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中国古代酒器(具)欣赏古代酒具(器)集翠1优选知识一、史前时期酒具 新石器时代仰韶文化 Yangshao Culture of the Neolithic Age彩陶双联壶 Painted pottery twin pot 规格:口径6.5厘米、高20厘米 Mouth Dia. 6.5cmHeight 20cm 2优选知识 新石器时代半坡文化 Banpo Culture of the Neolithic Age船形彩陶壶 Boat-shaped painted pottery pot 规格:口径4.5厘米、宽24.9厘米、通高15.6厘米 Mouth Dia. 4.5cmWidth 24.9cmTotal Height 15.6cm 3优选知识新石器时代马家窑文化 Majiayao Culture of the Neolithic Age人形彩陶壶 Human-figure-shaped painted pottery pot 规格:口径9.2厘米 高33.4厘米 Mouth Dia. 9.2cmHeight 33.4cm 4优选知识灰陶大酒尊Big gray pottery zun规格:口径30厘米 高59.5厘米 MouthDia30cmHeight59.5cm 5优选知识袋足陶鬶Bag-legged pottery gui规格:通高30.6厘米 Total Height 30.6cm 6优选知识猪形灰陶鬶Pig-shaped gray pottery gui 规格:长21.5厘米、通高18.5厘米 Length 21.5cmTotal Height 18.5cm 7优选知识彩陶觚Painted pottery gu 规格:高15厘米 Height 15cm 8优选知识兽形灰陶鬶Beast-shaped gray pottery gui 规格:口径5.4厘米、长26厘米、通高21.5厘米 Mouth Dia.5.4cmLength 26cmTotal Height21.5cm 9优选知识袋足陶鬶Pottery gui 规格:高26.5厘米 Height 26.5cm10优选知识壳黑陶高柄杯Eggshell black pottery cup with high stem 规格:口径8.5厘米、底径4.2厘米、高16.8厘米 Mouth Dia.8.5cmBase Dia4.2cmHeight 16.8cm 11优选知识黄陶鬶Yellow pottery gui规格:通高29.2厘米 Total Height 29.2cm 12优选知识白陶鬶White pottery gui规格:高29.2厘米 Total Height 29.2cm 13优选知识黑陶罍Black pottery lei规格:口径13.3厘米、高22厘米 Mouth Dia. 13.3cmHeight 22cm14优选知识黑陶罍215优选知识二、夏商周时期酒器 青铜冰鉴 16优选知识象形铜尊 Bronze zun shaped of elephant 17优选知识双联漆杯Twin lacquer cup 18优选知识青铜方尊Bronze rectangular zun 19优选知识象形铜尊Bronze zun shaped of elephant 20优选知识白陶鬶White pottery gui 21优选知识二里头文化灰陶大口尊Grey pottery zun with a big mouth 22优选知识黑陶象鼻盉Black pottery he with elephant-nose-shaped spout 23优选知识管流爵Jue with slanting spout24优选知识铜爵Bronze jue 25优选知识铜斝Bronze jia 26优选知识偃师商城铜斝Bronze jia27优选知识象牙觥杯Ivory gong-shaped cup 28优选知识莲鹤方壶Lotus and crane rectangular hu29优选知识龙耳虎足铜方壶Bronze rectangular hu with dragon-shaped handle and tiger-shaped leg 30优选知识三、秦汉至南北朝时期酒器秦汉至南北朝时期酒器温酒炉杯Winewarming burner and cup 31优选知识云纹高足玉杯 Jade goblet with cloud design 32优选知识鸟篆纹铜壶Bronze hu with seal character and bird design 33优选知识漆画枋Fang with lacquer painting 34优选知识青铜合卺杯Bronze nuptial wine cup 35优选知识镶琉璃铜壶Bronze hu inlaid with glazed ware 36优选知识铜酒筩Bronze wine ware(tong) 37优选知识白玉觥White jade gong 38优选知识“君幸酒”漆耳杯Eared lacquer cup with characters“jun xing jiu” 39优选知识四神温酒炉Openwork winewarming burner 40优选知识夔凤玉卮Jade zhi with kuidragon and phoenix design 41优选知识鎏金熊足铜樽Gilt bearlegged bronze zun 42优选知识西安东郊唐代墓葬壁画胡腾舞 43优选知识胡腾舞黄釉扁壶Yellowglazed flat flask with the scene of the northern tribes dance 44优选知识四、隋 唐 酒 器 鹦鹉杯Cup made of conch45优选知识绿釉联体壶Greenglazed twin hu 46优选知识舞马银壶Silver hu with design of jumping horse 47优选知识白瓷执壶White porcelain ewer 48优选知识釉双耳壶Blueglazed hu with two handles 49优选知识海棠花形滑石杯Begoniashaped talcum cup 50优选知识褐釉双龙耳壶Brownglazed hu with two dragonshaped handles 51优选知识镶金牛首玛瑙觥Oxheaded agate gong inlaid with gold 52优选知识鸳鸯莲瓣金碗Lotuspetalshaped gold bowl with design of mandarin ducks 53优选知识春字诗执壶Ewer with a poem about the spring writen on 54优选知识凤凰纹瓷执壶Porcelain ewer with phoenix design 55优选知识玛瑙羽觞Agate shang规格:口径11.2-6.8厘米 Height 4cmMouth Dia.11.2-6.8cm 56优选知识双鱼大雁纹荷叶金杯Lotus-leaf-shaped gold cup with double fish and wild goose design规格:杯口长14.6-20.1厘米 高1.9厘米 Length of Mouth 14.6-20.1cmHeight 1.9cm 57优选知识鎏金胡人头执壶Gilt ewer with portraiture design of the northern tribe 58优选知识带盖白瓷樽Covered white porcelain zun 59优选知识花鸟纹鎏金三足银樽Gilt silver zun with flower and bird design and three legs 60优选知识瓜棱纹黑釉瓷执壶Black-glazed porcelain ewer in melon shape 61优选知识五、宋辽金元酒器渎山大玉海Extra large jade bowl of Dushan 62优选知识影青温碗注子Ying Qing(misty blue)wine-warming ewer and bowl 63优选知识鱼形提梁银壶Fish-shaped silver hu with hoop handle 64优选知识“醉乡酒海”经瓶Wine ware with characterszui xiang jiu haimeaning drunk land and wine sea 65优选知识登封窑虎纹经瓶Wine ware of Dengfeng Kiln with tiger design 66优选知识黄釉带盖鸡冠壶Yellow-glazed covered pot shaped of cockscomb 67优选知识鹿纹银马镫壶Silver stirrup-shaped hu with deer design 68优选知识磁州窑“清沽美酒”经瓶Wine ware of Cizhou Kiln with charactersqing gu mei jiumeaning good wine 69优选知识白釉黑花葫芦形倒装壶White-glazed reversed hu shaped of gourd with black floral design 70优选知识 “平素有酒”青釉四系壶Cerulean-blue-glazed four-loop-handled hu with charactersping su you jiumeaning 71优选知识釉里红高足转杯Under-glaze red goblet 72优选知识六、明 清 酒 具斗彩高士杯Cup with pattern of eminent gentry painted in contending colors 73优选知识彩漆鸟形杯Colored lacquer cup shaped of bird 规格:长25厘米、通高18厘米 Length 25cmTotal Height 18cm 74优选知识金瓯永固金杯Gold cup inlaid with treasures meaning the stable Qing empire 75优选知识琥珀荷叶杯Amber cup shaped of lotus leaf 76优选知识五彩十二月花卉杯Polychrome cups with twelve monthsflower design规格:口径6.7厘米、底径2.8厘米、高4.9厘米 Mouth Dia. 6.7cmFoot Dia. 2.8cmHeight 4.9cm 77优选知识犀角槎杯Rhinoceros horn ware规格:长25.5厘米、高9.7厘米 Length 25.5cmHeight 9.7cm 78优选知识莲花白玉杯Lotus-shaped white jade cup规格:高3.7厘米、口径7.3厘米 Ming DynastyHeight 3.7cm 79优选知识金托玉爵Jade jue with gold saucer80优选知识带托金酒注Gold ewer with saucer81优选知识项圣思蟠桃形紫砂杯Flat-peach-shaped boccaro cup made by Xiang Sheng-si82优选知识仿哥窑高足杯Imitation goblet of Ge Kiln 83优选知识青花海兽高足杯Blue-and-white goblet with sea-beast pattern 84优选知识


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