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1 Why Do We Need Safety Engineering?我们为什么需要安全工程?It is difficult to open a newspaper or turn on the television and not be reminded how dangerous our world is.Both large-scale natural and man-made disasters seem to occur on an almost daily basis.只要打开报纸或电视,很难不让我们想到(无不在告诉)我们这个世界是多么危险。大规模的自然灾害和人为灾害几乎每天都在发生.An accident at a plant in Bhopal, India, killed over 2,500 people.印度博帕尔市的一家工厂发生的事故造成了2500 多人死亡A nuclear power plant in the Ukraine exploded and burned out of control, sending a radioactive cloud to over 20 countries, severely affecting its immediate neighbors livestock and farming.乌克兰的一座核电站爆炸, 并引发了火灾, 形成的放射云覆盖了 20 多个国家, 严重影响了邻国的畜牧业和农业。Keeping safety is responsibility of safety engineers. Are you ready to struggle for human safety and happiness in your whole life?做好安全工作是安全工程师的责任,你准备好了为了人类的安全和幸福而奋斗终生吗?A total of 6.7 million injuries and illnesses in the United States were reported by private industry in 1993.1993 年美国的私有企业报告的工伤和疾病总数达到六百七十万例。Two commuter trains in metropolitan Washington, DC, collided in 1996, killing numerous passengers.在首都华盛顿,两列市郊火车相撞,导致许多乘客死亡。Large oil tankers ran aground in Alaska and Mexico, spilling millions of gallons of oil and despoiling the coastline.大型油轮在阿拉斯加和墨西哥湾的海域搁浅,数百万加仑的原油泄漏,严重污染了海岸线。An automobile air-bag manufacturing plant exploded, killing one worker, after it had had over 21 fire emergencies in one year.一家汽车安全气囊制造厂发生爆炸,造成一名工人死亡。而在此前,该工厂已经在一年中发生了超过21 起的火灾。Swarms of helicopters with television cameras were drawn to the plant after every call, creating a public relations nightmare and forcing the government to shut down the plant temporarily.swarm 蜂群 ,一大群television camera 电视摄象机nightmare 梦魇 , 恶梦 , 可怕的事物每次报警之后, 都会吸引成群结队带有电视摄像机的直升飞机前来, 造成了公共关系的恶化,迫使政府临时关闭了这家工厂。An airliner crashed into an apartment building in downtown Sao Paolo, Brazil,killing all on board and many in the apartment building.一架客机坠落到位于巴西圣保罗市区的一座公寓大楼上,导致飞机上所有人员和在公寓里的很多人死亡。Another airplane mysteriously dipped and spun into the ground in Sioux City, Iowa.另外,在爱荷华州苏城,一架飞机神秘地旋转下降到地面。Two airplanes collided on a runway in the Philippines.An airliner crashed into the Florida Everglades after an oxygen generator exploded in the cargo hold, killing all 110 people on board.在菲律宾,两架客机在飞机跑道上相撞。一架客机在货舱中的一个氧气发生器爆炸之后,坠落到佛罗里达大沼泽地,造成飞机上110 人全部遇难。In 1995 the Fremont, California, Air Route Traffic Control Center lost power, causing radar screens covering northern California, western Nevada, and 18 million square miles of Pacific Ocean to go dark for 34 minutes while 70 planes were in the air, almost resulting in two separate midair collisions.1995年, 在加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特市, 航空管制中心断电, 使覆盖加州北部、内华达州西部和太平洋中 1800 万平方英里区域的雷达屏幕黑屏达34 分钟, 当时有 70 架飞机在空中飞行,几乎造成两起独立的空中相撞事故。In another incident, a worker in downtown Chicago cut into a cable and brought down the entire Air Route Traffic Control System for thousands of square miles.在另一起事故中,在芝加哥市区一位工人切断了电缆,使控制几千平方英里的整个航空管制系统陷入瘫痪。Some of these accidents occurred many years ago. Some of them occurred very recently.Many of the accidents crossed international borders and affected millions of people in other countries. Many more did not extend beyond national borders but still affected a great number of people. And some of the accidents didn t kill anyone.这些事故有些发生在很多年以前, 有些则是发生在最近。 许多事故跨过了国境, 对其他国家数百万的人造成了影响; 更多的事故并未超出国界, 但是也影响了很多人, 而有些事故则没有造成 任何人伤亡。We all know how quickly technology is changing; as engineers, it is difficult just to keep up.As technology advances by leaps and bounds, and business competition heats up with the internationalization of the economy, turnaround time from product design to market launch is我们都清楚科技变化之迅速,作为工程师很难跟得上(这种变化) 。随着科技飞跃发展,商业竞争因经济国际化而升温,从产品设计到进入市场的转化时间迅速缩短。The problem quickly becomes evident: How do we build products with high quality, cheaply, quickly, and still safely?问题很快变得明显了:制造产品时,我们如何在保证高品质、低价格、生产快速的同时,也保证安全?An American Society of Mechanical Engineers national survey found that most design engineers were very aware of the importance of safety and product liability in designs but did not know how to use the system safety tools available.美国机械工程师学会的一项全国调查发现,大多数设计工程师非常清楚安全和产品责任在设计中的重要性,但是却不知道如何使用可以利用的系统安全工具。In fact, most of the engineers who responded said that the only safety analyses they used were the application of safety factors in design, safety checklists, and the use of compliance standards.事实上,对此做出反应的大部分工程师说,他们唯一使用的安全分析方法是应用安全系数、安全检查表和使用执行标准。Almost 80 percent of the engineers had never taken a safety course in college, and more than 60 percent had never taken a short course in safety through work.Also 80 percent had never attended a safety conference and 70 percent had never attended a safety lecture.几乎 80%的工程师从来没有在大学中修过安全专业课程,60%以上的工程师从来没有在工作中受到过安全专业短期课程培训。还有80%的工程师从来没有参加过安全会议,70%的没有听过安全方面的讲座。Like most engineering problems, this one does have a solution. And the solution is not that difficult to implement, nor costly. What it does entail is considerable forethought and systematic engineering analysis. Of course, system safety engineering is not difficult to apply -in fact, it is almost easy.像大多数工程问题一样,这个问题确实有解决办法。这个解决方法并不难以执行, 成本也不高。 我们必须要做的是进行充分的预计和系统安全工程分析。 当 然,系统安全工程并不难应用,事实上比较简单。2 A Brief History of Safety安全发展简史Of course, the need for safety has always been with us.当然,我们随时都需要安全。One of the earliest written references to safety is from the Code of Hammurabi, around 1750 B.C.最早的有关安全的书面参考资料之一出自大约公元前1750 年的汉莫拉比法典。His code stated that if a house was built and it fell due to poor construction, killing the owner, then the builder himself would be put to death.这部法典规定,如果一座房子建好后,由于拙劣的建造而倒塌了,致使房屋的主人死亡,那么建造者将会处以死刑。The first laws covering compensation for injuries were codified in the Middle Ages.第一批涉及工伤赔偿的法律在中世纪被编成法典。Around 1834, Lloyd Rs egister of British and Foreign Shipping was created, institutionalizing the concept of safety and risk analysis.在 1834 年左右,劳埃德船级社创建,使安全和风险分析的概念制度化。Lloyd s Register of British and Foreign Shipping劳埃德船级社institutionalize vt. 使制度化In 1877 Massachusettspassed a law to safeguard machinery and also created employers liability laws.1877 年,马萨诸塞州通过了一部旨在保护机械的法律,并制定了雇主责任 法 。At the end of the 19th century, a rash of boilers exploding gave urgency and impetus to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers to create the Boiler and Pressure Vessel design codes and standards.19世纪末,锅炉爆炸事件频繁发生,成为亟待解决的紧急问题,促使美国机械工程师协会制定了锅炉和压力容器设计规范和标准。Beginning in 1911 the United States saw safety groups forming , and the National Safety Council was founded in 1913.从 1911 年开始,安全团体逐渐在美国形成,并于1913 年成立了国家安全委员会。National Safety Council 国家安全委员会Around the 1920s private companies started to create formalized safety programs.20 世纪 20 年代左右,一些私营企业开始制定正式的安全计划。The early 1930s was the beginning of implementation of accident prevention programs across the United States.30 年代早期,是美国在全国范围内执行事故预防计划的开端。By the end of the decade, the American National Standards Institute had published hundreds of industrial manuals.到了 30 年代后期,美国国家标准学会已经发布了上百部行业指南。formalized 正式的safety programs 安全计划accident prevention 事故预防American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会industrial manuals 行业手册,行业指南课文讲解Most of the current safety techniques and concepts were born at the end of World War II.现在的安全技术和概念大多数产生于二次世界大战末期。Operations researchled the way, suggesting that the scientific method could be applied to the safety profession.运筹学一马当先,提出科学的方法可以适用于安全专业。In fact, operations research gave some legitimacy to the use of quantitative analysis in predicting accidents.事实上,运筹学给定量分析应用于事故预测一定的合法性。lead the way 带路,示范legitimacy li d3itim?sin. 合法 (性), 正统 (性)quantitative kw?ntit?tiv adj. 数量的 , 定量的quantitative analysis 定量分析predict v.预知,预言,预报课文讲解However, the system safety concept and profession really started during the American military missile and nuclear programs in the 1950s and 1960s.然而, 系统安全的概念和专业真正产生于20 世纪 50 年代到 60 年代的美国军事导弹和核计划时期。Liquid-propellant missiles exploded frequently and unexpectedly.液体燃料推进导弹经常出人意料的爆炸。liquid-propellant 火箭引擎中之液体燃料unexpectedly adv出乎意料地,想不到地课文讲解During that period the Atlas and Titan programs saw many missiles blow up in their silos during practice operations.在那个时期,大力神计划见证了许多导弹在实际操作过程中于发射井中爆炸的事故。Atlas and Titan programs大气应用与科学实验室美国科学卫星计划Atlas (Atmospheric Lab for Application & Science) 大气应用与科学实验室Atlas 宇宙神美国运载火箭Titan 希神 提坦,太阳神,巨人 blow up 爆裂 ,突然爆炸 silo n.筒仓,地窖,空竖井,(导弹)发射井 课文讲解Some of the accident investigations found that these failures were due to design problems, operations deficiencies, and poor management decisions.从一些事故调查结果中发现,这些故障是源于设计问题、操作缺陷和管理决 策失误。deficiency n.缺乏,不足课文讲解Because of the loss of thousands of aircraft and pilots during the same time frame, the U.S. Air Force started to pull together the concepts of system safety, and in April 1962 published BSD Exhibit 62-41,System Safety Engineering for the Development of Air Force Ballistic Missiles.由于在同一段时间内,美国空军损失了数以千计的飞行器和飞行员,因此他们开始对系统安全的概念进行收集整理,并于 1962 年 4 月发布了 BSD Exhibit 62-41 标准,即“开发空军弹道导弹的系统安全工程” 。time frame 期限pull together 合作,合力,聚拢ballistic 弹道的,弹道学的课文讲解Safety was also starting to enter the public mind. Ralph Nader publicized safety concerns during the mid-1960s and started making people aware of how dangerous cars really were with his book, Unsafe at Any Speed (published in 1965, Grossman, NY).安全也开始逐渐进入公众意识中。在20世纪60年代中期Ralph Nader宣扬要 关注安全,并以他的任何速度都不安全 (发表于1965年,Grossman,纽约) 一书,开始让人们意识到汽车有多么危险。Safety was also starting to enter the public mind.安全也逐步开始引起公众的注意。Ralph Nader 拉尔夫.内德publicize v. 宣扬safety concerns 关注安全unsafe at Any Speed在任何速度下都不安全 课文讲解He continued being a powerful voice to the U.S. Congress to bring automobile design under federal control and to regulate consumer protection.他继续强烈呼吁美国国会应将汽车设计纳入联邦管理之下,并规范对消费者权益的保护。federal 联邦的课文讲解In the United Kingdom in the early 1960s, Imperial Chemical Industries started developing the concept of the HAZOP study (a chemical industry safety analysis). In 1974 it was presented at an American Institute of Chemical Engineers conference on loss prevention.20 世纪 60 年代早期,在英国,帝国化学工业公司开始发展危险与可操作性分析的概念 (一种化学工业安全分析法) , 并在 1974 年的美国化学工程师学会的 一次有关损失预防的会议上提出了这一概念。Imperial Chemical Industries 帝国化学工业公司HAZOP = HAZard and OPerability 危险和可操作性分析The U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sponsored government-industry conferences in the late 1960s and early 1970s to address system safety.American Institute of Chemical Engineers 美国化学工程师学会 loss prevention 损失预防美国航空航天局在1960 年代末, 1970 年代初资助了政府和行业之间的讨论会来讨论系统安全问题。课文讲解Part of this was safety technology transfer from the ” ma-rating program - to develop ballistic missiles safe enough to carry humans into space - of the Mercury program.部分议题是关于来自“人的价值估计”项目的安全技术转让,将其用于水星计划开发足够安全的运载火箭,把人类送到太空。transfer 转换,转移 ballistic missile 弹道火箭 (导弹 ) ,运载火箭Mercury program 水星计划课文讲解In 1970 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published industrial safety requirements.1970年,职业安全与保健管理总署公布了工业安全要求。Later in the decade, the U.S. military published Mil-Std-882,Requirements forSystem Safety Program for Systems and Associated Subsystem and Equipment.70 年代后期,美国军方发布了军标822:关于系统和相关子系统与设备的系统安全程序要求。Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 职业安全与保健管理总署课文讲解This document is still considered the cornerstone of the system safety profession.It is one of the most cited requirements in procurement contracts.这一文献至今仍被认为是系统安全专业的基础。这是一部在采购合同中引用得最多的要求。Most of the safety analysis techniques were created during the heady days of safety from the 1950s to 1980s.大多数安全分析技术都产生于20世纪50年代到 80年代这一段安全的兴旺时期。procurement pr? kju?m?nt contracts 采购合同cornerstone 墙角石 , 基础profession 专业,职业heady days 兴旺时期课文讲解OSHA published a process safety standards for hazardous materials in 1992.1992 年,职业安全与保健管理总署发布了危险原料处理安全标准。This is one of the strongest cross-fertilizations of system safety techniques taken from various industries and applied to the chemical industry.这是来自于各种行业并应用于化工行业的系统安全技术的最强烈融合而形成的标准之一。hazardous materials 危险原料cross fertilization 异花受精课文讲解It is obvious that the system safety engineering profession, like all professions, has evolved (发展,进化,演变) over time.很显然,系统安全工程专业,像所有专业一样,是随时间而发展的。In most cases, out of necessity - an unacceptable number of deaths, accidents, and loss of revenue -engineers have been forced to take a more serious approach to designing safety into both systems and products.除了必须的情况外,如造成了不可接受的死亡人数、事故和税收损失,在大多数事例中, 工程师们并不需要非得采取更加严格的方法来保证系统和产品的设计安全。Out of necessity 由于必要,出于必要Loss of revenue 税收损失3 The Make-up of an Accident 事故的形成We may all say accidents happen. However, their occurrence may not only take human lives, destroy millions of dollars in property and lost business, they may also cost us our jobs 职业,职位)and reputations名誉,名声).我们可能都会说事故是偶然发生的。然而,事故的发生可能不仅夺取人们的生命、 造成数百万美元的财产损失和失去生意, 而且还会使我们丢掉工作和名誉。reputation 名声 ,名誉 ,声望 ,信誉The Bhopal, India, accident in 1984 released methyl isocyanate and caused over 2,500 fatalities.1984年印度博帕尔事件导致甲基异氰酸盐泄露,导致2500 多人死亡。methyl isocyanate 甲基异氰酸盐fatality死亡(事故),灾祸,不幸。(pl.)死亡人数In 1986,the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated in flight in front of millions of television viewers and killed seven astronauts, brought NASA to a standstill for two years, and cost the agency billions of dollars.1986 年美国国家航空航天管理局的挑战者号航天飞机在百万电视观众面前于飞行中爆炸成碎片, 造成 7 名航天员全部遇难; 这一事件, 花费国家航空航天 管理局大量的财力,还使得其工作停滞了两年。Space Shuttle Challenger挑战者号航天飞机disintegrate v.位)分离裂,开,散,解化,解体 standstill n. 停止 ,静止 ,停顿 ,停滞不前A petroleum refinery blew up in Houston, Texas, in 1989, killing 23 workers, damaging property totaling US $750 million, and spewing debris from the explosion over an area of 9 km.1989年,位于得克萨斯州休斯敦市的一家炼油厂爆炸,死亡23人,造成的财产损失总计达到 7.5亿美元,爆炸喷出的碎片覆盖了方圆 9km 的范围。petroleum refinery 炼油厂spewing debris 压榨碎片Many thought that after the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power plant disasters we would finally get a handle on how to prevent accidents. Three Mile Island 三哩岛 Chernobyl 切尔诺贝利(乌克兰城市名)disaster 自然灾害 ,天灾 ,灾难 ,祸患 ;(严重 )事故 ,故障 We would get a handle on how to prevent accident. 我们应该掌握了预防事故的方 法。 (虚拟语气)很多人认为在发生了美国三哩岛核电站和切尔诺贝利核电站的灾难之后,我 们应该最终掌握了预防事故的方法。U.S. government statistics indicate that more than 350 chemical accidents a year result in death, injury, or evacuation.In 1991 and 1992 fifteen major petrochemical accidents destroyed more than $1 billion in property.evacuation n. 撤离据美国政府统计数据显示每年有350 多起化学事故造成了死亡、伤害或者人员撤离。在 1991 年到 1992 年间, 15起主要的石化事故造成的财产损失超过了 10亿。Accidents don t just happen; they are a result of a long process, with many steps.Many times all of these steps have to be completed before an accident can occur.事故的发生不是偶然的,它们是经过了很长的过程而产生的一个结果,包含很多步骤。很多时候, 必须完成了所有的这些步骤之后, 事故才会发生 (当一个事故发生前必须完成所有的这些步骤。 )If the engineer can prevent one or more of these accident steps from occurring, then he can either prevent the mishap or at least mitigate its effects.mishap 灾祸mitigate v. 减轻如果工程师能够防止一个或多个这样的事故步骤的发生,那么他就能避免灾祸的发生,或者至少减轻其影响。Part of system safety strategy is to intervene at various points along that accident timeline.intervene 干涉 ,干预timeline 时间系统安全的部分策略就是在事故发生时间链的各种点上进行干预。An accident is an unplanned process of events that leads to undesired injury, loss of life, damage to the system or the environment.unplanned adj非计划的,无计划的event 事件 (a happening, often an important one. )事故是事件中人们预想不到的导致了不希望发生的伤害、死亡以及系统或环境破坏的过程。This means that death in war is no accident, but a jeep crashing on the way to battle is.这就是说,在战争中的死亡不是事故,但是一辆吉普车在去作战的途中撞车就是事故了。An incident or near-miss is an almost-accident.事件或未遂事故属于准事故。Three Mile Island was a radioactive near-miss. No massive quantities of radioactivity were released to the environs, but they almost were.三厘岛事故就是一个辐射伤害的未遂事故。这次事件中并没有大量的辐射能释放到周围环境中,但是几乎就要发生了。incident 事件 变,故 (an event; something that happens)near-miss 未遂事故almost-accident 准事故environs n. (pl.) 附近,近郊,郊区environ vt. 围(绕),包(围),环绕Figure 3.1 shows the events that lead to an accident.图 3.1 表示导致事故的事件。Preliminary events can be anything that influences the initiating event.初始事件可以是影响触发事件的任何事件。Examples of preliminary events could be long working hours for chemical plant operators or poor or incomplete pump maintenance.比如说,化学工厂的操作员长时间工作,或者是对抽水泵粗劣的维护或者维护不完善都可能是初始事件。preliminary event 初始事件initiating event 触发事件 (trigger event)incomplete adj. 不完全的 ,不完善的Preliminary events set the stage for a hazardous condition.初始事件为危险状态的形成提供了条件。If we can eliminate the preliminary events or hazardous condition, then the accident cannot advance to the next step - initiating events.如果我们能够消除初始事件或者危险状态,那么事故就不会发展到下一步触发事件。set the stage for 为 .打好基础, 为.创造条件intermediate event 中间事件head event 顶上事件 (accident)hazardous condition 危险状态The initiating event, sometimes called the trigger event, is the actual mechanism or condition that causes the accident to occur.mechanism n机械装置,机构,机制触发事件有时候称为激发事件,是导致事故发生的实际机制或条件。It can be thought of as the spark that lights the fire.它可以被比喻为引发火灾的火花。For example, a valve sticks open a process feed line, an electrical short causes a spark at a fueling depot, a pressure regulator fails open in a cryogenic system or a 220-V power feed is mated with a 110-V system.例如, 一个阀的手柄开启了一个工艺进料线, 在加油站电流短路产生电火花,低温系统中的压力调节器不能打开或者220V 的电力输送线接到了 110V 的系统上。valve stick 阀棒 process feed line 工艺进料线 electrical short 电流短路fueling depot 加油站cryogenic 低温的power feed 供电to be mated with与酉己合Intermediate events can have two effects: They may propagate or ameliorate the accident.中间事件可能产生两种影响:它们可能传播事故或者改善事故。Functioning relief valves in a pressure system will ameliorate a system over pressurization.在压力系统中功能正常的安全阀将会改善系统的过度加压。No pressure relief will propagate the hazardous condition and create an accident of system pressure rupture.没有减压装置将会传播危险状态,并引发系统受压爆裂的事故。ameliorate v. 改善 ,改进rupture v. 破裂Defensive driving on highways helps us protect ourselves from the “other ” crazy driver or ameliorate the effects of his bad driving.在高速公路上防御性的驾驶可以帮助我们保护自己不受其他疯狂的司机的伤害,或者改善由于他糟糕的驾驶而造成的影响。Obviously, drunk driving does the opposite, propagating and intensifying an already dangerous situation.显然,酒后驾车就会导致相反的结果:传播和加强既成的危险情形。defensive driving 谨慎驾驶 bad driving 野蛮驾驶drunk driving 酒后驾驶5 The System Safety Process 系统安全过程The system safety process is really an easy concept to grasp.系统安全过程是很容易掌握的概念。The overall purpose is to identify hazards, eliminate or control them, and mitigate the residual risks.其全部目的就是辨识危险源,消除或控制危险源,减轻残余风险。grasp vt抓住,抓紧,掌握,领会;n.抓住,抓紧,掌握,领会 overall adj. 全面的,全部的residual adj. 剩余的 , 残留的 ,残余的The process should combine management oversight and engineering analyses to provide a comprehensive, systematic approach to managing the system risk. Figure 5.1 details this process.这个过程应该把管理监督和工程分析结合起来,为管理系统风险提供一个综合的、系统的方法。图 5.1 详述了这个过程。oversight n监督,监视;看管/疏忽,漏失,失察,失错 comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的As with any problem, the first step is to define the boundary conditions or analysis objectives. That is the scope or level of protection desired.同任何问题一样,第一步就是确定边界条件或分析目标,也就是期望控制的范围和水平。One must understand what level of safety is desired at what cost.我们必须明白以什么成本希望达到什么样的安全水平。boundary conditions 边界条件scope 范围The engineer needs to answer the question: How safe is safe enough? Other questions to ask are:What constitutes a catastrophic accident?What constitutes a critical accident?Is the cost of preventing the accident acceptable?工程师需要回答这个问题:什么样的安全才是足够的安全?其他要提出的问题是:1、灾难性的事故由哪些部分构成?2、严重事故由哪些部分构成?3、预防事故的成本是否可接受?catastrophic adj悲惨的,灾难的critical adj. 临界的;重要的,关键的;严重的acceptable adjM接受的,合意的Most industries approach this step in the same way.大多数企业以同样的方式处理这个步骤。However, how they differentiate among catastrophic, critical, minor, and negligible hazards may vary.但是在他们如何


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