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毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文译文题目: TD-SCDMA与WCMA网络优化分析 3G network optimization 学生姓名: 学号: 专业: 通信工程 所在学院: 龙蟠学院 指导教师: 职称: 讲师 2011年 12 月 1 日说明:要求学生结合毕业设计(论文)课题参阅一篇以上的外文资料,并翻译至少一万印刷符(或译出3千汉字)以上的译文。译文原则上要求打印(如手写,一律用400字方格稿纸书写),连同学校提供的统一封面及英文原文装订,于毕业设计(论文)工作开始后2周内完成,作为成绩考核的一部分。3G network optimization摘自TD-SCDMA无线网络优化原理及方法One, the basic process of 3G network optimizationOperators aim is to build a profitable network, they are very concerned about the network construction, expansion and upgrade in the process of investment cost and its final performance, but the expansion, upgrade costs and network performance is a pair of contradiction. Construction cost budget and control can get relatively accurate numerical, but the performance of the network is composed of many subjective and objective factors. On one hand, the network capacity expansion, upgrading and upgrades to existing users can guarantee the normal use, on the other hand, it also can provide competitive new business, and makes further expansion, upgrading and upgrades can be carried out smoothly. In this way, the network optimization becomes a long-term, iterative process.Network optimization should be able to according to the operators specific needs by means of software tool automatically, can also through manual intervention to achieve the capacity, coverage, QoS ensure a balance point. 3G network system structure is shown in figure 1. Generally, network and includes 3 levels:On Node B, the mobile station performance indicators for real-time calculation and simulation, including fast power control, rapid congestion resolved, wireless link adaptive, channel allocation;Real time load analysis and control;Based on experience or statistical results, through roadshow, network optimization software for network performance prediction.In front of 2 levels, in the network is completed, by the network management system through the online monitoring and statistics in real time automatic adjustment, while the third level is the need for professionals to carry out, also is we often say that the network optimization.Artificial network optimization can be divided into the following several steps:First of all, the operator should be based on their own characteristics the definition of a good network optimization is completed to achieve the goal, which determine the above mentioned balance point, including point-to-point quality objectives, different business types of performance indicators and related KPI ( key performance indicators) of various values; later, the existing network performance index data acquisition, through a variety of channels, such as network management system and the convergence device feedback, protocol analyzers and even maintenance department customer complaints such as summary, in conclusion, should be through a variety of ways, using a variety of means, collecting more data, the analysis result is accurate.The collected data is input to the network planning software analysis, can generate the current network status, or achieve some indexes are needed for network configuration. In the process of system simulation, some results in the initial analysis is complete, the error will be relatively large, at this time, some parameters are fine-tuned, local iterative analysis of system, it was repeatedly modified, will eventually get accurate results.Network optimization to achieve the purpose of including: improving network coverage, reduce the system call drop rate, loss rate, improve the switching success rate, on Node B load adjustment, optimization of Node B pilot frequency distribution. Optimization of indicators include: Node B sector transmission power, antenna height and angle, the adjacent Node B position and the pilot signal, the adjacent Node B pilot search window size, trigger switch threshold value.In the process of network optimization, we need to use different tools, and these tools have different effects.1 planning softwareIn detail simulation process, we will be new or expansion, upgrading the site information input to the electronic map. Through repeated simulation and tuning, resulting in some constraints ( such as site location, determining fixed configuration ), optimal coverage, capacity, quality of service indicators. Land use planning software optimization stage, through the simulation to determine the system factors include: Node B site, type of antenna, antenna angle. On the basis of the existing network expansion, upgrade, the operator is always concerned with optimization is completed, the new capacity can achieve the simulation predicted value.2 network management systemNetwork management system is to monitor network performance, the system data acquisition. It can be shown that the distribution business, the business such as the quality of call loss rate statistics, therefore, can help the maintenance engineer for fault location.QoS indexes are relatively flexible, according to KPI requirements or cost control requirements, can be identified in the corresponding QoS index. The constraints include: hardware resources ( channel capacity configuration ), software resources ( interference caps ), call loss rate, dropped call rate, call rate, handover success rate, the uplink / downlink channel load, data retransmission / delay, data and circuit type business rate etc. To meet these requirements, network management system should have the following 3 functions:( 1) monitoring network traffic and performance;( 2) real-time fault detection and rapid positioning, in order to improve the quality of service;( 3 ) automatically collected, aggregated data required for network planning.3 simulation tool softwareAiming at the existing network operation, through the specialized test software tools, we can draw some area or the whole network performance, through simulation analysis software, the various indicators of classification statistics, network optimization engineer to do a detailed assessment of the overall network performance. Analysis software through the network access to wireless link index, total co-channel interference, and statistical analysis. Some of these data is random, such as a mobile station to a receiving level value, receiving / transmitting power. While some other indicators are static, such as switching time, switching rate of success, the statistical analysis of the results can help the network optimization engineer on the existing network conditions have a clear understanding, and targeted for network optimization.Network planning and optimization is a repeated operation, according to the actual situation and needs, which are theoretically analyzed and calculated, and through the practice of repeatedly correcting.In two, WCDMA and TD-SCDMA network optimization of similarities and differencesIn general, the configuration of hardware design and planning and product parameters have direct relation, such as a radio link antenna gain, isolation, baseband signal electric equality. This aspect of the planning and design to the antenna azimuth, pitch angle, height etc. Radio resource management ( RRM ) includes switching control, power control, control, load control and so on. And according to the different business model, channel mode and system, design and optimization software to use different algorithms. For 3G system, 3 kinds of international standard, in the business model, channel model of the two is exactly the same, but the system in different wireless modulation, different physical layer technology determines the different radio propagation model.The TD-SCDMA and 3GPP recommended by the other 3G standards, technical differences reflected in the smart antenna, joint detection, uplink / downlink synchronization, special frame structure etc. Therefore, network planning and optimization with other system in the reference model is slightly different, and among them, the smart antenna is introduced to analysis result.Therefore, for the TD-SCDMA system, network optimization more should consider the channel allocation algorithm, intelligent antenna indicator features. Below, we on the TD-SCDMA and WCDMA optimization in several ways are compared.The 1 switchSwitch design for each mobile communication network are very important. From cyber source use efficiency perspective, mobile station not in the best business sector, largely influence the quality of the business. For example, a Node B pilot signal is too strong, around the mobile station will often switch to the sector, causing the Node B wireless resources are occupied, the system load is too large, will increase the area of the drop rate, at the same time, area of the interferences between mobile stations will increase.In the system of WCDMA, same frequency switching using soft switching ( soft / softer handoff ) manner, in TD-SCDMA, is the use of relay switching ( Baton Handover ), which is a kind of hard switching and soft switching between a switching mode. TD-SCDMA is also one of the core technologies in mobile communication system. Its design concept is the use of smart antenna and uplink synchronization technology, the mobile station distance and azimuth positioning based on mobile station, according to the bearing and distance information as auxiliary information to determine whether the mobile station mobile to be switched between adjacent Node B neighborhood. If the mobile station enters the switching region, RNC notifies the Node B to switch to prepare, so as to achieve rapid, reliable and efficient switching purposes. This process is a track and field competition in the relay race relay baton, figure ground says for relay switch. Relay switch with intelligent antenna and uplink synchronization technology, soft switching high success rate and hard switching high channel utilization together, is a good system performance optimization of the switching method.According to the TD-SDMA switch, in the planning and optimization to consider the following points.( 1) the measurement of different switching range.( 2) in the other system, when switching, Node B does not know the exact location of the mobile station and moving direction. RNC notified to all Node B measured in a mobile station signal level, whereas in TD-SCDMA, Node B on the signal level measurement based on its current location, RNC according to its moving direction, only to inform their most likely near the Node B measurement. If the mobile station speed, change of direction very quickly, measuring time delay and network load is relatively large, the relay switch and the effect of WCDMA soft switching effect, conversely, if the district range is too small, easily occur Hou selected pilot area of signal loss, system call drop rate will increase.(3 ) for the purpose of signal strength measurement delay in switching area.( 4) relay switching and soft switching, is aimed at with the original community maintain communication at the same time, and will switch to the community to establish a connection. But in order to reduce the switching time, its judgments than soft handoff more strict. If the current cell service quality is relatively high, the mobile station can increase the adjacent Node B signal level measurement interval, when the district service quality decline, the mobile station on the adjacent Node B signal level measuring interval will be reduced. Therefore, in the TD-SCDMA, there is a strong pilot signal Node B is not necessarily the mobile business service Node B. But in WCDMA, switching occurs always in the pilot signal strength as the basis of decision.2 channel allocationWCDMA channel allocation is relatively simple, in the same frequency channel allocation in the same order system. But in the TD-SCDMA system, using dynamic channel assignment ( DCA ) method, system in any one physical channel is through its carrier frequency / time / spread spectrum code combination to tag. Channel assignment is actually a radio resource allocation process.The technology of DCA, the channel is not fixed to a small, but are lumped together for distribution; as long as it can provide enough link quality, any area is the channel to call. DCA has a high utilization rate of the frequency band, without channel planning, can automatically adapt to the network load and interference changes etc. The drawback is that, DCA algorithm is compared to FCA ( fixed channel allocation ) is more complex, the system overhead is relatively large.The DCA algorithm is divided into slow and fast slow DCA DCA DCA, wireless channel allocation to the District, and rapid DCA channel to business. RNC management area of available resources, and the dynamic allocation to the user, specific distribution depends on the system load, the business requirements of QoS parameters. Therefore, there are many kinds of DCA algorithm. The most used is based on the interference measurement of DCA algorithm, this algorithm according to the mobile station feedback real-time interference measurement results distribution channel.A good DCA algorithm can improve the bandwidth utilization rate, and can adaptively reduce the system load, but also save the network planning in the planning and distribution channel link. However, if the use of DCA algorithm is inconsistent with the actual situation, would run counter to ones desire.3 smart antennaIn the TD system, if not using smart antenna, to a user, the same time slot in the useful signal other than the signal power is affecting the quality of communication interference and noise; the beam shaping, only from the main valve and larger sidelobe interference will affect user signal. Smart antenna beam shaping effectively reduces the interference between users, its essence is to different user signal in space to distinguish.Smart antenna for TD-SCDMA network performance impact is very big, accordingly, in the DCA algorithm needs to consider the space division multiplexing ( SCDM ). The power control, breathing effect range, interference control algorithm and WCDMA, smart antenna is used in the handoff algorithm in some criterion relationship becomes fuzzy and complicated, parameter measurement of random factors, such as the mobile users location, such as the effect of intelligent antenna. Cell breathing effect more randomization, the switch region is randomization.4 indoor coverageIn the WCDMA system, for hot spot coverage, especially the construction of large indoor coverage, the widespread use of indoor signal distribution system. In the indoor ceiling mounted omnidirectional antenna, or in the corridor wall mounted antenna, establishment of micro cellular, increased repeater, distributor and other equipment to improve the utilization rate of wireless resource. Therefore, users in indoor mobile, can also be effective communication, in this way to access Node B users, its signal is Node B viewed through different antenna to receive the same user multi-path signal.In the TD-SCDMA system, indoor signal distribution and WCDMA are different.( 1) TD-SCDMA through intelligent antenna estimated arrival time difference DOA ( different of arriaval ), but the repeater, or indoor antenna without this function.( 2) the TD-SCDMA uplink / downlink synchronous. Uplink synchronization establishment and maintenance needs to measure the transmission power, and by measuring the transmission power of mobile station, change trend and signal delay statistics and estimation, Node B can determine the user location. But as a result of indoor antenna gain and Node B is different, if users in indoor and outdoor antenna coverage between repeated switching, Node B cannot determine the users according to the transmission power of the distance, also cannot maintain uplink synchronization. For this, need special algorithm, in this case in distance estimation of delay or gain value compensation, in order to ensure synchronization. For a specific algorithm, but also in the exploration in practice experience value network.Three, conclusionNetwork optimization is to ensure that the network service quality, make full use of the important means of cyber source. The network was optimized, not only to improve user satisfaction, it can save the carrier construction and maintenance cost, enhance its market competitive power. Is the operator of the continuous development of the basic guarantee.In our country, the 2G network after 10 years of construction and optimization, currently 300000000 mobile users, operators, manufacturers in the process, also accumulated rich experience. However, due to the construction of 3G network in our country has not started yet, for 3G network planning and optimization, the current work concentrates at the theoretical level, the corresponding software tools remain to be practical翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅3G网络优化摘自TD-SCDMA无线网络优化原理及方法一、3G网络优化的基本过程 运营商的目标是构建一张可盈利的网络,他们非常关心网络建设、扩容及升级过程中的投资成本及其最终性能,但扩容、升级成本与网络性能却是一对矛盾。建设成本可通过预算与控制得到相对精确的数值,但是网络的性能却是由多种主客观因素决定的。一方面,对网络进行扩容、升级与升级要能够保证现有用户的正常使用,另一方面,它还要能提供有竞争力的新业务,并使得进一步的扩容、升级与升级能够顺利实施。这样,网络优化就成为了一个长期的、反复进行的过程。 网络优化应能够根据运营商的具体需求即能通过软件工具自动进行,也能通过人工干预来达到容量、覆盖、QoS保证的某个平衡点。3G网络系统结构如图1所示。一般来说,网优包括3个层面: 对Node B、移动台的性能指标进行实时计算与模拟,包括快速功率控制、快速拥塞解决、无线链路自适应、信道分配等; 实时负载的分析与控制; 基于经验值或统计结果,通过路演、网络优化软件对网络性能进行预估。 前面2个层面,是在网络建成后,由网管系统通过在线监测与统计实时进行的自动调整,而第3个层面则需要专业人员来实施,也即是我们常说的进行网络优化。 人工进行的网络优化又可分成以下几个步骤: 首先,运营商应根据自身特点定义好网络优化完成后要达到的目标,即确定前文所提到的“平衡点”,包括点到点的质量目标、不同业务类型的性能指标和相关的KPI(关键性能指标)的各项数值;之后,是对现有网络性能指标的数据采集,可通过多种渠道,如网管系统和汇聚设备的反馈,协议分析仪甚至是运维部门的客户投诉汇总等,总之,应通过多种方式,采用多种手段,采集的数据越多,分析结果就越准确。 将采集数据输入到网络规划软件中分析,就可生成目前的网络状况,或是达到某种指标所需要的网络配置。在系统仿真的过程中,一部分结果在最初分析完成后,误差会比较大,此时,我们对某些参数进行微调,进行局部的迭代分析,再对系统信真进行反复修正,最终会得到精确的结果。 网络优化要实现的目的主要包括:改善网络覆盖情况,降低系统掉话率、呼损率,提高切换成功率,对Node B负荷进行调整,优化Node B导频分配状况。优化的指标包括:Node B扇区发射功率,天线高度与角度,相邻Node B位置及导频号,相邻Node B导频搜索窗口大小,切换触发门限值等等。 在网络优化过程中,我们需求使用不同的工具,而这些工具又有不同的作用。 1.规划软件 在细节仿真的过程中,我们将要新建或扩容、升级的站点信息输入到电子地图中。通过反复模拟与微调,可得到在某种约束条件(如站址位置固定、确定配置)下,系统的最佳覆盖范围、容量、业务质量指标。用规划软件优化的阶段下,可通过对比仿真确定的系统因素包括:Node B站址、天线类型、天线角度等。在现有网络基础上扩容、升级时,运营商往往关心的是优化完成后,模拟的新增容量能否达到预计值。 2.网管系统 网管系统的作用是对网络性能进行监测,对系统数据进行采集。它可显示业务分布情况,对业务质量如呼损率等进行统计,因此,可帮助运维工程师进行故障快速定位。 QoS指标的确定相对比较灵活,根据KPI指标的要求或成本控制的要求,可确定相应QoS指标。约束条件包括:硬件资源(信道容量配置)、软件资源(干扰总量上限)、呼损率、掉话率、呼通率、切换成功率、上/下行信道负荷、数据重发/延迟、数据及电路型业务的速率等等。要满足这些要求,网管系统应具备以下3个功能: (1)监控网络流量与性能; (2)实时检测故障并快速定位,以提高服务质量; (3)自动采集、汇总网络规划所需的相关数据。 3.仿真工具软件 针对已有网络的运维,通过专业的测试软件工具,我们可以得出某区域或全网的性能表现,通过仿真分析软件,对各项指标进行分类统计,网优工程师可对网络整体性能做详细评估。分析工具软件可通过网管获得无线链路指标,同频干扰总量,并进行统计分析。其中一些数据是动态随机的,如移动台的接收电平值、收/发信功率等。而其他一些指标是静态的,如切换时间、切换成功率等,这些统计分析结果可帮助网优工程师对现有网络状况有清晰的了解,并有针对性地进行网络优化。 网络的规划与优化是一项反复进行的操作,根据实际情况与需求,即要有理论分析与计算,又要通过实践进行反复修正。 二、WCDMA与TD-SCDMA网络优化的异同 一般来说,对于硬件配置的设计与规划与产品的各项参数有直接关系,例如无线链路的天线增益、隔离度、基带信号电平等。这方面的规划设计涉及天线方位角、俯仰角、高度等。无线资源管理(RRM)包括切换控制、功率控制、鉴权控制,负荷控制等等。而针对不同的业务模式,信道模式及系统体制,规划/优化软件要采用不同的算法。对于3G系统,3种国际标准,在业务模式、信道模式两方面是完全相同的,而系统体制的不同表现在无线调制上,不同的物理层技术决定了不同的无线传播参考模型。 TD-SCDMA与3GPP所推荐的其他3G标准的不同,技术上的差异体现在智能天线、联合检测、上/下行链路同步、特殊帧结构等方面。因此,网络规划与优化与其他体制在参考模型上略有不同,而其中,智能天线的引入对分析结果影响最大。 因此,对于TD-SCDMA系统,网络优化更多要考虑采用何种信道分配算法,智能天线的指标特性等。下面,我们对TD-SCDMA与WCDMA优化在几个方面进行对比。 1.切换 切换设计对于每种移动通信网络都很重要。从网络资源使用效率的角度看,移动台未处于最佳业务扇区时,对业务质量的影响很大。举例来说,某Node B导频信号过强,周围移动台会经常切换到此扇区,造成该Node B的无线资源被占用,系统负荷过大,就会增加该小区的掉话率,与此同时,小区内移动台间的干扰也会加大。 在WCDMA体制中,同频切换采用软切换(soft/softer handoff)的方式,而在TD-SCDMA中,使用的是接力切换(Baton Handover),这是一种介于硬切换与软切换之间的一种切换方式。也是TD-SCDMA移动通信系统的核心技术之一


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