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三棵榆树镇中学:陈妍 He is from China.He is a basketball player.He is very tall.He plays basketball better than any other basketball player in China.Guessing GameGuessing GameHe is short.He has short hair.He is funny.He has a big mouth.He has small eyes.He ia a famous star.He is a man.He is very handsome.He is old.He is a famous star,too.He is famous for Chinese Kongfu.Guessing GameShe is a woman.She is a famous star.She is very beautiful.She is thin.She has big eyes.She has long hair.She has ever played a part in “奔跑吧兄弟.tallshortFC:tHeight 身高身高adj. 短的,矮的He Jiong is( ).adj. 身材高的,高大的;Yi Jianliang is( ) .什么是比较级?比较级就是将二者进行比较产生的词形,是由形容词或副词原级转化而来的,一般是在原级后面加er,等同于中文的“更”Yi Jianliang is tall. Yao Ming istallerthan Yi Jian liang211cm226cm15cmtalltalltall更更tall?Guessing GameShe is a woman.She is a famous singer.She can sing loudly.She is very heavy.She has short hair.She is famous for her song 天路.比较级变化规则talltaller shortshorter fastfaster nicenicer largelarger safesafer bigbigger fatfatter thinthinner easyeasier lazylazier happyhappier outgoingmore outgoing dangerousmore dangeroushardworkingmore hardworking handsomemore handsome 一般在形容词或副词后面直接加( ) 以不发音字母 e 结尾的形容词或副词,直接加( )以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,则( )最后一个辅音字母,再加( ) 多音节以及某些双音节形容词或副词变为比较级或时,则通常在其前加( )以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,则将改y为 ( )再加( )err双双写写eriermore 比较级,要变化比较级,要变化 , 一般词尾加一般词尾加er 词尾要有哑音词尾要有哑音e 直接加直接加r就可以就可以 一辅重读闭音节一辅重读闭音节 辅音字母要双写辅音字母要双写 辅音字母加上辅音字母加上y 记得把记得把y改成改成i (再加再加er) 该词若是多音节该词若是多音节 记得把记得把more前面写前面写 Angylababy is thinner than Han Hong.Han Hong is heavier than Angylababy .Test yourself 一、写出下列各形容词的比较级写出下列各形容词的比较级 short thinbigbeautiful largehotbusypopularmuchgoodshorterthinnerbiggermore beautifullargerhotterbusiermore popularmore better Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture.1b1231. Sam has _ (long) hair than Tom.2. Tom is _ (calm) than Sam.3. Tina is _(tall) and _( wild) than Tara.4. Paul is _ (short) and _(heavy) than Sam.5. Im _(funny) than Tara.6. Tara is _( serious) than Tina. longerwilder tallerfunniershorterheaviercalmermore serious7. Mr Cheng is _(outgoing) than Miss Qu. more outing变化规则貌似有点简单比较级,要变化比较级,要变化词尾要有哑音词尾要有哑音e一辅重读闭音节一辅重读闭音节辅音字母加上辅音字母加上y该词若是多音节该词若是多音节一般词尾加一般词尾加er直接加直接加r就可以就可以辅音字母要双写辅音字母要双写记得把记得把y改成改成i记得把记得把more前面写前面写1.His nose is _ (big) than hers.2.This bag is _ (large) than that one.3.My father is _ ( lazy) than my mother.4.Kate is _ ( outgoing) than Lily .5. Jim runs _(fast) than Ken.6. Tina jumps_(high) than Tina.bigger largerlaziermore outgoingFill in the blanks with proper forms.fasterhigher2a. Listen. Are the words in the box used with “-er/ier” or “more”?funny (run)fastfriendly (jump)high outgoing (work)hardhard-workingsmart (get up)earlylazy-er/-iermorefriendlyoutgoingfunnyfasthigh hard-workinghardsmartlazyearlyA: Is that Paul?B: No, thats Peter. Peters heavier than Paul. And Pauls shorter than Peter.Conversation 3than conj. 比(用于比较级) She looks younger than she is. 她看起来比她实际岁数显得要年轻。 He runs a lot faster than I. 他跑得比我快多了。注:than 用于比较句子中,than 要弱读,重读放在than 后面的名词上。复习形容词shortseriouswildoutgoingcalmtallyoungoldthinheavyseriouswildcalmoutgoing tallerMr BlacktallMiss Black注意形容词的比较级Jim is shorterTom is shortshorterJimshortTomyoungyoungerKay DavidoldolderTed VinceLin Xinru Liu Yifei .thinthinnercalm-calmerwild-wilderFei MaoheavierLiu Huanheavy John Mike more outgoingoutgoingTomserious Pedromore seriousHow to change comparative forms(怎么变比较级怎么变比较级)1.直接在形容词后加直接在形容词后加-er。 tall short calm wild cheap small quiet+ er2.以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的形容词直接在其后加结尾的形容词直接在其后加-r。 large fine late nice+ r3.以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加应先双写这个辅音字母再加-er. big thin fatbiggerthinnerfatter4.以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的,结尾的,先改先改“y”为为“i”,再加,再加-er。 heavy ugly funny easy earlyy i + er5.多音节和部分双音节形容词在其前面加多音节和部分双音节形容词在其前面加more。原级原级 outgoingathleticinterestingbeautifuldifficult比较级比较级more outgoingmore athleticmore interestingmore beautifulmore difficult不规则变化原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级good/wellbad/badly/illmany/muchlittleoldfarbetterbestworseworstmoremostlessleastolderoldestoldesteldestfartherfurtherfarthestfurthestYao Ming is _ Jordan.Jordan is tall.Yao Ming is taller. Compare(比较比较)the two peopletaller thanLiu Huan is short.Zeng Zhiwei is shorter.Zeng Zhiwei is _ Liu Huan.shorter thanLiu Huan is heavy.Fei Mao is heavier.Fei Mao is _ Liu Huan . heavier than Lin Xinru is thin.Liu Yifei is thinner.Liu Yifei is _Lin Xinru.thinner thanShe has long hair.She has short hair.Liu Yifei has_ hair than lin Xinru.longer has shorterLin Xinru _ _ hair than Liu Yifei.outgoingseriousLi Yong is more outgoing than Shui Junyi.Shui Junyi is more serious than Li Yong .funny seriousZhao Benshan is funnier than Bai Yansong .Bai Yansong is more serious than Zhao Benshan . -funnier-more seriouswildcalmZhang Fei is wilder than Zhuge Liang .Zhuge Liang is calmer than Zhang Fei.calmerwilderPairworkCompare yourself with your partnerYou are than me.Im than you.You are than me.Im than you.A:B:funny, calm , serious, athletic, tall, outgoing,friendly, popularI like Cheng Long better than Xiao Shenyang. Cheng Long is more friendly than Xiao Shenyang .Who do you like better? Why? Key words:Discuss in groups.1.Sam has _hair than Tom. Toms _than Sam. 2.Tina is _than Tara. Shes also_.3. Pedros _ than Paul. And Pauls _than Pedro.calmertallerwilderheaviershorterlonger2b. Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the charts.lmore outgoinglmore athleticTara islmore seriouslquieterlsmarterTina isfunnierExercises1.This bag is _(new) than that one. 2.He is much_(busy)than me.3.My sister is _(athletic)than me.4.Ann is a little_(serious)than her brother.5.Who works much_(hard),Sam or Bill?more serious busiermore athleticnewerharder1.His car is (nice) than _.(I)2.Jim is much (thin) than Tom.3.Wang Hai is (athletic) than Wang Wei.4.The weather in Mudanjiang is (cold) than that in Sanya.5.This question is (easy) than that one.6.I feel even (bad) than yesterday.7.Which is (beautiful), the black coat or the blue one? nicer thinnermore athleticcoldereasier worsemore beautifulmineExercises1.我比我姐姐更文静。我比我姐姐更文静。_2.吉姆比露西更胖。吉姆比露西更胖。_3.我的头发比你的短。我的头发比你的短。._4.我的钢笔比露西的更漂亮。我的钢笔比露西的更漂亮。I am quieter than my sister. Jim is heavier than Lucy.My hair is shorter than yours./I have shorter hair than you. My pen is more beautiful than Lucys.1.The words about personality (性格)outgoing, calm, wild, serious, athletic 2. Comparative forms of adjectivestaller, shorter, younger, older ,thinner, longer, calmer, wilder, quieter, funnier, heavier, smarter, more athletic, more popular3.the sentencesIm more outgoing than my sister.Liu Yifei has longer hair than Lin xinru.=Liu Yifeis hair is longer than Lin xinrus.Please write a short article.Tell the differences about your parents. Homework: Lets share proverb!得朋友难,失朋友易得朋友难,失朋友易


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