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和新初中2012年春期八年级期末复习测试题Class: Name: Mark:听力部分(20分). 情景反应。根据所听到的问句,选择最佳答案,句子听两遍。(5分)( )6. A. I think so. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, they are.( )7. A. Yes, we are. B. OK, Lets go. C. Oh, thank you. ( )8. A. Yes, it is far. B. Gook luck! C. Only a few kilometers away.( )9.A. You are welcome. B. Gook idea! C. Sorry, I dont know. ( )10. A. Nine. B. Eleven. C Twelve. 对话理解,听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择正确答案,对话听两遍。(5分)( )11. A. In the shop. B. At school. C. In the post office.( )12.A. Watching TV. B. Doing her homework. C. Listening to the radio.( )13. A. To the park. B. Home. C. To the bookshop.( )14. A. Go boating. B. Have a picnic. C. Stay at home.( )15 .A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Skating.IV. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,短文听两遍。(5分)( )16. Why do people all over the world play sports?A. Sports are very interesting. B. Sports can make people healthy and happy. C. Sports are thousands of years old.( )17. What do sports change with? A. The season. B. The weather. C. The time.( )18. Which of the following sports is the oldest?A. Running. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.( )19. What do people in all countries near the sea prefer?A. Football. B. Jumping. C. Swimming.( )20. Why do people from different countries often become good friends after a game?A. The game is exciting. B. Sports help them understand each other. C. They begin to know each other.选择题部分(30分)一、单选题(20%)( )1. Jack is sleeping. Why dont you turn_ the music.A. on B. low C. down D. little( )2. My sister will go to Beijing .A. right now B. just now C. all right D. last week( )3.I go to school every day weekends.A.besides B. beside C. except D. on( )4. My father will go fishing if it rain.A. wont B.dont C. doesnt D. didnt( )5. If you study hard,your dream will come one day.A. over B. over to C. back D. true( )6. What did the mother say?She said the earth around the sun.A. go B. went C. goes D. was going( )7. We have_ running for two hours. When shall we stop, sir?A. been practising B. practice C. practised D. practising( )8. Would you mind_ the window? Its too cold here.OK. Ill do it right away.A. to open B. opening C. closing D. to close( )9. I was shopping the boy was talking on the phone.A. when B. while C. for D. because( )10.She has never been to Shanghai, ?A.has she B. doesnt she C. hasnt she D. did she( )11. How long have you been shells?.A. collect B. collecting C. collects D. to collect( )12. Li Fang said she was_ in the_ stories.A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interestingC. interested, interested D. interesting, interested( )13. He has looked for it_, but he cant find it_. How sad he is!A. everywhere, everywhere B. anywhere, anywhereC. everywhere, anywhere D. somewhere, anywhere( )14. Whos_ my dinner? Theres nothing left and Im so hungry.A. eating B. eaten C. been eating D. eats( )15. There will be_ water and_ trees in our village. How can we live here?A. little, fewer B. less, less C. more, fewer D. less, fewer( )16.I think necessary to do some running in the morning. A. it B. that C. this D. one( )17. My cousin _ America .She will come back next month .A. has gone to B. had gone to C. has been to D. has been in( )18.Its five years _ our teacher came to Hexin Middle School.A. sinceB. whenC. althoughD. if( )19. Wei Hua didnt go to school yesterday _ she was ill.A. and B. but C. because D.if( )20.There a meeting next week.A.is going to be B.are going to haveC.are going to be D.is going to have二、完形填空(10%) It is well-known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? 1 the weather in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to 2 long.Spring can be rainy or windy, 3 the weather is getting warmer, you can have more sunny days. In fact there 4 as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is 5 time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest(名胜). The weather can be sunny. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season, 6 trees and parks changing colors. During autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets colder. It might snow, especially(尤其) on high land in the north. It is 7 very windy in this season.January and February are the coldest 8 of the year, while the warmest 9 often July and August. The difference 10 temperature between winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average(平均) temperature of winter is about 4.5, and summer is about 15.5.( )1. A. For B. As C. Because D. Since( )2. A. make B. stay C. change D. take( )3. A. but B. and C. or D. for( )4. A. can B. can be C. have D. can have( )5. A. the earliest B. the latest C. the worst D. the best( )6. A. with B. like C. without D. from( )7. A. also B. too C. either D. as well( )8. A. seasons B. weather C. months D. days( )9. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )10. A. for B. on C. by D. in三、阅读理解(30%)AMr. and Mrs. Jones never go out in the evening, but last Saturday Mrs. Jones said to her husband(丈夫), There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Shall we go and see it?Mr. Jones was quite happy about it. So they went, and both of them(两个都) enjoyed the film very much.When they came out of the cinema, it was already 11 oclock. They got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Mrs. Jones said, Look, a woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her. Can you see them? Mr. Jones said, Yes, I can. He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, Can I help you?No, thanks, said the woman, but she did not stop running. My husband and I always run home after the cinema. Because whoever(不论谁) gets home late will wash dishes(碗碟).( )1. Mr. and Mrs. Jones _.A. often stay at home in the evening B. often go out in the eveningC. often go out to have supperD. often go to the cinema in the evening( )2. Last Saturday, they _.A. went out for a walk B. went to see a filmC. went to see a woman D. went to buy a car( )3. _ enjoyed the film very much.A. Mr. Jones B. Mrs. JonesC. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones D. The woman( )4. On their way home, they saw _.A. a man running after a woman B. two men running togetherC. a woman running after a man D. two women running ( )5. Why were the man and the woman running? Because _.A. the womans husband was angry with herB. they liked runningC. neither the man nor the woman(那个男人和女人都不) wanted to wash the dishesD. they tried(尽力) to catch the carBA traveller(旅行者) came out of the airport(飞机场) There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxidriver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars(美元) from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked. “100 dollars, ” said the taxi-driver. This was very dear, but the man said it was OK.The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel(旅馆). The traveller gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said, “What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said, “Tomorrow? Its another 100 dollars. ” But the man said, “Thats OK! See you tomorrow. ” The taxi-driver was very pleased.The next day the taxi-driver took the traveller everywhere again. They visited(参观)all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said, “Im going home tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the traveller and, above all, 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. “So youre going home. Where do you come from?” he asked. “I come from New York.” “New York! ” said the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you know her?” “Of course I know her. She gave me 200 dollars for you! ”( )6Where did the traveller come from? AEngland BAmerica CCanada DFrance( )7Why did the traveller take the third taxi? Because _. Athe other taxi-driver asked for more money Bthe third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted(热心肠的) man Che didnt want to spend his own money on the coming visit Dthe other driver didnt like him( )8Usually the cost of the travelling one day may be _. A。 100 B 200 Cless than 100 Dmore than 200( )9Who asked the traveller to give the money for the taxi-driver? AThe travellers sister. BThe traveller himself. CNobody. DThe drivers sister.( )10The driver was unhappy _ . Awhen he heard the travellers last words Bwhen the traveller asked every taxi-driver his name Cwhen the traveller asked him for his sisters name Dduring the two-day visitCA good memory(记忆) is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some childrenlike boys and girls who live abroad (国外)with their parentsseem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils(学生) have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.Our mind(大脑) is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only(不仅) of what we see but also(而且) of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to do before we can keep a picture forever(永远) in our mind. Memory is the diary(日记) that we all carry about with us.( )11. We usually begin to learn our own language by_ it.A. speaking B. hearing C. saying D. teaching( )12. If you have a good_, youll have less difficulty in learning something.A. teacher B. camera C. memory D. family( )13. The children who live abroad with their parents can learn two languages more easily because_.A. they are very cleverB. they have good teachersC. they have more chances to use these languagesD. they have a better life( )14._ can take photos of what can be seen, felt, heard, smelt and tasted.A. A camera B. Memory C. A diary D. A mans mind( )15. Memory is_ that we keep in our mind and carry about with us.A. the best diary B. the best cameraC. a great help D. a beautiful picture三、口语运用(10%)John: Hello, Jim. May I come in?Jim: Oh, hello, John. Yes, come in, please.John: You dont look well. Whats the matter?Jim: _1_John: Oh dear! Why dont you go to bed for a rest?Jim: _2_ John: shall I call him and tell him youre ill?Jim: _3_ John: OK. Ill do that. Im going to the shops now. Can I get you some medicice?Jim: _4_ John: Yes, of course. Is there anything else I can do?Jim: _5_John: see you later then. Take care!A. Oh, yes, please. His number is in the phone book.B. No, Ill be all right. Thanks for your help.C. My head hurts and I feel really hot.D. Could you buy me a bottle of aspirin,please?E. I cant. I will play ping-pong with our teacher this afternoon.1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 非选择题部分(30分)四、单词拼写(5%)1. The flight (服务员) told the passengers to keep quiet when others had a rest.2. There are four (季节)in a year.3. Singapore is a (极好的) place to take a holiday.4. My English isnt so good, so I want to (提高)it.5. English is a very important foreign (语言).五、根据首字母提示和内容,完成下列所缺单词。(10%)Do you ever have trouble remembering peoples names? If you do, here are some i_1_ you can try to help remember the names of people you meet . The b_2_ way to remember someones name is to repeat the persons name while you talk to them. Or, if you have a moment or two while they are not talking to you, you can repeat(重复) t_3_ names in your mind. Repeating names in your mind is a g_4_ way to remember several names if you meet lots of n_5_ people at the same time .1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._六、书面表达(15%)假如你是Harris,你的朋友Tony上周日参加了你的十四岁生日聚会,并送给你几张CD和电影海报,请写一封感谢信,并邀请他这周五晚上到你家吃饭。一、听力部分(每小题1分,共20分)1-5 BBAAC 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 CCCCB 16-20 BAACB附:听力材料I. 听句子,选出符合的图片,听一遍(5分)1. Igotarabbitonmytenthbirthday.2. Davidhasbeenplayinggolffor4years.3.Xiao ming is sleeping ,please turn down the music.4.we usually go home on Saturdays5.wang lin said , “dont argue with friends.”. 情景反应(5%)根据所听到的问句,选择最佳答案。6.Are you free tomorrow? 7.shall we go to the park? 8. how far is it ?9.thank you for inviting me. 10.how many players are there in a football team?. 对话理解。听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择正确答案,听一遍。(5分)11. W:CanIhelpyou,sir? M:Yes,IdontknowhowmuchIshouldpayforthisletter. W:Letmehavealook.Well,itonlycostsyou2dollars.Q: Where is the man at the moment?12M:Lily!Someoneisknockingatthedoor,Wouldyoupleaseopenit? W:But,Dad!Ihaveheardnothing. M:Turndownyourradio,andyouwillhear.Q: Whats Lily doing?13. W:Hi,Jim!MayIborrowyourbike?Illgotobuy a book. M:Sure,Mary.Butwhereisyours? W:Mysisterhasittoday.Q: Where is Mary going?14.M:Shallwegoboatingorhaveapicnictomorrow?W:Imafraidwecantgoanywherebecausetheradiosaiditwasgoingto raintomorrow.M:Oh,badluck,Ihatestayingathome.Q: What probably are they going to do tomorrow ?15. W:Jack!Whichseasondoyoulikebetter,springorautumn?M:Autumn.ButsummerismyfavoriteseasonbecauseIcanswimin summer.Q: Whats Jacks favorite sport? IV. 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,听两遍。(5分)Allovertheworldpeopleenjoysports,Sportsaregoodforpeopleshealthandmakethemhappy.Sports changewiththeseason.Peopleplaydifferentgamesinwinterandinsummer.Somesportsaresointerestingthatpeopleeverywhereplaythem.Football,forexample,isverypopulararoundtheworld.Peopleinallcountriesneartheseaorwithmanyriverspreferswimming.Somesportsorgameslikerunningorjumpinggobacktothousandsofyears.Butbasketballandvolleyballarerathernew.Neitherofthemareoveracenturyold.Peoplefromdifferentcountriesmaynotbeabletounderstandeachother,buttheyoftenbecomegoodfriendsafteragame


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