2022学年人教版初三英语上册Unit 2 测试题及答案

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内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线2022学年人教版初三英语上册Unit 2 测试题及答案阶段检测卷(二)(时间:60分钟分值:100分). 单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1. _ great picture! Who painted it? A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 2. The thief often _ things from this factory. A. steals B. treats C. punishes D. spreads 3. Many kids enjoy _ chocolate. But it's bad for their teeth. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. to eating 4. _ do you celebrate Mid­Autumn Festival? We often go to our parents' home to have a big dinner with them.A. How B. What C. Why D. Where 5. The Dragon Boat Festival is a _ festival _ China. A. tradition; of B. traditional; of C. tradition; at D. traditional; at 6. Why did your aunt come here yesterday? She came here _ some money from us. A. borrow B. lend C. to borrow D. to lend 7. I _ Linda will get good grades because she has worked hard for a long time. A. ask that B. ask if C. believe that D. believe whether 8. What do you do _ your mom on _ Day? A. to; Mother's B. to; Mothers' C. for; Mother's D. for; Mothers' 9. The computer is becoming _ in our life. A. important and important B. importance and importance C. more important and more important D. more and more important 10. _ is a good idea _ your English by reading aloud in the morning. A. This; improve B. This; to improve C. It; improve D. It; to improve . 完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)There was once a man who was very rich but very mean at the same time. Nobody _1_ him in the village. One day he said to them, “I know you don't like me. When I _2_, I will give everything to you. Then everyone will be _3_”Even then nobody believed him. The rich man couldn't _4_ why they didn't believe him. One day he went for a walk. Under a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow _5_. The pig said to the cow, “Everybody likes you _6_ nobody likes me. Why? When I provide people with meat, ham and so on, I give three or four things to them. But you give only one thingmilk. Why do people like you _7_ but not me?”The cow answered, “Look, I give milk while I'm _8_. They see that I am generous(慷慨的) with what I_9_. But you don't give them anything while you are alive. Only after you're dead do you give meat, ham and so on. People don't believe in the _10_, and they believe in the present. If you give while you are alive, people will like you.”From that moment on, the rich man wasn't mean any more. Everyone began to like him. And he felt quite happy.1. A. believed B. liked C. hated D. knew 2. A. die B. leave C. return D. arrive 3. A. frightenedB. happy C. angry D. safe 4. A. agree B. understand C. remember D. forget5. A. crying B. laughing C. singing D. talking6. A. because B. so C. but D. or 7. A. sometimes B. all the timeC. at the beginning D. in the end8. A. alive B. dead C. busy D. free 9. A. like B. have C. eat D. say10. A. lifetime B. competition C. friendship D. future . 阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)There was a bookseller(书商). He did not like to pay for anything. One day a big box of books fell on his foot.“Go to the doctor,” said his wife, “and show that foot to him.”“No,” he said, “I'll wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time. Then I'll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay.”The next day, the doctor came to the shop to buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it and promised(答应) to help.He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it. “Buy this medicine and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,” he said.“Thank you,” said the bookseller. “And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much?” asked the doctor.“Two dollars.” “Oh, good,” said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything today.”“Why?” asked the bookseller.“I looked over your foot. I want two dollars for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay only one dollar for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I usually charge(收费) two dollars. And I came here today, didn't I? Bye­bye!”1. The bookseller didn't want to see the doctor because _.A. his foot wasn't hurt B. he couldn't go any fartherC. he didn't have any money to pay the doctor D. he didn't want to pay the doctor2. The next day the doctor came to the shop _.A. to buy some booksB. to buy medicineC. to borrow some moneyD. to see the bookseller3. The bookseller asked the doctor to pay _.A. nothing B. two dollars C. only one dollar D. three dollars 4. The doctor paid the bookseller_.A. one dollar B. much money C. nothing D. two dollars for books5. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. The bookseller was very mean. B. The bookseller's wife didn't want him to go to the doctor. C. The bookseller was cleverer than the doctor. D. The doctor didn't go to the bookshop to buy anything. 用所给词的正确形式填空(每小题2分,共10分)1. What's the _(mean) of the Lantern Festival? 2. My father likes to read books _(write) by Lu Xun. 3. My mother often warns me not _(eat) junk food too much. 4. My parents promised _(take) me to visit the Great Wall if I won first prize in the competition.5. The old woman saved the boy because of her _(kind). . 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)1. 我不知道爸爸是否要在明天回来。I don't know _ my father _ _ _ tomorrow. 2. 他开得多快呀!太危险了!_ _ he drives! It's too dangerous!3. 如果你懂得分享的重要性,你就不会有这么少的朋友了。If you know the _ _ _, you won't have so few friends. 4. 他们在晚会上装扮成各种动物。They _ _ _ all kinds of animals in the party. 5. 这份礼物承载着我对这些儿童最美好的祝愿。The present _ my _ _ to these children. . 书面表达(共30分)父亲节就要到了,你打算在父亲节为爸爸做一些事情。请根据以下提示写一篇短文,说说你的打算。提示:1. 爸爸是一名医生,早出晚归,很辛苦。2. 为爸爸制作一张卡片。3. 白天帮助妈妈为爸爸做一顿可口的饭菜、打扫卫生,自己为爸爸洗衣服、洗车。4. 晚上为爸爸洗脚,和爸爸谈心。要求:1. 可根据提示适当发挥,只要句意通顺即可;2. 80词左右。_答案及解析. 1. D考查感叹句的运用。感叹句的句型为:What(a/an)形容词名词主语谓语!和How形容词主语谓语!great picture为单数可数名词短语,前用what a,故选D。2. A考查动词辨析。steal“偷”;treat“款待”;punish“惩罚”;spread“传播”。根据句意“那个小偷经常从这家工厂偷东西”可以判断用steal。故选A。3. C考查动词enjoy的用法。enjoy doing sth.为固定语法结构,意为“喜欢做某事”。故选C。4. A考查疑问词辨析。根据答语“我们经常去父母家和他们一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。”可以判断,问句是对“方式”提问,应用how。故选A。5. B考查单词辨析。修饰名词festival须用形容词traditional, of表示所有格。故选B。6. C考查动词不定式的用法及单词辨析。动词不定式to borrow表示目的,和from搭配,不用lend。故选C。7. C考查语境理解及宾语从句的用法。根据句意“我坚信琳达会取得好成绩,因为她已经努力学习很长时间了”可以判断用believe that而不用ask that/if或believe whether。故选C。8. C考查单词辨析。介词for意为“为了”;表示“母亲节”用Mother's Day。故选C。9. D考查形容词比较级的用法。“比较级and比较级”表示“越来越”。而为了避免重复不用more important and more important。故选D。10. D考查动词不定式作主语的用法。动词不定式作主语时,常常用it作形式主语放在句子开头,而动词不定式放在后面。故选D。. 15 BABBD610 CBABD. 15 DABCA. 1. meaning2. written3. to eat4. to take 5. kindness. 1. if/whether; will come back2. How fast 3. importance of sharing4. dressed up as5. carries; best wishes. One possible version:My father is a doctor and he is very busy. He goes to work early and comes home very late. I think it's not easy for him. On Father's Day, I am going to make a card for my father. I will write “Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you.” on it. In the daytime, I plan to help mom cook delicious food for my father and clean the house. I'll wash my father's clothes as well as the car myself. In the evening, I decide to wash feet for my father and talk with him. I'll try my best to make him happy. I'm proud of having such a great father.


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