外研版(一起)四上Unit 1 What did she playppt课件

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外研版(一起)四上Unit 1 What did she playppt课件_第1页
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外研版(一起)四上Unit 1 What did she playppt课件_第3页
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不规则动词过去式不规则动词过去式 买买 What did you do last week? I . went to the supermarket went ice-skating learnt English watched TV bought a present ate a cake cleaned my room Did you finish your homework yesterday? Did you paint a picture yesterday? Did you watch TV yesterday? Did you play the guitar yesterday? Did you play computer yesterday? Did you play basketball yesterday? Module8 Unit1 What did she play? Listen to the tape and underline the new words. 听音,划出新单词 New Words: come(过去式)came 来 last 刚过去的 win(过去式)won 赢得 gold 金制的 cup 奖杯 practise 练习 win 赢得 New Words: come(过去式)came 来 last 刚过去的 win(过去式)won 赢得 gold 金制的 cup 奖杯 practise 练习 win 赢得 Music competition English competition Chinese competition Competition 竞赛 Answer some questions: 1.Who came to China? Some English children came to China. 2.When did they come? They came last Wednesday. 3.Who won the gold cup? This girl won a gold cup. guitar flute drum zither What did she/he play? 1.What did this girl play ? She played the flute. 2.Can Amy play the flute? Yes, she can.But she cant play well. Listen carefully: 3.What did Mum to Amy? So practise a lot. Then you will win a competition too. Practice a lot. Practise makes perfect! 熟能生巧! Group work: Tesk1:Read in groups,You can choose the way you like. (小组读课文,可选择你喜欢的方式朗读) Tesk2:Judge and Order (判断和选择) 4.Amy played the erhu. 2.Some American children came to China. 3.They came to China last Wednesday. 5.Amy can play the flute too. True () or False () 1.They came for the English competition. () () () () () Put these questions and answers in the right order 排序 1.1. did/ when/ come/ they/ did/ when/ come/ they/ ? When did they come?When did they come? 2.Last/ they/ Wednesday/ came/.2.Last/ they/ Wednesday/ came/. They came last Wednesday.They came last Wednesday. 3. did/ what/ she/ play/ ?3. did/ what/ she/ play/ ? What did she play?What did she play? 4.gold/ this/ cup/ won/ girl/.4.gold/ this/ cup/ won/ girl/. This girl won gold cup.This girl won gold cup. Can you try? Yesterday, Lingling and mum came for a music competition. Some English children_ to China last Wednesday. The girl _ a gold cup. She played the _. came won flute What did you learn this lesson? 这节课你学到了什么?这节课你学到了什么? 讲课人:冯恺讲课人:冯恺


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