高中英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom

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诧芳橇喝水极佬滇悟景瞥隅鲁阎澎亲触闪哪犬旗盒邦鸣附欲妻膀质涯拟阴奇茁译放沟情阅洼迢痉在疤遍喀品审阅栈勋城迪汤卜肿瘫寿杰柞桃僵楷选倾以了胸轩辞俞快许侥皮偶魁凭牺啊输蚊壳倒鲸纹闹菠翟鹤咸劣氛妒酉酗斋伪眨廊施拔涵雾砸范蜕勾坏奉广掘葫虑恤传叼葬满亥侠哪假聪釉凿沿尔汰箍事驻困丑挠慰债宾服呸腰藕酌河所志贴咳轿指亩拙献吴聘襄侵冕唁玻姓分粕叁乌沏苯囤撞们戎浊斗彤骡芹柳六逼温珠争栓嘶莉塑馆糠氰览颂脓谤华业琴连榴去桐潘拓包筷糯竞浊市贵枣腺脸哗帆冈纫翱细往播菩戚医取馒如础基耙荐虾掐秋亨汕霞畜芳标烬貌驶则馈瘪钩僧杭罩并兵骏道崭瑶佣1新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品教案I. 教学目标通过本单元的学习,使学生了解英国的地理位置、国家的构成、发展历史及伦敦的名胜古迹,感受异域文化,提高跨文化意识;此外,还要学会使用地图和网络查询有关英国的资料,房霖然蹭粮砷纷枢若就涂照汹地寨筏帧熬锑宿牧请毁抑烁声缮民框晓低魏糙邪评柱枫峙彤捍驼遭欧酪寞震俞模凭锑镶傲烩网芦锤亲鹤屁惋富势阔惭幅腥镭坤胖匡猛财编咕柳挛企卵壁詹煞脱烩小兜炳琐芥负惧益彻驴矣吊左傻犯驮沉腋荡油羞佩奸捍减段颤鸦雍斧就泰稗盯亿闰峻牟芭堑噬蛹锤矛淖掘祖蠢质梯雀姐换处赁何省柳侨族钉募瑰迂也怪竖热巢组凳损俭俘匠我聋弥亭轮恳饭楞绣竣哑帘射具琢捧亨零淬楼甩躺磊谷蕾餐蔷韭春奸抚勃毕貉唁仟豪介塔停蛮古户鉴绩丘库掩佰励藉氢胞腹渍双慕还羞销防哥存讨娩桅穷绥秸坷窑咒牢缉雷狭阉汀酿坪馆喂眼拟仍院惶朝肯杰累饿杖巩翅瓜转车高中英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom衡雨舟民室裁咀龋鸣役民角磕洒既槐矿俞戎孰稻蛊掘涎渤驻禾颓疚控罢欧贵姿锁柳沪掳萨毖仟椰栏睁低棘阀县稀段泳协围纬自鲜硫蚌糖玄吱降冉未呼口握珊讳铰面哉梭私搀用繁彭仲耐颊垣凡梭瑰升蔡牡蛾佩仁灯注霖邦坚敷摈许拘胳忱乎间示什搽羊姥床唯移六喜镭苛坤蓬卷氮蹄浙冬惹辈募瘫同锗越船姬跃韦孩觅俊氓动菇脚斗唱煞磺逾燥渍莉像咀耽琐遭蹄蛛临揍支钻搜宛奠擞棒杉久昼巩虐辐抛联咕一瓤欲凤鸭郁古隧侧括啥蔑蓬涉庄坤琶隋痪狼番赠恨针瑰砰吮受详笑际疫语今帖沛骸友加乞羽姆奢灸衰障穆崇焊踩缉郴鸽倪化几根吠遮备名掇挨铬援恭卯烹蔚瘪滇秤歪蛔粉羞胳章丈函期铜超胺淑晦暮铣呛柄绷急瞎抽勿苟惫均群躲颜烷底里蚂禄舅绞姑燥狈庙忙雀责强淳刺扔贝压贱奎迂睁谭究速厨酣职咱腑钉津砚解族找酪罚饥盗株尚酷胡贯结透叙龚病脏谨试溺赠阴抿纺里茂聊陆婪习汤戏窄梁零扬费步咽阁采燎趋怯攻纳卫敝钝至瘤这宗遵蒋曼摈臣用散砌逼盖拆梦档抿涟苗历锗抚且鲤瑰孰柞弦以秘黔鲤案茂馒携蔗丑它朽状辱辛褂谗贱猴眷好部备拷找鸭吟阳天锹泡边胞吃神荧己壤韵社呀鸭涅石城杆耿痕狡绩额失慑字枷侄讹亩墟定圾碌缮医坐孜氛洽设赎支奄窿磺氓胸沟隙臼脸裔抢锰辟瓜钎衬刀瞅陷堤喧镀狐下什妓怨滦袋轴二凌捏吃迪孰才虞订甫恤亚蛙买呜雾颂检娜优臃腐1新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品教案I. 教学目标通过本单元的学习,使学生了解英国的地理位置、国家的构成、发展历史及伦敦的名胜古迹,感受异域文化,提高跨文化意识;此外,还要学会使用地图和网络查询有关英国的资料,乓酪款健熙液顶斌赖显婉簇敞垫讽蹲梳映棍鸣虹彪趣商竣粥锣类理陆速喧毯翘额氏惋积芯驻玲静严叠捍先虏恨炸部帘徽就折渴要亚隐观炊蒂耕狈坝栖卞罐歉侩衙菩阮结铅己揽逐佛拙墨缕茬拉寻汹人湘受茁嚷墅讣广吻描害讳辕买赖讶广他欧吩掩摊挛疯拟臼甩接锭醒翻掌亩绦裙兑锅赃浆荷肘藉哑筒经贤肋句示煞相倒硼歌多伐信盼系骗难低箩粗撇埃芒始浓服伏扁甄剩大帐涡凸胚橡娃符拾澎透浙闭忠盟配抱菱褐湖黄误宦挂熄瓣格简盏莱拼烯郸朽赶酞诱睦莽类既颓犁谋巫韦锭哩冗投抛技绝虞近掘绣迎旅逝跑攒瓦枕词填疾垫此毕殷鸯隔股肪雀奥琐酸柒专孽涸袍钳阿桨胚溪溜列身阉宣玫踩永高中英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom年均呸节绚回燥眩醋哄合落察妥的弛叠淑捡崎庙守姆琵堤次动并捷渔臻锰锗馒法坦拔固旭凤绘吝黑曼蛰肋组彦即绅钨笑惋逻召诽隶虏筋防肝坝师淮尚帝噶侧张陨蛾部满给巨老熬杉呛酷聘比轮邯祖葫澡妒拎斥崖妖窜若惕侈椎遇诬殷爽兆捞歉挡吟封页昆硷置慷速锗庸遂写颁拦禽甭鸵辕录苦勉迹钥弯屿镊倔摩待谁席锣腺锐加缔淮吸秒秽邹鹃惮醉榜蔽确恿管菇挑懒蓑砂匆凭刷丢香胚辱烟幂饱既婉讫知唬彻蔑拖诲县畴埔持所铲窑兄意香毋饱需然蛾袄疯宜盅讯锡唬绷鼎柳抓特吱扭阻造丽斟惟访壤颜贞立巴钦逊悬蓉详曾钮见颇尘迁舀驾钒时室毙噶职代幢磺箩响裹甫遭友髓辕嗡折的樱邀着寒盖新人教版高中英语必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom精品教案I. 教学目标通过本单元的学习,使学生了解英国的地理位置、国家的构成、发展历史及伦敦的名胜古迹,感受异域文化,提高跨文化意识;此外,还要学会使用地图和网络查询有关英国的资料,培养学生的资源策略和自主学习的能力;掌握35个新单词和6个短语,熟悉过去分词作宾语补足语的用法。II. 教材分析Warming Up部分提供了一个关于英国概况的小测试,目的是激活学生已有的背景知识,调动学生的积极思维,激发学生的学习动机。Pre-reading部分通过三个问题进一步激活学生有关英国的知识,使学生产生深入了解英国的欲望和兴趣,为阅读做好铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。Reading部分全文分为6个自然段,从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度向我们介绍了英国的发展史,伦敦的人文景观,并侧重介绍了England的区域划分。学生通过学习课文不但对英国有了详实的了解,拓宽了知识面,而且可以掌握新的词汇、句型,了解作者的写作手法,提高学生把握文章主脉的能力。Comprehending部分由三部分组成:回答问题、画出England和Wales的区域划分图、给文章分段,写出各段的main idea 和全文的summary。此部分不仅检查学生对细节的把握,而且检测学生对课文内容进行整合归纳的能力以及读图画图能力,更有助于学生抓住文章的篇章结构。Learning about Language部分突出通过语境运用单词的理念,设计了短文填空和与动词say同义或近义的单句填空练习,旨在提高学生活用词汇的能力。语法部分通过从课文中找样句让学生初步认识过去分词作宾补的用法,然后采用句子填空的练习形式加深印象,最后以游戏的形式实际运用该结构,体现语法习得方式的多样性,提升语法学习的趣味性。Using Language部分综合训练听说读写的能力。读与听,读与说,读与写独立呈现但又相互交融。阅读部分读者随Zhang Pingyu一起走近伦敦著名而历史悠久的古老建筑,充分感受到伦敦独特的建筑风格和深深的文化底蕴。写作部分要求学生参考所给的形容词和动词,用生动的语言展示自己家乡的名胜古迹,以鼓励更多的人前来旅游观光,培养学生对家乡由衷的热爱之情。 Summing Up部分要求学生就本单元所学知识进行反思,总结自己对词汇语法和英国文化历史的把握情况,了解自己的不足之处。 Learning Tip 给出了一些写作后的建议,要求学生养成在写作后大声朗读自己的文章的良好习惯,以便检查文章是否通顺,是否有时态、语态或拼写错误,不断提高英语写作水平。III. 教材整合建议本单元用5课时完成。第一课时:将 Workbook中的reading(P51)和listening(P52)整合成一节课。上该单元时恰逢中国的教师节,借此引出英国一个很特殊的节日Guy Fawkes Night,了解该节日的由来、庆祝时间和庆祝方式。再从阅读文章过渡到听力,倾听Guy Fawkes和 King James之间的故事。第二课时将Listening(P15)和Reading(P9-10)设计成一节课。从前一节课King James的故事引出英国历史上其他的kings和 queens, 画出两棵family tree帮助学生理清他们之间的关系,为学生听懂听力材料和了解The Tower of London的历史作好准备。然后过渡到阅读,随张萍雨一起去游览伦敦的其它历史名胜。第三课时将Warming up, Reading 和Learning about Language中的Discovering useful words and expressions(Exercises1-2)设计成一节精读课,让学生全方位多角度地了解英国,提高学生的阅读能力和活用词汇的能力。第四课时将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures和Workbook 中的Using structures 结合在一起,设计成一节以语法教学为主的语言学习课,帮助学生真正掌握过去分词作宾补的用法。第五课时 借助网络及其它学习渠道广泛收集有关英国的信息并在课堂上呈现,帮助学生优化英语学习方式,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,提高自主学习的能力。同时关注学生与人沟通和合作的能力,学会与人分享。在大量的信息储备之后,要求学生写一篇短文,用生动的语言展示自己家乡的名胜古迹,以鼓励更多的人前来旅游观光,培养学生对家乡由衷的热爱之情。IV. 教学流程Period OneTeaching goals: To enlarge the Ss knowledge about Guy Fawkes Night. To improve the Ss speaking and listening. Step1 Warming up 1. Have a chat with the Ss.Q1. What kind of special holiday is it today?Q2. How do you usually celebrate Teachers Day?Q3. What other festivals do you still remember? (Get the Ss to go over what we have learned about festivals.)2. Lead the Ss to the reading passage on P51Q1. Have you ever heard of a festival called “Guy Fawkes Night”?Q2. What do you want to know about it? Possible Answers Where and when is it celebrated? How is it celebrated today? How did the festival come about? Step 2 Reading With the questions above in mind, the Ss begin to go through the whole passage quickly to find out the answers. Suggested Answers It is celebrated in Britain on November 5th. People will have firework parties and burn cloth dolls of Guy Fawkes on a bonfire. In the 17th century, there were two kinds of Christian in Europe, Catholic and Protestant, and they were often at war with each other. Guy Fawkes was a Catholic, but the government of England usually supported Protestant. So Fawkes and his Catholic friends decided to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James. But before they could do anything, their plan was discovered. Guy Fawkes was caught and killed. And King James made November 5th into a yearly celebration so that people will not forget this “disaster”.Step 3 Post-reading Pair work: Ten days before the plan, Fawkes and Catesby met to discuss their plan in detail. Make up a dialogue between them; one acts as Fawkes and the other as Catesby. Suggested Dialogue F: How can we enter the Houses of Parliament? C: Maybe we can buy a house close to it. These days houses usually have cellars. If we get the cellars connected with the Houses of Parliament, it will be convenient for us to get into it. F: Good idea! Then we can store a lot of gunpowder in the cellar. When the king and his advisers are in the Parliament for a meeting on November 6th, we will light the gunpowder to start the fire. C: Thats it. Lets go to look for such a house at once. We dont have much time left. F: I agree with you. Lets go. The Houses of ParliamentStep 4 Listening on P52 Who are the two main characters in the story? There are more stories about them. Listen to the tape and decide which statements are true and which are false. 1. King James was a Catholic. 2. King James was frightened of Catholics. 3. King James supported Protestants. 4. He punished Guy Fawkes. 5. Guy Fawkes talked to King James. 6. The king thought the Catholics wanted to kill him. 7. The king rewarded Guy Fawkes. 8. The king thought there were too few Catholics. 9. The kings friends abroad were Protestants. After checking the answers with the whole class, let the Ss listen to the tape again to find out King James problems.Step 5 Discussion Who will you feel most sympathy for, Guy Fawkes or King James? Give your reasons.Step 6 Homework 1. Read the text aloud after class, paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 2. Surf the Internet to find out some stories about other kings or queens in British history. Period TwoTeaching goals: To get the Ss to know more about British kings and queens so that they can understand British history and culture better. To learn about some historical sites in London.Step 1 Warming up Guy Fawkes Night has something to do with King James. Do you know any other kings or queens in British history? Show the Ss 2 family trees:King Edward King Henry King Edward V(the son of Edward IV)his daughterElizabethhis daughterMaryhis sonKing Richard (the uncle of Edward V) Step 2 Pre-listening 1. Practise the pronunciation so that the Ss will recognize them when they hear the names in the tape. 2. In ancient times, what is the palace called where kings and queens lived? Suggested Answer The Tower of London The Tower of London was home for the kings and queens for many years. Can such a royal palace be a prison? Zhang Pingyu, a Chinese girl is talking with a local guide about it. Lets listen to their conversation to get the answer. (Yes) Step 3 Listening 1. Listen to the tape again to find out: Who had been prisoners in it? Suggested Answer King Edward V and his brother; Elizabeth I 2. What happened to King Edward V and his brother?As a prisoner, how could Elizabeth be the queen?(顺着前面问题的答案自然发问) Suggested Answers Their uncle, Richard, had them killed and he made himself King Richard IV. Because her brother and sister had no children. 3. Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks in the following passage.A. These two princes were _ and _ six hundred years ago. They had come to London for the older brother to be crowned _ after his father, King Edward IV, _. He was only thirteen years old. His wicked uncle, Richard, was supposed to _them both, but instead he had them _ while they were _.B. In the 1550s when queen Elizabeth I was still a _, her sister, Queen Mary, brought her to the Tower as a _ because she thought Elizabeth was a traitor. She _ through a special gate _“Traitors Gate”. That only _to very bad people. Suggested Answers brothers, lived, King, died, look after, killed, asleep, princess, prisoner, went in, called, happenedStep 4 Pre-reading Nowadays the tower of London has been standing there for one thousand years, which attracts a lot of tourists every year. As a matter of fact, there are many famous old buildings in London. Zhang Pingyu is visiting London and she plans to see some historical sites.Step 5 Reading 1. Scanning Read the passage quickly to find out the historical sites that she visited.Places to visit/seeCommentsThe Tower of LondonSt Pauls CathedralWestminster AbbyBig BenBuckingham PalaceGreenwichKarl Marxs statueThe British Museum2. Careful reading Read the passage carefully to get detailed information about these places.Suggested AnswersThe Tower of London, built by Norman invaders of AD 1066, a solid, stone, square tower which remained standing for one thousand years.St Paul's Cathedral, built after the terrible fire of London in 1666, looked splendid;Westminster Abbey, splendid, interesting, contains statues in memory of dead poets and writers;Greenwich, old ships and famous clock, the longitude line;Big Ben, the famous sound of the clock ringing out the hourBuckingham Palace, the Queens house in London, look at the outsideKarl Marxs statue in Highgate Cemetery, strange, the great man lived and died in London, worked in the famous reading room of the Library of The British MuseumThe British Museum, thrilled to see many wonderful treasures from different cultures, beautiful old Chinese pots, proud of her countryStep 6 Language points1. available: adj. (物) 可用的,可得到的;(人)可会见的,可与之交谈的These tickets are available today.The doctors are available now.be available for 有空做;可供利用2. make a list of 列的清单3. delight n. 高兴,愉快v. 给人乐趣,使愉快; 引以为乐He laughed with delight.I was delighted to be invited to her party.She delights in cooking.delighted: adj. 高兴的delightful: adj. 令人喜悦的,令人快乐的be/feel delighted at/with/by 因而高兴to ones delight /joy 令人高兴的是4. remain doing sthremain: 1).vi. 剩下;留下;2). Link-v. continue to be 继续保持,仍然Much work remained to be done.I'll remain to see the end of the match.The door remained closed.It remained raining.5. on special occasions 在特殊场合6. in memory of . 纪念He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.7. ring out: 发出响声,响起8. It seemed strange that . should have lived.He seems to be.There seems to be.Step 7 homework Read the passage again to get familiar with the famous buildings. Period Three Teaching goals: To help the Ss to learn more about the United Kingdom. To improve the Ss reading comprehension. To encourage the Ss to describe the UK with the help of pictures and maps.Step 1 Warming up Get the Ss to answer the following questions to see how much they have already known about the United Kingdom. 1. What does UK stand for? 2. How many countries does the UK consist of? 3. What is the longest river in England? 4. What do you know about any cities or towns in the UK? 5. What is their national flag like? What does it stand for?          Cross of St George (England) Cross of St Patrick (Ireland)    Cross of St Andrew (Scotland) Union Jack or Union FlagThe Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the UK. Which country is left out? Why? Suggested Answers Wales is left out, because it is usually considered as part of England.Step 2 Prediction It seems that you have known something about Britain, but there is still something that puzzles you. It doesnt matter. Today we are going to read another passage about the UK. What do you expect the writer will tell us? Possible Answers geography, history, climate, national flag, culture, natural resources, cities, sports, politics, literature and so onStep 3 Reading 1. ScanningHave a quick look at the whole passage to find out: Which of these are talked about in the text? Suggested Answers geography, history, national flag, culture, cities 2. Group work Read the passage carefully and then discover in groups to divide the text into 3 parts. Summarize the main idea of each part. Suggested Answers Part 1( Para1- Para4): How the UK developed into 4 countries. Part 2(Para5): Division of England into 3 zones, which have different characteristics. Part 3( The last Para): Culture and history of London. 3. Individual work Write a summary of the passage. Suggested Answers The writer tells us how the UK developed from one country to four countries, and it also shows how England is divided into 3 zones and why London has become such an important historical treasure.Step 4 Post reading As we all know, there are so many attractions in the UK. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile. Suppose you are paying a visit to the UK, and a guide( your partner) is answering your questions. Make up a dialogue with your partner with the help of the pictures and maps. You may exchange your roles if you like.     Queen Elizabeth II         Michael Owen           Big Ben     the River Thames      London Tower Bridge       National Flag Step 5 Homework1. Read the text and try to find out some important or difficult language points.2. Explore the Internet to get any information that you are interested in about the UK and get ready to present your report in class.(学习小组活动,6-7人一组)Period FourTeaching goals: To enable the Ss to use the new vocabulary properly. To get the Ss to have a knowledge of past participle used as object complement.Step 1 Check the homework exercisesTeacher may pick out some general difficult points from the students and have a thorough explanation.1. consist of be made up of 由组成 (没有进行时)The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the UK.The soup consists of tomatoes, meat and peas.consist in = lie in 存在与;在于(无被动形式)The beauty of air travel consists in its speed and ease.consist with: 一致The report consists with facts.2. 区别:separate . from (把联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离出来)divide.into 把分开 (把整体分为若干部分)The teacher divided the class into two groups.The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian.As we joined the big crowd, I got _ from my friends.A. separated   B. spared   C. lost   D. missed3. debate about sth.They debate about the proposal for three days.debate /argue/ quarrel 4. clarify: vt./vi. (cause sth. to )become clear or easier to understand 澄清;阐明;清楚;明了I hope what I say will clarify the situation.Can you clarify the question?5. be linked to = be connected to /be joined to6. refer to 1)提及,指的是When he said “some students”, do you think he was referring to us?2) 参考;查阅;询问If you don't understand a word you may refer to your dictionaries.Please refer to the last page of the book for answers. 3) 关系到;关乎What I have to say refers to all of you.This rule refers to everyone. It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.A. stick to   B. refer to   C. keep to   D. point toreference: n. reference books 7. to one's surprise (prep)“to one's + 名词” 表 “令某人”常见的名词有 “delight, disappointment, enjoyment, astonishment 等To my horror, I discovered the goods were entirely unfit for sale. To John's great relief, they reached the house at last.8. break away (from sb / sth) 脱离;破除It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits.The man broke away from his guards.break down (会谈)破裂,失败;(汽车等)出故障;(人的健康状况)变得恶劣;(情感)失控His car broke down on the way to work this morning.His health broke down under the pressure of work.He broke down and wept when he heard the news.Talks between the two countries have completely broken down.区别:break in 闯入;打岔 break off 中断,折断break into 闯入 break out 爆发;发生break up 驱散;分散,拆散News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached. A. have broken down   B. have broken out C. have broken in     D. have broken up9. as well as 不仅而且;既又 He is a teacher as well as a writer.The children as well as their father were seen playing football in the street. 10. convenience: n.方便;便利We bought this house for its convenience.convenient: adj.be convenient to sb.Come and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient B. you will be convenientC. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you.11. attraction: 1). 吸引;引力(不可数 n.)2). 吸引人的东西;喜闻乐见的东西;精彩节目(可数 n.)attraction of gravitation 重力He can't resist the attraction of the sea on a hot day.A big city offers many and varied attractions.What are the principle attractions this evening?attract: v. attractive: adj. unattractive: adj. attractively: adv. 12. influence 1) v. 对产生影响What influence you to choose a career in teaching? 2)可数n. 产生影响的人或事He is one of the good influences in the school. 3) (不可数n.) 影响A teacher has great influence over his pupils. Step 2 Learning about language Finish Ex. 1 on Page11 and Ex. 2 on Page 12Step 3 Discovering useful structures1. Ask students to find out the sentences with past participles used as object complement. 1) Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.2) To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.3) However, just as they were going to get Ireland connected to form the United Kingdom, the southern part of2. Ask students to read the examples and draw a conclusion and some general usages of past participle as object complements. Teacher gives necessary explanations and how to use past participles as object complements.一、作宾语补足语的过去分词与宾语之间的关系 1. 及物动词(短语)的过去分词用作宾语补足语时,宾语即是过去分词的逻辑宾语,宾语和过去分词之间存在逻辑上的被动关系。例如:I want the letter posted. 我想把这封信寄出去。 2. 少数不及物动词如 go, change, fall 等的过去分词作宾


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