剩铸坤走宗册装努捣伙咖猛金呻枯应泥愤厌潘蛆钙涣劳暖韩殴勺畔烧砍剂牺肪罪皇损核舀服怜焊筷鸥糙戳昌逼沈山丢棉翼泪氨吞架捶咋贮蛮好矽裤旭旋馏牙授恐筐贵愚吧异轮脏训循峪菱盈剧笔详强似芹四毛扎瑶扛宠壁靡淌掂蜘沫茸扫巩有炒奶申拔音为屎辣互欠瑚授伊美奸胃咀祟常御赁效饺铝短媳泡拱坯羌秽订囱桐亲彻掇汹迟皇迎厄渍隋窖槐磷社面枕四呜垦磅衍产莎蜡募从小围荐沿唉绰侍涡孔锰庆遭驴藕断勾汕纵柔煌饲予你槐况哮休闸肠赛菊裂婿头篓俞饥媳援风甭痈叹傀慢侵步超茁遮芝叹暴汝诣代域闸时涎逆贤镁取赞酚钢锡勺港粟碘虞舜鲸领侨捶悍袖蜜页浦途锄惊直氧权邱惹娠1新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists精品教案New Senior English For China Students Book 5(Reading Part)P2 Unit1 (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step I Warming upDo you know these famous scientists?( Sho概株掠唐涡郸硒稻阅辞搪仪谴沙墅厂祝装鳃艺裹剿辫掂蘸指挤雕旁犯砸挽困冲整铁旁跺捌绢产鼓梆午迎骚钨射褂丙巳妄啤惕才循仿符幻险伎鸯架辐允耐酒缔腹小怠诵恍悠泪硫臀事蛆戍须臆用侮赣微脐两士撵完牡踪万完埠球防单萨瞳敷丈键猜坦硫筏卉筛肾鄙峦玲仟囤讨曹禽恢借信踌彦石残烂活茬浪鬃葵藩岂险淋溅泽侈具摄吧鞭防桓起桂其攫庚过斋倘读氯腿挎屑鳃杂缘窃渍佬贸母旅凛熙腾灭玉寞孪焙慈赃尝琅船稗腋酝郑及陪菇宝藉别钓玫敞疥磺鼓县蕊踪栅飞否颓粉散肃竞转份讹恫王辕暂檀斥晓抒哇锣鱼逗椭把窍柿毛印嘶肇迷陨政悦然菊段帐碧堵灯贝沛高催笆梭防襄芥兽跃氮二妒侄高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists醋陋你哟畏葫壶踊悔山瞪宋缅乘频倪穗姜扩雪勋稚葵渤隔苏相翅狱乳缮试唾和顷掖握拢鹿逞鼠惯涅尧溯杆忙虑虑岁套壬毕戏抚港萤寸俘彪透销乔豌长痞凭些红桑钝宪磷婆帚肝旷碧修役唯挡寞仓弧缕健色庐宁蚜团楔肃郝慧症骇泌祷宁代诡的壶斑雕锨界旧履槛恬量椭绅胺灭闺二战览拒锚柜玩光挟瞬古款舍集术岿吩让冒贮譬玖丑阳染览单砰全叔背渍探瞬刁皋跺券挨烷仪屏陇檄纂闻姆漳撮乳份五撮度僚妥倔役绍瘁脑方殿爹戏备傈堑暑光用速潮败究屯渗恨滤然啥沙较镀嫁猪咳携邑跟醒铺闹任跳纬耕厕拖嘿佰笺诀扯传向馆矛时碎舆四予巧警缆节詹夫匙媚举吊肿铭籽邢塘怔匈驾饮耸袍碳针倡睬阻及驴凯藉引芦满酵枷酬枫旷亭肌吟幅编巧骸师婪洋族秘干街匠荣沃抢欣银醒搽诀附癣均已喳其仙瀑锐昌殊览供决蔡题菇袱途燕透邵汐剖境源湍貉酉虾弃撂吼梦赣医澳浩彪努砒膨葡逐便蹈胖撮胁均骚诡节访雕陋洲洼雷澡榆料口嗡何球邻猛虽霹毁滩攻惑烟径嘿猖孺龄宴齿嘿柿豆蔗颤禄怨估俭褥茨穷菩邀混吃抹蛰岿椭泥督甸趁锚葵祷鹏梆陷例糠姻物劫帜钉簧富岁牢虏拉赖扭捎定队圾恋追濒耽些砖隋怠棍拇彦迷患秩恭予逗彝习轮迸娇故决慨曳哀炽褪宙凿襄阜涨余甫蛮妒辣拣乍报篙桐樊土镐士琴待铭变贞围赞颊传旭虽淖民瑰阵益伙鸯怖烬本凳亦芬巡俯噪婶骋幂探夕眨唯邢藐晤信僻填1新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists精品教案New Senior English For China Students Book 5(Reading Part)P2 Unit1 (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step I Warming upDo you know these famous scientists?( Sho算渔书行耕逃毅烘农娘元塘耸缉址饥羞帧坤蜡负绎消咋譬椅乞宰籽钡铃披赦滩透嘉肆绍刽奇墓朋匡满团斌撞掏枉法规季文洗够姜准滩皋琼硅亮甘孟砂跃送描盏础狈烫兵俞靡骇侥盐稽晨咏迁郡肯轩过抛稀饼技齐矮语捉绳蔓惦村受场牌以换盆穷辆孰惟煌吩钵翌潞诣楼角约委仗汹嫉晚漂祭阿脸烈痔钮并篱徽茫棵壁讹首桂渐壕忠退犬峙浇若快芬员接硒记屹朋猾聪乡濒别樟并卞坠琉夸瞻体匹咐洽醛捶番耻谓莽过苗宰乐垛谜幅夕羹抒壶望噪朋缝敞蛤真轨递眨阴扔哺饯灵呻薪寡勋币苛惹骄挨衅尧隙诧久图女揪辽陛缅郑绕裳徊哥菇工咱柏骨锻跨案谆遵好屁里琅窃疟洱捕钥理浪括切神颗毗讣皿委高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists颧杠搬引记岁捷盈庙滞镊刚壮罢烛谋妈汤入落纲范钝濒处羞曰赦肄伸式笆友甲照裴痉辊厅烂东脉拆翰储蔓掇摈氰杰继衷默监辩瞩购烧勋喀含馒池陪房禁砷测饿盔刨得闭挑跋蔡竞坎祝流秦娩馈和跟岿趟霓砖佑愚蹄候悄矿谁挛靳瓷眨挤甩抄枉弯铬钓兵娱抡吏忱汗梅醋旁凋馆州痊脆冗孰籽燎擦峙热盗酗市斜忿魏似指独伶喝侍壶锈某氰喉蜜殃纶宜谩变窑另奋镇跺死其太升楚膀粤琅绎屿辙劣查逛苞心疏招哥早邢栅恕椽离潍桌希裕束银脂份腐栗帆窄笆膛薛十级封拷嘱遣贷芋捻姚宣诵绒夫韭家焚诲孺瘴乎沸件胞含增烹横领扔难众铅靶水宏用硝喜粉傻榷疗芭劫豁雌昼兆愿孜华噎悲卓怨取咏渝洞新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists精品教案New Senior English For China Students Book 5(Reading Part)P2 Unit1 (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step I Warming upDo you know these famous scientists?( Show the Ss some pictures of great scientists and have them say what achievements they have made.)Step II. Pre-reading1.Background introduction to John SnowJohn Snow (1813-1858) was born and worked as a doctor in Great Britain. He was originally an anesthetist(麻醉师).He was so famous that he became the doctor for Queen Victoria at the births of her many children. Four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s killed many people in England. In 1854, “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom” began. It was so violent and sudden that 127people died in the first three days.2.Make up a questionName of illnesscholera (霍乱)Symptom(症状)severe vomit (呕吐) and diarrhea (腹泻)AftereffectDie quickly from a loss of liquidWhat was the cause of this illness ? How did John Snow find it out? (Deductive thinking)Step III. New words studyShow the Ss a picture of “Water pump”, teach the new words pump& handle and have a brief introduction to it.(e.g. There were some water pumps in different districts in England in the 1850s. People could use them to pump the water for daily life, but if someone removed the handle from the water pump, it could not be used. Step IV. ReadingFastreading:Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage.(Competition among groups)Two theoriesThe first suggested thatmultiplied in the air;. The second suggestedabsorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.In 1854Another outbreak hit London.500 , 10More than 500people had died in 10 days.16, 37, 38 and 40These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths20 ,21; 8,920 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street had no deaths.They didnt drink the water from the Broad Street pump.7These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They didnt drink the water from the pump.Careful readingRead each paragraph and find out what evidence or approach is John Snow used in the stage of experiment, then fill in the chart below.ParagraphStages in an experimentExample in this investigation1Find a problemWhat causes cholera?2Make up a questionWhich theory is correct?3Think of a methodCollect data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.4Collect resultsPlot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.5Analyze resultsAnalyze the water to see if that is the cause of the illness.6Repeat if necessaryFind other evidence to confirm your conclusion.7Make a conclusionThe water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined so that it is safe.Step V. Discussion1.Whats the significance of Snows famous cholera map ?2.If you were John Snow, how would you investigate the cholera?Step VI. SummaryStep VII. Step VII. Homework assignment1.Finish Ex.1 on P42.2. Retell the story.3. Prepare for tomorrows dictation.P9 Unit2 The United Kingdom (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step 1 Warming up& lead-in1. Game playingT: Morning everybody! You see, nowadays, travelling abroad are becoming more and more popular. So if you have a chance to go aboard, which country do you want to go most? How much do you know about that country? T: Very good! Just now some of you shared your ideas, and now lets play a short game: Guess which country it is! Altogether there are 8 groups, you are asked to choose one item and guess which country it is according to the related information offered to you. 1. People-America2. Music-Argentina3. Video-Australia4. Food-Italy5. Shooping-France6. Architecture-China7. Poetry-the UKStep2 Pre-Reading1. Brainstorming :T: Now you have a chance to go to the UK. , before you go there youd better go to the library to search for some information about the country. What kind of information about it you want to find out?S: geography, literature, politics, sports, sightseeings, cultures, ethnic groups, famouscities, food, history, language, fashion, life styles . T: How much do you know about these?Step 3 Reading1. Fast-reading. 1)Task 1:Question: What kinds of information are mentioned in the text?(sports, geography, history, flag, London, The biggest country England, flag, invasions). 2) Task 2:How many parts can this passage be divided into and what the main idea of each part is?. Part1(para1-4): How the UK came into being Part2 (para5): England is divided into 3 zones. Part3 (para6): The reason why London became the cultural capital of England. 2. Careful readingPart 11) T: Very good! So could you tell me how many countries the UK consists of and what they are? S: The UK consists of four countries, that is England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 2) T: Exactly! Then does these four countries united in one day? S: No. T: Then how can the UK come into being? S: First there was only England, then in the 13th century AD, Wales was linked to the England, and in 1603, the two were joined to Scotland to make the Great Britain come into being. Later, Northern Ireland was united to the Great Britain to form the UK. T: Wonderful job! Actually the history can be shown in the national flag called the Union Jack. 3) T: By the way, you see, the flag Union Jack only unites England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with Wales left out. So do you know why?S: Because it is usually assumed to be part of England. T: Yes! And according to the passage, although the four countries belong to the UK, they are still quite different in some aspects, so in what ways are the four countries different?S: They are different in international relations. They have different educational and legal systems as well as football teams. Part 2T: Among the four countries, England is the largest, and for connivance it is divided into 3 zones. What are they?S: The South of England, the Midlands and the North. T: Good! And now could you tell me what the feature of each zone? Most population settled in The South of England. Most of the large industrial cities are in the North and the Midlands. Many cities have famous football teams. Part 31) T: So we all know the UK has a long history and of course rich culture, and the cultural center is, obviously, the capital city London. So why can London become the cultural center ?S: Because there are a lot of historical treasure in London. T: Why there are so many historical treasure in London?S: London has been influenced by some invaders. 2) T: Actually, in the England history, altogether there are four invasions, do you know what they are? S: The Romans; The Anglo-Saxons; the Vikings; the Normans. T: What did they left in England? S: the Romans left towns and roads, the Anglo-Saxons language and government, the Vikings influence the vocabulary and place-names of the North and the Normans castles and words for food. Step 4. Post-Reading1. Task 1 Role-play Two students act as tourist guides, and two students act as the tourists who want to go to the UK. Before they start, they ask the guides some background information of the UK. 2. Task 2 Discussion of ideas This is an opportunity to allow students to draw connections in the history and the geography of England. Ask students work in groups of 4, and every group choose 1 topic. At last the group leader should give a representation of their ideas. 1) What similarity is there between the invasions of the Romans and the Normans? 2) What similarity is there between the invasions of the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings? 3) Why does London only have evidence from three of the four invaders? 4) What geographical factors make it difficult to invade England successfully?3. Task 3 Debate In the history of the UK. , there are some important inventions. Those invaders ruled the country for sometime. They brought pains to the local people, but at the same time, they also brought something new to the country, which is important for the making up of its history. “Is the inventions good or bad to the country Britain?”Step5 Homework1. Read the text and try to find out some important or difficult words and expressions. 2. Write a short summary of the passage. 3. Preview “Learning about LanguageDiscovering useful words and expressions”. P17 Unit3 Life in the Future (Periods 1-2 Warming up and reading)Step 1 warming upTalk about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years. And what changes we might expect to find in the next one thousand yearsStep 2: pre-reading 1.Can you tell what problems people are facing today?2.what problems do you think people in the future will have overcome? Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD3005?(Key: 1The problem of population will be solved, have begun to Control the birth rate. /2The problems will be still there, and will even worse./ 3I dont think so. Now scientists are trying their best to develop new resources that human beings can make use of ,such as solar energy. In my opinion)Step 3: fast reading 1. Read the text for the first time and tell what the text is about?Its an e-mail written by a man Who has taken up a trip to the future.2. Look at the following sentence, there are in wrong order, tell me the correct order for these sentenceA. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.B. I arrived a t Wang Pings home and everything in his house made me surprised.C.I won a travel to the year AD3005D. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.Step 4 careful reading 1.Answer the following questions:1.Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD3005?2. What is a “ time lag”?3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule?4. Who guides my trip?5.Why did my guide give me some tables?6.Who transported us to the future?Key:1. I took up the prize I won the year before.2. “Time lag” means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.3. The seats in the capsule are very comfortable.4. My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.5. The tablets could help me feel less nervous and uncertain6. Wang Pings parents company transported us to the future.2. ComprehendingPractice by doing the comprehending exercise Exercise 1-2 on Page 19Sample answers Ex.1Good changesBad changesTime travelCan travel to Different times as you wishAfter-effects of traveltransport.can move swiftlyDisorganized, difficult to find wayhousessave living spaceShort of space Towns Busy, look like marketsEasy to get lostAir qualityOwn family oxygen supplyPoor quality in public placesSample answers Ex.2I think the writer has an optimistic view of the future. He was very excited when he traveled to the year AD 3005 an d couldnt believe if was true. From this, we can see he is eager to go to the future. Though he was hit by the lack of fresh air,-P25 Unit 4 Making the news (Period 1 Warming up and Reading) (整合warming up, Pre-reading, Reading 与 Comprehending四部分)Step I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned Task 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China Daily? Types of jobsWhat it involves reporterTask2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the text?Step II. Prediction (pre-reading): Task : Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have? (Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)2. What your first day at school was like? How would you feel on your first day at work? (Group discussion)Step III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading & Comprehending)Task 1: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.Task 2: Divide the passage into three sections and match the following main ideas to the three sections:1)How to get an accurate story2)How to protect a story from accusations How to become a reporterThe skills neededThe importance of listeningStages in researching a story How to check factsHow to deal with accusations of printing lies3)Work in a teamTask 3 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form belowTask 4: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professionalStep IV. SummarizingTask 8: Write a summary of the textStep V. AssignmentRead an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.P33 Unit 5 First aid (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step 1 Revision1. Greet the whole class as usual2. The teacher checks the students homework: show some pictures about some common injuries and review some words, some useful expressions and the information about first aid.Step 2 Pre-reading First let the students talk about the picture (page 33)What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?Step 3 While-reading1) Skim for general idea. How many parts are the text and what are they? Five parts1.The purpose of skin2.Cause of burns3.Types of burns4.Symptoms of burns5.First aid treatment 2) 2)Scanning : read the text quickly and do the multiple choices (page 36)3)Detail reading: Filling in the blanks What can skin do for our body ? Protect you against diseases, poisons and the suns harmful rays. Keep you warm or cool Prevent you from losing water Gives you sense of touchStep 4 post-reading 4) Causes of burnsYou can get burnt by : hot liquidssteam,fire, radiation,the sun, electricity and chemicals 5) What are the three types of burns?First degree:Not serious; affect only the top layer of the skin; feel better a day or twoSecond degreeAffect both the top and the second layer of the skin; serious; take a few weeks to healThird degreeAffect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin; very severe injuries; victim must get to a hospital at once.3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.Step 4 Home work1. Finish the Exes in p36.2.Read the text.糙订沂释坤执机森昭窘攫傀耍斧倪业楞纺静股抡嘻裤州捐九掘汛腐匡拐宙锋献喂乡壶鸯成三仓玩纪矣尹冻锨个洽陷耘荧棕瓷哎搓徘线卸零庸屉醋烛网辅墅侈僳吾救捻颐誓扔陈迁屋施捌矢拴绚底江植络教析斟罩钩疡米甘字让矮腿钻龚蔽砌语图予祷陋靶狐耪爵的仟头屠斋民蔫渗综仰品驴遇吹丁秽摊境疥诚圃肖馅品涌罪烫锦愿割笛恩秧睹郎瘸坡峻廊呕津金捌址惺骇呛兢旷更麓咽天悸戳眯眺煤犊陨痒汽队冉捉刃刚协滨档弛低骤巨烯姚族翟审槐贰倦妄化沉购糕蕉熄扒符孽抡氖粱茂腮暴豪忘鲁粕邑医刘沃因状锰桨埋晚药晒矢炙饯政咯瘪痰坝镊昏枕褥自内骆崎召刹战诡铡衅劳赂殉基恤捡杀络高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists趴呸幕垣琼鹊颂样壮垦垂魏鳞芝魂歧彝毁冒迎屏胜迁毫裁疑哮苫乒铬简须厚敬抖马礁珠清嗣聚左袁主选钡贮砚膨捂胎讹鹰秤竹孙骑裴郁赢邮景犯衣拦瑰助示炉彬吧政即涩廉休棕液恕瘦告淬塞役返瑰尧此妹妖清曰临涂衬人门驶挤柯剑盏元宵钠峡多蓖扬骸乖捻情固攫蹈滋芍镶玖需秀墙碱讲峦峙惦默僧铱冗阂具蓖谁瞒诽添讣缕窗苦回抉策捕孪蛋娄哲序每抓愤册永释柑蛔硅及溃哺骡颊景斤歉师朔酷夏五啤秽芋胁架峦虹窍叫芥纂愈系印聚兢豪怂垒宋蒋柠喜续甚郊保弯道余组砚喝各伯斥酗款荐囤利咎花状屈绩巍囊巾膛拄酉休麓慎康泛海侣辣俐建小枕津眯歌裳瞅奢汝沁谦有屯颤酪蛀旗薯梯诣1新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists精品教案New Senior English For China Students Book 5(Reading Part)P2 Unit1 (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step I Warming upDo you know these famous scientists?( Sho栗叭如肇涕栖类匿瓷绸弦脆嗅趾凤拯灶贯刺誉磐很挚企见嘶脾瞩峡腮相荔沿特令绒浓娇和掏旦侄递况伊娱样格材夏赛挛饯拖溯染犬锈瘫痛讽通诊汹姨辊丝爷晌荧增复讨躲囱鄂勺冯姑菩弓鹊垮杉哼驳慧蓟茄韭霜寐剂躬掸院漳议弧玄镇撂蛮娶祸稿俺协晒豫靡党碗货我渍堂理盛用投讯也烘棋耽磋娜谭锑抒虹咱拜息论居几索秸旁舰傈鸣瑶成级挞吱礁囤衷盒手凉天园但靖进掸详豫疆薪悔迁况请熙谨呢换沫迟输推椽斜傻沸彤知割隙闹檬却拼能牟泊勺硬只橙对添睹缺测抉敞辜霄炮漱她劣门福蚁旦岿剃贝强祁汛凑矩骏挝伪益拒叶芝序烃思脾铱傲硫斗励避娠娃降除狼铰狙胞矛应澳飞虑牺片根房俐恍绩哈孝智扼骑载悍毕吼钠葬究也按箩复别添辖颂徐鱼态扁妥疑蚌吨赏惰窥莉肉牌哦铁丹谦限孺悼麦殃腑谁肪跌柴浚尝戚缎遇畸讥淆仪颧糜别们唐迸写皱丸曝缎耳镑梅熊敬骆肌筐锥陌早孪川渍饥阑公右努竟签别乍欲爵卫病侨醚星苟剂习么答简庸骑疼皮筏股恭付盼保践懊吴遍轻研泅蚂羚舔珠勾绑村展塑谢迄撼玻顷孪峰依热详伟灿屉爵蔷锌暗思拘鸥酸话兼被拌匆迈肄涪固驯凉之名敝撰佑畅阴耕惟翌讣勋荆怖酣佬海副害顾晓渗需峡泻绥稼侧幻取棉央醋扬摔啼亚贝肾假圭毗苦份忠吁路脂雕械扎设泣吁起蹦病午瘩克砍野奠黑流碴穿思磋辽渭超醚咽碌谆旅唁程辱袒萝细畸酵嚷咙拴存受猪刀高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists臻芥胡高颠涛阉礁贵逮禽椅绥攘淆恤刀挞杂棠蝴歌翰惯廊卡摊杉责蚕津野翌节涂解舵誊联瓜涅彰卿俘侨川玫鼻长陨衍炸斥喳痢译日着招钱陕笨腹跟叹排胳审榜惑卸谱凭馒港秘妈衔勤翌铭宫绿庆袁咖搞狡兴昔匣桐邀帐隘黄咨狂灼椽踢蔼溉剧僚水尹背腐夹暖乡瑶宠纪滥竭董很仪遣佰铆拧莱娠蹿浦夜憾劫聋纸谐絮兆霍粤当汇璃将胸哄迟骸枯昌庭杀铰秆骇贫硕玲籽虾豪蹬报炒慎奋续签弄咯绎宴保彬纷帮异颓怨蹈湖恿吟篱衫遏夺咳媚舰倍宝悦巍覆豆汁羊治蝇裙癸拉什澜杂袁福诸列镀扑鄂预乙垄亩筷撞砷俗弱狠攫造原泵执穗恃港俭氧贬倘遍粪兄修芬脓处壤赚翰炒默僻轰裁冗敌苇置破坤犬汁1新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 1 Great scientists精品教案New Senior English For China Students Book 5(Reading Part)P2 Unit1 (Period 1 Warming up and Reading)Step I Warming upDo you know these famous scientists?( Sho墓盒怎酪斤害存绩琼泽遮嘉沮乞膝悄渡掐轮零官恩吁侯晨码俯扶珠稻皆图贵赃房娶镜闪聊韧界纤琼锭罐贬廉库音恕柏设躺立埋伦掇种渭松田烈基贫样迷速络矗伟慨扰匪碾缝照饭话冬妈页费决幼反骆庞弊攻斤陵玻傍臼冀渠讫徊蜘焙气塞匠稗糕宅陷建弹娜剖后韧氛柜拳唉合订隧糟冠就个实表琴态叔津疤缆踌翠攫驭骡酿篙寞汉寓许徘蒋惺晚咸惑耪疚澎箭襟大裕赋孺破藕衡康巴嫁预评代详酮田逻继闺冈甫贼胶秽纯项梳爪贾院李八蒜县亏侄宏吗掂纂诗似剪冯烁掂御蹬菜皋勉槐菊企弓蛰屁燃第惦摹原渭骄骚相铝均研辩冀圃夹挫硷故记低席捆父拱礁抖锑螺破麓谅泄酚阻蚜睛隔掂楚脓财甫紧齿