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1EPC of ABC 330kV D/C TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECTConstruction Management PlanABC Co., LtdApril 5,2010 2Prepared: Checked: Approved: 3Chapter 1 Project Overview and Features1 Project overview and features1.1 Project overviewLot 1 330kV A - B DC Line ( that is 286m in length ) ( hereinafter referred to as “AB Project”) is a project invested by NDPHC.1.1.1 Length, voltage grade and erection type of the lineABProject is located in the central area of N NATIONAL starting from A Substation in the south and ending in B substation in the north with the length of 279.449km. The project is located above sea level between 100m and 1300m with the voltage grade of 330kV. The double-circuit line will be erected on the same tower and self-supporting angle steel towers will be employed for the line. 1.1.2 Conductor, ground wire, OPGW and insulator The conductor will be twin bundled and horizontally arranged with the model of BISON. The ground wires will be GJ-60 galvanized stranded wire and OPGW respectively. Glass insulators will be employed for the line. Twenty FC120/146 glass insulators will be employed in the tangent tower and 2X22 FC160/146 glass insulators in the strain tower. 1.1.3 Fountation type and earthingOblique Angle Inserted Foundation and horizontally radial earthing.1.2 Analysis of construction condition1.2.1 Construction condition at the site Medium sand, crushed stone resources are available along the line. Appropriate sand, stones may be provided. Influenced by climatic conditions, it is difficult to construct in rainy season at location of this project. Rainy season should be evaded as far as possible. However, since part of construction period for this project is arranged in rainy season. Preparations should be made for the construction proposal in rainy season. Construction period of the procedures should be arranged reasonably. Adverse factors should be considered sufficiently to ensure construction period progress target. To make sufficient preparation for construction in rainy season and to provide effective drainage equipment and excavation retain equipment. Since infrastructure is backward in N NATIONAL, local health care conditions are poor, there are many mosquitoes, malaria morbidity is high, necessary medical equipment should be provided and necessary medical training should be provided for employees during construction. Common medications, antimalarials and injection should also be provided. Since tap water treatment condition is unavailable locally, water permeability in the soil is high. Almost all ground water cannot be drunk directly. Domestic water should adopt purified water as far as possible, or water treated. material resources conditions Construction material resources in A City, C and B City are basically abundant, but relative quality is poor. 4Fig.Fig. 2-12-1 OrganizationOrganization chartchart ofof projectproject managementmanagement andand constructionconstructionChapter 2 Organizational Framework of Project Construction Management2.1 Organizational structure of project management and responsibility division 2.1.1 Organizational structure of project management In order to complete this project successfully, our company organized N NATIONALn Project Management Department. Main management personnel of the Project Management Department are dispatched from technical management personnel of the company. “330kV D/C TRANSMISSION LINE Project Management Department” is organized. On behalf of M COMPANY/CHEMO, the Project Department is responsible for the Client and Consultant and fulfills the contract comprehensively to realize the project objectives. TransmissionTransmission LineLine constructionconstruction ManagementManagement DepartmentDepartment ProjectProject managermanager : DeputyDeputy ProjectProject ManagerManager: ChiefChief ProjectProject EngineersEngineers: SafetySafetyPrincipalPrincipalC C MaterialMaterial PrincipalPrincipal ConstructionConstruction TeamTeam 1 1ManagerManagerY Y PlanPlan andand FinanceFinance PrincipalPrincipalLiLi QualityQuality PrincipalPrincipal TechnicalTechnical ControlControl PrincipalPrincipalC C ConstructionConstruction TeamTeam 2 2ManagerManager ConstructionConstruction TeamTeam 3 3ManagerManager 52.1.2 Responsibility and work division Table 2 - 1 Department & postResponsibility and authorityCompany Head Office1. Dispatching project manager and chief project engineer with strong management capability, business skills and rich experience to organize A & B Substation Project Department according to the scale and features of this project; 2. Organizing to prepare Project Construction Organization Measures, Responsibility Documents of Construction Project Management, define obligations, responsibilities and rights of the project manager and functional departments of the company in this project; 3. Allocating construction resources such as labor force, material resources, equipment etc of Project Management Department, guaranteeing to meet project implementation requirements; guaranteeing implementation of the funds required for the project. The company and relevant departments should ensure to solve requirements of the Project Department timely. Project Manager1. Agent of the companys legal representative in this project, manages the overall construction process of this project on behalf of the company, responsible for comprehensive fulfillment of the contract. Implementing the companys quality, safety and environment management guidelines, Quality Manual, Occupational Safety and Health and Environment Management Manual as well as documents of relevant procedures during project construction, completing project tasks according to provisions of the contract, accepting inspection and supervision by the owner unit, consulting engineer, dealing with and coordinate relationship between the parties concerned, creating good environment and conditions for project construction, achieving project management objectives comprehensively; 2. Fulfilling tasks specified in the Responsibility Documents of Construction Project Management; 3. Organizing to prepare and implement Project Construction Organization Measures; 4. Implementing according to the companys quality, safety and environmental protection management guidelines, quality, safety, environmental protection objectives of this project as well as requirements of the companys quality, safety, environmental protection management system documents. 5. Allocating construction resources rationally, taking full responsibility of safety, quality, construction period objectives for this project; 6. Responsible for construction quality monitoring, safety supervision and civilization, organization management of environmental protection construction; 7. Grasping plan, financial and funds situation, instructing Planning and Finance Department to arrange funds reasonably according to the construction schedule and implementation status of funds plan; 8. Implementing commands of the owner unit, consulting engineer related with project quality, safety and construction progress etc effectively during construction; 9. Implementing management works of safe, civilized construction and environmental 6protection. Dealing with follow-up work after the project is completed. Deputy Project Manager Under the leadership of the project manager, assisting the project manager to complete all works of project manager within his responsibility scope. Responsibility and authorityChief project Engineer1. Chief project engineer is the chief technical superintendent of this project, responsible for technical management work according to relevant technical standards, regulations, regulations, design drawings as well as related technical management system of this company, responsible for management and application of MS Project software in this project; 2. Organizing to prepare quality plan, construction organization design, project construction proposal, technology, overall measures planning of safety, civilization and environmental protection construction etc for this project, examining or approving them according to the specified authority; 3. Organizing the joint checkup of construction drawing, coordinating related work with individual departments and units; 4. Responsible for technical training and evaluation work before commencement of this project, verifying commencement conditions; organizing and implementing construction process control according to quality plan as well as related management system procedure document of the company; 5. Taking direct responsibilities for the quality of this project, assuming technical responsibilities for project safety; 6. Responsible for timeliness, accuracy of the final acceptance data. Technique Principal1. Assisting chief engineer to manage the implementation of project technical work, examining construction drawing, reading design documents and construction drawings carefully, understanding design intention, preparing quality plan, construction organization design and construction technology, safety measures; 2. Preparing Construction Guide Book, safety construction measures and construction technique manual, as well as their release and management; responsible for site design document, management and release of construction drawings; providing construction technology and safety intention explanation for construction personnel, instructing construction according to relevant procedure documents; organizing the sorting and handover of project completion data, supervising and instructing construction team to fill out various construction record forms correctly; 3. Accepting and executing the commands of consulting engineer related with design change and technical requirements, organizing the implementation; 4. Participating in the purchase inspection of engineering materials, coordinating with the special person for materials to prepare supply plan of machines, tools and materials, coordinating with quality control, safety supervision personnel to supervise and check construction quality and safety; 7Quality Control Principal1. Assisting chief engineer to manage the implementation of project quality control: supervising works quality in accordance with Consultants instruction and corresponding quality control standard, organizing and participating quality inspection on construction team and project management, compiling quality scheme, fulfilling quality management to make sure quality management system operate effectively. 2. Applying intermediate acceptance and final acceptance to the consulting engineer, participating in the acceptance; 3. Participating in the purchase inspection of engineering materials, coordinating with the special person for materials to prepare supply plan of machines, tools and materials, coordinating with quality control, safety supervision personnel to supervise and check construction quality and safety;Safety Management Principal1. Responsible for construction safety management; 2. Responsible for safety education and post training of construction personnel; 3. Organizing inspection test of tools, apparatus and mechanical equipment; 4. Organizing to implement project safety health and environment management work to ensure effective operation of project occupational safety and health and environment management system; 5. Supervising and instructing construction team to fill out various safe construction record forms correctly; 6. Submitting safety supervision work report to the project manager; 7. Commissioned by the project manager, presiding over safety accident investigation, submitting investigation report, putting forward correction opinions. Plan and Finance Principal 1. According to the project schedule, managing labor force and funds etc resources, project contract management, budget management and cost control, formulating project disbursement plan;2. According to the construction progress, resource utilization and funds utilization, using MS Project management software for collection, analysis and sorting of implementation record, preparing adjustment plan at stages; 3. Sorting out and summarizing various reports required by Head Office and consulting engineer, reporting to the owner, consulting engineer and Company Home Office on specified time. 8Materials Principal1. Establishing and completing management systems of on-site materials, tools and equipment according to requirements of related quality system procedure documents, managing on-site materials, tools and equipment; 2. Formulating configuration plan of tools, apparatus and equipment according to the construction schedule and construction proposal, organizing implementation; 3. According to the project schedule of construction organization design and physical supply time provided by general contract unit, formulating engineering goods and materials supply plan and organizing the implementation; 4. Receiving and sorting out materials quality certification, test report; 5. Organizing purchase, processing of engineering materials; 6. Responsible for receiving, keeping, releasing management of materials. Construction team leader1. The person responsible for management work of this construction team, organizing construction of the personnel according to Construction Organization Design and Construction Guide Books, organizing self-check, ensuring construction in controlled state, takes full responsibility of construction quality, safety, progress, cost and civilized construction etc in this team; 2. According to construction arrangement of the Project Department, organizing to complete construction task in the designated construction section; 3. Implementing various work instructions, safety, quality and civilized construction provisions issued and forwarded by the Project Department during construction. 4. Organizing to implement quality, safety activities during construction, correcting problems in the construction timely, taking preventive measures as required; 5. Achieving engineering management objectives in the construction section. Construction personnel1. Operating according to requirements of the work instructions under the leadership of construction team leader, abiding by organization disciplines and technical regulations on construction site, ensuring works to meet project construction requirements; 2. Participating in the quality, safety activities, participating in democratic management of the team, adjustment rationalization proposal actively. 9Chapter 3 General Layout Plan of the Construction Site3.1 Construction layout plan3.1.1 Principle1) The location of Project Management DepartmentThe location of Project Management Department is in C and construction teams are in A,C and B.2) Material YardIt should be with good road condition and close to delivery location, which can avoid extra transfer and cost. The communication shall be convienient for contact. The location should be in the middle of the transmission line for the convenience of taking material. Based on these principles, the material yard in A,C and B are selected after site inspection and comprehensive study.3.1.2 Construction Division1)The site office and section of construction teamsConstruction TeamSiteT/L LengthProject OfficeC279.449 KmTeam 1B90 KmTeam 2C100 KmTeam 3A89.449 Km2)Installation The string of conductor, OPGW and earthing wire of this product will be done all by running way and the splicing pipe will be connected by concentration compression method.In order to protect the wires from damaging in the process of string, it is proposed to control the string section within 6 to 8km. 10Chapter 4 Construction Proposal4.1 Preparation for construction4.1.1 Construction technique team members and technical preparationThis project involves many fields and shall establish the powerful management and assurance system suitable to N NATIONALs transmission line projects and to coordinate the development of the construction procedures and achieve the requirement. Therefore, the construction management work is very significant. The technique team is the decision maker in construction and its members shall have excellent technical skill, management competence , high enterprise and responsibility.Before construction commencement, there will be safety and technique training. The worker cannot start the work until passing the training assessment for some special type of work.The target, scheme and measures shall be studied and confirmed before the work start. A detailed and rational construction management plan shall be made. In accordance with the structure form of works, technique feature and requirement, to design and make the formboard for the special position.The project office will establish and improve all kinds of management system to make sure the work can go on smoothly and in order. The system, including 1) technical intention explanation 2)material inspection and acceptance 3)work quality inspection and acceptance 4)project file storage 5)technique re-check 6) all-level personnel responsibility 7)finance 8)reward and punishment will be executed to ensure the material, fund and workforce can be put into use according to project requirement and the works designated targets can be completed in good quality and safety on schedule.The technique team will be trained before going to N NATIONAL and post duty system will be established as well as regulation and foreign affair education. Complete all the visa procedures and make sure technique can arrive in N NATIONAL on time. The project office will manage all staff, both Chinese and local personnel according to the project organization, regulations, and require them to follow the construction management plan, plan and technical intention explanation to ensure the work can go on in a professional, high-level way. Contact with local manufacturer or supplier and get familiar with the condition of supply, price and quality, and establish a list of qualified goods supplier. Sign the supply contract according to the work progress to make preparation for the purchase.In the meantime, the office in head quarter will arrange the manufacture and delivery of the material and equipment in according to the work progress.Establish contact with the local labour union and services company and know the way of recruiting, the welfare , to employ enough skillful local people and to guarantee a high quality project.The project office will recruit the common labor and technician and arrange the training and assessment in according to the work schedule. The administrator, technician and production people in China will be selected, trained, assessed and sent to N NATIONAL as the work progress requirement.In order to provide a good environment for the construction and satisfy the material supply, the project office plans to make the following preparation: 111)According to the general construction layout, build temporary facilities for production, inspection, office use, living and storage.2)Arrange the mobilization of tools and equipment according to the requirement; place the tools and equipment in designated position and warehouse; build shed, provide power, make maintenance and set for the tools and equipment in position; to check and test run it before using any tools and equipment. 3)Transport the construction material, accessories and product to the site as plan and place and store them in according to the general plan designation.4)Arrange the test of construction material as quantity requirement, including cement, sand, stone, concrete mixture ratio & strength, etc.5)Make arrangement for the rainy season construction following construction management plan and to confirm the temporary facility and technique in the rainy season. 6)Establish fire extinguish and security system and regulation and arrange the fire extinguishing and security measures in according to the construction management plan.4.2 Technique Prep


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