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Unit 11 We all have our troubles 辅导讲义学员姓名:授课时间:授课教师:陈老师QQ1982956598本节课重难点:1. 掌握四会词汇,要求听说读写掌握。2. 了解三会词汇,要求听说读掌握。3. 掌握重点句型,包含语法点一般过去式was,were的提问以及回答。4.掌握重点知识点解析:动词过去式规则。5.根据所学课文进行作文编写。教学内容Part1:知识清单:四会单词Vocabulary1. trou_ _ _ 麻烦事:We all have our _.2. s_t u_:安排Can you _ _ _?3. l_a_ w_ _k上星期:He was in Paris _ _.4. _ _avel:旅行I want to _.5.yest_ _d_ _昨天:I was here _.the _ before last上上星期 the _ before yesterday前天the day after tomorrow后天三会单词Vocabularysir先生 _ _立刻重点句型Sentences肯定句:He is at school today. -过去时- He was at school yesterday.They are at school today. -过去时- They were at school yesterday.否定句:He isnt at school today. -过去时- He wasnt at school yesterday.They arent at school today. . -过去时- They werent at school yesterday.一般疑问句: Is he at school today. ? -过去时- Was he at school yesterday?Yes,he is./No,he isnt. Yes,he was./No,he wasnt. Are you at school today. ? -过去时- Were you at school yesterday?Yes,I am./No,I am not. Yes,I was./No,I wasnt.重点知识点Key Points当描述过去的事情或过去的习惯性动作时用: be 动词形式的一般过去时is/am-was are-were isnt-wasnt arent-werent文化知识Culture英国人的下午茶Tea time下午茶,不仅仅是英国人的一种生活习惯,更代表了英国最传统的文化,也是高品质生活的一种象征。通常一到下午三点到四点之间,可以看到英国人陆续放下手边的工作,喝杯咖啡或道地英国奶茶,顺便藉此联络同事间的感情,当然更是谈八卦的好时机。至於正统的英式下午茶,除了有讲究的茶具、茶叶外,精致的糕点更是不可或缺。在阴凉舒适的美景外,来份优闲的下午茶,正是人生一大乐趣也!课文中的Polly和Annie大概就是在下午茶时间在谈论邻居的生活。Part 2:知识测验一基础达标:根据括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _(am) in a traffic jam yesterday morning.2. He _(is) in London last week.3. We_(are) in the office yesterday evening.4. She _(is) at the school last day.5. Linda _(is)in the village when she was a child.6. Mike and Robert_(are) in the nature park last evening.7. They_ (are )in class yesterday.8. _(are) you in the park yesterday?-Yes,I _.9. _(is)he in the art-room yesterday?-No, he _.10. I _ (am not) at work the day before yesterday .11. There_ (are not) any sheep on the farm last year.二综合实力:按实际情况完整回答。Were you at home last night?_Were they in the office the day before yesterday?_Were Lucy and William in the park yesterday morning?_Was your grandfather a soldier fifty years ago?_ Was he in town the night before last?_3 专项阅读理解:阅读对话,回答问题。A: Hello,Nancy, Welcome to my home! B: Thank you, Mike. Whats that over there?A: Its my family photo. B: Whos the man in dark green.A: Hes my grandfather. B: Are the man and woman your parents?A:Yes. The one with a big nose is my father. The one next to him is my mother.B: Is the girl in a red skirt your sister?A: No, shes my uncles daughter. She is my cousin, Lily.B: She looks young and pretty. Is the woman in a white blouse your grandmother?A: Yes, she is. Shes about sixty years old. B: Whos the little baby in a blue hat? Is he your brother? A: No , its me!1. How many people are there in Mikes family photo? _ 2.Is Mike mother in a red skirt? _3.Who looks young and pretty? _4.Is the baby in a blue hat Mikes brother? _5.Who is sixty years old? _四综合运用:根据所给词进行造句。1.trouble:_2.set up:_3.yesterday:_4.last week:_5.travel:_五、打开课本88页,看着 Guided Summary 的问题提问,把答案写在下面横线上。注意:1.所有答案需连在一起 2.不能直接简答,需把完整句子写下来 3.注意人称的变换1. 复习下周听写的四会单词。 ( )2. 每周听录音朗读Unit11课文至少三遍,并于周四晚上9点前发录音给Vvien .( )3. 完成讲义上的习题。 ( )


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