闽教版英语五上Unit 7Making Phone CallsPart Bppt课件

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Say the words as quickly as you can.(快速说单词快速说单词)speakingspeakwaitminuteWait a minute.writewordWrite the wordsPageHello. This is Peter.May I speak to Sally?Sorry. She isnt at home. 她她不不在家。在家。at home 在家在家isnt at home 不在家不在家How can Peter speak to Sally?mobile phonehercallPleasemobile 手机手机Where are you?homeIm on my way home. 我我在在回家回家的路上。的路上。way 路on my way to在去在去的路上的路上 on my way homeIm on my way to the City Library.Shanghai 上海上海New York 纽约纽约London 伦敦伦敦Sydney 悉尼悉尼city 城市城市City LibraryGame Where are you ? Im on my way to the.hospitalScience Museumtrain stationCity LibraryGame Where are you ? Im on my way to the.hospitalScience Museumtrain stationCity LibraryGame Where are you ? Im on my way to the.hospitalScience Museumtrain stationLets meet at the library.让我们在图书馆让我们在图书馆见面见面吧。吧。Look and choose:(请选择正确的答案请选择正确的答案)1、Where is Sally? A. On her way to the cinema. B: On her way to the City Library.2、Where does Peter want to go? A. City Library. B. Cinema.3、 Where do they want to meet?A. At the museum. B.At the library.(听音 模仿)2. 句型:句型:sorry对不起对不起1. 单词:单词:She isnt at home. 她不在家。她不在家。Please call her mobile phone. 请打她的手机。请打她的手机。Where are you ? 你在哪里?你在哪里?Im on my way to the City Library. 我在去我在去市图书馆市图书馆的路上。的路上。Lets meet at the library.让我们在市图书馆见面吧。让我们在市图书馆见面吧。mobile手机手机call呼叫呼叫way路路city城市城市on my way 在我去在我去的路上的路上1、完成活动手册、完成活动手册U7 B。2、听录音,熟读课文。、听录音,熟读课文。


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