PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My Favourite Season教案

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Grade 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season 一、教学内容:第一课时 Lets start Lets chant A Lets learn Lets find out二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:学习单词season, spring, summer, fall, winter。并使用句型:“Whats your favorite season ?”和“ Whats the weather like in ?”进行提问,并能根据实际情况回答。2、能力目标:培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生小组合作意识,并培养学生善于观察生活、善于总结归纳的良好习惯,同时让学生珍惜时间努力学习。三、教学重难点:教学重点:1、学习单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter。2、句型:“Whats your favorite season ?和“ Whats the weather like in.?”及其回答。教学难点:听、说、读、写单词spring, summer, fall, winter和season。四、教学准备:录音机、配套VCD课件、单词卡片、图画。五、教学过程Step 1: Warm up 1、教师播放四年级下册第四单元A部分lets chant 的录音,复习有关天气的形容词,把全班分成左右两部分,左右对唱,根据该形容词做出相应的动作。 Mum! Its warm today! Take off your jacket! Phew!Its hot today! Put on your T-shirt! Oooh! Its cool today! Put on your sweater! Brrr! Its cold today! Put on your coat!Step 2: RevisionLead in 出示各种饮料、食物、颜色等图片,以问答的方式复习句型“Whats your favourite?” My favourite is.教师继续问:Whats the weather like today?学生回答:It's warm教师呈现四季图片问:Whats the weather like in this picture?And what about this one?教师将学生的回答有意识地分成四季进行板书,并将图片贴在相应的位置上。Step 3: PresentationTo show a word “weather” and play a brainstorm to guide the new words: spring, summer, fall, winter and season.由weather引导学生说出各种天气的单词,然后引出4个季节的单词,教师把学生的回答形成板书。最后教师总结There are four seasons in a year:spring,summer,fall ,and winter并将season板书。 Step 4: Consolidation 1学唱Lets sing “Whats your favourite season?”巩固单词认读。 让学生先听两遍录音,说说他们听到的歌词,然后跟着录音唱。分小组唱、两人唱、独唱等形式,比一比谁唱得好。2.Great shooter.教师将五张生词卡片分别贴在教室的各个位置,教师说某个单词,学生快速地用手指向该单词并大声读两遍。3. Play cards教师事先让学生准备好2套本课时的单词卡,四人小组以“盖棉被”的游戏,认读单词,在规定的时间内,看谁手上的牌最少谁就赢。 Step 5: Extension Lets find out 1教师问Whats your favourite season? 根据学生的回答追问Whats the weather 1ike in?让学生描述。 2T:Now can you draw the trees in springsummerfallwinter? OK,please draw the trees and talk about them让学生打开课本画树,并互相交流,教师巡视、指导。Step 6: Summary引导学生总结和进行思想教育。Step 7: Do some exercises.1. Listen and match.Step 8: Homework1、抄写和读熟本课时单词。2、自由组合唱歌谣“ Whats your favourite season? ”3、预习课本P17。六、板书设计Grade 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season 1、 教学内容:第二课时A. Lets try Lets talk Make a survey C. Lets sing.二、教学目标:1.会听、说、读、写Which season do you like best? 并回答,以及能在实际情景中运用。2.会表达自己喜欢这个季节的理由。三、教学重难点:重点:掌握“Which season do you like best? ”以及回答。难点:会叙述喜欢某个季节的理由。如:I can play with snow.四、教学准备:词卡,图卡,配套光盘 ,配套挂图,小盒子,卡套 五、教学过程。Step 1:Warm-up.1、 Lets sing .(Page 24)2、Lets chant .I like four seasons . I like four seasons.Spring, spring, its windy and warm ;Summer, summer, its sunny and hot ;Fall, fall, its windy and cool;Winter, winter, its windy and cold .Whats your favourite season?3、Play a game.猜猜我是谁。(教师准备五个卡片套,在套上剪一些图案,使单词若隐若现,学生猜猜里面的单词是什么?)Step 2: Lets try .(课本17页)Step 3: Presentation.1. Game:快乐对对碰。(教师准备小箱子,里面装着四个季节的卡片,教师请两位同学,一位学生抽出卡片,并读出单词,另一位同学要说出这个季节的天气:Its .)教师板书:Spring. Its windy and warm. Summer. Its sunny and hot. 2. Brain storm.教师出示教材的配套挂图(书本17页的四幅小图)。Say about the picture.Ss: I like summerfallwinterspring.Spring is warm.Summer is hot.Do you like summer?引导学生说:Whats your favourite season?从而引出同义句:Which season do you like best?(教师板书句型,引导学生作出正确的回答)教师拿出四个季节的图片,随意抽出一张,问:Which season do you like best ?Ss: SpringSummerFall. T:Which season do you like best?Ss: Winter. T: In winter, its windy and cold. Look! They can play with snow.(出示玩雪图片,板书)3. 引出新课,朗读课文。Step 4: Play games.Game1: 猜猜我是谁。(教师快速闪图,询问学生Which season do you like best?让学生抢答。然后请几个小老师询问。)Game2: 火眼金睛。(教师把这个对话的句型写在卡纸上,每个卡纸写一句,准备好四句。用一条一条的横条遮住,抽出一两条的,让学生猜猜。如果学生实在猜不出来,可以再抽出几条,放低难度。)Step 5: Lets chant. 1. Make a chant.Best, best, which season do you like best?Spring, spring, its warm, warm, warm.2. Make a new chant.Best, best, which season do you like best? , , its , , .Step 6: Consolidation.1. Make a survey.多媒体展示课本的配套光盘,教师先做例子,做调查:T: Hello, . Which season do you like best?S1: Spring .T: Hello, . Which season do you like best?S2: Winter.以四人小组为单位,完成表格。2. Make a dialogue.教师出示几张图片:水果店图,动物园图,颜色图,食物图 。用句型Which do you like best? .同桌做对话练习。Step 7: Practice.二、根据四季的天气特点及人们在不同季节常进行的活动连线。Step 8: Summary引导学生总结本课重点,教育学生爱护环境。Step 9: Homework1. 熟读背诵课文。2. 用英语询问家庭成员喜欢的季节。6、 板书设计Grade 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season一、教学内容:第三课时 A Read and write Lets play C Pronunciation Lets check二、教学目标:1. 能够听、说、读、写本课时四会句子:Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good ,but fall is my favourite season.2.能够理解Read and write部分的对话并能正确的回答问题和书写答句。3.能够总结字母组合air, ear, sp, sk 的发音规律,并能朗读Pronunciation部分提供的例词。三、教学重难点:1本课时的教学重点为掌握四会句子:“Which season do you like best?”及其答句“I like winter best.”2. 本课时的教学难点是对各个季节的特征及在不同季节进行的活动进行综合表述。四、教学准备:自制课件,单词图片,录音机,实物投影机,单词卡五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up & revision1.Sing a song “Whats your favourite season?”2.Everyday English.Whats your favourite season?Which season do you like best?What can you do in spring/summer/?What can you see in spring/summer/?Whats the weather like in China/ Canada/ Australia?7、 Play a puzzle game.(课件出示字谜游戏,让学生猜四季的单词以及检查学生对单词的拼写。)Step 2 PresentationRead and write1. To show a post card from Tutu and a post card from Zhuangzhuang ,then guide the new points in the text.(课件出示大耳朵图图和他的好友壮壮的明信片,明信片里面是图图在旅途中的所见和他最喜欢的季节及其壮壮喜欢的季节,以此引出课本中的新词。)2. To show the pictures to solve the new points.(出示一些节日的图片,引导学生关注信息。)3.Ask the students to read the text and choose the best answer.Question: Whats the title(题目) of the text?_A. My weekend B. This is my day C. Favourite season(教师通过第一遍阅读,给学生一个问题提示引导学生独立阅读,让学生粗略阅读全篇,关注学生对整体内容的把握。)4. Ask the students to read the text again, then ask them to discuss in groups: How do you get the answers? Next, ask them to fill in this form.(教师让学生细读课本,寻找答案,加黑的字为学生寻找后的答案,是学生在细读的过程中填写的。)5. The teacher checks the answers ,and then write the important sentences on the board.(教师通过问答的方式对答案,然后把四会句子板书。)6. Imitation.1) Listen to the tape and then answer the three questions: Which season does Zhang Peng like best? Which season does Mike like best? Which season does Amy like best?2) Read after the tape and then ask them to finish the three questions, then check the answers.3) Read by roles.Step 3 Consolidation 1.Lets play请两位学生上讲台,一学生面对黑板,一学生上抽单词卡,然后根据抽到的单词卡进行描述,面对黑板的学生猜描述的是哪个季节。Lets check1. Listen and circle the right picture.2.Listen and write the sentences.Step 4. Extension.Ask the students to show their information cards, and then do pair work.Eg. Hi, Im Lily. My favourite season is fall. Its windy and cool. I like pink best. My favourite teacher is Miss Chen. I like apples , but bananas are my favourite fruit. .Step 5 Pronunciation课件以组的方式呈现单词,然后让学生自己读出单词,说出每组单词发音相同的部分,老师及时给予纠正和评价。Step 6 Summary引导学生总结本节课的内容,教育学生在不同季节进行不同的活动有益身心健康。Step 7 Do some exercises.1.Listen and match.2. Read and fill in the blanks.1. Its warm and sunny in _.2. In _, we can swim in the sea.3. _is Zooms favourite season.4. Winter is _,but Zip likes fall best.Step 8 Assessment.(学生评价最喜爱的教学环节,评选优胜组和个人,评价老师)Step 9 Homework.1. 抄写四会3遍,并背诵。2. 四人小组合作完成季节画册,并用英语介绍四季。3. 写一篇My favourite season的小作文。(选做)2、 教学板书设计:Grade 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season一、教学内容:第四课时B Lets learn Group work C Good to know二、教学目标:1、会听、说、读、写四会单词及词组swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant trees。2、会用I can句型说出自己喜欢的某个季节的一些活动。3、学生之间能互相交流自己喜欢的活动。三、教学重难点:重点:五个单词和词组的听、说、读、写以及用I can.句型说出自己喜欢的某个季节的一些活动。难点:学生会读写出五个单词和词组:swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant trees。四、教学准备:单词图片、卡片、录音机、CD、多媒体五、教学过程:Step 1 :Warm up1.Sing the song“Whats Your Favourite Season?”活动方式:教师与学生对唱,学生与学生对唱。2. Free talkHow many seasons are there in a year?Whats the weather like in spring?Which season do you like best?What can you do in spring?.Step2: PresentationLets learn1. To teach“skate, make a snowman and swim”教师出示一张冬泳图,用白纸遮住冰层。T: Look at this picture. Which season is it?当学生回答summer时,教师追问;why 的回答引出生词swim,让学生跟读几遍并板书。这时教师把白纸拿掉,露出冰层。T: Now look carefully. Which season is it?S: Oh, its winter.T: Yes, its winter. And they can swim in winter ! Can you swim in winter?S: No, I cant. In winter ,we can skate and make a snowman.教授单词swim,词组make a snowman和 skate。2.Play a game: ××,youre mine.教师请2位同学上讲台,猜拳说“skate, skate, youre mine”,谁猜赢了谁得1分,三个单词下来看谁猜的多谁就赢。之后教师让台下的同学以同样的方式同桌进行猜拳。3.“一口气”游戏引出fly kites教师出示skate, make a snowman和swim单词卡,然后教师出示其中的一个单词卡,学生必须一口气读这个单词,也就是中间不换气,看能说多少遍单词,一口气说得最多的学生获胜,然后教师出示fly kites的单词和图片,让学生一口气读。4. 出示图片tree,然后放一只猴子在爬树,引出climb trees,接着出示春天的图片,its spring now, lets plant trees together,引出plant trees.(每教一个单词时,会用句子Whats your favourite season?/Which season do you like best? I can .操练。)Step3: ImitationListen to the tape - read after the tape -follow the teacher-checkStep 4: Consolidation一、 Play a game: 记忆大王给学生5秒钟的时间记住单词图片卡的顺序,然后用彩色卡纸遮住图片,请同学们猜出单词图片。 2.出示单词卡,用纸张遮住单词卡的其中几个字母,露首字母和最后一个字母给提示,让学生猜单词和检查拼读情况。Step 6: ExtensionActivityNumber of peopleclimb mountainsplant treesfly kitesplay sportshave a picnicGroup work利用What would you like to do? Id like to完成Group work表格。Step 7 :Good to know3. 教师让学生带着三个任务读短文:1. Find two countries. 2. Find out the capital cities of these two countries.3.Whats the different between them?4. 检查任务完成情况。5. 教师解释文章。 Step8 Summary 总结本课内容,并教育学生在不同的季节做不同的活动,有益身心健康。Step 9 :Do some exercises.1. Listen and number. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. Listen and fill in the blanks. I can _ _(种树)in the garden. We _(游泳)in the sea. Lets _ _(放风筝)in fall. I often _ _(溜冰)on the weekend. Amy and John _ _(堆雪人)in winter.Step 10 :Homework1. 读熟和抄写单词。2. 用本课单词编一首chant。3. 预习新课。六、板书设计Grade 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season .一、教学内容:第五课时 A Lets try Lets talk Lets find out C Story time.二、教学目标:1.能够听懂,会说句型:Whats your favourite season? Spring. Why do you like spring? Because I can plant trees/.2.能够听懂Lets try部分的录音,完成听音选择正确图画的任务。3.能够理解,听懂Story time部分的故事。三、教学重难点:重点:掌握询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因以及回答。难点:Why do you like .? Because I can .四、教学准备:词卡,图卡,配套光盘 ,配套挂图,小盒子,卡套 五、教学过程。Step 1:Warm-up/ Lead in1、Lets chant .Spring, spring, I like spring.Summer, summer, I like summer . Fall, fall, I like fall .Winter, winter, I like winter.Whats your favourite season?2. Play a game:心有灵犀教师出示B部分Lets learn 的单词卡片,提问学生:What can she/he do?复习上一课时学过的四会单词和词组,然后请两位同学上讲台,一位同学抽单词卡,让台下的同学看,接着跟另一位上台的同学握手,然后这位同学猜单词,如果猜对了说明他们心有灵犀。3. Free talk eg: What day is it today ? Whats the weather like today ? Which season do you like best ? What can you do in spring ?4. Lets try 学生听录音,完成听音选择正确图画的练习。5. Lets sing .(跟唱歌曲“My favourite season”)Step 2: Presentation.1. 歌曲唱到最后一句时,教师重复:“Whats your favourite season?并板书这一句话,请学生一起回忆单词favourite 的拼写。教师指着单词卡片spring说:My favourite season is spring. 学生跟读这句话。2. 师生之间进行多人次的快速回答,之后教师请学生在小组内操练,对句型进行巩固。进行连锁问答。T: Whats your favourite season?S: I like spring.T: Why do you like spring?S: I can plant trees.T: Good, because you can plant trees.引导学生说:Whats your favourite season?从而引出问句:Why do you like spring?(教师板书句型,引导学生作出正确的回答)教师拿出四个季节的图片,随意抽出一张,问:Whats your favourite season?Ss: SpringSummerFall. T:Why do you like spring/summer/fall?Ss: Because I can plant trees .(板书)3. 学生带着问题( Whats Sarahs favourite season ? Why ? What about Chen Jie ? ) 观看光盘,引出Lets talk 并回答。4. 学生模仿跟读 Lets talk, 然后看挂图中提供的替换图做替换练习。之后教师邀请学生表演对话。Step 3: Consolidation and extension 1. Game1: 句子接龙。(教师快速说出重点句型的前半部分,学生快速的接下半部分。如教师说:Whats -,学生说:Whats your favourite season?2. Game2: Season Castles设计四个城堡,分别标上四节名。如果你想去哪个城堡,必须通过城堡要口令获得通行证。如:Spring, spring, I like spring, because I can plant trees.3. Lets find out.(1)教师发给每名学生一张表格,让他们找出同伴最喜欢的季节和活动。教师示范提问:Whats your favourite season? Why?(2)教师示范提问后,让学生开展小组活动,填写表格。4.实物投影图片,请同学谈论自己最喜欢的食物、颜色、水果、动物等,要求他们用上句子:Whats your favourite?/Which do you like best? Why do you like? Because .5. Story time(1)教师向学生出示Story time部分的挂图,指着图中Zoom和Zip提问:Who are they? What can they do in Australia and Canada? What do they wear?然后放该部分的光盘,学生跟读。(2)学生分角色朗读故事,然后进行对话表演。6. Practice1. Listen and number.2. Read and choose.( ) 1. _do you like chicken? Because its tasty. A. Which B. Why C. What( ) 2. Its _in summer. A. hot B. cool C. warm( ) 3.I can _in winter. A. plant trees B. eat ice- cream C. make a snowman( ) 4. _animal do you like best? I like rabbit best. A. Why B. When C. WhichStep 4: Summary.引导学生总结本课内容,并教育学生爱护环境,让我们的四季如春。Step 5: Homework:1. 熟读背诵课文。2. 抄写课文2遍。3. 学生同桌合作写一段对话,描写最喜欢的季节和可在该季节进行的活动,并配上插图。六、板书设计:Grade 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Season .一、教学内容:第六课时 B Read and write Lets find out C Task time 二、教学目标:1.能够听说读写本课时四会句子:Why do you like summer? Because I can swim in the lake . Why do you like winter? Because I can sleep a long time.2.能够理解文章意义并能正确回答问题和书写答句。3.能够根据Task time 中的提示语编写Season book. 三、教学重难点:重点:本课时的听、说、读、写四会句子。难点:掌握because引导的原因状语从句。四、教学准备:词卡,图卡,配套挂图 ,小黑板,城市风景图,拼图五、教学过程。Step 1:Warm-up1、Lets sing “Whats your favourite season?”2、Free talk. Which season do you like best? What can you do ?.3、Play a game.拼词高手。(教师把单词或词组拆分成打乱顺序的字母串,然后请学生们快速的说出正确的顺序并拼读出来。)Step 2: PresentationRead and write 1、出示课文的四幅配图,请同学们观察图片然后进行描述,如:Its summer. Its hot. They can swim.2、教师播放录音,听两遍后请学生把这四幅配图按照录音内容排好顺序。教师利用配图引导学生说出句子:They can fly kites/sleep a long time/eat a lot.3、小黑板出示提问:Whats your favourite season? Why? Whats Zips favourite season ? Which season does Zoom like best? Why? 学生带着问题阅读对话,然后进行小组讨论,回答黑板的问题,教师进行板书重点句。4、教师放录音,请学生跟读后进行配音小高手比赛,请同学给配图配上课文朗读。5、指导学生完成课文的问题并书写答句,请同学比较两组四会句子的异同,找出速记的方法。Lets find out1.出示北京,哈尔滨,青岛,杭州,三亚的城市图片,教师先用一个话筒对一个学生进行采访示范:When is the best time to go to Beijing? Whats the weather like there? What can I do ?2.学生四人一组做小组活动。 Step 3 : Consolidation and extension 1. Play a game .拼图游戏(教师先准备好一些拼图,拼图内容是一年四季和相应的活动,然后请学生2人一组上台拼出图案,下面的组员要在他们完成后用句子描述出该拼图内容) 2. Task time 教师要求学生先在自己的四人小组里进行讨论,充分发挥自己的想象力,然后在讨论的结果上制作一本Season book,下一课时向全班展示。3.教师在黑板列出一年里的一些节日和假期,请同学们选择自己喜欢的节日或假期设计自己的度假计划,引导学生使用本单元的知识。Step 4: PracticeStep 5: Summary思想教育:保护环境,从我做起。适当引导学生了解环境对季节气候的影响。Step 6: Homework1. 继续完成season book。2. 抄写四会句子2遍,并背诵下来。3. 与家庭成员一起讨论喜欢的季节和活动,制定家庭度假计划。六、板书设计- 29 -


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