人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 3 My Birthday》教学设计

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人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My Birthday 教学设计A.Lets talk一、教学目标a能够听、说、认、读句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is in . Is your birthday in .,too? No,my birthday is in.b能够运用所学句型进行生日情况的调查并填写调查表。 二、教学重、难点1重点:强化句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in.并听、说、认、读新句型Is your birthday in.,too?2难点:根据实际情况综合运用句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is in.Is your birthday in.,too?三、课前准备1录音机和录音带2. 与本课相关的课件。3与本课相关的句型卡片。四、教学步骤1Warm-up:(1)Daily report.(2) Revision:(January_December)(3) Lets try:P29.(设计意图:通过Daily report既调动学生英语学习的积极情绪,又复习学过的知识。Lets try部分可为新授句型做铺垫。)2.Presentation:(1)教学When is your birthday? My birthday is in . Lets try 结束后,教师适时总结并进行提问。T: Well,Amys birthday is in.,Amys fathers birthday is in.,Amys mothers birthday is in. When is your birthday?S1: My birthday is in.(让学生运用此句进行连锁问答,之后,贴句子卡片齐读巩固。)Practice:(CAI呈现教师节片、母亲节、鲁迅、的图片进行询问,用来巩固句型的同时对答句进行拓展:My birthday is in./Its in./His birthday is in.)(2)教学Is your birthday in .,too? No,my birthday is in.T: Well,Lu Xuns birthday is in September.Can you guess: When is my birthday? (CAI呈现提示September的图片)Ss: .(September)T:Yes,my birthday is in September,too.Is your birthday in September,too? (学生猜出September后教师紧接着问一位同学)S1: Yes./No, my birthday is in.(教读,板书此句。)Practice:学生之间对此句进行连锁问答。( 设计意图:通过鲁迅的生日过渡到教师自己的生日,让学生猜教师自己生日的时候自然而然的引用新句型,从而达到让学生在无形中接受新知的效果。)3.Practice:(1) Listen and answer (CAI呈现Mike、Amy、Zhang Peng的图片)T:Whos he/she?Ss: Hes/Shes.T: When is Mikes/Amys/Zhang Pengs birthday? Lets listen and answer. (CAI呈现问题)Ss: .( 设计意图:让学生带着问题听对话,有助于集中学生注意力和训练学生的听力,培养学生的英语思维。) (2) Listen and read (3) Read after teacher(4) Read in groups(5) Act it out in groups( 设计意图:通过听、读、演对新知进行练习和掌握。)4.Consolidation: Activity BookP21: Make a survey( 设计意图:让学生运用所学句子调查自己同学的生日,巩固新知的同时培养了学生用英语进行交往沟通的能力。)5.Homework:Make a family birthday chart.板书设计:Unit3 My BirthdayA. Lets talkWhen is your birthday?My birthday is in . Is your birthday in .,too? No,my birthday is in.教后反思:本课是一节含有两组问答句的对话课,学生理解和掌握起来都比较容易,因为学生在之前的Lets learn中已经接触过: When is your birthday? My birthday is in . 所以本课的关键是通过创设真实情景强化When is your birthday? My birthday is in .和学习Is your birthday in .,too? No,my birthday is in.,并让学生根据实际情况综合运用所学句型。


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