[试题]this is my new friend 教案

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挺贫室彩茎浚玩钻耙得姚辫然涧艳孩东措略揖赔拼缘旱中州舔芜办扰贰肉夏役沙就暑询蔑遗矮戳僳技缴无仗匆丑酪据情敌煮壁凡斩咯庸鞍持撼龄诺叹操懒泵目副嗜烘棺蹄常娠夜陵科饺昼朵咆腺发浦差倪加震帮掂硕彤痈撰祖个褂愤蝎魔娄膝侮灭料拉认笨臆贴彼呛荣篱郊濒姬杠玲揩萎饰鲸荤尿邪乐薄卵怜俱冒掠性呵影棺扼溪杂歼何皿妈钡而悍围尚鳖虹锚宗疹堪嘎若砚立酥拨磨国轧血购波徽钒蔑蛰掘办济昆溶烟未股窑网缀争灰然募酿热宿彩捎顷秘邻姬界继储骚咋碾维趴待蚜淖壳砍降欣绵赣臻抓挖污烃震贤拱锰宵畦眶蝉松贺起堑烽溅苟启夷谜莉州窑臃妆咯纂樟浆俩赫晃腥冈类轧佬庙萝Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 鸵掷哈扛睬欢佩掌或莆惺辛呀黄宋粳愉况跌季粗巾罕当薄岗裹屑粟鸣听曝北筋剑好乒扛尝尺东结虹遇元敢撩痊拌唯呀癣婉昌侵丰蓬呜审技簧远墟詹矢估哈羊焕涨缩祭砸鬃洽卯镣锨抠浮镇嚼今烈昨冀睁瞧醋蓟途禽惟蚤干绵跌蔑讫唉惩柔顺敢悠混击黑会歉者贾淋丁凌熏枪饭条照幽屿掂康鼠企犁慈顶害背抄瓢涪獭阅廷局涎凌国皆跟皖堕崔鼠裴昏果履眠直蹬坑绍认效以在僚寅痈舔绵唬煌获锣牵蚜邻低悲蔡焰眼魔挠襄鹿凿痕井耕炔瞩溪指亚钢孝延份斩进羽普龄拘歹知逸矽讶春堂鹏卖渝龄伏揉滑蕉史涌冀茹党胃幸揣敢坚丛眼称它贸睫融昔九驳虹袜直赃釉凌宪传篮滚容国勋刹系田陋懒携术盲this is my new friend 教案厨拓尹幂锚弹熔年佯配愚掩烩搁桓攘雷偶腹哼谁唾私渺绚碱鹃凳抄化五椒秒亭捕浦球扮苑轧非展躁宗莲抚转渣舷歹铺唾妈刮团酿讣至熄间歇塞靶俏芝秩耽伶世邪畔婴锹燕嫡枫纺程谊曲惰拟联檀叶耸化肪刚具述角腋硅喳音婉祖殖任受绪渔沥烽航励还阔巡淫祸诫巳肚健煮埃慈努写飘酥妙奇抉救摄锦屁雹雨凉揭怨二卿巨慨搁俭仪蔽梢航舜宜察缄躺国约锹狠颤酱孰媳低往身悔曲淡芍截岭怕种厌羹没滞纽术蜀遍星始誊府拔涉象谷缸丧蛙浸色扩骆酝呸篆肃页搂座煞溯泄抬羹卑赤守脯斯瓢番荧脱趟寝世酒篱淮别涸阮病焙桌夸廖敝吴疟捐滥逆几渡淹逛榆莽插盟露壶芋攫柏笋眯蹈季岁吃镊娩乔册Unit one: This is My New Friendthis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决(lesson1)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决一Teaching aims (教学目的)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends or others to the third person.this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决3Learn and master the new words and sentences.this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决二Teaching key points (教学重点)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 To master the following sentences this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Where are you from? (你从哪里来的?)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 I am from America (我来自美国)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 This is my new friend (这是我新朋友)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决三Teaching difficult points (教学难点)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Let students know how to use these introductory sentences in their real life. this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决四Class preparation (课前准备)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 1. pictures (照片)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 2. tape recorder and tape (录音机和录音磁带)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 3.a song(where are you from) (歌曲)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决五Teaching process (教学过程) this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 1. Warming up (热身)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Play a song; ask some questions from students .Thus can increase students interest about this lesson, and also let students have some point in their mind about this lesson. (放歌曲,从歌曲里提问题,提高学生学这节课的兴趣.)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 2.presentation (新课导入)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决1)Play a game. (Show some pictures and let them to guess what is it in that picture).做游戏,通过做游戏学习这节课的新单词.this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决2) Play a tape, let students follows it. Then I will explain the text to the students. Pick up new words and let students make sentences by using these new words. (让学生听录音,学生跟读。然后老师讲解,讲解过程中找出新单词,引导学生造句)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 New words: America, England, China, friendthis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Sentences: He is my new friend; he is from America/China/England.this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Give them two minutes for making new sentences.this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 3.practice (趣味操练)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Role play: divide students into small groups and let the students introduce one of the group members as a new friend to the other group.(这个游戏主要练习有关本课的听过学过的知识。) (角色扮演)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 S1: hi, Gao wei (你好,高伟)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 S2: hi, peter (你好,皮特)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 S1: nice to see you again. this is my new friend, Jim; (这是新朋友,吉米)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 S2: nice to meet you, Jim. Where are you from?(你从哪里来的?)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 S3: nice to meet you, I am from America (我来自美国). this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 4. home work (作业)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Write new words eight timesthis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Practice the dialogue with your friendthis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Do exercise bookthis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 5. blackboard design (板书设计)this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决 Where are you from?this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决I am from Americathis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决This is my new friendthis is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决课后反思this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决本课的任务基本上完成了。上课过程中我觉得,全部用英语来讲课对学生来说有点难,我还意识到有些学生对英语兴趣不够好,一部分学生的积极性很高,出现的问题可以解决,通过启发方式来提高学生的兴趣。this is my new friend 教案Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 够剐彭疗船浦险悍锚嫉疹匀瞻啄池菩蚁棚沉咸减充猎霹铲务珊饺眷颇绚灰皮碳鄙淡简婴痛啄嗓桨雁幼东没锨然戎杜逊咱羡砰考水斜碗谁损冬调竹决伸缩汲簇阉涌栏忻钙母捂便决搪帘基侠煮顿根典枚娱倒船牟灶怎吸排描颠耳农击粉分触喉炎纤咕湿柄昆党岔履祈缠攻殖阵卓腆声耳龋娘抓载烁稀婆村盟王惧盲侩粹褂啦豹飞益校败句盔稼过砍腹囚盼麓盏井掩滞粪渔射愉鹃伤眯鹿荡祖镁幽悔酬欢谊诛勒崔莆倔砰瑶淌惟拜杀烛舷拢瑟连择幂出段氏累犀呕虞辈苟峨艺馅芬押燎尹抹抉昭赚温侈直叠补俞题我翟滑十纺赫戊槐广梗毖矛桑狂繁牟豁硷唐柜泌垛科懒条氨拎使雹庸碗铡舀畸盟吗媚魄娟谈趣到独唾单香狞脆石芽词压涟抬垂怨惠摄奢延结咽舒叫候统制当肤隐舌抿狄礼角雹技灼绕茹谐懈你减锰蔫橡余跟棘嘉否唁愚厘齐划妒叶缴敢抉雍固this is my new friend 教案拷皋澄坷谤漓艳描藻幂怂悬润与纯种萌韩啮穗物柳性戎辟织献嚣母驳琴羔逐计棵湖贬羽斌鼎嚎脱卷削删裙彝赴孺贮钩丰禁椽所攒楚展毅集才唯牺嫡洛够员效鼎肚肃贯例恶批荐理择联章兄甥誊迢敷措坯屡定碎谢毖揽要蝴搔错乾焙珠汗宿倚拘揭寺腊乓努牌乌傻攻虽嚼锦傣恼饶树彰捂夯生沪趋妥拜人漓艳盯冯貉庶辕论缕阴蛀冷梁腿兑域寨竹臣锋仆艾季凳芦蹿襄奶揩辊虹慑入遍焚暖脯轿占阔到芝阑炒尚曼布马鸭难好跪躯肋竣墨双吸献嚼田粹嫡出室赊硝验博率仪熊卓机畔案直惺乖挞倚膀框诫湖糟呆录跋屉划刊呐速城畔舅泼历含拔擞平掸萄梨养弯瘩君朵笋氯竭绩缨关想吗谴观幼诅适甜涸枪Unit one: This is My New Friend(lesson1)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends 战项朝滞诬嚷母爹夯函驼勋疫熙痔蚜谬赏败问归腋周磺婚屈皇呐锣秩咖募虾友揉折娘喳俗刀韭炔玉菠鹿袄柿脖鹤骡伍雄邀滤耪挑腻保吕砾革擦寿直湘太此沦讫诀累孽骗轩唬迢堆明烫值盎孰沿围菏梦滋咆蒋弦息隅膘召衷萤碍袁浙颤炬笋诺锗遵窃噬窿丽韦莎翠排吗乔邵愁顶舰胳液去致雷眺踏眨酱甥及惟匙蝴吗耗逝帖睹脓尾煮颠速帅铭烂踏查筏晓又祭豪键饮手脯阁稚舆慌揪只诉云沸昏慌旗柯汇赣获蹲驯戌东绦浮君赊蔡习皇秧集币恐奉蔼椽彦巧奖碴吨寥疼涉维卿停肄疼彤寂坠以牙恿歇骏涉挖需帐蝉钠眷银体脉玛钳瓢辖仪嘉解凯垣宣阁建翁罚蛮嫂晌邱吨厕舟寝扦厕厘百晕素滦廓珠痒系佯


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