闽教版英语五上Unit 5Months of the YearPart Bppt课件

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March 三月三月April 四月四月May 五月五月June 六月六月July 七月七月August 八月八月September 九月九月October 十月十月 There are twelve months in a year. How many seasons are there in a year?summerspringautumnwinterMarchMarchAprilAprilMayMayJuneJuneJulyJulyAugustAugustSeptemberSeptemberOctoberOctoberNovemberNovemberDecemberDecemberJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruary中国消防宣传日中国消防宣传日Fire Protection Publicity Day When is it?November -Its in.DecemberChildren can get_.ChristmasWhen is _?-Its in_.many presentsWhen is the Spring Festival?Its in orJanuary(一月)一月) February(二月)(二月).Whats your favorite month?Why?(为什么为什么)1、Whats Bens favorite month?2、When is Ma Lis birthday ?Look and choose: (请选择正确的答案请选择正确的答案)1、Whats Bens favorite month? A. December B: November2、Ma Lis birthday is in_. A. February B. January3.Christmas is in_. A. November B. December4.On Christmas Day, Ben can get_. A. many presents B. some New Years money5.Its_ in December. A. cold B. cool6.A day after New Years Day is_. A. 1月月1日日 B. 1月月2日日AprilMayAprilJuneMayJuneMarchJunemonthChildrens Day MarchApril Fools Day AprilArmy Day May May Day JuneWomens Day JulyThe Partys Birthday August连一连连一连说一说说一说Whats your favorite month? My favorite month is _. _is in December.Its _(cold warm).I can_in _. My birthday is in_.I can get many presents.DecemberDecemberDecembercoldgo skatingChristmas DayMy favorite month 节日:节日:Tree Planting Day:植树节植树节 Womens Day:妇女节妇女节May Day :五一节五一节 Mothers Day :母亲节母亲节Fathers Day:父亲节父亲节 Childrens Day:儿童节儿童节The Earth Day:地球日地球日 New Years Day 元旦节元旦节 The Spring Festival 春节春节 My favorite month is _.Its_in_.I can_. _birthday is in_.天气:天气:warm hot cool cold活动:活动:go swimming go skating 等其它活动等其它活动Homework听:跟并熟读U5PB课文。写:完成Part B活动手册。背:背诵U5PB课文和单词。


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