冀教版(一起)五上Lesson 17 Let’s Buy Postcards!ppt课件2

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冀教版(一起)五上Lesson 17 Let’s Buy Postcards!ppt课件2_第1页
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冀教版(一起)五上Lesson 17 Let’s Buy Postcards!ppt课件2_第3页
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You write an e-mail on a_.You write a letter on _.A postcard has a_.May 8Dear Lucy,How are you? Im very well in Zhangjiakou. Zhangjiakou is great . See you soon.Cathy.May 8Dear Lucy,How are you? Im very well in Zhangjiakou. Zhangjiakou is great . See you soon.Cathy.May 8Dear Lucy,How are you? Im very well in Zhangjiakou. Zhangjiakou is great . See you soon.Cathy.picturecomputerpaperLets chant!E-mail, e-mail, this is an e-mail.Computer, computer ,write on a computer.Letter, letter, this is a letter.Paper ,paper ,write on paper.Postcard, postcard, this is a postcard.Picture, picture, It has a picture.May 8Dear Lucy,How are you? Im very well in Zhangjiakou. Zhangjiakou is great . See you soon.Cathy.Tiananmen Square the Palace Museummum and dadcousinHis postcard has_.He wants to send it to _.Her postcard has_.She wants to send it to _.1.How much for the postcard?2.How many postcards does Danny take?


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