外研版初中英语八年级下册教案: Module 9 Heroes

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Book 4 Module 9 Heroes一、 教学内容:Unit 1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play二、 课型:Listening and speaking三、 教学目标: 1、 能够正确使用单词和词组:so that, avoid, brave, excuse, thought, on ones own, Come up, rewrite, rewrote, rewritten, bet, be good at 2、掌握下列结构: Whos your hero? -Its Jacket Chan. I am looking forward to this! so that Kylie could play this piece of music on her own.中的so that 意为“以便,为的是”。3、能够听懂以英雄为话题的对话及对英雄人物的描述。4、能够与同学谈论自己喜爱的英雄人物。5、能够介绍自己心目中英雄人物的经历等。四、 教学重难点: 1、能够听懂以英雄为话题的对话及对英雄人物的描述。 2、能够介绍自己心目中英雄人物的经历等。五、 教学准备:PPT、课件、录音机六、 教学过程:教学活动教学活动教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warming-up(1) Free talk:1. Do you know what hero is?2. Whos your favourite hero?3. Do you think Sally is a hero? Why?Talk about the teachers questions freely.自由谈论自己心目中的英雄,为下面的课文的学习做铺垫。Step2:Pre-task(3)1. Use ppt to show some pictures and phrases to the students, let them use “because, so that,so” to make some sentences. E.g. Yang Liwei/ hero because / a great pilot.Sentence: Yang Liwei. is my hero because hes a great pilot. 1. Look at the pictures and phrases, and make some sentences. 通过图片和短语的提示,让学生掌握一些连词的用法。如 so that, so , because等。Step 3While-task(20)1.Listening (Activity 1)a. Let the students listen to the conversation in Activity 1 and choose the best answers to the questions.Listening and reading:1.Listening (Activity 1)a. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers to the questions.根据课文材料活动设计两个听力的训练,目的是要从平时的课堂中训练学生的听力技巧。( )1. How does Sally usually feel about playing on her own?A. She feels happy. B. She feels afraid.C. She feels shy.( ) 2. What do lingling and Betty think of Sally? A. Shes brave. B. She is a hero. C. Both A and B.( ) 3. What does Mrs Styles know? A. She knows why Sally didnt play the final practice. B. She knows why Sally hurt. C. She knows why Sally hurt.( ) 4. Whats Mrs Styles going to do? A. Shell talk to Kylies parents. B. Shell see Kylie. C. It doesnt tell us.2.Listening(Activity3)Let the students listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and choose the best answers.2.Listening(Activity3)Listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and choose the best answers.( ) 1._ is good at the violin.A. Betty B. Kylie C. Sally ( ) 2. Why did Sally miss the final practice? A. Because her hand hurt.B. Because she wanted Kylie to play the music on her own.C. We dont know.( )3. Who was late? A. Betty B. Kylie C. linging( ). 4. What did their teacher do for Kylie and Sally? A. She rewrote the final dance music and let Kylie and Sally both play it. B. She talked with Kylies parents. C. She played the final dance music with Kylie and Sally.3.Readinga. Let the students read the conversation in Activity 3 by themselves, and do Activity 4. check the true statements. Then check their answers one by one.3.Readinga. Read the conversation in Activity 3 by themselves, and do Activity 4. check the true statements. Then check the answers one by one.通过活动4判断句子的对错,让学生去阅读课文,有助于更加准确获取信息,理解文章,提高阅读技能。b. Let the students work in groups of four to read the conversation. and find out some difficulties. c. Solves the difficulties.d. Ask a few groups of the students to act out the conversation.b. The students work in groups of four to act out the conversation. And find out some difficulties. c. The students say the difficulties and solve them.d. A few groups of the students to act out the conversation. The others listen carefully.小组活动找出重难点,更能让学生自主学习,充分地实践运用语言。Step 4Post-task(10)1. Discussion Have the students discuss the questions in groups.1) What do you think of Sally?2) Do you want to be a person like her?3.) What do you want to be?2.Make a surveyHave the students work in groups of four, and interview one of the classmates and write down the information in the form.1. Discussion The students discuss the questions in groups.1) What do you think of Sally?2) Do you want to be a person like her?3.) What do you want to be?2.Make a surveythe students work in groups of four, and interview one of the classmates and write down the information in the form.根据课文内容小组讨论一些话题,让学生真正掌握课文内涵,让自己的人格得到升华。通过调查自己同学的理想和自己心目中的英雄人物,让学生口头报告这一活动,让学生产生有意义的输出,并使语言的运用最终落实于篇章之中。What do you want to be?WhyWhos your hero?Why?3. Make a report about the interview.Step5Summary(2)Get the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learnt today?S: Sum up the language points.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。Step 6 :Home-work(1)Have the students finish the exercises of the newspaper.Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识。补充其他方面的锻炼。板设书计 Phrases: 1. be good at 2. so that 3. on ones own 4. come up Drills: so that Kylie could play this piece of music on her own. 教反学思达标训练题一、 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 如果出现什么情况,我会立刻告诉你。I will tell you at once if anything _ _. 2. 他12岁时就独自离开了家乡。He left his hometown _ _ _ when he was twelve years old. 3. 我敢打赌吉姆不会相信你的话。_ _ that Jim wont believe what you said. 4. 许多年轻人正期待着那位歌星的到来。A lot of young people are _ _ _ the singers coming. 5. 让我们坐前排吧,以便看得更清楚些。Lets take the front seats _ _ we can see more clearly. 二、选择填空:1. More and more people in Beijing are learning English_ they can serve the 2008 Olympic Games better. A. because of B. so that C. as a result D. as if2. Could you show me how to _ this new kind of MP3 player? A. operate B. listen C. look D. learn3. Youd better not find any _ for your mistake. You should face the fact and learn the lesson(教训). A. reason B. matter C. excuse D. thought4. Can you help Peter? I dont think that he can finish the work _. A. at least B. all together C. by the way D. on his own5. Its very _ of Luo Yong to look after the wolves and be friends with them. Hes my hero. A. bright B. terrible C. brave D. clever6. I am sorry I am late for the meeting. Something _ at home. A. came out B. came to C. came down D. came upBook 4 Module 9 Heroes一、 教学内容:Unit2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard.二、 课型:Reading and writing三、 教学目标: 1、 正确使用下列单词和词组:army, Canada, Canadian, medical, treat, treatment, front, injured, war, First World War, invent, tool, local, operate, operation, give ones life to, in spite of, in the end, take care of2、掌握下列结构: -Why did Norman Bethune study medicine? -He studied medicine so that he could become a doctor. and he is remembered in both Canada and China.中的be remembered被记住。3、能够读懂有关白求恩生平的事迹,并能够与同学谈论有关白求恩的事迹。4、能向他人介绍自己心目中的英雄人物的事迹。四、教学重难点:1、能够读懂有关白求恩生平的事迹,并能够与同学谈论有关白求恩的事迹。2、能向他人介绍自己心目中的英雄人物的事迹。五、教学准备:PPT六、教学过程:教学活动教学活动教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)Have some students talk about his hero, and say why.Talk about his hero, and say why.先引导学生回顾上节课的内容,巩固所学的知识点。Step TwoPre-reading(5)Show a picture of Dr. Norman Bethune to the students, and ask:1. Do you know this man?2. What did Dr. Norman Bethune do?3. Do you know something about him?Please say something about Dr. Norman Bethune as possible as you can. Look at the pictures and answer the teachers questions. 用图片引出学生对白求恩的一些了解,为接下来的课文理解作铺垫。Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)1.Scanning and skimmingAsk the students to read the passage quickly, and answer the two questions:1. When did Bethune come to help Chinese soldiers?2. For what reason did he die?1. Scanning and skimming The students to scan the passage, and find out the answer to the question :1. When did Bethune come to help Chinese soldiers?2. For what reason did he die?通过学生快速阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能力。2. Reading for specific informationLet the students read the passage in Activity 2 carefully and choose the best answer for the following questions.2. Reading for specific information The students read the passage in Activity 2 carefully and choose the best answer for the following sentences.学生带着问题第二次阅读篇章,旨在使学生掌握篇章的细节信息,并通过选择题题来检查学生对篇章的初步理解程度。第三次读篇章,意在对篇章加深理解,帮助学生深层次的理解篇章的主旨,并结合自身,进行拓展。( ) 1.) When was Bethune born?A. In 1890. B. In 1916 C. In 1938 ( ) 2.) Why did he invent new ways to treat soldiers?A. Because he wanted to look after injured soldiers. B. Because he saw many soldiers die in the First World War.C. Because there were few doctors in China. ( ) 3.) Why did he come to China?A. Because he liked very much. B. Because he wanted to treat the Chinese soldiers. C. Because there were few doctors in China. ( ) 4.) Why did he write books?A. So that he could be famous.B. So that he could give treatments to people.C. So that doctors could learn about new treatments. ( ) 5.) How long did he once do operations without stopping? A. For less than 60 hours. B. For 112 hours. C. For nearly 3 days. ( ) 6). What made him a hero? A. To be a doctor. B. To work with Chinese soldiers. C. To go to the front.3. Reading for comprehension.Organize the Ss to read the passage again, and let them put the events in the correct order.3. Reading for comprehension.Read the passage careful again and let them put the events in the correct order.a. Born in 1890.b. Started hospital and wrote books about new treatments.c. Worked with soldiers in the First World War.d. Invented medical tools to use outside hospital.e. Came to Chinaf. Died.4. Language points in the passage.a. Let the students work in groups to read the passage, and find out the language points and difficulties. b. Solves the difficulties.4. Language points in the passage.a. The students work in groups to read the passage, and find out the language points and difficulties. b. Solves the difficulties.Language points:1. He gave his life to helping the Chinese people.2. He saw many soldiers die in the war.3. and he is remembered in both Canada and China.4. for 69 hours without stopping, Step FourPost-reading (10)1. RetellOrganize the students to read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the passage.1. Retell The students read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the passage.复述课文能使学生加深对课文内容的理解。Norman Bethune is one of Chinas most famous _. He _ to helping the Chinese people. He was born in 1890 and became a doctor in 1916. He came to China to open _ to give treatments to local people and _. He died because he did not stop to_ his hand in an operation. He is still remembered in both_ and China.2. Writing Have the students look at the facts about Yuan Longping in Activity 5.Then write a passage about him. 2. WritingLook at the facts about Yuan Longping in Activity 5. Then write a passage about him.写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。Step FiveSummary(2)Get the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learnt today?S: Sum up the language points.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯Step SixHome-work(1)Do some exercises in 随堂优化课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识。板设书计Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard. 1. give ones life to,2. in spite of,3. in the end,4. take care of 教学反思达标训练题 一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 第一次世界大战于1914年发生,1918年结束。 The _ _ _ took place in 1914 and ended in 1918. 2. 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准时到达火车站。 We arrived at the station on time _ _ _ the storm.3. 最后,我决定沿着这条路一直向前走。 _ _ _, I decided to go ahead along the road.4. 当我离开时请你照看我的猫好吗? Would you please _ _ _ my cat while I am away?5. 白求恩医生把生命奉献给了中国人民。 Dr. Norman Bethune _ _ _ _ the Chinese people. 二、选择填空:( ) 1 . _bad weather, they finished the job on time.A. Because of B. At the end of C. In spite of D. A list of( ) 2 . What did John do after dinner? He continued _ the book for another hour.A. have read B. read C. reads D. reading( ) 3. Hangzhou is really a beautiful city, isnt it ? Yes. _tourists like to visit it every year.A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousand D. Three thousands( ) 4. How is your sister in hospital? Oh, shes better after the _ .A. resolution B. operation C. situation D. instruction( )33. Both Jim and Kate _ in Beijing now. They both _ from Canada.A. is; come B. is; comes C. are; come D. are; comes( )5 . Its late. _ TV and go to bed, Sally. OK, mum.A. Stop reading B. Stop to read C. Stop to watch D. Stop watching( )6 . _? I hurt my hand when I was cooking.A. What are you doing B. How about your fatherC. Whats it about D. What happenedBook 4 Module 9 Heroes七、 教学内容:Unit3 Language in use八、 课型:Revision and application九、 教学目标:1.能熟练运用已学状语从句向他人介绍自己心目中的英雄。2.熟练掌握Language practice;3.掌握状语从句的用法。 四、教学重难点:1.正确运用Module9的单词及重点短语;2.正确运用状语从句。 3正确运用in order to, look after, save ones life, thousands of等重点短语造句。 五、教学准备:本节课型为Revision and application,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯等。六、教学过程:教学活动教学活动教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warming-up(1) 1. Ask a few students to show us the short passage “My hero”A few students show us the short passage “My Classmates hobby”, and the others listen carefully.学生通过口头描述自己心目中的英雄,可以锻炼口头表达能力,听的同学可以训练听力和找出他人的作文表达能力的优缺点。Step2:Pre-task(3) 1. Let the students read the sentences in the box together.2. Let the students sum up the grammar. Let them write down the conjunctions in the sentences.1. The students read the sentences in the box together.2. The students sum up the grammar and write down six basic drills. 采用归纳法,使学生更加明了的状语从句的用法。Step 3While-task(20)1. Have the students do Activity 1. Use so, so that or because to complete the passage. Then check their answers. 2. Have the students join the sentences with because, so or so that in Activity 2, and check the answers one by one.3. Let the students work in pairs to ask and answer. (Use the key words in Activity3)4. Let the students do Activity4 by themselves, then check their answers.5. Have the students read the words in the box in Activity 5 together. Make sure they understand the meaning. Then let them complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions, Then check their answers.6. ListeningPlay a tape for the students to listen to Activity 6, and let them choose the best answer. Check the answers pairs by pairs.7. Let the students work in pairs, ask and answer with the questions in Activity7.8. Let the students work in pairs , ask and answer the questions in Activity 8.1. The students do Activity 1. Use so, so that or because to complete the passage. Then check their answers. 2. The students join the sentences with because, so or so that in Activity 2, and check the answers one by one.3. The students work in pairs to ask and answer. (Use the key words in Activity3)4. The students do Activity4 by themselves, then check their answers.5. The students read the words in the box in Activity 5 together. Make sure to understand the meaning. Then complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions, Then check their answers.6. ListeningThe students listen to Activity 6, and choose the best answer. Check the answers pairs by pairs.7. The students work in pairs, ask and answer with the questions in Activity7.8. The students work in pairs , ask and answer the questions in Activity 8.通过活动1、2、3的活动,让学生加深原因和结果状语从句的用法。Step 4Post-task(10)1. Around the worldHave the students read the passage by themselves, then answer the questions according to the passage.1.) When did Nightingale train as a nurse?2.) Why was she called a national heroine?2. WritingHave the students to write a passage called My hero.1. Around the world Have the students read the passage by themselves, then answer the questions according to the passage.1.) When did Nightingale train as a nurse?2.) Why was she called a national heroine?2. WritingHave the students to write a passage called My hero.通过Around the world 这部分的阅读,可以了解西方国的一些习俗。Step5Summary(2)Get the students to sum up the language points.T: What have we learnt today?S: Sum up the language points.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。Step 6 :Home-work(1)Have the students finish the exercises of the newspaper.Finish the homework.课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识。补充其他方面的锻炼。板设书计(1). so that(2). so(3). because 教反学思达标训练题一、 单项选择:1. More and more people in Beijing are learning English_ they can serve the 2008 Olympic Games better. A. because of B. so that C. as a result D. as if2. Could you show me how to _ this new kind of MP3 player? A. operate B. listen C. look D. learn3. Youd better not find any _ for your mistake. You should face the fact and learn the lesson(教训). A. reason B. matter C. excuse D. thought4. Can you help Peter? I dont think that he can finish the work _. A. at least B. all together C. by the way D. on his own5. Its very _ of Luo Yong to look after the wolves and be friends with them. Hes my hero. A. bright B. terrible C. brave D. clever6. I am sorry I am late for the meeting. Something _ at home. A. came out B. came to C. came down D. came up7. Can you _ my baby while I am on business? A. take care of B. help out C. give your life to D. wake up二、用so, so that和because完成句子。 1. It was snowing, and _ I could not go out. 2. I study hard, _ I may not fail in the examinations. 3. Some students became worried _ they failed their language tests. 4. Bring it closer _ I may see it better. 5. Please be brief _ I am in a hurry. 14


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