湘少版[]三下Unit 9 What’s the weather likeppt课件3

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湘少版[]三下Unit 9 What’s the weather likeppt课件3_第1页
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湘少版[]三下Unit 9 What’s the weather likeppt课件3_第3页
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Unit 9 Whats the weather like? 湘少版英语三年级下册湘少版英语三年级下册 weather wind -windy cloud -cloudy - snowy snow cold Whats the weather like? Its _. cloudy Whats the weather like? Its _. windy Whats the weather like? Its _. rainy Whats the weather like? Its _. windy Whats the weather like? Its _. sunny Whats the weather like? Its _. snowy Chant One Sunny ,sunny, Its sunny. Rainy,rainy, Its rainy. Cloudy,cloudy, Its cloudy. Windy, windy, Its windy. Snowy, snowy, Its snowy. Chant Two Weather, Weather, Whats the weather like? Sunny,sunny. Its sunny. A Task(任务)(任务): 将红色的单词改一改,能编出其他天气 的儿歌吗?小组合作试一试。 Chant Weather, Weather, Whats the weather like? Sunny,sunny. Its sunny. Weather, Weather, Whats the weather like? Rainy,rainy. Its rainy. Weather, Weather, Whats the weather like? Cloudy,cloudy. Its cloudy. Weather, Weather, Whats the weather like? Windy,windy. Its windy. Weather, Weather, Whats the weather like? Snowy,snowy. Its snowy.


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