with other people's pets.79. What's the passage mainly about? A. A lot of people are interested in dogs. B. Dogs can help people do many things. C. Pets are lovely and need care and protection. D. We have done a lot of things for pets.80. The words "man's best friend" shows_. A. the friendship between people B. the friendship between people and animals C. the friendship between animalsD. the friendship between men and women Passage ThreeDiseases that can be carried from one person to another are called infections. How do such diseases go round? Some diseases go round in one way, some in another.For example, the germs(细菌)that make you catch cold can travel from one person to another with a cough. They are breathed in with the air. That is why it is important to stay away from people when you have a cold, too. What seems to be a cold may be the beginning of some more serious diseases?Germs travel from one person to another in many ways. For example, some diseases are carried by insects, such as flies and mosquitoes.Larger animals can also carry diseases. People can get diseases from rabbits, dogs or even bird flu(禽流感).At one time many people got tuberculosis (肺结核) by drinking milk from cows that had the disease. Today, cows milk is made safe. The milk is heated and then made cold.81. What does the underlined word “infection” mean in Chinese?A传染病 B.有病 C.活跃D.过敏82.Diseases can go round_.A. in one way B. in two waysC. in many ways D. in the same way83. It is important to stay away from other people when you have a cold because_.A. you need to have a good rest in bedB. they may breathe in the germs with the air when you cough C. they will make you more seriously ill D. your illness cant be healed84. _are insects. They can carry some diseases. A. Rabbits and dogs B. Flies and mosquitoesC. Sheep and cows D. Animals85. The passage is mainly talking about_.A. what diseases are B. how to fight all kinds of diseasesC. how diseases go round D. terrible diseases Passage FourA computer company has a special person. He answers all the questions sent to him. The person is a 63-year-old man. He is known for always finding the right answers. On the Internet, more people are finding out about this clever man. He does not look like a computer expert. He has white hair and he is kind and polite. He feels that his age helps him with his work. People have asked questions about a lot of things and he remembers most of them. He tries to return the answers within 24 hours on the Internet. The questions are very different each day. He loves his work. Other companies do not have such a person. Of course they don't have to pay any more money, either. But it's important for good computer companies to have a person to answer the questions. It keeps the computer buyers happy. Happy buyers will keep coming back.Answer the following questions:86. How old is the special person?87. What is he like?88. How long does he try to return the answers on the Internet?89. Are the questions easy and same?90. Why is it important for good computer companies to have a person to answer the questions?Part IV:书面表达(共二节,满分30分)第一节:根据所给中文,将下列各句译成通顺的英语(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)91.我认为老师在课堂上没有表达清楚。I dont think the teacher _ in class.92.我仿佛觉得到处有人在紧盯着我。 It seems to me that someone_ me everywhere.93.很抱歉出了这样的事. Im very sorry that _.94.你不必当心你不能按时到达学校。 There is _that you cant get to school on time.95. Mr. Black喜欢上中国的人和食物。 Mr. Black _ Chinese people and food.第二节: 应用文写作 (满分15分)根据所给提示用英文填写一份预定房间的表格。提示:来自澳大利亚的Jack Black 先生,预定一双人房间,房号为308,携夫人于6月5号中午入住,共住七晚,信用卡付款,吃西餐。 联系电话:150-040-8254666 传真:150-040-8254888邮箱地址:jblack Hotel Reservation FormFirst Name: _1_Last Name: _2_Sex: _3_Telephone: _4_Fax: _5_E-mail:_6_Country: _7_Check-in Date: _8_Check-out Date: _9_Number of Nights: _10_Number of Room: _11_Number of People: _12_Type of Room: _13_Food Preference: _14_Payment: _15_ Keys: 21. ACBBD 26.CBBDA 31.CBDDB 36. BDCBB 41. BCABC 46. AEFCB51. GLJCK 56. IDHEF 61. BDCBA 66. BBBAB 71. BCBDA 76.DBACB 81. ACBBC86. He is 63 years old. 87. He has white hair and he is kind and polite. 88. Within 24 hours 89. No, they arent.90. Because it keeps the computer buyers happy and they will keep coming back.91. I dont think the teacher has made himself clear in class.92. It seems to me that someone is looking hard at me everywhere.93. Im very sorry that this has happened.94. There is no need to worry that you cant get to school on time.95. Mr. Black has fallen for Chinese people and food.应用文写作1. Jack 2. Black 3. Male 4. 150-040-8254666 5. 150-040-82548886. jblack 7. Australia 8. June 5 9. June 12 10. Seven nights11. 308 12. Two 13. Double Room 14. Western Food 15. Credit Card Word资料.


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