高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习9阅读理解 细节理解一

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高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习9阅读理解 细节理解一_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 分块专项练习9阅读理解 细节理解一_第3页
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阅读理解:细节理解(一)AWhats On? Electric Underground 730pm1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know whos playing in your area? Were bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so,come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye,a successful record producer.Hes going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music. Gee Whizz 830pm10.30pm Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform.Hes the funniest standu-p comedian on the comedy scene.This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks (快餐)Simons Workshop 500pm7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy.The workshop looks at every kind of comedy,and practices many different ways of making people laugh.Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years experience of teaching comedy.His workshops are exciting and fun.An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny. Charlotte Stone 800pm11.00pm Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out.Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new bests-elling CD,with James Pickering on the piano.The menu is Italian,with excellent meat and fresh fish,pizzas and pasta (面食)Book early to get a table.Our bar is open all day,and serves cocktails,coffee,beer,and white wine. 【解析】本文是一篇由四则广告组成的应用文。分别介绍了一个讲座、一个喜剧演员的演出、一个喜剧演员的工作室以及一个有爵士乐和美食的好去处。 1Who can help you if you want to have your music produced? AJules Skye. BGee Whizz. CCharlotte Stone. DJames Pickering. 解析:选 A。细节理解题。从题干的 have your music produced判断本题的答案出处在第一则广告,该广告说,“你是否有兴趣成为音乐人,得到录制唱片的合同?”然后说晚上 7 点半有 Jules Skye 的报告,因此选 A 项 Jules Skye。根据本广告最后一句话也可得出答案。 2At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh? AThe Cyclops Theatre. BKaleidoscope. CVictoria Stage. DPizza World. 解析:选 B。细节理解题。带着题干的“不同年龄的人欢笑”这个信息,我们去这几则广告中寻找相关信息。答案在第二则广告里,该广告说,Gee Whizz 是最滑稽的单口喜剧演员(standu-p comedian),他的表演能够让所有人快乐,下至孩童上到老人(from the youngest to the oldest)。表演的地点是 Kaleidoscope,因此选 B项。 3What do we know about Simons Workshop? AIt requires membership status. BIt lasts three hours each time. CIt is run by a comedy club. DIt is held every Wednesday. 解析:选 D。细节理解题。本题涉及第三则广告的相关信息。从 5.00pm7.30 pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage 可以判断,该活动每个星期三举办,故 D 项正确。每次两个半小时,排除 B 项;文章没有提到需要有会员资格,排除 A 项;也没有提到喜剧俱乐部,排除 C 项。 4When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs? A5.00pm7.30pm. B7.30pm1.00am. C8.00pm11.00pm. D8.30pm10.30pm. 解析:选 C。细节理解题。从题干可知解本题的信息来自最后一则广告,该广告开头就交代了时间:晚上 8 点到 11 点,因此选C 项。BWhen you get a job interview,it is the chance that you impress the employer and prove you really are the right person for the job.The following key points may be the important steps you can take to ensure you make a good impression from the beginning: Be Prepared Research the company thoroughly before the job interview.Read through the company website to gain a thorough understanding of what does its values,clients or audience and any technologies it uses.You should also Google the company and read any press releases.Note important issues or points you can discuss at the interview.Take copies of the job description with you to the interview.Dont be afraid of showing off,you can bet the other candidates wont be holding back! Interview Questions All this preparation work will go a long way to helping you for questions you might be asked during the interview.As well as preparing for the standard questions,you also need to come up with relevant questions to ask the interviewer about the company and your role.You may want to ask something along the lines of “Whats it like to work here?”, “What are the career prospects I like?” Timekeeping Plan your route in advance and make a dry run to the interview location a few days beforehand to make sure youre clear on where youre going.Print out directions and maps from sites like Google Maps and make sure you should be there without any problems. After the Interview If youre unsuccessful,use it as an opportunity to improve.Ask for feedback from the interviewer.This will improve your future interview success chances; the interviewer might consider you for future vacancies at the company based on this action alone. 1What should you do at a job interview? ARecognize who is the right employer. BHave a good impression of the employer. CFind a chance to show your talent off. DImpress the employer with good behavior. 2Which question can you ask the interviewer? AWhat interests you when you work? BWhat is the information about your clients? CWhat is the promising future of the company? DWhat advice will you offer to the interviewees? 3It can be inferred from the passage that_ Athe interviewer can help you through the back door Ba polite attitude can help you find a way out Cit is impossible to get a job at the first interview Dit is important to keep cautious about an interview 【解析】本文是一篇议论文,属于社会知识类短文阅读。无论是求职还是面试,求职者一定要从心理上做好准备。作者就如何应对面试提出了四条建议。 1解析:选 D。细节理解题。根据第一段末句“The following key points may be the important steps you can take to ensure you make a good impression from the beginning”:可知,在面试时,应该给老板一个好印象。故选 D。 2解析:选 C。细节理解题。根据第三段可知,面试者也可以向面试的考官问几个问题, “about the company and your role”则定位了这些问题是有关公司和你个人的。故选 C。 3解析:选 B。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,即使没有通过面试,你打电话询问面试的考官时,他会对你有好的印象,将来很可能给你提供机会,因此礼貌的态度很重要。故选 B。 C(2018湖南湘潭一中等六校联考)After the earthquake had stopped, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young womans house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping (做礼拜); her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supported by an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head.With so many difficulties, the leader of the rescue team put his hand through a narrow gap on the wall to reach the womans body. He was hoping that this woman could be still alive. However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away for sure.He and the rest of the team left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building. For some reasons, the team leader was driven by compelling force to go back to the ruined house of the dead woman. Again, he knelt down and used his hand through the narrow cracks to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed with excitement, “A child! There is a child!”The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3monthold little boy wrapped in a flowery blanket under his mothers dead body. Obviously, the woman had made a sacrifice for saving her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up.The medical doctor came quickly to exam the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cellphone. There was a text message on the screen. It said, “If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” This cellphone was passing around from one hand to another. Everybody that read the message wept.“If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” Such is the mothers love for her child!语篇解读:本文为记叙文。作者讲述了一个感人的真实故事。在地震中一位普通而又伟大的母亲在危难时刻为自己的孩子开辟了一条生命通道,她把死留给了自己,把生留给了自己的孩子。1Why did the leader of the rescue team decide to leave the house?AHe didnt notice the woman.BHe knew the woman was dead.CHe left to ask for help.DThe gap was too narrow for his hand to get through.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away for sure.”及第三段第一句“He and the rest of the team left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building.”可知答案为B项。2The reason why the woman died in such a strange pose was that _.Ashe tried to protect her baby with her own bodyBthe earthquake happened when she was worshipingCher knees were severely injuredDher hands were supported by an object解析:选A细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“Obviously, the woman had made a sacrifice for saving her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son.”可知答案为A项。3What can be the best title for the passage?AA strange pose in the ruinsBA mothers love in the ruinsCA rescue teams struggleDA heartbreaking scene解析:选B标题归纳题。本文讲述了地震中的一位母亲用自己的生命保护了自己的孩子,由此可知本文的最佳题目为:废墟里的母爱。故答案为B项。DThe island of Tasmania is a place of natural beauty and has 18 national parks. If you go on a tour, youll discover this beautiful place where the people are friendly and the food is delicious.The Tarkine coast is in the northwest of Tasmania. The area contains the largest rainforest in Australia which is home to more than 50 kinds of endangered animals. During your tour, youll come across rivers, mountains, waterfalls, wild animals and long wild beaches.Tour plan:Day 1:Youre picked up from your hotel in the town of Launceston and driven to the Tarkine. You then finish a threehour walk through the forest before arriving at your camp at Mystery Creek. There you will enjoy a delicious meal cooked by your guides.Day 2:After breakfast, you continue deeper into the rainforest, passing some of the tallest trees in the world and stopping for lunch, and then camp in the evening.Day 3:The exciting part of todays tour is the Tarkine Falls, a beautiful 15metre waterfall.Day 4:You can stay at the camp and bathe in the Tarkine Falls, or you can walk to enjoy beautiful views of the forest.Day 5:After a last journey through the forest, you are picked up at 4 pm. and arrive in Launceston at 7 pm.The tour includes two guides, transport to and from the rainforest, all food and all safety equipment. You should buy camping equipment, including: backpacks, sleeping bags, rain coats and trousers.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了在澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛的塔金海岸旅行的安排。1We can learn that the Tarkine coast _.Alies in the northwest of AustraliaBprovides visitors with free foodCis beautiful and has 18 national parksDoffers visitors a chance to see wild animals解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段的“During your tour, youll come across rivers, mountains, waterfalls, wild animals and long wild beaches.”可知,在塔金海岸,游客可以看到野生动物。2On Day 1, you will _.Acook food with guidesBhave a walk in the forestCbathe in the Tarkine FallsDsee the tallest trees in the world解析:选B细节理解题。根据文中Day 1部分下面的“You then finish a threehour walk through the forest before arriving at your camp at Mystery Creek.”可知,第一天,游客有三个小时在森林中步行。3When can you experience the beauty of waterfalls?AOn Day 1.BOn Day 2.COn Day 3. DOn Day 5.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文中的“Day 3: The exciting part of todays tour is the Tarkine Falls, a beautiful 15metre waterfall.”可知,正确答案为C项。4Visitors are advised to _.Atake more guidesBbuy safety equipmentCprepare camping equipmentDarrive in Launceston at 4 pm.解析:选C细节理解题。根据最后一段的“You should buy camping equipment, including .”可知,游客需要自己购买露营装备。EA few months after we moved to Tours, France, I wanted to meet my husband, Stphane, for lunch at the university where he worked. I got lost, so I had to call him. Stphanes workmate Andr overheard the conversation and said, “How could she get lost? You just go straight.”I admit I have a horrible sense of direction, cant read a map and am not such a hot driver. But my husband claims that you dont really need a road map or to write down directions to get anywhere in France. You just need to know your destination and look at the signs in the traffic circles. And if you dont see your sign the first time around, you can keep turning around and around until you spot your exit sign.I suppose.But as soon as I get into a roundabout I get into a panic and rather than circling to survey my options with a cool head, I exit somewhere, anywhere, just to keep from going round and round.Six years into our French living experiment, I now have adopted an ideal solution: a GPS (Global Positioning System) program on my smartphone. I rely on it to get just about anywhere, even places Ive been to before. This past winter we went to the Alps (阿尔卑斯山) for a skiing vacation and a friend asked me where we went. How could I know? Wasnt “the Alps” precise (精准的) enough? As far as I could figure, we just turned on the GPS program, searched the address and drove. Was it the north Alps or south? Who knew? Is GPS equipment just making us all stupider or is it acting as a useful aid to people who might not be brave enough to go outside of their gates without it? In my case, its probably both.Maybe one day Ill grow new brain cells where my sense of direction should be. And maybe one day Ill figure out the French roads. But in the meantime, youll find me in a roundabout, trying to figure out where to exit.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者方向感极差,经常迷路,后来作者借助全球定位系统出行,但是一次去阿尔卑斯山的经历又让作者产生了这个系统到底有害还是有益的疑问。1What was Andrs reaction when he knew the author got lost?AHe phoned Stphane.BHe felt very surprised.CHe showed her the way.DHe kept waiting for her.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段中Andr说的话:“How could she get lost? You just go straight.”可以推测Andr对于作者迷路感到很惊讶,他认为只要直着走就不会迷路。2What was Stphanes advice for the author?ATo read maps. BTo find signs.CTo buy a GPS. DTo learn to drive.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“You just need to know your destination and look at the signs in the traffic circles . until you spot your exit sign.”可知,作者的丈夫建议她记住目的地,然后寻找路标。3When the author entered a roundabout, she would probably _.Acircle around Bstop being nervousCtake the nearest exit Didentify the direction解析:选C细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,作者一进入交叉路口就惊慌失措、不能冷静思考,只要看到出口就马上出去。4The skiing vacation experience made the author wonder _.Ahow to describe a place preciselyBwhether the GPS could be trustedCabout the influence of the GPS on peopleDabout the importance of the sense of direction解析:选C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Is GPS equipment just making us . outside of their gates without it?”可知,这次经历让作者对全球定位系统对人们的影响产生了疑问:它到底让人们变得更笨还是能帮助人们?FThe NecomimiThis is basically a pair of braincontrolled cat ears that allows users to express emotional states: relaxed, mild interest, strong interest and focus. This is made possible by a builtin machine that reads and translates emotions. Its a kind of technology that can also be useful for athletes to determine the best state for performance. The Necomimi can be bought for $49 through maker Neuroskys website.The ostrich pillowThere are times when youre so tired that nothing is better than taking a short sleep. Whether its being stuck at the office or on a long bus ride or at the library, the pillow is designed to put the wearer in soft supportive cushioning (缓冲垫) in any resting position. The strangelooking pillow has a hole in which to put your head, and a mouth hole designed to allow its wearer to breathe easily. It also has two side holes where you can store your hands. It is now being sold online for $99.The Hovding : bike helmet (头盔)The Hovding : allows riders to get around easily. Its actually an airbag system thats worn around the neck, working only when theres a sudden shake or the unlikely event that may get you knocked off your bike. After winning the worlds most famous design prize, the creators are developing a new and better model. Now the firstgeneration helmet is being sold at various sporting shops throughout Europe for about $500.The treadmill deskThe treadmill desk on sale is the perfect solution for our increasingly sedentary (久坐不动的) lifestyles. Recently a study found those who spent three hours a day on a treadmill desk became healthier. Still, it shouldnt be treated as a panacea for not getting enough exercise. Another study suggests that meeting the recommended amount of physical activity requires more exercises than walking. Its also recommended that treadmill speeds should be limited to around 2 miles per hour or less to make sure they can be used safely while working.1When a runner wears the Necomimi, it can help _.Ashow how he or she is feelingBprotect him or her from injuriesCimprove his or her running speedDkeep him or her in good condition解析:选A细节理解题。根据“The Necomimi”部分介绍的“that allows users to express emotional states”和“that can also be useful for athletes to determine the best state for performance”可知,the Necomimi可以反映出运动员的个人状态。2Whats so special about the ostrich pillow?AIts low cost.BIts perfect size.CIts beautiful design. DIts amazing convenience.解析:选D推理判断题。“The ostrich pillow”部分介绍的是一款可以让使用者随时随地打盹的枕头这个形状怪异的枕头一共有4个洞,一个放头,两个放手,还有一个开口可供呼吸,故该发明的特点就是其便捷性。3What do we know about the Hovding : bike helmet?AIt is designed for athletes.BIt is being improved now.CIt can work at users request.DIt is put on the wearers shoulders.解析:选B细节理解题。根据“The Hovding : bike helmet”部分介绍的“the creators are developing a new and better model”可知,该产品仍在改进中。4What do the four inventions have in common?ATheyre all on the market.BTheyre all hightech products.CTheyre all expensive to develop.DTheyre all used to improve peoples health.解析:选A推理判断题。根据这四个发明介绍中的“can be bought” “being sold online” “being sold at various sporting shops” “on sale”可知,它们都已在市场上销售。6EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F375


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