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China Engineering Graphics Society (CEGS)International Society for Geometry and Graphics (ISGG)The Program of Exam for CAD Skill GradingByThe Guiding Committee for Exam of CAD Skill GradingJanuary, 2008The Guiding Committee for Exam of CAD Skill GradingAdvisor:TANG Rongxi Kenjiro Suzuki (Japan)Director:SUN JiaguangVice Director:Gunter Weiss (Germany)Members:Emiko Tsutsumi (Japan) Eduardo Toledo Santos(Brazil)Hellmuth Stachel(Austria) Sheryl Sorby(USA)Ted J. Branoff(USA)HE Yuanjun HE Yulin JIA Huanming LI Hua MA Dianfu QIANG Yi TONG Bingshu Sun Linfu TAN Janrong WANG Jing WANG Jianhua WANG TianmiaoWEI Xiaopeng YANG Haicheng ZUO Zongyi Office Director:JIA HuanmingAssociate Office Director:WANG JianhuaStaffer:ZHANG ZhengThe Editorial Committee of “The Program of Exam for CAD Skill Grading”Expert consultants:TANG RongxiEditor-in-chief:TONG BingshuMembers:JIA Huanming LIU Wei LI Xunmei REN AizhuSAHNG Fengwu WANG Jing WANG Janhua XU Guoyu XI Ping YUAN Guoqiang PrefaceComputer aided design (CAD) technology causes a revolution for the design of engineering projects and products, and gets more and more wide applications. Computer aided drafting and 3D modeling as a new working skill is required strongly by the society and now becomes a new kind of job in China. Under this background, the China Engineering Graphics Society (CEGS) joining the International Society for Geometry and Graphics (ISGG) decided to start a program named The program of exam for CAD skill grading (Program for short below). A guiding committee consisting of experts at home and abroad was established to compile this program and guide its realization.1. Aiming at the required CAD skill at present and considering the future progress of economy and technology, evolution of industrial structure, and the variety of job specifics, the required CAD technique skill and knowledge are clearly stipulated.2. Some technique documents are referenced in the process of compiling this program, such as The Draftsman Training Program, and The 3D Modeling Technician Training Program.3. The Program classifies CAD skill into three grades: the first grade is 2D computer aided drafting, the second grade is 3D geometric modeling, and the third grade is complicated 3D modeling and processing. Each grade is subdivided into two categories of design objects, i.e. the industrial products and the civil and architectural engineering projects. The first grade corresponds to the level of computer aided drafting technician; the second grade corresponds to the level of 3D digital modeling technician; and the third grade corresponds to the level of senior 3D digital modeling technician. The contents of the Program consist of four parts: skill introduction, basic knowledge, exam contents, and proportional weights of exam contents.4The Program is the result of common efforts of experts and professionals.5The Program is put into action since March 1st, 2008. The rights of explaining to the Program belong to the office of the Guiding Committee for Exam of CAD skill Grading.1 Skill Introduction1.1 Skill NameThe full name is “Skill of Computer aided Drafting and 3D Modeling”, or “CAD skill” for short. 1.2 Skill DefinitionCAD skill is an ability to make 2D engineering drawing, undertake 3D geometric modeling and generate other related digital graphics, models and documents by using computer and CAD software according to the results of accomplished engineering project or product design.1.3 Skill GradesCAD skill is classified into three grades: the grade 1 deals with 2D computer aided drafting; the grade 2 deals with 3D geometric modeling, and grade 3 deals with complicated 3D modeling and processing. If the exam of grade 1 is passed, the certificate of “Computer aided Drafting Technician” can be obtained; also the certificate of “3D Digital Modeling Technician” can be obtained, if exam of grade 2 is passed; similarly the certificate of “Senior 3D Digital Modeling Technician” can be obtained, if the exam of grade 3 is passed.1.4 Basic Education RequiredPeople to join the Program need to have high school education or above. 1.5 Training Requirements1.5.1 Time for Training · For people of full-time school students, the training time would follow the originally established teaching plan.· For people not accomplished CAD skill learning or training program before, the training time would be: no less than 300 hr. for grade 1; no less than 300 hr. for grade 2; no less than 250 hr. for grade 3. The training time for the higher grade is the increased time on the basis of the lower grade.1.5.2 The Teachers Teachers for CAD skill training should have qualified certificate. 1.5.3 Training Site and Facility Computers, 3D CAD software, projector, rooms with good day lighting and good illumination.1.6 Exam Items1.6.1 ExamineeThe people who want to have the ability of CAD skill. 1.6.2 Applying for1. grade 1(having one of the following conditions)(1) Finished the training time for grade 1;(2) Have 2 years experience (or more) continuously engaged in 2D computer aided drafting;(3) Obtained the “Job Certificate of Draftsman for grade 2” in the program of “The Draftsman Training Program”.2. grade 2(having one of the following conditions)(1) Finished the training time for grade 2;(2) Have 2 years experience (or more) continuously engaged in 3D geometric modeling for industrial products, or civil and architectural projects;(3) Obtained the certificate of this Program for grade 1.3. grade 3(having one of the following conditions)(1) Finished the training time for grade 3;(2) Have 2 years experience (or more) continuously engaged in 3D geometric modeling for industrial products, or civil and architectural projects;(3) Obtained the certificate of this Program for grade Exam MethodsThrough operating CAD software on the site to do the exam questions, with the score reached 60 or above. 1.6.4 Proportion of Inspector vs. ExamineeThere should be 1:15 and no less than 2 inspectors in each exam room. 1.6.5 Exam Time180 min for exam of all grades.1.6.6 Exam Site and Facility Computers, 3D CAD software, graphics output facilities, rooms with good day lighting and good illumination.2 Basic Knowledge2.1 Basic Knowledge of Making Drawing2.1.1 Knowledge of ProjectionOrthogonal projection, axonometric projection, perspective projection2.1.2 Knowledge of Making Drawing(1) Knowledge of “National Standard for Technical Drawings” (drawing size, scale, lettering, line styles, presentation of drawing, dimensioning, etc.)(2) 2D representation (views, sections, cuts, partial enlargement, etc.)(3) Dimensioning & annotation(4) Professional drawings (part drawing, assembly drawing, architectural construction drawing, structural construction drawing, etc.)2.2 Knowledge of Computer Aided Drafting(1) Basic knowledge of computer aided drafting(2) The national standards about computer aided drafting(3) 2D drawing (4) 2D editing(5) display and controlling(6) Layers and drawing aids(7) Dimensioning, hatching and annotation(8) Professional drawings(9) and data exchange2.3 Basic Knowledge of 3D Modeling(1) Basic knowledge of solid modeling(2) Sketching and editing(3) Creation and editing of features(4) Creation and editing of curved surfaces(5) 3D modeling knowledge for professional drawings(6) 2D drawing produced from 3D solid model(7) Parametric and variational design methods(8) Model rendering(9) Making animation(10) and data exchange3 Exam Contents3.1 Grade 1 of CAD Skill (computer aided drafting)1. Category of Industrial Products(grade 1,see table 1)Table 1 Exam contents of grade 1 for category of industrial productsExam contentsSkill required Related knowledgesetting up 2Ddrawing environmentSetting up new drawing file·Basic specification of “National Standards for Technical Drawings” (drawing size and format, scale, line styles, lettering, dimensioning, etc.)·Basic concepts and operations of 2D CAD software (coordinate system, unit, setting up drawing environment, commands, data input methods)drawing andediting of 2DgraphicsDrawing and editing ofplanar graphics·drawing commands·editing commands·entity pick up·commands of graphic display andcontrolling·layers, blocks, drawing aids·hatchingText anddimensioningMaking text and dimensioning·the specification for text and dimensioning in National Standard·dimensioning of assembled parts·software commands for making text and dimensioningDetail drawingmaking detail drawings·2D representation methods of objects·layout of views for detail drawing·text and dimensioning·surface roughness, dimension tolerance, form and location tolerance·presentation of standard parts andcommonly used partsAssembly drawingmaking assembly drawing·methods for making assembly drawing·view selection of assembly drawing·dimensioning, numbering, bill of material of assembly drawings·computer aided generation of 2Dassembly drawingGraphic filemanagementrealizing graphic and data exchange·commands of graphic ·graphic and exchange2. Category of Civil and Architectural Engineering Projects(grade 1,see table 2)Table 2 Exam contents of grade 1 for category of civil and architectural engineering projectsExam contentsSkill required Related knowledgeSetting up drawing environmentSetting up new drawingfile·Basic specification of “NationalStandards for Technical Drawings” (drawing size and format, scale, line styles, lettering, dimensioning, etc.)·Basic concepts and operations of 2D CAD software (coordinate system, unit, setting up drawing environment, commands, data input methods)drawing andediting of 2DgraphicsMaking drawing andediting of planar graphics·drawing commands·editing commands·entity pick up·commands of graphic display and controlling·layers, blocks, drawing aids·hatchingText and dimensioningMaking text anddimensioning·the specification for text anddimensioning in National Standard·dimensioning of assembled parts·software commands for making text anddimensioningArchitectural workingdrawingMaking architecturalworking drawings(general layout, plan, elevation, section, detaildrawing)·representation methods of architectural working drawing·dimensioning of architecturalworking drawingStructural workingdrawingMaking structural working drawing (reinforced concretestructure, steel structure,structural components,detail drawing )·representation methods of structural working drawing·dimensioning of structural working drawingGraphic filemanagementRealizing graphic filemanagement and dataexchange·operation commands of graphic file·graphic and exchange【Notes】Drawings of grade 1 for civil and architectural engineering projects are specified as follows: (1) Architectural working drawing, such as general layout, plan, elevation, section, detail drawing, etc. ;(2) Structural working drawing, such as reinforced concrete structure, steel structure, structural components, detail drawing, etc. ; (3) Not including building equipment and installation working drawings, such as heating & ventilation, air conditioning, electrical appliance, water-supply & sewerage, etc. 3.2 Grade 2 of CAD Skill (3D geometric modeling)1. Category of Industrial Products(grade 2,see table 3)Table 3 Exam contents of grade 2 for category of industrial productsExam contentsSkill required Related knowledgeSetting up 3Dmodeling environment for parts or assembliesSetting up new 3D model parts orassemblies·basic knowledge of solid modeling for parts ·basic knowledge of 3D assembly modeling·setting up coordinate system and modeling environment in 3D modelingsoftwareSketchingMaking sketch·making sketch·constraints of sketch·editing of sketch·setting up reference plane (customized coordinate system)·display controllingFeature basedsolid modelingfor partsRealizing modeling andediting of solid modelsfor parts·creating basic and subordinate features·Boolean operation·feature editingRegular surfacemodelingModeling and editing ofregular surfaces·creating 3D curves·creating basic surfaces·editing surfaces·generating solid from surface3D assemblymodeling·Creating 3D assemblymodel consisting of 10 30 parts ·associative editing of assembly model and itsconstituent parts·bottom-up assembly method·top-down assembly method·assembly constraints and positioning·editing and associative modification of assembly modelGenerating 2Dpart drawing andassembly drawing·Generating 2D partdrawing from 3D solidmodel·Generating 2Dassembly drawing from3D assembly model·basic knowledge of making 2D drawinglisted in section 2.1·operations of generating 2D partdrawing and 2D assembly drawing from 3D part model and 3D assembly model·editing and dimensioning of 2D part drawing and 2D assembly drawingGraphic filemanagementRealizing graphic filemanagement and dataexchange·operation commands of graphic file ·graphic and exchange2. Category of Civil and Architectural Engineering Projects(grade 2,see table 4)Table 4 Exam contents of grade 2 for category of civil and architectural engineering projectsExam contentsSkill required Related knowledgeSetting up 3D modeling environmentSetting up new 3D model file·basic knowledge of solid modeling·setting up coordinate system andmodeling environment in 3D modelingsoftwareModeling of basic primitivesCreating and editing basic primitives·knowledge of basic geometric primitives·parametric method for generating basicprimitives·sketching method for generating basicprimitives (sketching, constraints, editing)·Boolean operation3D modeling ofarchitectural object ·3D modeling and editingof architecture andstructural components ·3D modeling of building·3D modeling of architectural components (wall, door, window, stair,balcony, etc. )·3D modeling of structural components(beam, column, foundation, etc.)·3D modeling of building andarchitecture·3D modeling of building structureModeling of architectural curved surfaces Realizing curved surfacemodeling and editing ofarchitectural objects·3D curve generation·curved surface creation·curved surface editing·generating solid from curved surfacesRendering andeffect graphicsRealizing rendering andgenerating architecturaleffect graphics·texture editing·shading function(surface, high lighting, reflection, refraction, transparency, concave-convexity, etc. )·texture mapping·light source·camera positioning·basic rendering methodsImage processingUsing image processingsoftware to post processarchitectural effect graphics (color, shadow, clarity, inserting humanand flowers, etc.)·application of image processing software·inserting image file·output of effect graphicsGraphic file managementRealizing graphic filemanagement and dataexchange·operation commands of graphic file ·graphic and exchange3.3 Grade 3 of CAD Skill (complicated 3D modeling and processing)1. Category of Industrial Products(grade 3,see table 5)Table 5 Exam contents of grade 3 for category of industrial productsExam contentsSkill required Related knowledgeComplicated curved surface modelingRealizing modeling andediting of complicated curved surfaces·basic knowledge of complicated curved surfaces·complicated curved surface modeling methods·complicated curved surface editing methodsParametric andvariational design of partsRealizing parametric andvariational design of parts·knowledge of parametric and variational design for parts ·implementation of parametric andvariational design for partsRendering ofmodels andscenes·Pasting textures·Rendering 3D models·Rendering scenes·knowledge of surface texture and pasting ·rendering attributes and operations forobjects·rendering attributes and operations forscenes·use of lighting for scenes·image processing and outputAnimation creationCreating and playing animations·making animations considering light source and view direction·making an aerial view or walk-through animation·saving and output of animationsAssembly andkinematics simulation Implementing assemblyand kinematics simulation·making exploded assembly drawing andcoordinating assembly sequence·methods of realizing kinematicssimulation·recording and playing of simulationprocessGraphic filemanagementRealizing graphic file management and dataexchange·operation commands of graphic file ·graphic and exchange2. Category of Civil and Architectural Engineering Projects(grade 3,see table 6)Table 6 Exam contents of grade 3 for category of civil and architectural engineering projectsExam contentsSkill required Related knowledge3D modeling oflarge complicatedcivil and architectural objectsUndertaking 3D modeling of large complicated civil and architectural objects·basic knowledge of complicatedarchitectural curved surfaces·knowledge of modeling complicatedarchitectural curved surfaces·knowledge of editing complicated architectural curved surfaces·knowledge of creating complicatedarchitectural shapesMaking 3D ground modelMaking 3D ground model·knowledge of digital ground·knowledge of making 3D digital ground model3D modeling of bridge, tunnel and culvertUndertaking 3D modeling of bridge, tunnel and culvert·knowledge of 3D model of bridge·knowledge of 3D model of tunnel·knowledge of 3D model of culvertRendering architectural scenes Accomplishing rendering of architectural scenes·application of light sources·application of colors·knowledge of architectural scenesMaking architectural animationMaking architectural animation andbroadcasting·walk-through in building·walk-through out of building·simulation of architectural equipment and installation in operation·saving and output of animationsGraphic filemanagementRealizing graphic file management and data exchange·operation commands of graphic file ·graphic and exchange4 Proportional Weights of Exam Contents 4.1 Category of Industrial Products(see table 7)Table 7 Proportional weights of exam contents for category of industrial productsGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Exam contentsProportion (%)Exam contentsProportion (%)Exam contentsProportion (%)setting up 2D drawing environment10Setting up 3D modeling environment for parts or assemblies5Complicated curved surface modeling20drawing andediting ofplanar graphics15Sketching 10Parametric andvariationaldesign ofparts20Text anddimensioning10Feature based solid modeling for parts25Rendering ofmodels andscenes20Detail drawing30Regular surface modeling10Animation creation20Assembly drawing303D assembly modeling20Assembly andkinematics simulation 15Graphic filemanagement5Generating2D partdrawing and2D assemblydrawing25Graphic filemanagement5Graphic filemanagement54.2 Category of Civil and Architectural Engineering Projects(see table 8)Table 8 Proportional weights of exam contents for category of civil and architectural engineering projectsGrade 1Grade 2Grade


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