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一、教学内容 人教版小学英语 PEP四年级下册 Unit3 Weather Part B Let' s learn& Letplay / s二、教学目标1、知识目标: (1)能听、说、认读有关天气的单词:sunny, snowy , rainy , cloudy , windy 。(2)认读单词: London , Moscow , Singapore , Sydney。2、能力目标:能准确使用句型:"What' s the weather like in It ' s ho?and sunny/in Sydney/”3情感目标:天气变化无常,请大家及时更换衣物三、教学重点、难点 重点:学习单词:sunny, snowy , rainy , cloudy , windy。难点:运用所学的句型描述天气。四、教学准备多媒体课件、单词卡、图片。五、教学过程Stepl、Warm-up 1、Greeting.2、Sing a song, weather song.(以天气的单词给小组命名)Step2、Revision/Lead-in Play a game: Whack-A-MoleStep3、Presentation1、T:What are these words about? Ss: Weather.2、(1)教学sunny (课件出示图片)a.语音教学。b.边唱歌谣边做动作(Sunny, sunny, it ' s sunny.)c.带入句子 What' s the weather like in Lingao/ ? It ' s sunny/T操练Jn Lingao/ d.小组读并抽查。同步骤教学单词snowy。(大小声操练并抽查。)(2)教学 rainy(课件出示图片)T: Is it snowy? Ss: No. T: It ' s rOjn啻教学。b.边唱歌谣边做动作(Rainy, rainy, it' <s rainy入句子 What' s the weather like 进行操编 d.小组读并抽查。同步骤教学单词cloudy, windy。(3)抽查 weather signs Step4 、 Practice 1、 Let ' s do、2Play a game “I do you say ".3、Listen to the tape and read the words.4、Let ' s travel around the world.(教学单词 London , Moscow , Beijing, Singapore , Sydney o )课件出示 伦敦的图片。T: What ' s the weather like in London? Ss: It同步srany inNLosdow.,Beijing, Singapore , Sydney o5、仿照Let ' play ,学生练习对话。s the weather like in Sydney?6、 Listen to the tape and answer the questions. Q:WhatStep 5、Consolidation & extension1、Let ' s talk. Make dialogues with your partner.(与同伴练习对话,看图谈论海南的天气情况。) A: Hello!8: Hi! A: Here ' s the weather repoH ainan. It's in. B: What's the weather like in? A :It's in. B: Oh, yes!2、The weather always changes. Please take care of yourself. Step6 、Homework 1 .Copy the words for 5 times. ( 抄单词 5 遍。)2 .Make a weather report to your parents.(给父母做天气预才艮。)3 4


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