外研版英语四下Module 5 Size(Unit2)ppt课件之一

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外研版英语四下Module 5 Size(Unit2)ppt课件之一_第1页
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外研版英语四下Module 5 Size(Unit2)ppt课件之一_第3页
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Module 5 Size Unit 1 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. N S W E Look at the map and learn new words: north south west east coast island my hometown South China 华华 南南 North China 华华 北北 West China 华华 西西 East China 华华 东东 Look at the map and learn new words: north south west east South China 华华 南南 North China 华华 北北 West China 华华 西西 East China 华华 东东 Shanghai Hong Kong Beijing Beijing Tianjin 43.5 metres high Tian an men square 17 million people The Capital 1.5 kilometers long The Bund 2-5 metres high 12 million people Beijing Tianjin Beijing Tianjin big busy old parks and buildings the Capital near the Sea Listen and check( ) Read and answer 1.Which city is bigger , Beijing or Tianjin? 2.Is Beijing busier than Tianjin ? 3.Is Beijing older than Tianjin ? Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. No, it isnt . Yes, it is. ConclusionConclusion(小结): 形容词比较级形容词比较级 在对两者进行比较时,形容词要采用其比较级的形式。例如:在对两者进行比较时,形容词要采用其比较级的形式。例如: Which is bigger,Beijing or Tianjin ?Which is bigger,Beijing or Tianjin ? Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. 北京比天津大。北京比天津大。 Have a test!(写出单词的比较级写出单词的比较级) large small easy hot fat larger smaller easier hotter fatter Beijing Tianjin big 17,000,000 people 12,000,000 people old 35000 years old 5000 years old hot Max:42 Max: 37 busy Writing:用形容词比较级写句子:用形容词比较级写句子 Where is hotter, Beijing or Tianjin? Beijing is hotter than Tianjin. Examples: Beijing is bigger than Tianjin. ( Tianjin is smaller than Beijing) Beijing is older than Tianjian. ( Tianjin is newer than Beijings.) 一、用词的适当形式填空及翻译填空一、用词的适当形式填空及翻译填空 1.Beijing is_ (big) than Tianjin. 2.Which country _ _ (small), the UK or China ? bigger is smaller 3.Jim _ _ _ Tom. Jim 比Tom 强壮。 4.This bag _ _ _ that one. 这个袋子比那个重。 5.Shantou _ _ _ Beijing. 汕头比北京热。 is stronger than is heavier than is hotter than 二二、 Read and chart. From this conversation,can you find out which sentences involving the comparatives. (从对话中找出含有比较级的句子)从对话中找出含有比较级的句子) 1. And is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai? 2. And is it hotter in Hong Kong? 3. Its hotter in Hong Kong. 4. And is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong? 5. Its an older city. Exercises 1.He is _ than his father. 他比他的父亲高高。 2.Our classroom is _than yours. 我们的课室比你们的大大。 3.The earth is _ than the moon. 地球比月亮大大。 4.This lesson is _ than that one. 这课比那课容易容易。 5.An elephant is _ than a monkey. 一头大象比一只猴子强壮强壮。 taller larger bigger easier stronger Learn the underlined word. Hong Kong is bigger than Shanghai. No, it isnt. Its smaller. The winter in Hong Kong is cooler. No, it isnt. Its warmer. Shanghai is hotter than Hong Kong. No, it isnt. Its colder. Shanghai is newer than Hong Kong. No, it isnt. Its older. Homework 1.Finish off the Workbook Ex 5. 2.Read the dialogue in Unit 2 of Module 5. 3.Write a passage about Beijing and Tianjin.


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