高考英语一轮复习 每日一题第15周每周一测含解析

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高考英语一轮复习 每日一题第15周每周一测含解析_第1页
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每周一测. 完形填空I realize that we all live in a world where trust is in short supply. It seems that everywhere I go, I have to 1 my identity and trustworthiness whether its a bank, shop or any office. I have been accustomed to living by the 2 that no one is trustworthy 3 proved otherwise. Yesterday I saw a young man who lived by a totally 4 rule.I was walking along a busy intersection when I 5 a young man standing near the pedestrian crossing setting up a stall(货摊). 6 I would ignore and hurry past such sellers. But I noticed this young man was 7 , so I stood for some time without crossing the street to see how he sold his 8 .Soon, a young mother with a little boy came by and the child set his 9 on one of teddy bears. The mother asked the 10 and it was only one dollar. She pulled out a 10 dollar note and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the 11 back. I was 12 to know how he was going to do it. He told the mom to put the 13 in the pouch(袋子) hanging around his neck and take out whatever change he 14 her. I realized that this young mans whole mode of earning 15 on trusting people not to cheat him. There was no 16 for him to know if someone took out more out of his pouch of earning. I was so 17 by how this young man trusted people that I bought a car model from him. I did not need it, 18 . I just hoped to help a little.Now I 19 believe that the world would be a better place if we could all learn to 20 others more, like the young blind street seller of toys.1. A. introduceB. presentC. proveD. request2. A. rule B. habit C. practiceD. law3. A. if B. since C. although D. unless4. A. similar B. different C. special D. common5. A. approached B. noticed C. watched D. looked6. A. Actually B. Normally C. Informally D. Casually7. A. blind B. handsome C. disabled D. strange8. A. clothes B. bears C. toys D. pouches9. A. mind B. interest C. heart D. attraction10. A. price B. stall C. toy D. help11. A. money B. charge C. change D. note12. A. anxious B. surprised C. pleased D. curious 13. A. hand B. money C. teddy bear D. necklace14. A. gave B. owed C. owned D. showed15. A. depended B. settled C. decided D. focused16. A. problem B. point C. way D. doubt 17. A. attracted B. shocked C. excited D. touched18. A. either B. instead C. moreover D. though19. A. firmly B. tightly C. unwillingly D. negatively20. A. take in B. turn to C. help out D. believe inII.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 AAre You a Mosquito Magnet?No offence to you, but scientists have found that mosquitoes may find your feet as attractive as Limburger cheese. If thats you, dont worry it doesnt mean youre not washing them enough. Mosquitoes are simply attracted by certain DNA.A UK research team recently investigated the genetic role in mosquito attraction by testing the bite appeal of 18 identical (looking the same) and 19 fraternal (looking different) pairs of female twins. In a series of tests, 20 hungry mosquitoes were released into the end of a Y-shaped tube and allowed to choose whether to follow their noses left or right. Down either path was one twins hand, releasing its delicious natural smells but protected from bites behind a mesh screen. After testing all 37 twin pairs, scientists found that the identical twins had consistently more similar attraction scores than the fraternal ones did specifically, 67 per cent of a persons insect appeal had to do with her genes.So whats the deal: does DNA smell bad? Thankfully, no. But specific DNA does attract unique species of microbacteria to your body and those are what mosquitoes just cant resist.Each of us, right now, is covered with about 100 trillion microbes, outnumbering our human DNA ten to one. Also scientists believe we share only a small number of these microbial species with one another, making our microbiome the world of bacteria living in and on us unique, just like our fingerprints. In addition to producing many of the vitamins and chemicals in our blood, our microbiome is thought to be responsible for most of our distinct smells as well.Different mosquitoes prefer different smells from different parts of the body thats why Anopheles gambiae, known for spreading malaria(疟疾) prefers biting hands and feet, while others go right for the armpits or groin. And those smells come from chemicals produced by our microbiomes.So the next time a group of hungry mosquitoes swarms your cousin but leaves you bite-free, thank your DNA for the world of microscopic creatures on your skin that produce just the right smell to send the bloodsuckers reeling.The following are several ways to make your microbiome less mosquito friendly.Mask it with spray: Choose a non-poisonous all natural anti-mosquito spray.Cover it with body armour: Get extra protection from clothing made of anti-mosquito material.Keep it dry: Mosquitoes love carbon dioxide and heat your body sends out more of each when you exercise.1. The UK research team carried out the test in order to find out _.A. whether peoples mosquito appeal is related to genesB. whether a mesh screen can protect people from mosquito bitesC. whether 67 per cent of a persons insect appeal had to do with genesD. whether identical and fraternal twins have similar mosquito attraction2. What does the underlined word those in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Mosquitoes.B. Human bodies.C. Smells of DNAs.D. Species of microbacteria.3. According to the passage, which of the following is a characteristic of microbiome?A. It decides whether we are attractive to insects.B. It produces most vitamins and chemicals in our blood.C. It is like our fingerprints, carrying a world of bacteria.D. It is thought to be responsible for all of our unique smell.4. Which of the following statements is true according to the article?A. If you wear a spray mask, mosquitoes wont bite you.B. People are more appealing to mosquitoes after exercising.C. There are on average ten microbes on each human DNA.D. If you wash yourself every day, you wont attract mosquitoes.BYou have heard it said many times, the only thing that is constant(不变的) in life is change. Change happens in every area in our lives, such as moving into a new apartment or home, economic changes in career or business, and so on. So we cannot avoid change in life. Luckily, change is important in our life! 1 Change leads to opportunities. You will realize that each change in your life is actually an invitation for new opportunities. Remember, every new opportunity has its own benefits. 2 However, it is always advisable to consider the benefits that those new opportunities will bring. If you accept change in your life, you will profit from each new opportunity. 3 If you are used to doing the same thing over and over again, you may get bored, and lose the excitement in your life. Change makes sure that your experiences differ from day to day, month to month. Remember that the world is always in a continuous motion(运动). 4 This makes life exciting. Change means progress. If you look at your life ten years ago, you were a very different person, from the person you are today. 5 This is called progress. And these growth experiences are the reason why you should appreciate changes in your life.Therefore, we should make good use of change and make it work for us in positive ways.A. Here are some benefits (好处) of change.B. Change is one thing that makes our lives interesting.C. Technologies, trends, and politics keep on changing.D. You may miss these opportunities, whenever they come.E. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.F. You have the power to make every day a good day, by just accepting changes.G. There are many things that have happened in your life, which made you grow.III.语法填空An abandoned puppy has a new home and a new job. The 7-week-old puppy 1(leave) at a baseball stadium in Georgia last week. Someone found it 2(cry) in the parking lot. The teams president, Jared Orton, adopted the puppy and named 3(he) new companion Daisy. The lucky puppy also has a new job. She is the teams 4(office) bat dog . A bat dog takes baseball bats to 5(player), collects balls on the baseball field and pleases 6 crowd.Mr. Orton said Daisy might be a little too small 7(hold) a bat in her mouth. We arent sure how big shell get, so its hard to say 8 shell be able to pick up a bat. She will be a regular at the ballpark and will be 9(huge) popular with fans. Mr. Orton added finding Daisy was fate and it was just meant to be that theyd have a dog 10 part of their team. 完形填空【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者认为现在的世界缺少相互信任,但是一天在街上看到一个盲人在卖玩具,他完全靠对人的信任让买主自己把钱放到袋子里并找回零钱。这件事让作者坚信如果我们每个人都能像这个盲人一样信任对方,世界会变得更美好。1. C 【解析】根据下文no one is trustworthy 3 proved otherwise可知无论是银行、商店或是办公室我都要证明(prove)自己的身份。故选C。10. A 【解析】根据下文的and it was only one dollar,可知母亲在问价格(price)。故选A。11. C 【解析】根据上下文可知这个玩具是一美元,这位母亲给了10美元,所以想要回找的零钱(change)。故选C。12. D 【解析】因为这个年轻人是盲人,所以作者很好奇(curious),想知道他怎么收钱、找零钱。故选D。13. B 【解析】根据上下文可知,这里是年轻人让这位母亲把钱放进他脖子上的袋子里。故选B。14. B 【解析】根据上文可知这位母亲在找回自己的零钱,这里是说年轻人让这位母亲把钱放进他脖子上的袋子里,然后拿走他欠(owe)她的零钱。故选B。15. A 【解析】我意识到这个盲人收钱的模式完全依靠相信人们不会欺骗他。depend on依靠,依赖。故选A。16. C 【解析】对于这个盲人来说,没有任何方法能知道是否有人多拿了他袋子里的钱。There is no way 毫无办法/没有途径。故选C。17. D 【解析】看到这个盲人对别人完全的信任,作者有很大的感触(touched),以致作者买了一个自己根本不需要的玩具模型车。18. D 【解析】根据下文I just hoped to help a little可知,作者根本不需要这个玩具车,though放在句末是但是,然而的意思,为副词,作状语。故选D。 19. A 【解析】根据语境,作者现在坚信(firmly)如果我们每个人都能像这个在大街上卖玩具的盲人一样信任(believe in)别人多一点,世界会变得更美好。故选A。20. D 【解析】见上题解析。故选D。II.阅读理解A【文章大意】文章介绍某些人的气味对蚊子特别有吸引力,那是因为这些人皮肤上的微生物产生出独特的气味。B【文章大意】本文从三个方面叙述了变化可带来的好处:变化可产生新的机会、变化能使生活更有趣、变化意味着进步。1. A 【解析】下文分三点介绍了改变能够带来的好处,A项内容可总括下文提到的三点好处,故选A项。2. D 【解析】结合语境,上句提到每一个新的机会都有其自身的益处,D项中的these opportunities与上文可以承接,故选D项。3. B 【解析】该空是本段的主旨句,下文具体叙述了改变可使我们的生活变得有趣,故选B项。4. C 【解析】结合上句,世界总是处于持续运动的状态;C项具体叙述哪些东西在不断改变,与上文承接,故选C项。5. G 【解析】结合语境,本部分叙述改变意味着进步;G项我们生活中的许多事情会使我们成长与上文相吻合,故选G项。III.语法填空【文章大意】文章讲的是一只被遗弃的小狗被棒球队收养并成为棒球队的一员。我国经济发展进入新常态,需要转变经济发展方式,改变粗放式增长模式,不断优化经济结构,实现经济健康可持续发展进区域协调发展,推进新型城镇化,推动城乡发展一体化因:我国经济发展还面临区域发展不平衡、城镇化水平不高、城乡发展不平衡不协调等现实挑战。


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