湘少版六上Unit 6 How tall are youppt课件1

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Unit6 How tall are you? Teacher: Sasa doctor He looked weak. 1 Whats the matter with you? Im always tired. I am worried about him. 人称代词人称代词 主格主格 宾格宾格 I me you you he him she her we us you you they them name age height (cm) weight (kg) Peter 12 150 32 cm=centimetre kg=kilogramme Whats your name? My name is Peter. How old are you? Im twelve years old. How tall are you? Im 150 centimetres tall. How heavy are you? Im 32 kilogrammes. Key words: doctor医生医生 weak虚弱的虚弱的 worried担心的担心的 age年龄年龄 tall高的高的 little小的小的 heavy重的重的 light轻的轻的 centimetre厘米厘米 kilogramme公斤公斤 Sentence pattern: Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?你怎么了? How tall are you? 你有多高?你有多高? Im 150 centimetres tall. 我身高我身高150厘米。厘米。 How heavy are you? 你有多重?你有多重? Im 32 kilogrammes. 我体重我体重32公斤。公斤。 Homework: 1.Cope the new words for 4 times. 2.Make sentences with the sentence pattern. 3.Read the dialogue for 20 minutes. Goodbye!


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