PEP人教版2021-2022年四年级下英语期末测试卷 (10)

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2022学年度第二学期期末教学质量评估四年级英语Part Listening 听力局部40分.听录音,选出听到的单词。10分( )1.A.libraryB.gymC.classroom( )2.A.sunnyB.windyC.warm( )3.A.shortsB.pantsC.dress( )4.A.tomatoB.potatoC.carrot( )5.A.sheepB.henC.goat.听录音,选出听到的句子。(10分)( )1.A.I like that green jacket. B.I like green beans.s cloudy. B.Its cold.( )3.A.This shirt is pretty.B.These shoes are pretty.( )4.A.It this your hat?B.Is it hot in Sydney?( )5.A.Are these yours?B.Are these horses?.听录音,选答语。(10分)re hens.B.Seventeen.C.They are hens.( )2.A.They are potatoes.B.Theyre Mikes.C.Yes,they are.( )3.A.Yes,we do.B.No,it isnt.C.No,you cant.( )4.A.Time to go home.B.Its 9 yuan.C.Its 9 oclock.s on the second floor.B.Its the teachers office. C.Its on the desk.听录音,根据所听内容,选出恰当的图片选项。(10分)( )1.A. B.( )2.A. B.( )3.A. B. ( )4.A. B.( )5.A. B. Part Writing 笔试局部60分.用“划去不同类的单词,再选出同类词并将序号写在横线上。5分1.A.potatoB.libraryC.classroomdog2.A.socksB.coolC.skirtplayground3.A.artB.prettyC.PEnice4.A.cowB.henC.firstpants5.A.lunchB.cheapC.expensiveEnglish.单项选择。(10分)( )1.Its time. get upC.for go school( )2.There green beans. )3.I like that blue . A.dressB.hats C.shorts( )4.Can I go outside? Its sunny. A.Yes,you can.B.No,he cant.C.Yes,it is.( )5. jacket is this?Its mine. A.WhatB.Who C.Whose.选择适宜的单词或短语填空。写序号5分1.Lets go to the to draw (画) a room2.Whats the weather like? Its .B.English class3.Look! The are 699 yuan.C.pantsWow! Theyre too expensive.D.potatoes4.I like .They are healthy(健康的). Me,too.E.cloudy and windy5.Its ten oclock. Its time for .句图匹配。(10分)A. B. C. D. E.( )1.Its 7:30.Its time to go to school.( )2.Its very cold in London.( )3.Our computer room is great.( )4.My mother and I buy some carrots in the supermarket(超市).( )5.Look at the umbrella.Its cheap.给以下句子选择正确的汉语意思。10分( )1.Its time to go home. A.该睡觉了。B.该回家了。( )2.Its rainy in Beijing. A.北京有雨。B.北京有风。( )3.They are goats. A.它们是鸭子。B.它们是山羊。( )4.This is Johns coat. A.这是约翰的夹克衫。B.这是约翰的大衣。( )5.The teachers office is next to the library. A.教师办公室挨着图书馆。B.教师办公室离图书馆很远。.连成问句,并选择正确的答语。10分A.Its on the second floor. B.No,they arent. C.Its nice. D.Yes,please. E.Theyre my sisters.( )1.those Are sheep (?)( ) like How you shirt this (?)( )3.the library Where is (?)( )4.shorts are Whose those (?)( ) I Can you (?).阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。10分Hello,my name is Jane.Im a girl.Im nine years old.Im from the UK.Im in Cangzhou now.It is hot.I want to buy a new skirt.But it is too expensive.InCangzhou,I have two newfriends.They are Wang Le and Liu Mei.We often read books and playfootball. ( )1.Jane is from the USA. ( )2.It is hot in Cangzhou. ( )3.Jane has a new skirt. ( )4.Jane has three new friends in Cangzhou. ( )5.Jane and her friends often read books.四年级英语参考答案听力局部.1-5 ABCAA.1-5 BAABA.1-5 BABCA.1-5 BAABA笔试局部.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A .1-5 BBAAC.1-5 AECDB.1-5 CDABE.1-5 BABBA.1.Are those sheep? B 2.How do you like this shirt? C 3.Where is the library? A 4.Whose shorts are those? E 5.Can I help you? D.1-5 FTFFT 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word


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