人教新版英语六下Fun Time 2PPT课件2

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pleased adj.高兴的 collect v.收集, 搜集 paint v. (用颜料等)绘, 画 , 给.上油漆; 把.漆成 painting n.绘画,油画,水彩画 interested adj.感兴趣的 be interested in 对感兴趣 interesting adj. 有趣味的, 引起好奇意的 New words Listen to 1a, then answer the questions: 1. What does Maria like? 2. Whats Michaels hobby? She likes collecting stamps. He used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now he loves collecting paintings and telephone cards. 3. What does Maria learn from the stamps? 4. What are Michaels hobbies now? We can also learn a lot about people, places, history and special events from stamps. Now he love collecting paintings and telephone cards. What a clever girl! What an interesting movie! What beautiful flowers! What sweat music! Rules: What + a/an + 单数名词! What + 形容词 复数名词/不可数名! 1. pleased adj. 高兴的, 满意的 Pleased to see you!=Glad/Happy to see you! 他们之前去省去了 Im, 而Nice to see you!前省去了 Its. Language points 2. must be 一定, 肯定 表示肯定的推测 如: The book must be mine. 其否定形式不能是mustnt be, 应为cant be. 如: The news cant be true. 相关短语: may be 可能是, will be 将会是, can be 可能是。 can be的可能性比may be稍大。 3. certainly “当然了, 当然可以”, 一般情况下, 同意某人时可直截了当地回答Certainly! certainly 的同义词还有sure; of course 等等。在表示客气委婉的请求的问句当中, 肯定回答也可以用certainly等词。如: -Could you open the door? -Certainly. certainly 的否定词certainly not 意为 “当然不是”。如: -Are you going to break the rule? -Certainly not. 4. a lot “许多、大量”, 用在动词后, 同very much。如: She had told me a lot about how to learn English well. 她告诉我许多有关怎样学好英语的方法。 Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 5. of great value “很值钱的, 很贵重的”, of value 即 of +n.=adj. 即: of great value=valuable 【例句】 A. We used to go to the movies, but now we dont. B. Henry used to be shy, but now he isnt. 6. used to 请观察下面的例句, 然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。 C. I didnt use to play football, but now I like it. D. Did they use to exercise a lot? E. Where did he use to swim? 【结论】 1. 从以上例句我们可知used to表示 “ _ ”, 其后跟 _。 2. 从例句C中我们可知used to的否定形式常常是_。 3. 从例句D和E中我们发现used to的疑问形式常常是在主语前用 _, 且主语后的used to要改为 _。 过去常常 动词原形 didnt use to did use to Practice reading Mr. Monkey_ _ like _. used to reading He _ _ love _. sleep used to sleeping cry He_ _ be fond of _. used to crying 【运用】 请仿照例句将下面的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句,并作否定回答。 I used to go swimming on Saturday afternoon. 否定句:_ _ I didnt use to go swimming on Saturday afternoon. 一般疑问句:_ _ 否定回答: _ Did you use to go swimming on Saturday afternoon? No, I didnt. 请运用used to将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。 1. 我父亲过去是个司机。 _ 2. 他们过去什么时候踢足球? _ My father used to be a driver When did they use to play soccer? 3. 李平过去不喜欢集邮, 但现在喜欢。 _ _ Li Ping didnt use to like collecting stamps, but now he likes it.


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