电影the day after tomorrow《后天》剧本中英文对照完整版

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电影the day after tomorrow后天剧本中英文对照完整版00:47.42后天 03:09.34南极洲,拉尔森冰架 03:17.14You see how its done?你看清楚怎么做了吗? 03:18.22Yeah,I think I got the hangofit.是啊我想我找到窍门了 03:23.14You better.The boss will chewmyheadoffi你最好能行如果把冰芯搞砸了 03:24.58fthesecoresgetmessedup.老板会把我的脑袋拧下来 03:27.50Dontworry.别担心 03:42.10Wereat26feet.我们钻到二十六英尺深了 03:45.46YouletJasonoperatethedrill?你让詹森一个人去操作钻探机? 00:00.00by:更多电影原声MP3尽在大耳朵英语 apple 03:47.18Yeah,hecanhandleit.嗯他能行的 04:39.34Ididntdoanything.我什么都没做 04:49.22Givemeyourhand!Letgoofthedrill!把你的手伸给我!别管钻探机了! 04:59.86Forgetit,Jack!Itstoolate!别管了杰克!太晚了!00:14.78Youre not gonna make it! 你办不到的!00:25.46Jack! 杰克!00:36.58Jack! Give me your hand! 杰克! 把你的手给我!00:46.46Ive got you! 我抓到你了!00:50.42What were you thinking? 你刚才在想什么呢?00:51.90-Whats happening? -The whole damn shelf is breaking off! 这是怎么回事?整个冰架裂开了!00:58.58Thats whats happening! 就是这样01:19.30We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 1 0,000 years ago. 我们发现了一万年前灾难性的气候迁移的证据01:23.06新德里,联合国全球气候变暖会议01:24.30The concentration of these natural greenhouse gases in the ice cores. 这些温室效应气体在冰芯中的聚集.01:28.42.indicates that runaway warming pushed Earth into an ice age. .显示出气候失控性的变暖 把地球推向冰川时代.01:33.58.which lasted two centuries. .而这一直持续了两个世纪01:35.98Im confused. 我被你搞糊涂了01:38.26I thought you were talking about global warming, not an ice age. 我还以为你是在讨论全球变暖问题 而不是冰川时代01:42.82Yes, it is a paradox, but global warming can trigger a cooling trend. Let me explain. 是 有点自相矛盾 但是全球变暖01:45.86trigger a cooling trend. Let me explain. 能够导致气候冷却的趋势 我来解释一下00:00.00by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在大耳朵英语 apple01:49.18The Northern Hemisphere owes its climate to the North Atlantic Current. 北大西洋暖流直接影响北半球气候01:53.94Heat from the sun arrives at the equator and is carried north by the ocean. 来自太阳的热量到达赤道后 再由洋流传送到北方01:59.82But global warming is melting the polar ice caps and disrupting this flow. 但是全球变暖正在融化极地的冰川 而这干扰了这个洋流02:04.62Eventually it will shut down. And when that occurs. 最后它会慢慢停下来 到那时候.02:07.58.there goes our warm climate. .我们温暖的天气就消失了02:09.86Excuse me. When do you think this could happen, 对不起 你认为这情形什么时候 会发生呢?02:14.34professor? When? 教授?什么时候?02:15.62I dont know. Maybe in 1 00 years, maybe in 1 000. But what I do know is. 我不知道 也许一百年 也许一千年 但是我知道.02:20.18.that if we do not act soon, .如果我们不很快采取行动02:24.42our children and grandchildren will have to pay the price. 我们的子孙后代会为此付出代价02:27.06And whos going to pay the price of the Kyoto Accord? 那谁将会为京都协定书付出代价呢?02:31.02It would cost the worlds economy hundreds of billions of dollars. 世界经济将会为此损失亿万美圆02:33.78With all due respect, Mr. Vice President, 恕我直言 副总统先生 如果我们02:37.90the cost of doing nothing could be even higher. 不采取行动的话 付出的代价会更高02:41.86Our climate is fragile. 我们的气候十分脆弱02:43.74At the rate were burning fossil fuels and polluting the environment. 按照我们燃烧原油和污染环境的速度.02:45.22.the ice caps will soon disappear. .冰川将会很快消失02:48.82Professor Hall. 霍尔教授.02:50.82.our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. .我们的经济就象环境一样脆弱02:54.78Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims. 也许在做出这种耸人听闻的声明之前 你应该记住这一点03:00.54Well, the last chunk of ice that broke off. 喔 上次断裂的冰块.03:02.42.was about the size of Rhode lsland. .差不多象罗德岛州那么大03:05.74Some people might call that pretty sensational. 有些人可能会觉得这相当的耸人听闻03:11.18Stop global warming! Stop global warming! 阻止全球变暖! 阻止全球变暖!03:15.18Im at the Global Warming Conference in New Delhi. 我现在正在新德里的 全球变暖会议场外.03:17.38.where, if you can believe it, its snowing. .这里 难以置信的是 正在下雪03:19.22The coldest weather on record has thrown the city into chaos. 有史以来最寒冷的气候给整个城市 造成了严重的混乱.03:25.30.with numbers of homeless people freezing to death. .大量的无家可归者被冻死03:28.02Taxi! 出租车!03:28.70I enjoyed your testimony, professor. It was very spirited. 我非常欣赏你的报告 教授 非常有感染力03:32.06Oh, thank you. Thats what were here for, right? 喔 谢谢 那正是我们来这里的目的 不是吗?03:34.74Quite. I was wondering if I could talk to you 很对 我在想我能不能和你谈谈03:35.82Put on a good show? 摆出来让大家看看?03:38.82about your theory on abrupt climate shift. 有关暖流迁移中断的理论呢03:41.02The names Rapson. Terry Rapson. 我叫瑞博森 特里瑞博森03:46.38-Professor Rapson? Of the Hedland Center? -Thats me. -瑞博森教授?海德兰中心的? -就是我03:48.70Ive read your work on ocean currents. 我读过您有关洋流的论文03:51.18What do you say to a spot of tea? 你认为我们找个地方喝杯茶怎么样?03:52.42Absolutely. If we can hail a cab. 非常好 如果我们能打到车的话03:57.78Over here. 这里04:19.18Welcome back to Glasgow, Scotland, 欢迎您回来收看 这里是苏格兰格拉斯哥04:22.10where Manchester United. 曼彻斯特联队.04:23.14.Ieads 3- 1 over hometown Celtic. .在客场以三比一领先凯尔特人队04:24.62赫德兰气候观测中心,苏格兰04:28.14We return 63 minutes into the second half as Manchester United. 现在比赛进行到下半时六十三分钟 曼彻斯特联队.04:31.50Lets get back to our commentator. 我们来看看我们的评论员.04:31.62.Iooks to put the game out of reach. .看起来已经牢牢控制了场上局势04:35.90.Donald MacFarland. .唐纳德麦克法兰德怎么说?04:39.18What? Yeah. 怎么啦?哦04:40.18-I just closed my eyes for a sec, man. -Yeah. 我刚刚打了个盹 哥们 是04:43.06The baby kept us awake all night. 小孩折腾了我们一宿04:44.50-And still. -Yeah! 进球 好!05:00.46Dennis? NOMAD buoy 431 1 is showing a 丹尼斯?流浪者型浮标四三一一号00:03.34temperature drop of 1 3 degrees. 显示温度降低了十三度00:04.58-Yeah? Where is 431 1? -Well, its. 嗯?四三一一号在哪里?喔 在.00:13.58-Georges Bank. -Its rough seas out there. 乔治海岸 那里是气候恶劣的海域00:16.34Must have knocked it about. 一定是出故障了00:29.34Kick that bloody ball. Come on! 踢那该死的球 快!00:31.54Come on, kick it now. Kick it! 快 现在踢 踢!00:36.90-Kick it! -Are the lads winning? 踢!小伙子们赢球了吗?00:39.50Hello, professor. How was lndia? 你好 教授 在印度玩的怎么样?00:42.10Oh, you know what these scientific gatherings are. 喔 你们知道那种科学会议是什么样的00:44.06All dancing girls, wine and parties. 舞女啊 美酒还有派队00:46.90现在发布警告!重复一次00:53.10东京千代田区00:53.46东京都内发布台风,暴雨警告! 请大家尽快避难!01:03.74有困难么? 是的01:06.42不知道大家都在避难吗? 请快点去避难吧01:07.06请走好 谢谢01:11.22你在回家的路上吗?01:12.94我刚出办公室01:16.02你不是说一小时前离开公司了吗?00:00.00by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在大耳朵英语 apple01:24.30你还在喝酒吗? 怎么啦?01:25.30这是什么呀!01:29.90喂 怎么了,没事吧?02:02.22喂?老公! 没事吧?老公!02:30.82The fury of Hurricane Noelani stunned weather experts yesterday. 昨天 诺娜莉飓风的危害 震惊了天气专家.02:34.42.slamming into the island chain with a cataclysmic force never before witnessed. .以从未见过的风力横扫了群岛02:40.26Meteorologists already believe this to be the strongest hurricane ever recorded. 气象学家认为这是有史以来 最强大的一次飓风.02:44.14Are you gonna get that? 你就不能接一下吗?02:44.66It will surely leave a wake of death. 这肯定会造成巨大的人员伤亡.02:48.02-Hello? -I just saw that Sam got an F in calculus. 嗨?我刚看到萨姆微积分只拿了个02:51.58Im aware, Jack. I get a copy of his report card too. 我注意到了 杰克 我也接到了一份他的成绩单02:56.46Sam is a straight-A student. He doesnt fail classes. 萨姆是全的学生 他从来没有不及格过03:00.38I dont have time to talk about this now. 现在我没空谈这些03:03.46Well, maybe you ought to make time. 喔 也许你应该抽点时间03:03.62Excuse me, Im not the one whos away for months and months at a time. 对不起 我可不是那位 一会儿就一走几个月的人03:08.30I just don t understand. 我只是不明白03:09.90Ill let him explain it. Can you take him to the airport in the morning? 我会让他解释给你听的 你能明早送他去机场吗?03:16.38-Sams getting on a plane? -He joined the Scholastic Decathlon Team. 萨姆要坐飞机?他参加了学校百科知识问答队03:20.14-Theyre competing in New York. -Sam joined a team? 他们在纽约比赛 萨姆参加了问答队?03:22.54-Yeah, I think theres a girl involved. -Oh. 是 我想是因为有个女孩参加了 喔03:26.70Look, can you pick him up at 8:30? 我说 你能不能在早上八点半来接他?03:28.98I gotta go because Im on call tonight. 我要走了 今晚要值班03:32.30Dont be late. I dont want him taking a taxi again. 你别晚了 我不想让他再去乘出租车了03:34.94All right. Okay. Ill be there. Okay? Ill be there. 好的 行 我会去的 我会到的03:41.62This mornings weather staff meeting has been moved to level four, room B. 今早气象部门的会议被安排到 第四层 室03:44.86国家海洋及气象管理局03:48.78Jack? 杰克?03:53.94I know youre good at rubbing people the wrong way. 我知道你喜欢找碴.03:59.30.but why would you aggravate the vice president? .但是为什么 为什么你要激怒副总统呢?04:00.78Because my 1 7-year-old kid knows more science than he does. 因为我十七岁的儿子知道的 科学知识都比他多04:04.30Your 1 7-year-old kid does not control our budget. 可能的确如此 但是你十七岁的儿子不控制我们的预算04:06.66-Who cares if he hates you. -My son doesnt hate me. -谁管他恨不恨你 -我儿子不恨我04:08.74If Raymond Becker pulls our budget- 如果雷蒙德贝克撤掉我们的预算.04:11.14-Oh, shit! -Wait- Will you-? Jack. 喔 糟糕! 等等.你.?杰克!04:21.46Oh, my God. 喔 天啊04:30.14-Im sorry Im late. -Dad, the cabs already here. 对不起我晚了 爸爸 出租车已经来了04:35.06-What are-? -Here you go. 什么? 给你04:38.26Im not angry. Im disappointed. 我不生气 我感到失望04:43.02-Do you want to hear my side of it? -How can there be two sides? 你想听听我的解释吗? 这怎么可能有两个解释?04:44.50I got every question right on the final. Mr. Spengler failed me. 我答对了期末考试的每一道题 斯蓬勒却判我不及格.04:51.10-.because I didnt write the solutions. -Why not? 只因为我没写过程 为什么不写?04:54.38I do them in my head. 我心算的04:54.86-Did you tell him that? -I did. He didnt believe me. 你告诉他了吗? 告诉了 他不相信我04:57.74He said if he cant do them in his head, Im cheating. 他说既然他都不能心算 我肯定是在作弊00:01.66Ridiculous. How can he fail you for being smarter than he is? 胡扯 他怎么能因为你比他聪明 就判你不及格呢?00:03.70Thats what I said. 我就是这么说的00:08.78You did? 你这么说了?00:09.58-Howd he take it? -He flunked me, remember? 他怎么说?他判我不及格 记得吗?00:15.94Oh, yeah. 喔 是的00:19.22Sam, Im sorry. I jumped to conclusions. 萨姆 对不起 我太早下结论了00:25.02Im gonna call this guy and have a word with him. 我会给他打电话 和他谈谈00:27.58Well straighten this out. 我们会把这搞清楚的00:30.58Hey, you cant park there. 嘿 你不能停在这里00:32.06-Dont worry about it. -Sam? 别担心 萨姆?00:34.02Sam. 萨姆00:49.14Parker, this is Houston. 帕克 这里是休斯顿00:53.42Were seeing some bad weather over Canaveral. 卡那维拉尔角这里天气很糟糕00:56.02It doesn t look like youre coming back this week. 看来你们这个礼拜回不来了00:58.22Your wifes gonna give me an earful. 你老婆肯定要跟我发牢骚01:01.18Roger that. 收到01:02.38Hey, come take a look at this storm system. It s enormous. 嘿 来看看这风暴云团 太大了01:38.54You all right? 你还好吗?01:44.30Hes afraid of flying. 他害怕飞行00:00.00by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在大耳朵英语 apple01:46.70Im fine. 我没事01:55.82Statistically, the chance of a plane going down because of turbulence. 据统计 飞机因为湍流 失事的几率.01:59.70.is less than, what, one in a billion? Or is it a million? .小于 多少?十亿分之一? 还是百万分之一?02:06.70-I cant remember if its a- -Shut up, Brian. 我记不清是. 闭嘴 布莱恩02:07.98Listen, Sam. 听着 萨姆.02:11.38.dont pay attention to him, okay? Everythings fine. .别理他 好吗? 没事的02:11.66Theyre still serving drinks. 他们还在提供饮料呢02:28.82Folks, it appears were gonna have a bit of a bumpy ride for the next few minutes. 朋友们 可能飞机在下几分钟里 将会有点颠簸02:34.02Please fasten your seat belts and put your tray tables. 请系好您的安全带 把面前的餐盘合好.02:37.82.and seat backs in their upright positions until we get through this. Thank you. .然后在座位上坐好 直到我们飞过气流为止 谢谢02:41.06Whoa! 喔!02:43.94Grab it. Watch out! 抓住 小心!03:16.78Sam? 萨姆?03:18.74Sam. 萨姆03:23.62Can I have my hand back? 能松一下手吗?03:42.50I cant believe Ill be alone with my mom. 我真不敢相信我要和妈妈单独在一起两周03:46.10Be patient with her. Shes been looking forward to this holiday. 对她耐心点 她一直在盼望着这个假期03:47.58I know. 我知道03:48.66I love you. 我爱你03:53.86I love you too. 我也爱你03:55.34Hey. 嘿03:59.42Hey, hello. Bye-bye. 嘿 你好 再见04:00.58The cause of this extreme weather remains a mystery, 这种恶劣天气的成因还是个谜04:04.10although some meteorologists. 虽然有些气象学者.04:06.30.believe sunspots are to blame. Hundreds are missing. .相信太阳黑子是罪魁祸首 上百人失踪.04:06.74This is very odd. There s a buoy registering 真奇怪 有一个浮标显示04:12.34a 1 3-degree drop in ocean temperature. 海洋温度下降了十三度04:12.94Oh, yeah, thats right. That buoy malfunctioned the other day. 喔 对 是这样 那浮标那天就出故障了04:18.18Ill see if there are ships near Georges Bank to get it. 我会查一下附近有没有船 去乔治岸把它运回来04:21.46This buoy isnt in Georges Bank. Its just off Greenland. 这个浮标不在乔治岸 就在格陵兰边上04:22.66What? 什么?04:27.22-What are the odds of two buoys failing? -Remote. 两个浮标出错的几率有多大? 非常小04:38.78Make that three. 现在是三个了04:49.70Just another typical day in New York City. Traffic jam, 1 0 blocks long. 纽约市又是平常的一天 交通堵塞 十条街那么长04:55.66Look here, Buddha. These people, and their cars, and their exhaust. 看这里 狗狗 这些人 他们的车 他们的排气管.00:02.22Excuse me, sir. Were really late. 对不起 先生 我们已经晚了00:02.42.and theyre polluting the atmosphere. .他们正在污染大气00:05.82Were almost there. 我们快到了00:08.90-Were only two blocks away. -Lets walk. 我们只差两条街就到了 我们用走的吧00:39.10Whats gotten into them? 他们犯什么毛病了?00:43.42I have no idea. Theyre all worked up today. 不知道 他们今天都兴奋的不得了00:48.26In 1 532, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro. 在一五三二年 西班牙征服者 弗郎西斯科彼萨罗.00:51.62.defeated this lncan emperor at the Peruvian highland town of Cajamarca. .在秘鲁高地卡加玛卡城 击败了印加国王01:00.38What is his name? Time. 他叫什么名字?记时开始01:03.58Montezuma. 芒特祖玛01:04.26No, no, Montezuma was in Mexico, not Peru. 不 不 芒特祖玛在墨西哥 不是秘鲁01:06.86Its, like, Anta-something. 这 好象 安塔什么的.01:11.38-Atahualpa? -Thats it! 安塔华帕? 就是它!01:13.62Times up. Correct answers, please. 时间到 请出示答案01:18.38Thats five points for Woodmont and five points for Pinehurst Academy. 乌德芒队得五分 帕合斯特学院也得五分01:27.34Next question. 下个问题01:28.18In what year did Louis Quatorze ascend to the throne of France? 在哪一年路易十四 继承了法国王位?00:00.00by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在大耳朵英语 apple01:39.66This place is so retro, it might actually be cool if it were on purpose. 这里太怀旧了 如果是特别设计的话 还是很有特色的01:48.02Yeah, look at all these nerds. 是啊 看看那些讨厌鬼01:49.06Hey. 嘿01:53.18Hey. 嘿01:53.86You look beautiful. 你看起来真漂亮01:58.94Thanks. This place is incredible. 谢谢 这地方很不错01:59.30Do you believe this is their cafeteria? 你相信这是他们的自助餐厅吗?02:01.98You played a great first round. 你第一轮答得漂亮02:04.78So did you. 你也一样02:06.26These are my teammates, Sam and Brian. 这是我的队友 萨姆和布莱恩02:08.98-Im Laura. -Oh, Im J.D. 我是劳拉 喔 我是 02:11.94-Your schools amazing. -Would you like a tour? 你的学校很漂亮 你想参观一下吗?02:16.54Sure. Thatd be great. 当然 那太好了02:21.78Could you hold this for a sec? 你能帮我拿一下吗?02:23.70Yeah, sure. 可以 没问题02:27.34Thanks. 谢谢02:33.34Man, you got some serious competition. 哥们 你遇到一个很强劲的对手02:36.22Please. 别胡说02:38.50-And Ill bet hes really rich too. -Shut up. 我猜他还很富 闭嘴02:54.42-Who is it? -Terry Rapson here. 哪位? 特里瑞博森02:59.46Sorry to call you so early. 对不起 这么早给你打电话02:59.98No, professor, its all right. What is it? 没有 教授 没关系 什么事?03:03.14Well, weve found something extraordinary. Extraordinary and disturbing, that is. 喔 我们有了一些重大发现 重大而且麻烦 是这样.03:08.70You recall what you said in New Delhi about how polar melting. 你还记得你在新德里做的演讲吗? 有关极地冰川融化.03:11.10-.might disrupt the North Atlantic Current? -Yes. .有可能阻碍北大西洋暖流的理论? 是的03:16.18Well. 嗯.03:17.06.I think its happening. .我认为这正在发生03:22.22What do you mean? 你是什么意思?03:24.94One of our NOMAD buoys registered a 13-degree drop. 我们的一个流浪者型浮标记录了 一个十三度的.03:29.78.in surface temperature. Ive sent you an e-mail. .表层温度下降 我已经给你发了电子邮件03:33.18Hold on. 等一下03:33.98A t first we thought it was a malfunction. 起初我们以为是机械故障03:38.26But there are four more across the North A tlantic showing the same thing. 但是横跨北大西洋 有四个浮标显示同样情况03:43.22This is unbelievable. 这真令人难以置信03:45.98You predicted it would happen. 你预言它会发生的03:47.46Yes, but not in our lifetime. This is too fast. 是的 但是不是在我们这一代 太快了03:50.94There are no forecast models remotely capable. 没有任何预报模型有可能.03:53.34.of plotting this scenario, except yours. .预测这次的情况 除了你的03:58.34My model is a reconstruction of a prehistoric climate shift. 我的模型是根据史前时代 暖流迁移而重建的03:59.70Its not a forecast model. 这不是一个预报模型04:02.78Its the closest thing we have. 但这是我们现有的最接近的东西04:06.98Nothing like this has ever happened before. 这在此前从来没有发生过04:10.54At least not in the last 1 0,000 years. 至少在最近一万年里04:39.38As I predicted yesterday, 就象我在昨天所预测的那样04:41.34the swell off Hurricane Noelani is incredible. 加强了的诺娜莉飓风是难以想象的04:45.66These waves are even bigger than I imagined. Just take a look. 这些浪头甚至比我想象的还要大 请看一看04:51.18Shouldnt you be monitoring the weather? 你不该去检查一下天气吗?04:54.34This is L.A. What weather? 这里是洛杉矶 管它什么天气?04:57.26Wait. Whats that noise? 等等 那是什么声音?04:59.62What noise? 什么声音?00:14.26Honey, Ill be right back. 宝贝 我马上回来00:16.66The Coast Guard closed the beaches, as waves have grown too big for. 海岸警卫队已经封锁了海岸海滩 海浪已经变得太大了.00:23.42-L.A. Weather Center. -Its Tommy. 洛杉矶气象中心 这是汤米 我在海滩上呢00:25.42Im in the middle of something, Tommy. What do you need? 我有事情要忙 汤米 你需要什么?00:30.38Theres hail the size of golf balls coming down here. 这里正下着象高尔夫球 一样大小的冰雹00:31.18A low-pressure system along the California coast. 一个低气压气团 正沿加里福尼亚海岸运动.00:36.02.is creating a cyclonic system across the L.A. Basin. .生成的飓风横扫洛杉矶盆地00:44.26- Yeah? -Boss, turn on The Weather Channel. 什么? 老板 打开气象频道00:48.78-I think we have to issue a tornado warning. -What are you talking about? 我想我们得发布一个龙卷风警报 你在说什么?00:51.94Palmdale and Lancaster are reporting wind speeds in excess. 帕穆戴尔和兰喀斯特报告风速在增强.00:56.02-Hold on a second. -Conditions highly unusual for California. 等我一下 加里福尼亚情况很不正常01:20.46We re building a forecast model, we need- What? 我们正在建造一个预报模型 我们需要. 什么?01:22.38Priority access to the mainframe for two days, maybe three. 让我们优先使用巨型计算机 两天 也许是三天00:00.00by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在大耳朵英语 apple01:24.02-Oh, is that it? Anything else? -We need it immediately. 喔 就这样吗?没别的了? 我们现在就要01:27.14I would say that youve lost your mind. 我会说你疯了.01:29.98.but youve been this way for the past 20 years. .但是你这样已经二十年了01:34.10-Tom, this is important. -Whats this forecast model youre building? 汤姆 这很重要 你要建造的预报模型是什么样?01:36.54Janet Tokada, this is Jack Hall. 珍尼特霍卡达 这是杰克霍尔01:39.78Janets a hurricane specialist with NASA. 珍尼特是国家航空航天局的飓风专家01:43.74Jacks a paleoclimatologist, and I have absolutely no idea what hes up to. 杰克 古气象学家 我不知道他要干什么01:49.02Booker. Whats going on here? 卜克 这里发生了什么?01:51.38They just issued a tornado warning in Los Angeles. 他们刚刚在洛杉矶发布了飓风警报01:54.54Breaking news as we prepare to go live to Los Angeles. 特别新闻 在我们正准备去洛杉矶 进行现场报道01:58.46Mixed reports are coming in about some extreme weather occurring in the area. 数份报告显示这一地区 出现了一些极为特殊的天气情况01:59.90Okay, were now going live to our Fox affiliate in Los Angeles. 好 现在由我们福克斯的同事 为您在洛杉矶现场报导02:08.10We have live coverage now from our Fox 1 1 chopper. Are you there, Bart? 我们现在在福克斯十一号直升机报道 你在吗 巴特?02:14.02Yes, Im here. These tornados are forming so fast- 对 我在 这些龙卷风形成的太快了-02:15.90-Bart! -What? Oh! Oh, my God. 巴特! 什么?喔! 喔 天啊!02:19.82Lisa, are you getting this on camera? 利萨 你在拍吗?02:21.10This tornado just erased the Hollywood sign. 龙卷风正在卷走好莱坞的标志02:25.90The Hollywood sign is gone. Its just shredded. 好莱坞的标志被刮没了 就这么成碎片了02:41.26Bart, what can you see? Is anyone hurt? 巴特 你能看到什么? 有人受伤吗?02:41.30I wouldnt be surprised. There is so much damage. 对此我不会惊讶的 损失太大了02:44.74And there are people down there taking pictures. 有很多人在那里拍照片02:47.34Hey, what the hell are you guys doing? Go for cover! 嘿 你们在干什么? 快找地方躲一躲!02:51.02You cant stay here! Get out of here! 你不能待在这里! 离开这里!02:56.30What youre seeing are two actual tornados 你们正在看到的是两个龙卷风正在02:59.30striking Los Angeles lnternational Airport. 袭击洛杉矶国际机场03:01.98Wait. It looks like theyve joined and formed one large tornado. 等一下 看来它们合并成了 一个巨大的龙卷风03:03.74-Tommy! -Oh, my Go


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