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case the novelist intends to point out the profound cause of Gatsbys tragedy. Dr. Watson in the stories of Sherlock Holmes serves as a foil to the hero, rendering the detective smarter than he would otherwise appear to the reader.By the degree of their development, characters can be grouped as round characters and flat characters. This division is proposed by E.M Forster. Round characters are fully developed while flat characters are not. Or we can say that round characters grow while flat characters do not. Usually the reader is allowed access to the inner life of the round character and permitted to learn about many sides of the round character. The flat character is a “closed” character to whose inner thoughts the reader is denied access. Usually one side of the flat character is shown in the novel. Most heroes are round characters who grow emotionally or spiritually.Chapter Three ThemeAristotle in Poetics lists six basic elements of tragedy. Melody (song) and diction (language) fall in the general category of style, and spectacle is relevant to setting in our discussion of fiction. The other three aspects are mythos or plot, ethos or character, and dianoia, which we generally translate into “thought” in English. According to Aristotle, plot is the “soul” or shaping principle or fiction, and characters exist primarily as functions of the plot. In most of the stories, plot plays the role of principal structure of the story. But, as Northrop Frye points out, besides the internal fiction of the character and his/her society, there is an external fiction consisting of a relation between the writer and the writers society. We indeed have literary works by the likes of Shakespeare and Homer in which artistry is completely absorbed in their internal characters and we can hardly perceive the existence of the author. However, as soon as the authors personality appears on the horizon, a relation with the reader is established, and sometimes there seems no story at all apart from what the author is conveying to his/her reader. In this case, the primary interest in dianoia, the idea or thought that reader gets from the writer, which in modern criticism we generally call “theme”.I. What Is Theme?One of the safest comments to make about novels is on the theme. Everyone is entitled to extract a theme based upon his understanding of the novel. Theme may be the most democratic elements in literature, because its definition is the least restrictive. The theme of a novel is its controlling idea or its central insight. Being an idea or an insight, the theme should be abstract and it should generalize about life. Labeled as controlling or central, the theme should be capable of unifying the whole novel. So the theme of a story, then, is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. II. Clarification about ThemeCommon as it is, theme suffers some misunderstandings. One misconception about theme is that each novel has a theme or themes, or theme is important to all novels. In fact, some novels, interesting ones though, do not provide any insight into life. For example, many novels of ratiocination and novels of horror. These novels are aimed at entertaining the reader, not at improving his understanding of life. They may sometimes touch upon the human nature or social problems, but these issues are only used to push the plot forward and they are not mentioned for their own value. Theme exists only in the novel that seriously attempts to reflect life faithfully or intends to reveal truth about life, or in the novels that are based on ideas or theories of life. (for example, novels of ideas).Another misconception about theme is that the theme is largely what the novel is. Some people discard the novel when they think that they have got the theme. It should be made clear that the novel is not written to convey an idea but to convey an idea artistically. The novel is a work of art whereas the theme is only an abstract idea. An analogy from daily life may help clarify this question. People all need vitamins and get them from various kinds of vegetables and fruits. Only those with deficiency of one kind or another have to take vitamin pills to get the required amount. The difference between the theme and the novel is much like that between the vitamins and the vegetables. The reader sometimes finds that the theme of a novel is similar to or even the same as what he has already known about life and that he is still fascinated by the novel. Theme appeals solely to the intellectual level of reading while the novel as a whole mainly appeals to the emotional level.Another pitfall concerning the theme is to confuse a theme with moral or lesson. Usually, a moral or a lesson is the advice stated or implied in a parable or fable. It is something of a rule by which one can regulate his behavior. For example, “Be kind to your neighbors,” or “Honesty is the best policy.” But a theme is more complicated than this as a novel is to enhance ones awareness of life rather than simply to tell him how to behave.A novel is a complicated matter and different readers may have different interpretations of the same novel, so it is incorrect to presume that one novel has only one theme. In some cases, there are several subthemes to the main theme. In reality, some novels are appreciated for their thematic ambiguity. For example, Moby Dick can be interpreted in more ways than one.Finally, the theme is not to be confused with the subject. The theme is an idea while the subject is a matter or an affair. “Love is invincible” may be a theme, but “love” is only a subject. A subject may be universal. The subjects of The Scarlet Letter, The Great Gatsby, and Women in Love are all “love.” But these novels have different themes. A theme is particular to its novel, though there are many similar themes to be found in other novels.III. Five Requirements for Stating a ThemeThe statement of a theme may be brief or long. And there are different ways to express oneand the same theme. But it should meet the following requirements.A theme must be expressed in the form of a statement with a subject and a predicate. For example, “Love of ones country often inspires heroic self-sacrifice.” If a theme is expressed in the form of a phrase, then the phrase must be convertible to sentence form. One can say that the theme of a novel is “futility of envy.” The phrase can be changed to “envy is futile.” When one chooses to state a theme in the phrase form, he must be very careful about its convertibility to sentence form. For instance ,the phrase “selfless maternal love” does not always mean that “maternal love is selfless.”The theme is generalization about life based on the novel, and the statement of theme should be true also of other people or life situations. Therefore, names of characters and places should not be mentioned, for they suggest specific things and invite limitations. So in thematic discussion of Wuthering Heights, one may mention “peoples psychology of revenge,” but not “Heathcliffs.”Though a theme is a generalization, over-generalization should be avoided. Since a theme is extracted from a particular novel (a particular event), it may not be applicable to all situations. So words like “always,” “never,” “all,” and “every” should be avoided. Instead, one should use words like “some,” “sometimes,” and “may.” When making a generalization, one should strictly keep to what is actually in the novel and not smuggle into it assumptions supplied from his past experience.Since theme is the central and unifying idea of the novel, it must account for all the major details and must not be contradicted by an details in the novel.Since a theme is different from a moral or a lesson, one should avoid reducing a theme to a clich or platitude like “Beauty is only skin-deep.” If one crams every new experience into an old formula, he loses the opportunity of new perception provided by reading novels.IV. Where to Look for the ThemeThe novelist may state or imply the theme. He uses every possible method to convey the theme. Though the theme is based upon the whole novel, practically, we can specify some important areas in which to look for the theme.How the novel is entitled. The title is the name of the novel and in many cases (almost all cases) the novelist intends it to tell something important about the novel. Sometimes the central theme of the novel is present in the title. For example, Pride and Prejudice is about Darcys pride and Elizabeth Bennets prejudice. Main Street is about the life of middle-class people in a Midwestern town. Think what the title of For Whom the Bell Tolls tells about its theme, and As I lay Dying.How the novelist shows his interest. If the novelist is interested in something, he would allow more space to it, describing or narrating in great detail. Yet, sometimes he emphasizes it by leaving it out, as in the case of Ernest Hemingway. The point concerned here is that why the novelist gives more attention to this particular character, since or event but not others.How the novelist deals with a common subject. Often the novelist has to include in his work some common subjects, but if he treats the common subjects in an uncommon way, it shows that he is trying to convey something new or important in the novel. Maybe it is the theme that demands him to do so.Important symbols. Symbols are loaded with important meanings. So if a symbol appears repeatedly or at important moments, it may point to the theme of the novel. A good example is the letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter.Important speeches. Characters talk and in their talk are revealed their judgments of the other characters or event. The characters judgments may give important clues to the theme.V. Obvious and unobvious themeObvious theme:The theme of a story, since we know, is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. In some stories, the theme is rather obvious. For example, in Aesops fable about the council of the mice that cannot decide who will bell the cat, the theme is stated in the moral at the end: “It is easier to propose a thing than to carry it out.” In some novels, the title may offer a suggestion about the main theme. For example, Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice is named after its theme, and the whole story unfolds itself around that theme. In some novels, the title is not so named but the plot exists primarily to illustrate the theme and it is not very difficult for us to infer what it is. For example, Uncle Toms Cabin by H.B.Stowe and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck voice the themes of slavery and migratory labor respectively. The title of The Grapes of Wrath comes from a line in an extremely famous Civil War song, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The line is, “He is trampling out the vintage where the Grapes of wrath are stored,” which means “an unjust or oppressive situation, action or policy that may inflame desire for vengeance: an explosive condition.” The song was written by a famous and influential social activist, Julia Ward Howe. Unobvious theme: But in most literary works of fiction, the theme is seldom so obvious. That is, generally a theme is not a moral nor a message, neither is it clearly conveyed in the title. When we finish reading a finely wrought story, it is easier to sum up the plotto say what happensthan to describe the main idea. To say of James Joyces “Araby” that it is about a boy who goes to a bazaar to buy a gift for a young woman but arrives too late is to summarize plot, not theme. In many fine short stories, theme is the center, the moving force, the principle of unity. Clearly, such a theme is something more than the characters and events of the story. Most of the short stories challenge an easy-come theme. In Hemingways “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” as observed by Kennedy and Gioia, the events are rather simplea young waiter manages to get rid of the old man from the caf and the older waiter stops at a coffee bar on his way homebut while the events themselves seem relatively slight, the story as a whole is full of meaning. For a deep understanding of the meaning, we have to look to other elements of the story besides what happens in it: narrative, symbols, tone, the dialogue between the two waiters, the monologue of the older waiter, etc. Evidently the author intends us to pay more attention to the thoughts and feelings of the older waiter, the character whose words echo the authors voice. One try on the theme may be: “The older waiter understands the old man and sympathizes with his need for a clean, well-lighted place.” But here we are still talking about what happens in the story, though we are not summing up the plot. A theme is usually stated in general words. Another try sounds like this: “Solitary people need a orderly place where they can drink with dignity.” That is a little better. We have indicated that Hemingways story is more than merely about an old man and two waiters. We remember that at the end the story is entirely confined to the older waiters thoughts and perceptions. How do we understand his mediation on “nada,” nothingness, which bears so much emphasis? No good statement of the theme of the story can leave it out. Then we have still another try: “Solitary people need a place of refuge from their terrible awareness that their life (or perhaps, human life) is essentially meaningless.” Neither this nor any other statement of the storys theme is unarguably appropriate, but the statement at least touches one primary idea that Hemingway seems to be driving at. After we read “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” we feel that there is such a theme, a unifying vision, even though we cannot reduce it to a tag and we may still vary in our opinion about, and statement of, the theme. Moral inferences drawn from most stories: Moral inferences may be drawn from most stories, no doubt, even when an author does not intend his/her story to be read this way. In “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place”, we feel that Hemingway is indirectly giving us advice for properly regarding and sympathizing the lonely, the uncertain, and the old. But obviously the story does not set forth a lesson that we are supposed to put into practice. We can say for sure that “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” contains several themes and other statements could be made to take in Hemingways view of love, of communication between people, of dignity. Great stories, like great symphonies, frequently have more than one theme. When we say that the title of Pride and Prejudice conveys the theme of the novel or that Uncle Toms Cabin and The Grapes of Wrath treat the themes of slavery and migratory labor respectively, this is to use theme in a larger and more abstract sense than it is in our discussion of年加工6万吨大米生产线低温碾米抛光技术改造项目第一章 总 论1.1 项目名称与项目业主1.1.1项目名称年加工6万吨大米生产线低温碾米抛光技术改造项目1.1.2项目业主名 称:*市*米业有限责任公司住 所:*省*市巴州区东兴场乡兴隆村注册资本:50万元法定代表人:*公司类型:国有经营范围:粮油收购、调拨、储藏、加工、批发与零售1.2 项目背景1.2.1项目建设是客观要求。要提高我国农业整体水平,一方面要合理调整农业生产的区域布局和种植结构,充分发挥各地农业的比较优势;另一方面要通过“公司+基地+农户+科技”的形式,大力发展大型农产品精深加工龙头企业,提高农产品的加工水平和附加值,加快农业产业化进程,增强农产品在国际国内市场上的竞争力。*属产粮大市,自实施粮食“三百工程”以来,2008年水稻种植面积达到约120万亩,产量55万吨。但粮食加工转化一直是一个薄弱环节,现有的加工生产线大都建成时间长,设备老化落后,且分布分散由于设备、工艺流程落后,环境污染大,稻米加工上不了档次,成本居高不下,产品市场竞争力弱,*大部分优质稻被外地加工企业收购加工后返销*。1.2.2项目符合国家产业政策。我公司通过对国内外市场和*及*附近稻米资源的科学调查,也基于公司2002年建成100吨/日精米生产线后良好的经营业绩和对产品广阔的市场潜力分析,根据国家发改委“关于发展农副产品深加工食品工业示范工程”的部署,结合企业自身的特点和条件,拟改扩建日处理稻谷200吨加工生产线,形成年加工产稻谷6万吨的能力,项目建成后将成为川东北最大的粮食加工基地。该项目得到了市委、市政府和相关部门的大力支持,一致认为项目符合国家产业政策,对改善和调整*市乃至*省农业产业结构有着及其重要的战略意义,将对改变项目实施地区农副产品深加工、精加工状况,繁荣地方经济起到积极作用。同时,企业通过走产业化道路,可进一步提高农副产品出口创汇能力和经济效益。1.2.3项目工艺先进本项目的稻谷加工工艺先进、技术成熟完善,既适合加工南方生长的籼稻,也适合加工东北的粳稻,将为我国水稻的综合利用开辟新途径。1.2.4项目将为我国稻米加工企业提供低温碾米抛光技术示范。目前,我国稻米加工企业普遍存在两大缺陷:一是规模小且管理粗放;二是附加值低。本项目年加工稻谷6万吨,既可大幅度提高企业综合经济效益,又可以为其它大型加工企业提高产品附加值提供示范。1.2.5项目社会经济效益显著项目建成后,一方面将通过贸工农一体化模式,成为*市农业产化龙头企业,解决本市及周边地区优质稻谷资源转化为商品优势和经济优势问题,带动农民增收、致富奔小康,发展老区经济。另一方面将实现规模化加工和深度加工,有利于创知名品牌,开拓国际国内市场,做大做强企业。1.3 编制依据(1)*省经济和信息化委员会关于报送2010年*省第二批重点技术改造项目资金申请报告的通知(2)*市经济委员会关于*市*米业有限责任公司低温碾米抛光技术改造项目的备案通知书(巴市经发201011号)(3)*市*米业有限责任公司董事会关于实施低温碾米抛光技术改造项目的决议(4)国家有关工业噪声、污染物排放等“三废”标准;(5)国家食品企业通用卫生规范GBl48811994;(6)国家有关防火、粉尘防爆等安全规程;(7)国家有关工业企业设计规范和标准:米厂设计规范SBJ87-1985等;第二章 项目单位的基本情况和财务状况21 项目业主基本情况*省*市*米业有限责任公司。公司由*市粮油总公司控股,职工个人入股组建的股份制有限责任公司,企业经营范围是粮食收储、加工,城乡居民用粮批零销售、军需粮供应等,2004年以来被*省委农办评定为“农业产业化重点龙头加工企业”也是*市生产经营粮油食品的最大的龙头企业。公司生产经营的“*”牌产品获得国家绿色食品认证,QS食品安全市场准入许可,放心粮油称号,通过国际质量ISO9001:2008管理体系认证,获得*省“知名”商标称号。2.2企业近三年生产经营情况2008年生产大米2100吨,实现销售收入574万元、利润-3万元,产销率达95.4%,拥有资产2731万元,资产负债率为61.3%;2009年在地震造成设备损毁的情况下,公司迅速修复设备,开足马力生产,全年仍生产大米2800吨,实现销售收入649万元、利润2万元,产销率达97.85%,拥有资产2725万元,资产负债率为61.1%;2010年生产大米3600吨,实现销售收入853万元,利润3万元,产销率达97.88%,拥有资产2743万元,资产负债率为61.2%。开户行为中国农业发展银行*市分行,信用等级评定为AA级。2.3主要股东概况公司是由*市粮油总公司控股。其中*市粮油总公司拥有股权40万元,占公司资本总额80%;普通职工合计拥有公司股权10万元,占公司资本总额20%。*市粮油总公司直接隶属于*市粮食局,是国有独资企业国,主要从事粮食加工、储备、贸易,2009年末资产总额9794万元,负债7360万元,资产负债率达75%,当年实现营业收入1520万元,利润6万元。2.4企业经营管理者队伍情况法定代表人:*,生于1962年3月,大学文化,中共党员,曾先后从事过粮油管理,担任财务股长、站长、结算中心主任、粮油总公司副总经理、总经理,多次被评为“先进生产者”、“优秀党员”、“科技致富带头人”从上世纪90年代就从事粮油收购、储存、加工、核算等工作管理,在长期从事粮油加工中,不断学习、创新、积累了丰富的经验,熟悉国家政策法规,在企业生产、营销、管理、部门协调等方面经验丰富,他善于经营,勇于创新的企业家精神和经营业绩赢得了良好的声誉,多次被评为优秀民营企业家、先进工作者、先进个人等荣誉称号,他善于钻研、勤奋好学,以精湛的技术、丰富的实践经验、较高的理论水平赢得了同行的称赞,他厚道诚实守信,深受职工的爱戴和客户赞誉,为企业的发展壮大奠定了坚实的基础。项目技术负责人:王平,男,45岁,大学文化程度,粮食加工专业,自一九九四年七月毕业后先后在省内外五个国营粮食加工企业任技术员、助理工程师、工程师,在长期的工作实践中不断开拓创新学到了很多先进实用的新技术,在技术岗位上,他勤奋好学刻苦钻研、多次为企业攻克粮油加工技术难说,受到企业的表彰和奖励,曾多次评为“先进生产工作者”、“技术能手”。能独立完成先进粮油加工设备安装实用和维修,具有较强的专业技术水平和组织协调能力,是本公司的骨干力量。2.5企业获得荣誉及认证情况2005年5月获得国家粮食局粮食收购许可证;2006年11月获得*省质量技术监督局食品生产许可证;2003年5月获得*市卫生局食品卫生许可证;2006年8月获得*省农业厅无公害农产品产地认定证书;2007年7月获得农业部农产品质量安全中心无公害农产品证书;2006年12月被省政府认定为重点农业产业化龙头加工企业。2.6项目业主财务状况*米业有限责任公司主要以大米加工销售为主要业务,公司现有固定资产净值2543万元,资产负债率61。公司历年财务状况良好,2009年实现销售收入649万元,实现利润2万元。第三章 项目建设的必要性3.1 项目背景*市位于*省东北部,大巴山系米仓山南麓,地理坐标为东经106度21分至107度45分,北纬31度15分至32度45分,幅员面积12325平方公里。属盆周边远山区,东邻达川,南接南充,西抵广元,北接陕西汉中,西距成都400公里,北距西安650公里,距重庆498公里。全区属亚热带大陆性湿润季风气候,总的气温特征是:冬暖、春早、夏热、秋凉,四季分明。气候温和,多年平均气温摄氏17.1度;无霜期长;雨量充足,多年平均降雨量为1117.9毫米,但降雨量年际变化大,年内各月降雨量分布也极不均匀;光照较好,多年平均光照时数为1462.1小时;2009年末全市林地面积649.7万亩,森林覆盖率54%,2009年末全市蓄引提水能力42515立方米,耕地面积222.45万亩,其中有效灌溉面积102.13万亩,农业机械总动力达到117.10万千瓦,农用排灌动力机械达到27.39万千瓦,农村用电量达到2.09亿千瓦时,电通村率达到100.0 %,十分有利于农业生产发展。2009年全年粮食面积达到493.34万亩,粮食总产量达到176.36万吨,其中稻谷50余万吨,全年农林牧渔业总产值达到125.20亿元,比上年增长5.0%。其中:农业产值46.47亿元,增长 4.7%;农民人均纯收入3318元。全市拥有各类产业活动单位12591个,拥有法人单位9412个,2009年全市实现GDP238.32亿元,其中一、二、三产业增加值分别达到75.76亿元、69.63亿元和92.93亿元,人均GDP(按常住人口计算)达到7548元;地方财政一般预算收入达到5.37亿元,人均地方财政一般预算收入134元。其中工业领域拥有产业活动单位947个,拥有法人单位778个,实现全社会工业增加值43.83亿元,规模以上工业增加值39.01亿元,其中46户农产品加工企业实现增加值23.17亿元,对规模以上工业增加值的贡献率达到57.6 %。*的公路交通较为方便,与周边各市均有道路顺畅连通。乐巴铁路于2009年12月31日全线贯通,现正在进行电气化改造,广巴高速公路于2009年底已形成通车能力,2010年5月10号正式通车,成都到*最快仅需4小时,南部到*的高速公路、*到达州的铁路已开工建设,*到达州、*到陕西界的高速公路已经开工,*机场、南部到*到汉中的铁路、*到万源的高速公路都列入了省规划。 *既是革命老区又是典型的连片贫困地区,共有3个国家重点帮扶县和1个省重点帮扶县,实有贫困人口近30万人,农民人均纯收入仅3300余元,人均地方财政一般预算收入仅134元,位居全省市州倒数第一。家宝总理将*作为保持共产党员先进性教育活动联系点。国家、省级重要领导及部门对加快*革命老区发展都给予高度重视和大力支持。2009年9月省政府以川府函2009228号印发*省人民政府关于加快*革命老区发展的意见,立足*的资源状况和现有基础,着眼全局和长远,以交通等基础设施建设为突破口,加快改善发展条件;以资源为依托,大力发展优势特色产业,增强可持续发展能力,全面推进*加快发展、科学发展、又好又快发展。3.2项目产品的主要用途及应用范围“民以食为天”,粮食是人们的主食,是食品工业的原料。大米是稻谷的籽实经脱壳碾制而成。稻谷是中国最主要的粮食品种,其产量占全部粮食产量的40%左右。无论是家庭用餐还是在餐饮用餐,米饭都不必不可少的。传统医学认为大米味甘,性平,无毒,具有补中益气、健脾和胃、除烦渴、止泻痢等功效。大米的主要营养成份是:蛋白质、糖类、钙、磷、铁、葡萄糖、果糖、麦芽糖、维生素B1、维生素B2等。除此之外,大米还含有阿魏酸等生理活性物质,另外还有维生素E。大米中的各种营养素含量虽不是很高,但因其食用量大,具有很高营养功效,是补充营养素的基础食物。大米是提供B族维生素的主要来源,是预防脚气病、消除口腔炎症的重要食疗资源。大米对处在长胖边缘的人很有益处,因为它做出的食品不刺激胃液分泌,对处在生长发育期的儿童也有好处,与小麦不同,它不含过敏原的谷蛋白。大米对胃炎和胃溃疡患者尤其有效,所含的黏性淀粉能形成胃的保护膜,但糖尿病患者不要过多食用。此外,大米粥具有补脾、和胃、清肺功效。米汤有益气、养阴、润燥的功能,性味甘平,有益于婴儿的发育和健康,能刺激胃液的分泌,有助于消化,并


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