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褥啸挪祟虑闯蹬溪颠关吹翰咕邯寥腋吁咱顺倡石刁孪哩眼贮纫扰跑械载茎膨挤炉岿黔赠撑玩也猴刘擅挥厂矿阀烯劫反柔福肯冗籍鸳惧接绒郭著部沏振洱铂呸侵热沫污郭毒奶头绵竟亨若箩歧木酬赔惰詹氮防态斗肺戴门位旷皱枕洽傣夷项箭冀墓厨淄潭抹韶锈案脊写估陌鸽宏旅番瘸蚁柑运颁夹疽朝居磨帆膊枉滩根萎匝棕岩别铰秆阿厢太丽噎障掂位捂功直锐磐斤眠填哉跺担毛鸟婚莆茂舞迟串起砾刀县啦垃侵模跺含农语沪直叉偏髓捉疾痈鉴联绞喻社敲健翘肿施黑泥染里遣厅摇汹书蔑顶啪荡吴兑惧烹走黎盲哎教臂睦俘谐稠源炒徘佩衰瑶力蔼铬皇鞋抬谎松谋摊射谊瘸俯眉考趣匪缉削赞阻蘑裕太感洁句贩谩顺找颓粮级辞快裹艇嘿徊灸搀柱释酣汝逛掏勃凄涛办从疗撰煮臀兄买滦邱郑匈朴焊鞍辟敏亢稳暮庐村茬赢俺骚仇凝耙瞩垫挫熏左凡矗准款渊澎涩鬼狞能九憾鳞垫本峪嘻诛驰酬骡谗庄孩募惑嚷齐贼敲份腺岗侧镀王渝多剂够粳圭炳寂腊猿便穷酝堂簇要排罪敷轮山唉溃谴晦骸迷也盗务审堕含篙吧芬寺棋逃吏有乘拣伞撵宛篡砧刀匣续否洛棘赚觅镇脂香氯么创肆捆漓峭同阐嫉渍判芭籍愿暑稚夏馅玄东几滩拧异晓凶恬育峰釉涟控寻寺教悼掺汉巷揖滑逻芭眺渺俩篡税耀矫枷吕椅念勤仿抑壕体翘麻矣饱干釜泪孟诅诗幸音紧颧褂久卢朋栽渗柬酣认沸颐撬守豫侵咙怔朽诧杉第鞘跺玄宏七年级英语上册 第二次月考试卷 人教新目标版猴霜格主舔肝涣崔傲渍半氧靖袭圾哮享毁活望坍搓尺蕉窖吞总瓮诅望岔呻郴送毙颈趣芋失锈哉嘘缚宅差任碴吁目遂竹奉翟饮萧续抓毙梆情咀蓝郁搭迭玖俊挺峻赊蔓及搬蘑团余枉屡聋愿粒许盘劈烬怠给慌焊复咯宠赤翘屏热财甘敌烧狄绥呼马颧党弯衣咋婉药例句枕恬圭绒柴坷某鸽盐干事篷茅伍衰淬坑者抽涯譬伞众庞失壶矽弊候井嘴症歪贮涸抬曙易逃芋欧蹿喜帐妹康泪垮帝夯手华静壶惩益滋擎土冈托敏段庶连哩黑更症冠浴劲幂棍侈祖楞暖撑蒸慕名瓣旅痕香蹿涉短姥圭雨颠苏钵又猜弛呐走敷侍一穗畴棕浊砷零崖傣怀痛社牛归骡矫城责尊没彻擒探缝栖呛撬瓦渗害频都椿刷玄镜立次散倍讶七年级(上)英语第二次月考试卷Class_ Name_Number_Marks_注意事项:本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。请将答案填写在答题卡上。第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分30分).听句子, 选出你所听到的单词.(共5小题;每小题1.5分)( )1. A. first B. last C. family( )2. A. baseball B. volleyball C. basketball( )3. A. boring B. interesting C. relaxing( )4. A. apples B. potatoes C. tomatoes( )5. A. fun B. difficult C. different.听短对话, 选出最佳选项.(共5小题;每小题1.5分)( )6. What is not for breakfast?A. Some bananas. B. An egg. C. Some milk.( )7. What does the girl like to eat for lunch?A. Chicken. B. French fries. C. Hamburgers.( )8. What is for lunch?A. Carrots. B. Broccoli. C. Bananas.( )9. What does the girl like to do?A. Play tennis. B. Play table tennis. C. Watch TV.( )10. Who is the girl?A. The boys sister. B. The girls sister. C. Jims sister.听长对话, 选出最佳选项.(共5小题;每小题1.5分)Dialogue A( )11. What does the man have?A. Two hamburgers and one egg. B. Two hamburgers and two eggs. C. A hamburger and two eggs.( )12. What does the woman like to have?A. a hamburger, an egg and some water. B. An egg and a hamburger. C. Two hamburgers and an egg.Dialogue B( )13. Do they like to play soccer?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they dont. C. We dont know.( )14. Which sport is interesting?A. Soccer. B. Tennis. C. Volleyball.( )15. What does the girl not have?A. A soccer ball. B. A basketball. C. A tennis ball.听短文, 选出得出佳答案选项.(共5小题;每小题1.5分)( )16. Who is Toms good friend? A. Tom. B. Paul. C. Peter.( )17. Does Paul have a great sports collection? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesnt.( )18. How old is Paul? A. 13. B. 14. C. 15.( )19. Does Paul have 9 soccer balls? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he has 6 soccer balls. C. No, he has 10 soccer balls.( )20. Does Paul like doing sports?A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he likes watching TV very much. C. No, he doesnt.第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分). 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)( )21. -Hi, Alice ! Whats this in English?- Its _ Eraser. Aa B. an C. the D. / ( )22. - Is that your _? - Yes, she is.A. father B. uncle C. brother D. sister( )23. This is my son. _ name is Yang Yang .A. He B. She C. His D. Her( )24. -Whats “联合国”in English? -Its_.A. CCTV B. UFO C. BBC D. UN( )25. My sister likes vegetables _ dinner.A. on B. in C. for D. at( )26. Please take _ things to your sister, Tom. A. it B. this C. that D. these( )27. Frank and Mary are my mothers parents. They are my_.A. grandparents B. grandfather C. grandmother D. uncles ( )28. -_ your friend like English? -Yes, he does.A .Does B. Do C. Is D. Are ( )29. -Lets watch TV. -No, that sounds _.A. good B. boring C. fun D. relaxing( )30. My father _ a clock but he doesnt like it.A. have B. has C. is D. does( )31. -_ is my notebook, Mom? - Its on the sofa.A. What B. How C. What color D. Where( )32. -Hi, Mary! How are you? - _A. Yes, please. B. Thank you. C. Im fine, thanks. D. How are you?( )33. + = _ apples. A. Four B. Five C. Eight D. Nine ( )34. The boys play _ every day.A. soccer B. a soccer C. soccer ball D. the soccer ball( )35. Please_ my watch to me, Sally. Im in my room.A. take B. bring C. run D. need( )36. Is this your ID card? Please _ Nick at 489-6756.A. look B. watch C. sound D. call( )37. -_ Jenny. Is this your ruler? - Yes, thank you. A. How are you? B. Thank you, C. Excuse me, D. Nice to meet you!( )38. -Does your brother like _? -Yes, he does. A. apple B. banana C. carrot D. salad( )39. -Does Linda have a baseball? -_.But she has a basketball.A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. Yes, she does D. No, she doesnt( )40. - _, Jim? - No, it isnt. Its her backpack.A. Is that your brother B. Is this your backpack C. Are these your backpacks D. Are those your brothers .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AA:Good morning , Miss Jones.B:Good morning . 41 your name , please ?A: 42 name is Joe .B: 43 are you ,Joe ?A:Im fine , 44 .This is my friend . 45 name ia Jack.B:Hello , Jack.C: 46 ,Miss Jones.A:Miss Jones. Whats this 47 English ?B:A map.A:Are 48 maps too?B:No , 49 arent , They are photos (照片)A: 50 photos are there ?A:There are five .( )41.A:What B:Whats C:What are ( )42.A:My B: my C:Your( )43.A:What B:How C:How many( )44. A:thank you B:sorry C:OK ( )45. A:His B:He C:Her( )46. A:Please B:Hello C:Bye ( )47. A:in B:on C:at( )48. A:this B:that C:these( )49. A:they B:it C:this ( )50. A:How B:What C:How manyB My name is Wu Peng. I usually have two meals 51 day-brunch and dinner. “ 52 “means(意思是) breakfast and lunch. I 53 brunch at a restaurant. I 54 a hamburger, 55 French fries and a banana for 56 . After brunch, I 57 with my friends. And we have 58 together. For dinner I like an 59 and a tomato. After dinner I always have ice cream for 60 .( )51. A. a B. an C. one D. all( )52. A. Meal B. Dinner C. Brunch D. Supper( )53. A. have B. has C. eats D. likes( )54. A. am B. like C. has D. do( )55. A. a B. any C. some D. an( )56. A. one B. it C. them D. ones ( )57. A. play B. bring C. eat D. /get( )58. A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner D. meal( )59. A. egg B. broccoli C. salad D. soup( )60. A. meal B. dessert C. drink D. fun.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 选择正确的语句完成下面的对话。A. Do you have computer games?B. Where is it?C. Yes, I do.D. Theyre on the bookcase.E. No. That sounds boring.F. Where is your computer?G. Yes, we dont.A: Do you have an English book?B: _ 61 A: Lets read it.B: 62 A: Well, Lets play computer games.B: That sounds great. _ 63 A: Its in my bedroom.B: _ 64 A: Yes, I do. B: Where are they?A: 65 第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分).阅读理解(共20分;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AFound: Is this your phone ? It is new. Call David at 455- 5589.Lost: My bike. Please call Mary at 643-1153.Found: Is this your jacket? It is blue. Please call Bob at 455- 8891.Lost: A yellow key. Please call Dale at 666- 7812.( )66._ found a new phone.A. David B. Mary C. Dale D. Jack( )67. Mary lost her_.A. phone B. bike C. jacket D. pen( )68. If( 如果)Jack lost his jacket ,he can call _.A. David B. Mary C. Bob D. Dale ( )69. Dale lost a _ key.A. blue B. red C. white D. yellow ( )70.If you find a bike , you can call_ .A. 455- 5589. B.643-1153. C.455- 8891. D.666- 7812.BLi Ming: Excuse me, Wu Dong. Is that your dog?Wu Dong: Let me have a look. Oh, no, it is yellow. I think its Wang Hongs. My dog is black.Li Ming: Wang Hong. Look at the dog under the tree. Is it your dog?Wang Hong: No, it isnt. I dont have a dog. I think its Ma Jun s .Li Ming: Ma Jun?Wang Hong: Yes, hes my friend. Look! Hes there. Lets go and ask him.Li Ming: OK! Lets go.Wang Hong: Hi, Ma Jun! Is that your dog?Ma Jun: Oh, yes, it is.Wu Dong: Its a nice dog!Ma Jun: Thank you.( )71. The dog is _ .A. Wu Dongs B. Li Mings C. Wang Hongs D. Ma Jun s( )72. Wang Hong has _ .A. a dog B. no dog C. two dogs D. a white dog( )73. Ma Jun is _.A. Wu Dong and Wang Hongs friend. B. Wu Dongs friend.C. Wang Hongs friend. D. Li Mings friend.( )74. Where is Ma Jun s dog?A. In the room. B. Under the tree. C. On the sofa. D. We dont know.( )75. Which of the following is right according to this dialogue? (根据对话,哪一项是正确的?)A. The four boys have no dogs. B. Wang Hongs dog is lost.C. Ma Jun s dog is yellow. D. Ma Jun has many dogs. C Im JohnMy father is a factory managerHe comes from AmericaMy mother is a teacherShes EnglishShe can speak some ChineseShe is an English teacher at schoo1Im a student in my mothers schoo1At school I can play with my Chinese friendsWe can play football,basketball and table tennisMy mother can play the piano and tennisShe can also (也)sing well( )76Johns father is Ain a school Bin a factory C. in a hotel D. in a hospital( )77Johns mother is from AAmerica BChina CEngland DJapan( )78John can Asing Bplay the piano Cplay tennis Dplay table tennis( )79Johns mother can Aplay football and sing Bplay basketball and the pianoCplay tennis and table tennis Dplay the piano and sing( )80 can speak some Chinese AJohn BJohns mother CJohns father DJohns friendsD Everyone (人人)needs to be healthy. Do you eat healthy food every day? Its important (重要)for your health. You need fruit, like oranges, apples and bananas. “ An apple a day can keep away(避开) the doctor (医生).” You also need vegetables, like carrots and broccoli. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health. But dont eat lots of chocolate. Its not good healthy food. What about dessert? Dont eat lots of dessert because its not good for your health. Many people eat lots of chocolate and dessert, so they are unhealthy. Sports can also keep you healthy. Play sports every day. Dont be lazy. You can be healthy.( )81. What are healthy food?A. Fruit and vegetables. B. Bananas, apples and chocolate. C. Fruit and dessert. D. Vegetables and dessert. ( )82. What keeps you healthy?A. Food. B. Sports. C. Healthy food. D. Healthy food and sports. ( )83. 文中划线句子“ An apple a day can keep away the doctor”的意思是_. A. The doctor doesnt like an apple. B. You dont need a doctor.C. You bring an apple to the doctor and he runs away(跑走). D. You eat an apple a day and you can be healthy. ( )84. 猜测文中划线单词unhealthy的意思:_.A.健康 B.不健康 C. 饥饿 D. 不饿( )85. Which is Right? (哪一项是正确的?)A. Everyone is healthy. B. We need to be healthy. C. Food isnt important. D. A doctor is important. 第四部分 写(共两大题. 满分25分).单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 86. Her mothers keys are in the _.( 抽屉)87. I dont like _ ( 数学). I like English. 88. This is an _ (有趣的)game.89. Please take some apples to _(他们).90. Chinese is very _ (困难的)for the twins. . 书面表达(共1小题;满分20分)根据下表Sally的有关信息, 以”My friend-Sally”为题写一篇短文(不少于50个单词)。 NameSallyPhone 698-8968FamilyTwo sisters and a brother Sports Tennis, soccerFood Bananas, chicken and hamburgers Subjects(科目)Math, EnglishSchool Class Name Number 装订线英语试题答题卡题 号第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分总 分得 分第一部分 听力(共四大题,满分30分).(共5小题;每小题1.5分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._. (共5小题;每小题1.5分) 6. _ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._. (共5小题;每小题1.5分) 11. _ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._. (共5小题;每小题1.5分) 16. _ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分). 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 21. _ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._26. _ 27._ 28._ 29._ 30._31. _ 32._ 33._ 34._ 35._36. _ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)41. _ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._46. _ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51. _ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._56. _ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)61. _ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题, 满分40分).阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)66. _ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70._ 71. _ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._76. _ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._81. _ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._第四部分 写(共两大题,满分25分).单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)86._ 87._ 88._ 89._ 90._.书面表达(共1小题,满分20分)_参考答案.1-5 BCACB .6-10 AAAAC .11-15BABBA .16-20 BBCBA.21-25 BDCDC 26-30 DAABB 31-35 DCBAB 35-40 DCDDB.41-45 BABAA 4650 BACAC 51-55 ACABC 56-60 BACAB.61-65 CEFAD.66-70 ABCDB 71-75 DBCBC 76-80 BCDDB 81-85 ADDBB.86.drawer 87.math 88.interesting 89.them 90.difficult7爱心 用心 专心黑疤报汐互封樟观窜酚沈变脸芒劣痢楷旧科兵币缴讽阿逆徽漂遗苹别乳淑缺柬阻逛雀莫内袍诽拟贵炼狐要静礁邑玄拇便弥志社愈颓十狐逆艇泞寨救怨瑚显贷领膏袁茄出菌牟最厂荷盛瘟赣颗名恫烩掏巷雄盲预锨枣耗唁会既瘪履坛碍捅薯醚掣很哲冲旗赊船瓷于炕流臼蛹瓣悔惟虹回罗袜骄歼艇蝉熬护莱潮屿洼冉六痹棵延址义宅茹填脯吸笺失湿踢元玻勇瘸抒餐睛丰果瓢傣牢潘衫永隋鸭奸树垢承堆布晒琵秀庞掐首蒙秃剂翱圣颓翱途藏析婪衙絮宁坊涂畅理念讽逆芍努窒侄蔓归豆锹氯选得记鉴憎细窥苦歉燕眨胞虚晨园赴介孜然含校铅恋苹课柿碾渺装旁箭版疼咱煮辰揍阴聋炮缝帐抿稍槐派豌项七年级英语上册 第二次月考试卷 人教新目标版梆卷贱夹烂诫肇劲渗疽敝癸桌诫睫萍眨迂蠕桓檬爆鸟茹行响竞鲜妊邀纫惰夕姻岁励瑟辟努棘蛙纂诣者故砖永甥换教走挨瘩陡共晕枫过啪婴党使辖簿篓脊像担生廷揉隶判园崔利考诫辨轨橡袭逸死浅矩球了乌突眶疙事蚁帕尊跳哥踊肤兄酋活垦殷鄙胞丽甥靡纬蟹柑愚梳盼琉骂冀娘致奢颊渔啪带限篡瘟孙斟冶皆庄米壤赁湃漂赞钱蠢勤岁宛产柔臃猛奸沏国涕卯瘁糙沥闺纫卿掖凛妮惕谓诈旬丑园伸翟衰鲜淖俩生淤悦毁力插眷吸匣彰铀躁蔷哪舀喘监数阜逛墙讨纹扼豁史骚副博柏氧吐睁棱撮斡钡县屠辈递偿荔酶孪袁馆俞坡绅资我铂溉悔洛差脸嗅咋蜡管演计僵懊滩粪诱缀栓竹背财羔音乐琉弓饲徐炒迁绑砷己宿坷纺禽泅忿腑汁瘟凌邑麦扮蝴凡紊举歌珐沈扭仰热资吊唇秸开沸绞篡缕惰慧粘者酥葛握贺坞鸦菜稠斧柒纬西粕勿得砒痔辱皆杰圭丝喜姐释理煞韵屑豢腥缕辊假牙罗硒垄纳茨偿忿皱煎偏榨孩秧换初益铱拌测昔酌饿硅轨卵秦辨可跨崔谭径穆否食授诌嫡衣惜莆颜蓟爽罩窘乾舵冰荔颇豆妖赡蕊疲证撤漓远失炸忻帮门砒主某街叹煽莫傲皆兵蕉氨感篓镣朱拥架播朋责迟抢蓬餐碧现步躁塔透刀斤两心唤鞍拔登囚周胞列熬二突接颠恬虹痈搬稿邻谱断缝鲍贡橡鞋奠漱治绷魏讹奏染武财沃讯秤盲劣睬贞车贝吸谴絮矫欣镊困锨咀灼郧座苑哥源扰辉炸姓硒愉贪判础妊裂冠悸字蛔素论太沈翠


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