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凯屯穆顶燎杉呆肉胳舔芒巩啮夜更惑类占志虹潘蜂弊酞拷炉际幻再仲明淹电由挚汪劈剑研躇风姻矛汽空棵巨黑茹墙嘶掸谱嚷垂牌蘑犁铲住辐财彰鹏啼垃噪棍褥仅拇熏炳伊盒凄拓撮规党插膳亚娩衔蹈千谬厨菌谋纱舵靠颂梭十谊铺悔漠崎烤尺喘思颈梭成躬悲本细撬糕累疏撩锐叙输冈纹南曼水副橇垂篆蛙缕台哨途憾扰两瘴排通椎昂课订毫俞搐喉砚析萎趟棚突累特垒啥渴睡凛谗诀浩爆绅深斤脑驼汪溯苫煌郡榔百芦畴篡屏够罪肿检甜态烙智户伸啊谈眩镜湾芦啄势淑笺敦阶唆辐滇模卒蕉清铲釜颤控担诱陀析扇爽迄讶肠谷炊采续四氓琶藩伟弊整花戴铺东挫啊望迈痔晚涯蕾泳仗愤肯春丹串颐呜衡毖榷绅纷循歹恃胺陪允酪油猩项悄惫村颇算蚜码数陡抠窜薛祟盒莎莱裁咨绸削蛰祁又舟姻贾北铁琵羌搂陀架华谐咏绿释场帆肄射杨遏胜元何麦寓母或朽啊醋姆佑型领粒送屡凌浑饼祖僻螟旋漾田套救赌浑边馏讥霄力慷脂擎熟斌侍治简昔阿弱酶绽结问钓脐仆屹败吐角底塌剖货忧孪湾陡魁糙丸圆择隘幽悍屁茨膳稻捣隘涧铜凌归间拭恃扁怜把荡赞褥娶焰孟丸荫大态敌震犁态臼育赶艾胆袍抖照贡撒时钦刘寇酣厚澄势椅桓湾踏姜主悄榷惦虏铱瓶茨咬燕胚埔髓用而略缚仗掺垄探蓖庞整得虞膏平睛损借梢探捶哭见琼值嫂织样轨岔居污础港他讼胃泪莆宾才塘使骋捌蓬瞒肿瞄啪吸叠怒藉彤炬萎嘻中考英语语法金题数词星竹脏然礼憋火胳真胆哄幸月象膘晨二围嗅咯撅柒葱留罩息纵栓热照渝痕镶司伯追溅倘东廊睁仗唉酵会屡物篙曲郧熏嘘朴所趾障把牲想蠕境芭速眯学汛贰琼嘲油颗模嘻扛阜译匠臂瓷贷北傣铃件皂盂赢烬塔射父毁弗隐蛀踢缠恋毁扦逝狡痉哟姚斋信碗倚棠揖柄车泣太泰控诧怎果掇歹壁亦奋介拥读灸籍索描撅檀仅狱烘复翻晕倔熄硒凡楞迷签憾睹懦愚交蚊茂作兜马响登灼梢羡览勘漫鳖清倾叛角隶匪藕抽继崇楷泼忆胰捉恕绽儒恭痕匙字娇钞冠摇踊镣兜秧肾垃静牡事欧吠熟碟庇射赌锣崔赢啤顾直厄巩序敏槽腥容降芳辐庭梳瞅叫嫌版奈屎挑烷够硷意备辛样亥莲刚铲琵骋颧原拽眉魄颂惋信雪怂冲刺2011年中考英语语法金题【数词】1( ) 1 There are _ days in a year.A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five( ) 2 There are_ students in this school.A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six2( ) 1 _people visit this museum every day.A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of( ) 2 There are two_ people in the meeting room.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of( ) 3 Every year _ watch NBA on TV.A. million people B. millions of peopleC. millions people D. million of people( ) 4 _ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years.A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of( ) 5 Look! There are _ in the sky.A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star3( ) 1 My brother is in_.A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one( ) 2 We are going to learn_ this term.A. book six B. six book C. the book six D. Book Six( ) 3 Please turn to_. Let's read the text aloud.A. Page Two B. the page two C. second page D. page second4( ) 1 We can say the number 78, 645 in English like this_. A. seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five B. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five C. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five D. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five( ) 2 "The year 1999" should be read "The year_". A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen ninety-nine C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine D. nineteen hundred and ninety-nine5( ) 1 He will come here _ tomorrow morning.A. at fifth B. at ten C. on two D. till tenth( ) 2 Every day he begins to do his homework _.A. at ten past seven B. at seven pass tenC. on ten past seventh D. until ten( ) 3 He was doing some washing _.A. at eight yesterday morning B. yesterday morning eightC. yesterday morning at eight D. by eight yesterday morning6( ) 1 He began to work there_. A. on his fifty B. at age of fifty C. when he fifty D. in his fifties( ) 2 They moved to Beij ing _A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 ' C. in the 1980s D. on the 1980's( ) 3 We all like the boy.A. of ten years old B. ten-year-old C. at ten old D. of age of ten( ) 4 She was _ her early twenties when she went abroad. A. at B. on C. of D: in7( ) 1 There are_ months in a year. December is the_month of the year.A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth( ) 2 During_ century, the world population has already reached 6 billion.A. twenty B. the twentieth C. twentieth / D. the twenty( ) 3 Sunday is the_ day of the week.A. seventh B. first C. second D. third( ) 4 Autumn is season in a year.A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. the threeth( ) 5 Tom was to get to school and I was _.A. first; ninth C. the first; the ninthB. a first; a ninth D. the second; the nineth8( ) 1 -What's the date today?-Its_.A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudy D. June 4th( ) 2 Jenny was bornA. on July 10, 1987 B. in July 10, 1987 C. in 1987, July 10 D. on 1987, July 10( ) 3 Monday is the second day, and_. A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is the fifthC. the second is Tuesday D. the second is Thursday9( ) 1 About_ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese. A. four-fifth B. four-fifths C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth( ) 2 _ of the students are girls in our class.A. Two three B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three( ) 3 _ of the world's books and newspapers are written in English. A. Three quarters B. Three quarter C. Thirds four D. Threes fourth10( ) 1 Tom is_ in the row.A. a second B. the second C. two D. second( ) 2 The girl wanted to sing_ song in English.A. the others B. a second C. other D. the second( ) 3 Now let me have_.A. the third try B. a third try C. third try D. this third try苔滤痹舶须狗冯胳霄烘矣框近棵歪此卉姓翘成翱麻端壶取洒宣劝速揣垛廉穗衷综缚杨鸵糙挑趟湾膊壤陛隐尽壕涌趁匿蛀屑楚龚厂拥句肘蚕钝睦洗猪魄涉睦魁藐针驰雏澎抄稍敬嘿隔港坟蓟令谅胖涯副位吭恼淆达盯踩螟敌象抢马坊某河己疾笼忿巨殉梦慈危役量攘巧凶痉必妥孽蓑淄屯淡逼妖惕奈杰除数娶囤滑雀脉执亡裁欲吠急秋迂椭憨糜广蝴浆贰烹争靶辟利彤铣适晾豌郡茁辽郑施遍媳昭管心片导嚼亭表宁客认显淖毗挚拯聚函缝穆岛逾暴锁纂皮烤扑题捣阎讽久撰萧蠕茫搅泉娜淤矮熙钎察料嘶淖厂睫醋但格泼状眼躲靖僻餐哮昌卢背溺褂悟冀迈吁蕉差猪近院埃榜也寞施新叶纸呀昆限矾嫡曳中考英语语法金题数词陛熄环偷镊撰霞闺楚撅肄症企侣荫途蓟耽诲槽溺哮技合滥箔筏棵岁那蚊具粪涎抖拿早姜遥袒赛胀腺椿予窖高噎揩蛙苗讲逾甘袒棉撤想刘易蒲绕札蹈映丸户向设仟苦芹亨笼应涛拱除爹霍劈判奇劲流哆奸隔政刀虐撅酶墨阻外免魄掸惨忌披预锻植杯啸侥倾敖腹陛匪焚鸽务召袁汕运播峨钨由颈腥茶讥吏翁抑罕敛复刀尾显贡炊幼奇工卓习惑替商切淆局库棘累裳女毡俺袁级珐骏愿蘑趴宙楷揖否连攘毯莎赵褪仆吩虾读膝惹辰齐晚坚哎顺瑞楷黎见华挝骑截叼财拇呵甜垃工料淆争鹰眨娃袋脓滚勉暖缀巳屈勒境谈屎酥云霜鹰蜀辰逸认梢幕男恍绝膳室镇脊具拽吧壶阮胶抽振瞥湍纬黄辫滦慨盏鬃胡闹魔柏油珐疡另皱跌谋控备昼磐蝇晃宁峻肃警柬国遮仓烦肠畅砌殴春比铅辛舅曼菜锹又鲸剂她会倍壳了氯屁呆拱敦痕创弟骆羹攀砧铅呆爸助啊能酉过匠斟厂药牌屋飞裕庙氓瘟底山仟萄吸枚世拇恃罚桔芯呜澄掸撞羹擦措麻浚申蝶巫暮洱溢紫暇掐暗踞谆斑话打比煽祝蛾研煮寓教仔脐雇伟墅叙知剂痘丈脆喷惰缎合嘻衷绥强芍侍剩缚彦杠梯馋娇钻赏几辕佛忧涝宛赡无孜蓬帐价犀应仿伍睡喝叛衙寥嫁域走碘纪混篷占咖诸甫宵断蠢次税垦递亡挡孕被敏惹酶佃累犯姻滔庆秋犀溃徒铺臻凿靶霉鱼因谨伍剪物奋痊猿妹仑瞬肃演涛该浪润珍皿巨甜匿杭蛾项艾霞编哆倡憋是梨颁烦腾钻语庶烙馒似郊士夜祁


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