人教版新起点英语四上Unit 7 JobsPPT课件

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teacher cook mailman salesclerk hairdresser dentist Computer programmer singer cook 厨师厨师 mailman邮递员;邮差邮递员;邮差 salesclerk 店员;销售员店员;销售员 hairdresser 理发师;美容师理发师;美容师 dentist 牙科医生牙科医生 singer 歌手歌手 post office 邮局邮局 hospital 医院医院 store 商店商店 hotel 旅馆旅馆 beauty shop 美容院美容院 What does Andys father do? He is a mailman. What does your father do? He is a cook. What does your mother do? She is a teacher. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be? I want to be a singer. What does Amy want to be? She wants to be a hairdresser He wants to be a dentist. What does Andy want to be? The jobs of your family. family job grandfather grandmother father mother uncle aunt


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