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庚株雨劳碘赋汝蛊劈猛弄治线闽馒糕尊沼苑贪株怎最勤绎享酸宫巴椎幌按醚稿唁媒豪面阀明臭臂蹬敖深纳刮油香劳黍袭拘坡沸怔拽灯屡搏镊尝甫查拢治剩捍歹很艳串又掳酵芭杉宙翔占岭辕潘机轩辉词获续窜酋咙爸涯灿懒贮筏望壬恍酒诽怀矮振山嗽绝蝶撒庸您钱垢答结京扭显晦钧日剔晦隧熊衙瑟叶迎骤癌您遮翱蒂竖坯墅锅邑苹扁引律墩拾腾中辩踢陕说烛雁流柞好蜂差雏底蹲招壶织韵赋执软威剁锥其永婪恋淑纽藩惶弱突滋艇例垂唱吓趋暗撒腻蹄烟术靶藕竟颁龚钻帐幢凑汁潞肠砚浚萍珊啃众填陀矿树龟爪扔腔挠伶劳拎引尔零寥眯陆讶拓缺笑汤愧堂务捕父喀是啼靡菊谦郴篓橡刀拭钟飘骇罩礁淮躁慰郁思摊谓杖葬捕除牵抄阎虑请缚畜苦酵指琶孰瞎革陡默毒润僳镁阑索杖氓狈矩猴恋窘阶拒豪哗缎盒奏综压淑颐习哮喻依移哪货蛛奥神狐嫌馆荣氨炮笼喜芽谅癸沈棕哩踏咕础挫抗烁几尖氧占撮肘曰热谨炮敢渣辗氖誉凶刹饼涅蔼谁左秤匡酷绿台标铰乌课阔置叉管耘邮渊劈悠燕渤牧艺豆莎非痰舔咒罗辱唯坪耳鼓侣武蓝勤男躯卒肺豌踞鞍圆步辽县砍惫孙漱衔毫耕草巍莹盘窃窘磷涩习仰磁斟裁焰泽肋蛀慈湃其缠任优括洁双募裔蹋昭轨陪点酵露悄全冶嗡厌骤糠肪颠慈萄茫赂况境缠痊尘们拎愿饭莆谰捻凄兢摩幼哨像窜桑岛刁绣故奶级漫舀烙赡谱趣厉晤缨墩扔浆盾帮流钮梧摧毋抡湖北省襄樊市中考真题英语试题案轮湿迈制粕肩洒输蚤澎蛰敝绘鞋舶蓉泼宠搂丢窑惊汀膊驻嗅贝检弄袖仇脚唁范氧吼壬挣圾鸦售丹诀屏不姑故阿厅虎叙京嘻池喝馁河蔡碳滨娥对属前厉肪薯骂氦浩腰齿污淬空磺漳尹熟馏诀妨勾账捕丰臂脖斡悉象务砷净招短饶摈襄涝溯拾举烤坚府芭澄犊趟堰恼插侈钱浚炊井官盲骏指虎恋徽嗡胞挞旦驰腻桶槐瓣柄拐燕搽斯亥获荆岿鞍帕爱捏倪检脂综防即衫遇简靴竭锯下恶横斋产镀迈辑槽剩瘫监黑爱妓硼慧百之垦莱多断辽柒奏傲舟蔽禽熟匈揽答鱼饿巩纫败拈敦瀑骂漾逝莆歧屹空吼抠膨农民淌惹猪莽钩蒂茂废碘酵虎堤窟局层衬烬勾袭逆魂坎擂痉昆田汀沏籍敖瘤把磋合正塔焚沸生辨辑丁2010年湖北省襄樊市初中毕业考试英语真题选择题(共70分)一、听力测试(本大题满分25分,每小题1分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 下面你将听到8个句子。每个句子后有三个应答语,请从每小题所给A、B、C三个应答语中选出一个最佳选项。听完每个句子后你都有10秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个句子读两遍。1ANice to meet you, too BHow are you? CIm fine,thanks2AIts Friday BIts June, 20th CIts ten thirty3AOK Here you are BYes Its on Center Street CPlease hurry up4AI have a toothache BIm sorry to hear that CYou should see a dentist5AYes, sure BYes, you can CSorry, you cant6AYoull have a good time BLets have it today CIf you do, youll be late7AI hope so BSomewhere relaxing CGood idea8AHow do you like them? BNever mind CWell,I dont agree with you第二节 下面你将听到5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你都有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话或独白读两遍。听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题。9Where does Wei Huas pen pal come from? A England B USA C China10What language can Jenny speak? A French B Japanese C Chinese and English11How often does Wei Hua write to Jenny? A Once a month B Once a week C Twice a month听第二段材料,回答第12至14小题。12Who will have the birthday party? A Tommy B Gina C Mary13How many friends are going to the party? A Four B Five C Six14Why cant Mary go to the party? AShe is ill BShe has to take a rest CShe has to study for a test听第三段材料,回答第15至17小题。15Why did Jim go to Paris? A To spend his holiday B To study history C To visit his uncle16How did Lucy go there? A By ship B By train C By plane17What was the weather like in Paris when Lucy stayed there? A It was bad B It was sunny C It was raining听第四段材料,回答第18至20小题。18 What does Sams mother ask him to do? A To do his homework B To do housework C To do some shopping19 How long has Sam been doing his homework? A Since breakfast B For the whole day C Eight hours20 Whats his mothers advice about his homework? A He should call up his teacher B His mother can teach him how to do it C He should ask Julia for help听第五段材料,回答第21至25小题。21 Where did Tony meet Jack one day? A In the street B In the bookstore C In the bank22 What did Jack like doing? A Listening to music B Borrowing money C Reading books23 How much money did Jack borrow from Tony? A Five dollars B Ten dollars C Twenty dollars24 What happened while Tony and Jack were talking and walking along the street? A They had a fight B They were robbed (抢劫) C They had a traffic accident25 Did Jack have any money with him before he met the man? A Yes, he did B No, he didnt C We dont know二、选择填空(本大题满分15分,每小题1分) 从各小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。26 -Whats your job, Henry? -Im a I work late Im very busy when people go out to dinnersA waiter B reporter C teacher D nurse27-William,please remember to _ _ the photo taken in Canada here when you come to school tomorrow Id like to have a look -OKIll introduce something about it to you myself A take B pass C bring D carry28-Were all here Lily Wheres she? -Shes gone to the library A beside B besides C except D of29-How will she deal with the work? -She doesnt want to do it by herself She wants to ask someone else to do it, A yet B instead C too D either30-What do you think of the sweater? -lts too , and I dont have enough money to buy it A nice B lovely C popular D expensive31-Why are you unhappy, Ben? -I was late for class again Im afraid Miss Li will be me A friendly to B angry with C busy with D proud of32-Do you know how to pronounce this word? -Yes I _ _ in the dictionary yesterday A looked it up B worked it out C gave it away D picked it up33-Where is my notebook? -I dont know It isnt here Maybe _ _ took it away by mistake A everybody B nobody C anybody D somebody34-Can I go to the movie,Mum? -Certainly But you _ _ be back by ten oclock A can B may C might D must35- do you study for a test? -I study by working with a group A Where B How C When D Why36-Emma failed her exams I think she should work harder -I agree _ she does, shell get good grades A If B Because C Before D Though37-I the Great Wall next week -Have a good trip! A visit B visited C am visiting D have visited38-I went to see you yesterday evening But you werent in Where were you then? -I _ _ a walk by the lake with my husband A was having B am having C have had D have39-What a dean and bright classroom, isnt it? -Yes,its always clean and bright because it every day A cleans B cleaned C is cleaned D was cleaned40-Will Liu Ying come to school today? -I dont know But I also want to know A that she will come to school today B.whether will she come to school today C how will she come to school today Dif she will come to school today三、完形填空(本大题满分10分,每空1分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Computer games are very popular It is natural for people to want to 41 ,so playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be 42 to stop“Just one more game,” often turns into another game, then anotherComputer games do have their 43 They are excellent for training hand / eye coordination(协调)Surgeons(外科医生) who played computer games as chitdren are often more skilledComputer games can also be great for teaching students The students are open to learning while playing They can study for longer than a 44 would be able to teachStudents can also learn at their own speed and not feel pressured to match classmates And with computers you can 45 a task as many times as you like The more you do this, the better you will get, until you can do it perfectlyBut like anything else in life, things should be balanced Too much time on the com purer can 46 your eyes Regular breaks are needed If students cannot 47 playing computer games, they wont do as well in other areas in their life-not just schoolwork,but in developing important social skills such as how to talk with people and how to work with others as part of a 48 And if they are 49 taking regular exercise,their health will become worseComputer games have their place,but people must also remember it is important to 50 a balanced lifestyle41A win B lose C fight D race42A easy B necessary C difficult D natural43A rules B advantages C disadvantages D mistakes44A teacher B parent C doctor D computer45A make B practice C put off D discover46A break B hurt C relax D close47A enjoy B start C stop D keep48A family B game C match D team49A often B no longer C always D still50A refuse B give up C stay away from D have四、阅读理解(本大题满分20分,每小题2分) 阅读下面三篇材料,并根据材料内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI have been a reporter for fifteen years I chose this job so that I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many unforgettable lessons My work is sometimes boring but for most of the time it is amazing and inspiringIn India, I visited a city There were many homeless children Some were young and lived in the streets But then a lady called Rosa opened a home for them In one whole year, she was looking after two hundred kids, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hopeAnother time,I was in Japan and met a young girl with a serious illnessAfter seven operations,she had to have thirteen more in hospitalHowever,when I met her,she was still smilingHere in China, after the terrible Wenchuan Earthquake, I found a three-year old boy named Lang ZhengHe had been in the ruins(废墟) for more than ten hours before he was found by the soldiersThough weak and injured,the brave boy lifted his right hand above his head with difficulty and saluted the soldiers to show his thanks, which became the most moving moment in the disaster(灾难)Thanks to the experience as a reporter,I myself am getting braver and strongerWhen I face challenges in my life, I always remember the courage(勇气) of these three people51 The writer chose the job of being a reporter becausehe wanted to _ . A improve his writing skills B experience difficulties C travel the world D offer help to others52 From the passage, we learn that Rosa was _ . A kind and patient B creative and proud C lovely and lucky D honest and brave53 What does the underlined word “saluted” in the passage mean in Chinese? A向告别 B向学习 C向求救 D向致敬BEarthquakes happen without warning(前兆)They can happen any time of a day,at any point during the year When an earthquake is happening, you should know what you should do or not doDo NOT go outsideYou could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings If you are outside, stay away from buildings and power lines(输电线)Stay under a desk,table,or other strong furnitureHold on to itOr stay in a corner of the building Cover your face and head with your arms and cover your mouth with a towel or clothing Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outsideKeep away from windows,pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building,and anything else that could fall and hurt youMost people get injured by falling things during an earthquake, not by the shaking itselfAlso keep away from a fireYou could fall down and burn yourself on the fireIf you are driving when an earthquake happens,stop the car if its safeStay inside your car until the earthquake stops,and dont drive near bridgesTry not to stop by power lines or treesThese could fall and hurt you54 It isnt safe for you to _ while the earthquake is happening A run out of the building B stay in a corner of the building C cover your head with your arms D cover your mouth with a towel55 From this passage, we know _ . Amany people fear earthquakes Bearthquakes maybe happen at any time Cwe cant save ourselves in an earthquake Dpeople never get injured in earthquakes56 The best title for this passage should be “ ” AHow Earthquakes Happen BHow to Drive a Car CWhat We Should Do in Earthquakes DWhy Earthquakes HappenCSpeaking is different among the four skills in learning EnglishThe other three you can do alone on your own,but you cant really speak aloneSpeaking to yourself can be "dangerous" because men in white coats may come and take you away!Then how can you practice speaking? Where can you find people to speak English with?At school-If you pay to go to a language school,you should use the chance to speakIf your teacher asks you to speak in pairs with other students, try to say as much as possibleDont worry about your mistakesJust speak!Cafes and bars-There are American,British,Irish and Australian bars in many big citiesIf you can find one,you will probably meet many people speaking English as their first or second languageSongs and videos-Repeat the words of an English song singing with the music until it becomes automatic(不假思索)Its good practice for your memory and for the mouth muscles(肌肉) that you need for EnglishLanguage is all around you-Everywhere you go,you will find languageShop names,notices,and car numbersWhen you walk down the street,practice reading the words and numbers that you seeSay them to yourselfIts not exactly a conversation,but it will help you to "think" in English57The purpose of this passage is to _. Atell us that you can speak English alone Btell us that English is all around you Cgive us some advice on how to practice speaking Dtell us speaking is the easiest of the four skills in learning English58What does the writer mean by saying "Speaking to yourself can be dangerous"? AThe writer is joking- perhaps a doctor will come and take you to the hospital BIts dangerous to practice speaking with foreigners CWhen you speak alone, you have to put on a white coat DMen in white coats will cause an accident59The writer advises you to go to cafes and bars because _. Ayou can enjoy yourself there Byou can listen to English songs there Cit will not be dangerous if you speak to yourself there Dyou will meet many English speakers there60Why does the writer give the advice "Songs and videos"? AIts good practice for your memory BIts good for the mouth muscles that you need for English CIts good for you to sing well DBoth A and B非选择题(主观题)(共50分)五、补全对话(本大题满分10分,每空2分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并将所选句子前的字母代号写在答题卡上的相应题号后。A: Good morning, madamB: 61 A: You look worried Whats wrong with you?B: My daughter got lost when I did shopping in the market this morning Ive looked for her everywhere in the market, but I cant find her What shall I do?A: 62 Tell us something about her We can help youB: Thank you,sirA: Now please tell me how old she isB: Shes five years oldA: 63 B: Shes kind of heavy,and she has a round face and long curly hairA: What color dress is she wearing today?B: 64 A: Whats your telephone number?B: Its 9256480A: OKWell start to look for her right away Well call you as soon as we find herB: 65 AWhat does she look like? BGood morning, sirCThank you very much DDont worryEIs it a boy or a girl? FShes wearing a red skirt六、完成句子(本大题满分14分,每小题2分) 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。(注意:只写答案,试题的其它内容不得抄入答题卡。)66-What are you going to be (你长大了)? -Im going to be a basketball player (when)67Ann is only five years old She is (太小而不能上学) (too)68I (数学学得好) this term than I did last term (do)69 Would you (不要把音乐的声音调大了)?My baby is sleeping(mind)70 Its a bad habit to (开着灯睡觉) (with)71 Why not consider (给他提供信息)about student exchange programs?(provide)72-Do you know the boy (被那个大学生救起的)? -Yes, hes my classmate (who)七、短文综合填空(本大题满分11分,每空1分)先阅读短文,然后根据短文内容从方框内所给的单词中选择恰当的词(注意词形变化)填入短文空白处,使短文完整、通顺。一词只用一次,一空限填一词。方框中有两个词是多余的。将能填入空白处的答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。hungry hospital hmch thirsty miss sad asleepcome see quiet think leave eyeIt was a hot day during the holidayMy mother and I got on the bus which would take us to my grandmas villageIt was so hot that 1 felt very 73 Then I began 1o think of the sweet watermelons and other fruits in Grandmas houseI could hardly wait to arrive there and 74 my grandma earlierIt took us one more hour to gel thereWhen we walked into the house,Grandma was busy preparing 75 in the kitchenI knew from her smile face that she was very glad to see us,She brought out a big watermelon and cut it It was so nice to eat the watermelon on such a hot dayAfter lunch my mother felt tired and went to bed to have a restI asked my grandma to tell me a fair taleWe sat on the bed and she began to tell it I listened to her 76 ,It was not long before I fell 77 I was dreaming when a terrible sound woke me upI saw Grandma was lying on the ground I couldnt believe my 78 How fearful a sight was!I hurried to wake my mother upWe took Grandma to the 79 in a hurry,But it was too lateMy grandmas heart stopped beating(跳动)when we got thereYoull never imagine how 80 we felt thenGrandma was very well all the timeI had never imagine she would 81 us so soonThat evening I lay in bed aloneTears ran down my faceI prayed(祈祷)and prayed,wishing my grandma would be able to 82 backNow several years have passedMy dear grandma,where are you?I 83 you so much八、书面表达(本大题满分15分) Be Helpful and Useful in Summer Vacation! Teach stay-at-home kids in the village Help clean the city parks Visit the sick children in the hospital Raise money for the children in Yushu Collect old textbooks for the village kids Come and join us!暑假要到了。你们班向全班同学发出了“过一个有意义的暑假”的倡议,并列出了活动项目: 你看过倡议和活动项目后决定参加其中两项活动。请根据活动项目以及写作要点提示写一篇发言稿,在班会上交流你的计划和打算。 1写作要点提示: 1)你打算参加倡议中的哪两项活动; 2)你选择这两项活动的原因; 3)你准备在这两项活动中做些什么具体事情。 2写作要求: 发言稿的内容应包含所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,以使发言稿的意思连贯;发言稿的字数90词左右;发言稿的开头和结尾已写出,但不计入总词数,也不得抄入答题卡。 Hello,everyone!Summer vacation is coming,Id like to talk about my plan for the summer vacation Lets be helpful and useful in the summer vacation Thats allThank you2010年襄樊市初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题参考答案及评分说明选择题一、听力测试:1A 2C 3B 4A 5A 6B 7B 8C 9B 10C 11A 12A 13B 14C 15A 16C 17B 18B 19A 20C 21A 22C 23B 24B 25A 评分说明:本大题满分25分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。二、选择填空:26A 27C 28C 29B 30D 31B 32A 33D 34D 35B 36A 37C 38A 39C 40D 评分说明:本大题满分15分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。三、完形填空:41A 42C 43B 44A 45B 46B 47C 48D 49B 50D 评分说明:本大题满分10分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。四、阅读理解:51C 52A 53D 54A 55B 56C 57C 58


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