五年级上册英语课件Unit 1 ClassmatesLesson 3人教新起点 (共21张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件Unit 1 ClassmatesLesson 3人教新起点 (共21张PPT)_第1页
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Unit 1 Classmates Lesson 3 Warm-up Review. popular ? clever helpful new friend Whats Tom like? Quick reading. Presentation Read it quickly and answer questions. Whos Toms new friend? Whats Joe like? Joe is Toms new friend. He is very active. He is very clever. He is polite and helpful, too. Sometimes he is quiet. Presentation Careful reading. Read it again and underline the key sentences. What does Joe often do? He often answers questions in the English class. He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. Group work What does Joe do every day? He goes to school with Tom every day. He plays football with his classmates every day. He plays with Coco every day. Presentation Careful reading. Wheres Joe from? Guess the meaning of the word: Read the first paragraph and answer questions. He is from the USA. He goes to school with Tom every day. He stays with Tom every day. with: 与与 在一起在一起 Presentation How do you know Joe is active? Read the second paragraph and answer question. Joe is very active. He often answers questions in English class. He plays football with his classmates every day. Presentation How do you know Joe is clever? Read the third paragraph and answer question. Joe is clever. He is good at science. He also likes reading and thinking, so sometimes he is quiet. Presentation Guess and translate. 1.He is good at science.(guess) 2.He also likes reading and thinking, so sometimes he is quiet.(translate) be good at:擅长 他也喜欢阅读和思考,所以有时候他很安静。 Presentation How do you know Joe is polite and helpful? Read the last paragraph and answer question. Joe is polite and helpful, too. He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. He helps Toms father clean the car. He helps Tom walk his dog, Coco. He plays with Coco every day. Joe, Tom and Coco become good friends. Lets read. 录音录音 课文课文 Tom has a new friend, Joe, from the USA. Joe stays with Toms family. He goes to school with Tom every day. 注意模仿语音语调哟! Practice Lets read. 录音录音 课文课文 Joe is very active. He often answers questions in English class. He plays football with his classmates every day. 注意模仿语音语调哟! Practice Lets read. 录音录音 课文课文 Joe is clever. He is good at science. He also likes reading and thinking, so sometimes he is quiet. 注意模仿语音语调哟! Practice Lets read. 录音录音 课文课文 Joe is polite and helpful, too. He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. He helps Toms father clean the car. He helps Tom walk his dog, Coco. He plays with Coco every day. Joe, Tom and Coco become good friends. 注意模仿语音语调哟! Practice Practice Read the text together. Write a title for the text. Lets talk. Practice Whats Joe like? Hes helpful. He helps Toms father. Hes clever. Hes good at Presentation active clever quiet polite helpful answers questions plays football good at science thinking and reading “Hello” and “Thank you” clean the car walk his dog Practice Fill in the blanks. (1) Joe often answers questions in English class. He is_. (2) Joe is good at science. He is _. (3) Sometimes Joe is _. He likes reading and thinking. (4)He often says “Hello” and “Thank you” to everyone in the family. He is_. (5)He often helps Toms family. He is_. active clever quiet polite helpful Practice Lets talk. Introduce your friend.(Group work) I have a friend, He/She is from _. He/She is_. He/She often _. He/She is_. He/She likes _. Practice I have a friend. She is Jiajia. She is from China. She is active. She often plays baseball with her friends. She is clever. She likes math and science. Practice I have a friend. He/She is_. He/She is from_. He/She is _. He/She often_. He/She _every day. He/She is _. He/She is good at_. He/She likes _. He/She is _. He/She often_. He/She _. We are good friends. Write and read. My Friend 1. 按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2.用老师发的纸做一张海报,在上面贴上好朋友的照片,并介绍自己的好朋友。 3. 预习Unit1 Lets Spell部分。 Homework


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