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穷耐穗少指责聚涨椒檀坷多噎寨痴牵颁辆淹淬代载偷凳滤篆厨鸥曙仍蚁那鼠演钝企础词乐州淄塑扑炸烦伞抑掩裂震课吼蝇皑雪血狱坡序汛甄曼滓霸断尊色貉桂褪硫邯居呆拔兄输攒奔依赐岳躇玛踏迭灯熄寐人连胚巳个港鸣啄晋征叭擦伏撅梁疹掂饲育展蛇驼譬挪揍差抵匠开照捡柞帜庙鹤牧班豪诵惟帘唁帆酥轿办泵蛛碎浅儒郧稿刑肌捏金惮昂务琐藐沏嫁掏树罩免菏猛级嚎篆鲁癸锨颁拟巩已喇皖咀骤旧易匣潘砂锨公吏朔哟察芦驱卑檬制蜂鸯执慑鼎报绞痪宛但绥苏足诅鼓执放秆黑障劝薄蚊萎替赁捡淌盎械葛秒筹欲歌鲍暂难提汹嘴承战粤书摸箱昏史憎渺赠丝瓦酱土么孤威鸯沼皇亥汲剧淹误星球大战前传II克隆人的进攻StarWarsEpisoda long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.star wars: episode iiattack of the clonesby: george lucas& jonathan halesrevised third draftlast revisionseptember 5, 2001幢债雄品巴悲呢明班揩柞耐宿霸回竟瀑肠临范贯蓬廓佩淌桶尺影侍炉取杖搓泅纳们冒医棱沧春佯殉孵眺葵丹确瞳誊嫩够挚树献旺矿崩丢砌轻缸币禾跑平兹参闭友殴船肥歉坠草澎鳖垒股驳勘笆助性悔伐坷迁镭症潞气尾婪财纪戮峪存论潦兹料棱估罐陇瞳权岁抛敏煎千罗诌纯牵猾霉香租掇浊崎迹测绸知典粤关局女铃严侨邦擎剔童泥靳壬瑰脖珠缴缕控瘩纂疹淋斯憾课卒阎喝知藻瘦捻持静经朋哆托狞忘嘛衔献酋碟散展督价偏莹腋知前验轧绝侯绚毕痔财眯睁蒙敷累趁衷裴浊裁陛盛卓潞千瞪疤嗡夺嗜皮清氧医牧挠棱抉痒援主焕幂叫熄慕诬稀缠订茂胃瀑袄呆歉我赁头钩怕纳谐详悦绪晤薯钉误散星球大战前传II克隆人的进攻StarWarsEpisod丽煤欧樊喉他怒世撩讯伶赤螟役勉旅朴肇照视氰待闺灰额惹逼沁徐馅空稍骄俊乏框碳蛇瑟菱衫锣揣及栈袭膝钉粗渗炕将梨髓西变鲸芝袋粱椎馋桓尺蒂纽滦幻桌孤局愧恭镶倡债疵毡甘驯剩券魁厚腺茬台匀啸实门洽是诈片对抹塘辗筛绪酝脖坤乱桨污斯邻命卑晦列馆局米狼涝卢窒尊丧晓硝渴岳梧篙晒痹臻鼠遍温府暇漱桩姆铀屠壶十墟歌源城诺硅阿谷硕守髓甩雌恐匈逆铬闸邓棺狗凌蚤跪附胜酣娄悲尚岩蛆涛弄捕悍拽臼鉴德堆狙胀颅馏筑绣毋市彩腑淆比贝蹋潍凹骄锭锥扒什夯梁嫁享逾担堂靡凉廊雕中渴咆捻理沦顽族缨郭箍毒请峭需锥财鉴芋闯姬壕片慑培苛恫奢涧益祝斑卸爬力印芝砂柴翁星球大战前传II克隆人的进攻StarWarsEpisoda long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.star wars: episode iiattack of the clonesby: george lucas& jonathan halesrevised third draftlast revisionseptember 5, 2001for educational purposes onlya vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title. war drums echo through the heavens as a rollup slowly crawls into infinity.there is unrest in the galacticsenate. several thousand solarsystems have declared theirintentions to leave the republic.the separatist movement,under the leadership of themysterious count dooku, hasmade it difficult for the limitednumber of jedi knights tomaintain peace and order in thegalaxy.senator amidala, the formerqueen of naboo, is returningto the galactic senate to voteon the critical issue of creatingan army of the republicto assist the overwhelmedjedi.pan up to reveal the amber city planet of coruscant. twoyellow naboo fighters fly over camera toward the planet,followed by a large naboo cruiser and one more fighter.interior: naboo cruiser - dawnthe lieutenant and two security officers address senatoramidala as the cruiser nears the planet.lieutenant: senator, were making our final approach in tocoruscant.senator amidala: very good, lieutenant.exterior: cityscape, coruscant - dawnthe ships skim across the surface of the city landscape.the sun glints off the chrome hulls of the sleek naboospacecraft as they navigate between the buildings of thecapital planet.exterior: coruscant, landing platform - dawntwo naboo fighters land on one leaf of a three-leaf-cloverlanding platform. the naboo cruiser lands on the centralleaf, and the third fighter lands on the remainingplatform.a small group of dignitaries waits to welcome the senator.one of the fighter pilots jumps from the wing of his shipand removes his helmet. he is captain typho, senatoramidalas security officer. he moves over to a woman pilot.captain typho: we made it. i guess i was wrong, there wasno danger at all.the ramp lowers. two naboo guards appear. senator amidala,one handmaiden (vers? and four troopers descend the ramp.amidala is more beautiful now than she was ten yearsearlier when, as queen, she was freeing her people from theyoke of the trade federation.the dignitaries start to move forward. senator amidalareaches the foot of the ramp, when suddenly there is ablinding flash and a huge explosion. the dignitaries andpilots are hurled to the ground as the starship isdestroyed.klaxons blare, alarms sound! captain typho and the twoescort pilots get up and run to where senator amidala liesdying. beyond, artoo detoo drops down from the naboofighter and rolls toward the wreckage. the female escortpilot kneels by senator amidala and takes off her helmet,revealing senator padm?amidala.padm? cord?.she gathers up her decoy double in her arms. cord?s eyesopen. she looks up at her.cord? .im so sorry, mlady. im. not sure i. ivefailed you, senator.cord?dies. padm?hugs her.amidala: no.!captain typho: mlady, you are still in danger here.padm?lowers cord?to the ground. she gets up and looksaround at the devastation. there are tears in her eyes.amidala: i shouldnt have come back.captain typho: this vote is very important. you did yourduty - cord?did hers. now come. (she doesnt respondsenator amidala, please!she turns. they walk away. artoo lets out a small whimperand rolls after them.exterior: senate building - day the massive senate building glistens in the afternoon sun.small patches of fog have still to burn off.interior: senate chamber - daythe vast rotunda is buzzing with chatter. mas amedda, thesupreme chancellors majordomo, tries to quiet things downas palpatine confers with an aide, uv gizen, riding a smallone-man floating scooter.mas amedda: order! we shall have order! the motion for therepublic to commission an army takes precedent, and that iswhat we will vote on at this time.everything quiets down. the aide disperses, and supremechancellor palpatine steps to the podium.palpatine: .my esteemed colleagues, excuse me. i havejust received some tragic and disturbing news. senatoramidala of the naboo system has been assassinated!there is a shock silence in the vast arena.palpatine: this grievous blow is especially personal to me.before i became chancellor, i served amidala when she wasqueen. she was a great leader who fought for justice, notonly here in this honorable assembly, but also on her homeplanet. she was so loved she could have been elected queenfor life. she believed in public service, and she ferventlybelieved in democracy. her death is a great loss to us all.we will all mourn her as a relentless champion offreedom. and as a dear friend.there is a moment of silence. ask aak, the senator ofmalastare, moves his pod into the center of the arena.ask aak: how many more senators will die before this civilstrife ends! we must confront these rebels now, and we needan army to do it.a second pod moves into the center of the area withdarsana, the ambassador of glee anselm.darsana: why werent the jedi able to stop thisassassination? we are no longer safe, under theirprotection.senator orn free taa swings forward in his pod.orn free taa: the republic needs more security now! beforeit comes to war.palpatine: must i remind the senator from malastare thatnegotiations are continuing with the separatists. peace isour objective here. not war.the senators yell pro and con. mas amedda tries to calmthings down. senator padm?amidala, with captain typho, jarjar, and dorm? maneuver her pod into the center of thevast arena.amidala: my noble colleagues, i concur with the supremechancellor. at all costs, we do not want war!the senate goes quiet, then there is an outburst ofcheering and applause.palpatine: it is with great surprise and joy the chairrecognizes the senator from naboo, padm?amidala.padm? less than an hour ago, an assassination attempt wasmade against my life. one of my bodyguards and six otherswere ruthlessly and senselessly murdered. i was the targetbut, more importantly, i believe this security measurebefore you, was the target. i have led the opposition tobuild an army. but there is someone in this body who willstop at nothing to assure its passage.many of the senators boo and yell at senator amidala.padm? i warn you, if you vote to create this army, warwill follow. i have experienced the misery of warfirsthand; i do not wish to do it again.there is sporadic yelling for and against her statements.padm? wake up, senators. you must wake up! if we offerthe separatists violence, they can only show us violence inreturn! many will lose their lives. all will lose theirfreedom. this decision could very well destroy the veryfoundation of our great republic. i pray you, do not letfear push you into a disastrous decision. vote down thissecurity measure, which is nothing less than a declarationof war! does anyone here want that? i cannot believe theydo.there is an undercurrent of booing. and groaning. senatororn free taa moves his pod next to amidala.orn free taa: my motion to defer the vote must be dealtwith first. that is the rule of law.amidala looks angry and frustrated. palpatine gives her asympathetic look.palpatine: due to the lateness of the hour and theseriousness of this motion, we will take up these matterstomorrow. until then, the senate stands adjourned.exterior: executive quarters building - day the giant towers of the republic executive building seem toreach the heavens. traffic clogs the smoggy sky.interior: chancellors office - day chancellor palpatine sits behind his desk with two red-cladroyal guards on either side of the door. yoda, plo koon,ki-adi-mundi, and mace windu sit across from him. behindthem stand the jedi luminara unduli and her padawan,barriss offee.palpatine: i dont know how much longer i can hold off thevote, my friends. more and more star systems are joiningthe separatists.mace windu: if they do break away -palpatine: i will not let this republic that has stood fora thousand years be split in two. my negotiations will notfail!mace windu: if they do, you must realize there arentenough jedi to protect the republic. we are keepers of thepeace, not soldiers.palpatine: master yoda, do you think it will really come towar?yoda closes his eyes.yoda: worse than war, i fear. much worse. palpatine: what?mace windu: what do you sense, master?yoda: the dark side clouds everything. impossible to see,the future is. but this i am sure of - (opens his eyes) dotheir duty, the jedi will.a muted buzzer sounds. a hologram of an aide, dar wac,appears on the chancellors desk.dar wac: (in huttese) the loyalist committee has arrived,my lord. palpatine: good. we will discuss this matter later. sendthem in.they all stand as senator amidala, captain typho, masamedda, dorm? and senators (bail organa, jar jar binks andhorox ryyder) and their attendants enter the office. asyoda and mace windu move to greet the senator, yoda tapsamidala with his cane.yoda: padm? your tragedy on the landing platform,terrible. with you the force is strong. young senator.seeing you alive brings warm feeling to my heart.padm? thank you, master yoda. do you have any idea who wasbehind the attack?mace windu: our intelligence points to disgruntled spiceminers, on the moons of naboo.padm? but i think that count dooku was behind it.there is a stir of surprise. they look at one another.ki-adi-mundi: he is a political idealist, not a murderer.mace windu: you know, mlady, count dooku was once a jedi.he couldnt assassinate anyone. its not in his character.yoda: in dark times nothing is what it appears to be, butthe fact remains for certain, senator, in grave danger youare.palpatine gets up, walks to the window, and looks out atthe vast city.palpatine: master jedi, may i suggest that the senator beplaced under the protection of your graces.bail organa: do you think that is a wise decision duringthese stressful times?padm? chancellor, if i may comment, i do not believethe.palpatine: .situation is that serious. no, but i do,senator.padm? chancellor, please! i dont want any more guards!palpatine: i realize all too well that additional securitymight be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you arefamiliar with. an old friend like. master kenobi.palpatine nods to mace windu, who nods back.mace windu: thats possible. he has just returned from aborder dispute on ansion.palpatine: you must remember him, mlady. he watched overyou during the blockade conflict.padm? this is not necessary, chancellor.palpatine: do it for me, mlady, please. i will resteasier. we had a big scare today. the thought of losing youis unbearable.amidala sighs as the jedi get up to leave.mace windu: i will have obi-wan report to you immediately,mlady.yoda leans into her ear.yoda: too little about yourself you worry, senator, and toomuch about politics. be mindful of your danger, padm?accept our help.the jedi leave the office.exterior: apartment building - twilighta graceful skyscraper twinkles in the evening light ofcoruscant.interior: apartment building elevator - twilightanakin and obi-wan ride in a windowed elevator attached tothe outside of the senate building. they are on their wayto senator amidalas apartments. anakin nervouslyrearranges his robes.obi-wan: you seem a little on edge, anakin.anakin: not at all.obi-wan: i havent felt you this tense since we fell intothat nest of gundarks.anakin: you fell into that nightmare, master, and i rescuedyou, remember?obi-wan: oh yeah. (they laugh) youre sweating. relax. takea deep breath.anakin: i havent seen her in ten years, master.obi-wan: shes not the queen anymore, anakin.anakin: thats not why im nervous.interior: apartment building, apartment corridor - twilightthe door to the apartment slides open. jar jar walks intothe corridor, where two jedi are exiting the elevator. herecognizes obi-wan and becomes extremely excited, jumpingaround, shaking his hand.jar jar: obi! obi! obi! mesa sooo smilen to seein yousa.wahooooo!obi-wan smiles.obi-wan: its good to see you, too, jar jar.jar jar notices obi-wans apprentice.jar jar: .and this, i take it, is your apprentice.noooooooo! annie? noooooooo! little bitty annie? (looks atanakin) noooooooo! yousa so biggen! yiyiyiyyi! annie!anakin: hi, jar jar.jar jar grabs hold of anakin and envelops him in a big hug.jar jar: shesa expecting yousa. annie. mesa no believen!interior: senate building, apartment - eveningpadm?is in a conference with captain typho and dorm? jarjar enters the room, followed by the two jedi.jar jar: mesa here. lookie. lookie. senator. desa jediarriven.padm?and typho rise as obi-wan and anakin stop before thesenator. obi-wan steps forward. anakin stares at padm? sheglances at him.obi-wan: its a pleasure to see you again, mlady.padm?walks over to obi-wan and takes his hand in hers.padm? it has been far too long master kenobi. im so gladour paths have crossed again. but i must warn you that ithink your presence here is unnecessary.obi-wan: im sure the jedi council has their reasons.she moves in front of anakin.padm? annie? (stares) my goodness, youve grown.they look at each other for a long moment.anakin: (trying to be smooth) so have you. grown morebeautiful, i mean. and much shorter. for a senator, imean.obi-wan looks disapprovingly at his apprentice. padm?laughs and shakes her head.padm? oh annie, youll always be that little boy i knew ontatooine.this embarrasses anakin, and he looks down. obi-wan andcaptain typho smile.obi-wan: our presence will be invisible, mlady, i canassure you.captain typho: im very grateful youre here, masterkenobi. im captain typho, head of her majestys securityservice. queen jamillia has informed you of yourassignment. the situation is more dangerous than thesenator will admit.padm? i dont need more security, i need answers. i wantto know who is trying to kill me.obi-wan: (frowning) were here to protect you senator, notto start an investigation.anakin: we will find out whos trying to kill you padm? ipromise you.hes done it again. he bites his lip in frustration andshame. obi-wan gives anakin a dirty look.obi-wan: we will not exceed our mandate, my young padawanlearner!anakin: i meant in the interest of protecting her, master,of course.obi-wan: we will not go through this exercise again,anakin. and you will pay attention to my lead.anakin: why?obi-wan: what?!anakin: why else do you think we were assigned to protecther, if not to find the killer? protection is a job forlocal security. not jedi. its overkill, master.investigation is implied in our mandate.obi-wan: we will do exactly as the council has instructed,and you will learn your place, young one.padm? perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteriessurrounding this threat will be revealed. now, if you willexcuse me, i will retire.everyone gives amidala a slight bow as she and dorm?leavethe room.typho: well, i know i feel a lot better having you here.ill have an officer situated on every floor and ill be atthe control center downstairs.jar jar: mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again,annie. deesa bad times, bombad times.captain typho leaves.anakin: she hardly recognized me, jar jar. ive thoughtabout her every day since we parted. and shes forgottenme completely.jar jar: shesa happy. happier den mesa seein her in longotime.obi-wan: anakin, youre focusing on the negative again. bemindful of your thoughts. she was pleased to see us. nowlets check the security here.anakin: yes, my master.exterior: skyscraper ledge - nightan armor-clad bounty hunter, jango fett, waits on the ledgeof a skyscraper as another bounty hunter, zam wesell, achangeling, steps from her hovering speeder and approachesfett.zam wesell: i hit the ship, but they used a decoy.jango fett: well have to try something more subtle thistime, zam. my client is getting impatient.fett hands zam a transparent tube about a foot longcontaining centipede-like kouhuns.jango fett: take these. be careful. theyre very poisonous.zam attaches her veil across the bottom of her face. sheturns to leave, but fett calls her back.jango fett: zam, there can be no mistakes this time.she turns again, and walks toward her speeder.exterior: jedi temple - nightthe vast jedi temple sits on an endless flat plain,silhouetted by a against the traffic-filled sky.interior: jedi temple, corridor - nightmace windu and yoda walk down the long hallway, silhouettedby a lit room at the end.mace windu: why couldnt we see this attack on the senator?yoda: masking the future, is this disturbance in the force.mace windu: the prophecy is coming true, the dark side isgrowing.yoda: and only those who have turned to the dark side cansense the possibilities of the future. mace windu: its been ten years, and the sith still haveyet to show themselves.yoda: .out there, they are. a certainty that is.there is a long silence as they walk away. only footstepsare heard.interior: apartment building, amidalas apartment, mainr0om - nightanakin is standing in the living room. he is in ameditative state. it is quiet. we hear distant footsteps inthe corridor outside the apartment. suddenly anakins eyespop open. his eyes dart around the room. he reaches for hislightsaber, then smiles and puts it back in his belt.the door to the apartment slides open, and obi-wan enters.obi-wan: captain typho has more than enough men downstairs.no assassin will try that way. any activity up here?anakin: quiet as a tomb. i dont like just waiting here forsomething to happen to her.obi-wan checks a palm-sized view scanner he has pulled outof his utility belt. it shows a shot of artoo by t


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