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EMERGENCY PROCEDURESINTRODUCTION紧急程序引言Section A A 部分Emergency procedures have been developed to safe guard the lives of our staff and our guests.紧急程序已经被我们所有员工和客户视为最安全的生命保障.It is the duty of every member of Gloria International Hotels to be fully aware of the procedures and to ensure at all times the hotel is safe and secure.关注重视程序并确保酒店时刻处于安全及放心状态是凯莱国际酒店每一位员工的职责.It is the responsibility of the Security Department to ensure that emergency equipment is functional at all times and that fire exits are clear and ready for use at all times.保安部的责任是确保紧急设备时刻保持功能动作状态,以及消防出口的明示并随时可以运用.In all emergencies remain calm and do not panic!Do not try to be a HEROSaving lives is our priority and looking after our staff and guests is our first priority.Our second priority is to save and prevent damage to our hotel.凡遇突发事件必须保持冷静切勿惊慌!不要盲目试图做个英雄.挽救生命是我们的重点,照顾我们的员工和客户则是第一位的重点.其次我们要挽救并阻止对我们酒店的损害.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE EMPLOYEES TO MAKE STATEMENTS TO THE MEDIA REGARDING ANY EMERGENCY THAT MAY EXIST OR MAY HAVE EXISTED. THIS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL MANAGER.无论处于何种情况,员工均不能就可能存在的紧急状况或已然存在的紧急状况向媒介做出说明,而总经理则有权限。EMERGENCY PROCEDURESGENERAL紧急程序总括The following procedures will be followed whenever any emergency occurs within the hotel.下述程序为酒店随时可能发生的紧急情况应对程序.Definition of Emergency:Fire, Flood, Explosion, Power Failure, Civil Disturbance, Mass/Food Poisoning, Elevator Break Down, Bomb Threat.紧急事件名词解释:火灾、水灾、爆炸、能源中止、国内动乱、食物中毒、升降机故障、炸弹威胁.Clarification of Emergency SituationOn notification that an emergency assists 2 security officers equipped with radios will proceed to the area of the reported emergency and assess the situation:确定落实紧急情况:当遇到紧张情况时,作为援助的二名保安人员应配备对讲机前往事发地点进行事件报道,并预测所处形势:1.A negative situation exists:A full investigation will be carried out in the area of the reported emergency and the duty manager and security manager will be informed.A written report will be made and filed in the Emergency File.存在不利情况:应在事发现场进行全面的调查研究,并及时通知值班经理和保安部经理随后将所记录的资料存入紧张事件文档2.A positive situation exists:The investigating officer will use the walkie talkies to announce to walkie talkie carriers that an emergency exists.- Codes存在有利情况:调查人员将用对讲机向所有对讲机持有者宣布所发生的紧急事件Emergency plastic = Bomb explosion or bomb threatCode 3 = Elevator Break Down代码3 = 升降机故障Code 4 = Fire代码4 = 火灾Code 5 = Flood代码5 = 水灾Code 6 = Power Failure代码6 = 能源中止Code 7 = PABX Failure代码7 = 专用自动交换机故障- Investigating officers will attempt to hand to handle the emergency until help arrives.-调查人员在救援未至之前将竭尽全力处理及解决紧急事件.Radio / walkie talkie carriers无线对讲机持有者One being informed that an emergency exists all radio / walkie talkie carriers will proceed to the Emergency Command Post.当所有无线对讲机的持有者被通知有紧急情况发生时,将会集中到紧急指挥中心.Emergency Command Post:紧急指挥中心: Located in the Security Office.位置处于保安部 If not operational the office will be opened by the first person who arrives by removing the key from the break glass box.如果无法开门,将由第一个到达的人从钥匙柜取房间钥匙开门. Lights will be turned on随后开灯 The first senior member of staff who arrives at the command post will assume the position of Command Post Officer.第一位到达指挥中心级别较高的员工将替代指挥中心官员.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESGENERAL紧急程序总括Command Post Officer:指挥中心人员:The Command Post Posts duty is to provide assistance to the emergency team, maintain an accurate record of the proceedings during the emergency, to maintain a liaison with FCC, emergency team leader (Red Coat) and other departments within the hotel.指挥中心的职责是为紧急救援队提供辅助作用,在紧急情况中保持最准确无误的过程记录,并随时与通信委员会、紧急救援队队长和酒店其它部门保持联系。The Command Post Officer will open the emergency cupboard and prepare equipment for the Red Coat.指挥中心人员将打开紧急柜厨,为紧急救援队队长备妥设备.He / She will follow the format of the emergency check list as provided.他/她将参照紧急救援程序表为依据The Second most senior manager or the Emergency TEAM Leader will assume the position of Red Coat.行政管理人员或紧急救援队队长将替代主要领导职位EMERGENCY PROCEDURESGENERAL紧急程序总括Red Coat紧急救援队队长The Duty of the Red Coat will be to ensure that the emergency teams proceed to the scene of the emergency and directs the emergency team at the scene of the emergency. he will maintain continual radio contact with the Command Post Officers, he will update, liaise, and assist emergency services when they arrive at the scene.紧急救援队队长的职责是确保队员到达紧急现场,并进行现场指挥。他会通过讲机与指挥中心长官保持随时联系。于紧急队员到达现场时,他将把握最新情况、起到联系以及协助作用Will put on the Red Coat collect at RADIO, TORCH, and a LOUD HAILER UNIT. He will confirm with the investigating officers the exact position of the emergency and the extent of the emergency.他将身穿红色大衣、配带无线对讲机、手电筒及扩音机,与调查人员共同证实紧急事件的位置以及范围THE RED COAT HAS THE AUTHORITY TO INSTRUCT THE COMMAND POST OFFICER TO EITHER PARTIALLY OR FULLY EVACUATE THE HOTEL.紧急救援队队长有权力命令指挥中心人员全体或部分撤离酒店IF THE GM OR DGM IS NOT AVAILABLE TO MAKE THAT DECISION OR IF THE EMERGENCY SITUATION IS SUCH THAT AN IMMEDIATE DECISION HAS TO BE MADE.如果总经理或副总经理无法做出明确的决定,依据当前的紧急情况必须做出立刻决定.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESGENERAL紧急情况总括 Walkie Talkie Carriers无线对讲机持有者Walkie talkie carriers are the emergency action team members as defined When they are notified of an emergency they will proceed immediately to the command post.持有对讲机的人被视为紧急救援队员,当他们被通知有突发事件时,将会立刻赶往指挥中心.The first most senior person will become the command post officer.The most senior person will become the Red Coat.Seniority will be as defined in the Gloria Hotels policy第一位到达指挥中心的高级官员将成为指挥中心的首要领导行政管理人员将会成为紧急救援队的队长依据凯莱酒店制度作为主要参照Note: All the above personnel will take/undertake to follow the instructions orders decisions as made by the Red Coat, unless the General Manager or his appointed Deputy Countermands the order, and assumes the position of Red Coat.备注:上述所有人员必须听从由紧急救援队长所下达的命令程序,除非由总经理所任命的能够替代紧急救援队长职务的副理取消该命令.EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIFIC DUTIES紧急程序具体职责Command Post Officer指挥中心人员 Opens emergency cupboard and provides Red Coat with - redcoat - helmet, radio, loud hailer, torch.打开紧急厨柜,为紧急救援队长提供 - 红色大衣 头盔 无线对讲机 扩音机 手电筒. Opens the emergency log book - (may instruct a subordinate to do so).打开紧急情况日志 (作为辅助说明作用) Allocates staff, radios and equipment as per check list to emergency team.依据紧急程序列表对紧急队员进行位置、无线对讲机以及设备的分配 Instructs PABX to “Call In” designated staff.总机房传呼指定专员 Alerts Front Office to print guest register and handicap person register.警卫办公室打印客人入住登记记录以免他人混入 Issues emergency equipment and first aid equipment as required.提供紧急设备并做好援助以备用 Liaises continuously with Red Coat and Fire Control Center - record in log book.随时与紧急救援队长和消防控制中心保持联络,并记录在案 Acts upon all Red Coat instruction ensuring they are recorded in the log book.听众紧急救援队长指令行动,并确保已进行日志记录 Briefs GM, DGM and Communications Manager对总经理、副总经理(副总经理)以及传讯经理(公关经理)的指示进行摘要记录 Briefs and allocates staff to meet emergency services and guide to scene.分配员工到达指定事发部门进行现场指挥,同时完成摘要记录 Prepares for arrival of emergency services.为紧急救援队伍到达之前做好一切相关内容的准备 Alerts: Concierge, Housekeeping, PABX, F&B other operating department.警示:礼宾部、客房部、总机房、餐饮部等其它操作部门 Assembles floor plans of the emergency area for use by the emergency services.规范事发地点范围以便紧急救援服务应用EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIFIC DUTIES紧急程序具体职责Doctor / Nurse医生/护士On notification of an emergency:紧急情况通知: Will proceed to Command Post with adequate emergency first aid equipment.迅速前往指挥中心并携带充分的紧急设备用品 Will await instructions from Command Post Officer.等待指挥中心人员的指令 If evacuation is imminent will ensure that adequate supplies of blankets are brought to the evacuation assembly area as well as the first aid equipment.如遇紧急疏散撤离时,前提应确保有足够的集中场地、并提供充足的毛毯、紧急备用品 Will treat minor injuries as required.进行轻微受伤治疗 Will recommend hospitalization.归劝病人入院进行治疗 Of the situation is serious and it is apparent that we will need to hospitalize people make contact with hotel hospital. HR to provide names of hospitals and arrange with hospital to standby for the emergency.情况紧急时,病人必须被送往医院,酒店将与医院及时取得联系.人力资源部将提供医院名称以及对医院前往事发地点进行援助EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIFIC DUTIES紧急程序职责Red Coat紧急救援队长To assume control of the emergency scene.控制事发现场 To direct hotel emergency team members at the scene.指挥紧急救援队员前往事发现场 To evaluate the situation at the emergency and report back to the Command Post Officer on a continuous basis.评估概括事发情形,随后向指挥中心人员进行汇报,并作为及时依据 To instruct the command post officer to:supply manpowersupply equipmentorder emergency servicesorder the evacuation or partial evacuation 通知指挥中心人员:提供人力资源提供备用设备 指挥紧急救急服务指挥全部或部分的疏散撤离EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIFIC DUTIES紧急程序职责General Manager总经理During an emergency the GM should not become directly individual in the emergency with the exception of Civil Disorder / Riot (which can be prolonged) and a bomb threat. Specific duties of GM or his appointed deputy are:总经理或其任命代理人员的具体职责: Set up a crisis center refer crisis manual.建立紧急中心用以收纳紧急病人 To ensure the preservation of life.确保生命安全 Liaise with guests.与客人取得联络 Assist in the preparation of press releases and to brief press if necessary.协助新闻稿的准备工作,如有需要则从中进行摘要记录 To liaise with Vice Presidents Operation/ President and Owners.与执行副总裁/总裁以及权威者取得联系 To ensure that the injured guests are provided with adequate medical care.确保给受伤客人提供充足的医药治疗 To communicate with next of kin in the advent of death.病人如遇死亡,与病人家属迅速联系 To liaise with Government / Provincial Administrators.与政府以及当地执政官员取得联络 To liaise with neighbors hotels.与邻近酒店取得联系EMERGENCY PROCEDURESSPECIFIC DUTIES紧急程序具体职责Communications Manager传讯经理(公关经理) During on emergency the role of the Communications Manager will be to:紧急事件过程中传讯经理的职责: Keep continually updated on the events不断更新事发情况及进展 Prepare press release / statement准备新闻稿/陈述 Assist the General Manager协助总经理 Keep the telephone operators and receptionists well briefed and ensure that telephone operators have a prepared “text” to keep guest informed.保证接线员以及接待员及时准确的记录,以及确保接线员备有“记事本”用以通知客人 To assist the General Manager to liaise with Government / Provincial Administrator.协助总经理与政府以及当地执政官员联系 Brief to other department heads.记录摘要其它部门领导的指示EVACUATIONGENERAL疏散撤离总括Section B B 部分ONLY THE RED COAT OR GENERAL MANAGER MAY AUTHORIZE AN EVACUATION.只有紧急救援队长以及总经理有权力命令疏散撤离All guests/staff/patrons within the hotel will be notified of the need to evacuate the Hotel via the Fire Control Center public address system.酒店内所有客人或员工被通知需要疏散撤离酒店时,在经过消防控制中心时将开启主体播报系统Remember these simple points and help reduce a panic reaction:记住以下几点建议,以便减少惊慌的程度: Remain Calm保持沉着冷静 Ensure the elderly, or handicapped are provided for.确保老年者、残疾人等得以妥善安排 Ensure that essential records, cash are secured.确保重要的档案以及现金存放安全 Ensure that orderly shutdown procedures are effected.确保紧急程序有效的被实施 Ensure women remove high heeled shoes.保证妇女脱换高跟鞋 Ensure evacuation takes place via fire escapes.确保由消防通道进行疏散撤离 Always evacuate down the fire escapes. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.应从消防通道进行疏散撤离,不可选用电梯 Close doors and windows if evacuation is the result of fire.由火灾导致疏散撤离,需关闭窗户及门 Proceed to the assembly point (walk dont run).前往汇集地点(行走不可快跑) Do assist if asked to do so.如需要需提供协助 Dont try to be a hero.不要盲目试图做个英雄 Do as you are told by emergency officials.遵守实施指挥中心人员告之你需做的事情Your own safety and well-being depends on your participation, reaction and co-optation.你的生命健康及安全,取决于你自己的参与、行动与协作能力EVACUATIONGENERAL疏散撤离总括The Red Coat will assess the seriousness of an emergency situation and he/she will decide on what action is to be taken in consultation with senior management.紧急救援队长将对紧急事件的严重性进行评估,并于咨询重要管理人员后决定所采取的行动Fire 火灾Evacuation of Guest Floors 客房楼层的疏散撤离Stage 1 步骤 1A. The floor on which the fire is located.确定起火楼层的具体位置B. Two (2) floors above the fire.疏散起火层及相临二个楼层,即除着火层本层外其上一层和下一层C.Floor immediately below the fire.疏散撤离至地面Stage 2 步骤 2 A. All floors above the fire.疏散起火层上方各楼层B.All floors below the fire.疏散起火层下方各楼层Food and Beverage outlets, Function Rooms, Health Club餐饮区、多功能厅(宴会室)、健康中心Stage 1 步骤 1A. The floor on which the fire is located.确定起火地点的具体位置B. Tow (2) floors above fire.疏散至离火灾二个楼层之隔的上方C.2 floor immediately below the fire.疏散至离火灾二个楼层之隔的下方Stage 2 步骤 2As for guest floors 疏散撤离至其它客房楼层 Flood 水灾1. The immediate area around the flood.疏散远离水灾突发的地点 Bomb 炸弹The entire floor area on which the bomb has been found and the entire floor area above and below the area.当确定装有炸弹的楼层,应先疏散撤离至事发地点上方或下方的楼层Clear outside areas which maybe showered by glass.清理用玻璃装饰的周围地区Explosion 爆炸Evacuate the areas which have been impacted (damaged) by the explosion.疏散撤离至不会受到爆炸影响的地点EVACUATIONGENERAL疏散撤离总括1.This announcement will be broadcast only from Fire Control Center by overriding the normal public address system.只有消防控制中心有权插播至主体播报的体系中进行通知报道2.Evacuation Assembly Car Park to West of Main Entrance.疏散撤离至西面主要入口处的停车场内EVACUATION ROUTES疏散撤离线路For Guests客人Stair case: from LXX to L1, and then to the street.消防楼梯:通过客房楼层的消防楼梯直达酒店外街For Restaurant餐饮区客人Stair case: from LXX to LXX, and then through to street.消防楼梯:通过餐饮区的消防楼梯直达酒店外街For Staff from Basement 1地下室员工Stair case: from LXX to LX, and then through the XXXX XXXX to street.消防楼梯:地下室员工通过消防通道直达酒店外街ASSEMBLY GROUND DUTIES疏散集合中心职责A. The Human Resources Manager will be the Assembly Ground Controller.人力资源部经理将负责于疏散集合中心的统筹及协调B.Room Division Manager /front Office ManagerWill bring the guest registration out to the assembly point.客房总监/前厅部经理将必须携带客户注册名单到达疏散集合中心During the evacuation, he should appoint his subordinates to in-charge the main lobby and guide the guest to the assembly area. he have responsibility for the guest head count, and then report to the Assembly Controller (the names of guests present and missing).于疏散过程中,他将命令其下属部门或负责人把关酒店大堂,并指挥客人前往集合中心.他将清点客人名单并向集合中心进行报告(以便确认现场客人或遗漏客人)C.All department heads should submit their staff duty list to Assembly Area Controller. 所有部门领导者要汇总上班员工名单并向集合中心进行汇报D.Security Officers should assist the assembly ground controller in controlling the crowd.保安部将协助集合中心人员进行现场拥挤及混乱的围护E.Doctor and nurse - will be responsible for administrating First Aid.酒店医生及护士 将负责临时的医疗救援协助工作2. Fire Escape Stair Case or Fire Lift消防逃生通道或消防电梯The service lift # XX is the firemans lift. It can be operated with the Emergency Supply from power generator.服务电梯X将作为专用的消防电梯.其将由后备电源进行功能支持,长久操作,并直达任何楼层3. Fire Control Center (FCC)消防控制中心Its main function are:其主要功能包括:1)To receive the fire alarm signal either by mean of manually or automatic activated. 紧急报警信号将由人工或自动方式进行播报2)To monitor the functions of fire protection system such as sprinkler / hydrant pump and fire shutter which may need to be operated manually.需要人为进行操作时,消防保护系统的主要管理功能包括洒水装置、消防栓以及消防闸3)To broadcast evacuation announcement when instructed to do so by the Command Post Office or General Manager.当需要执行疏散撤离的命令时,只有指挥中心负责人及总经理有权力宣布指令4. Fire Extinguishers灭火器They are positioned in designated areas as requirement by the fire regulations.根据消防局的规定,灭火器需要被放置于指定且明显的地方1) Dry chemical fire extinguisher干粉化学灭火器suitable for oil, fat, grease, petrol and chemical fires适用于扑灭油类、脂肪类、汽油类以及化学等引起的火灾,也可用于扑救饭店其它普通物品的火灾。2) CO2 fire extinguisher二氧化碳类灭火器suited for electrical fires and all other fires.适用于扑灭带电类物品引起的火灾3) H2O fire extinguisher 水质灭火器Water suitable for wood - curtains, mattresses, carpeting适用于扑灭木、窗帘、床垫以及毛毯等引起的火灾FIRESPECIFIC DUTIES消防具体职责Command Post Officer指挥中心人员 Ensure that a radio carrying member of staff is posted to operate the fire emergency lifts - fireman lift # XX确认把关消防电梯的员工必须持有无线对讲机 Ensures that emergency equipment is dispatched to the fire scene.确保紧急救援设备已配备于火灾现场 Maintains contact with key radio carriers and telephone department.与总机房、所有持有对讲机的人员随时保持联系 Ensure that all emergency procedures are carried out.确保紧急救援程序的有效实施 Follow all procedures as specified in the emergency procedures file.依据紧急救援程序逐步落实救援行动 Instructs all radio carriers to maintain good communication.指令所有持有对讲机的人员相互之间保持良好的沟通联系EVACUATIONSPECIFIC DUTIES疏散撤离具体职责Executive Housekeeper / Senior Management Housekeeping行政管家/客房部On receiving the “Evacuation” message: -当获知疏散撤离指令时:A. Arrange room attendants to knock at all guest rooms.安排房间服务员敲开所有客户的门B. Inform guests to evacuate and not to carry bulky belongings.通知客人疏散撤离并告之其不要携带过重的行李C. Direct all people to leave via staircase exits.指引所有客人从消防楼梯出口出去D. Mark the doors that have been evacuated with an “X” by using chalk.在已被通知疏散撤离的客户房门上用粉笔示:X,作为标记E. DO NOT USE THE LIFTS.切勿乘用电梯F. All staff will leave after all guests have evacuated to assembly point.所有员工将在全部客人疏散撤离后统一汇集至集合中心G. Make a roll call on Housekeeping staff and report the result to Human Resources Department.向客房部员工发出紧急信号,并将事态发展结果向人力资源部做出汇报H.After evacuation, account for the number of guests and verify with Front Office Manager.疏散撤离后, 统计所有客人的名单并向前厅部经理证实EVACUATIONSPECIFIC DUTIES疏散撤离具体职责Front Office Manager / Senior Management Front Office前厅部经理/前厅部On receiving the “Evacuation” message当获知疏散撤离指令时:A.Assign staff to all staircase exits to direct all guests to assembly point.分配员工到所有消防通道口,指引全部客人疏散撤离并前往集合中心B.Carry the in-house guests list and registration forms before leaving for evacuation assembly point.在疏散撤离至集合中心前,必须要带备住店客人的名单以及登记表C.Have an “in-house guest report” printed and ready in hand for roll call.将客人入住名单及登记表打印出来,并向其发出紧急信号D.Lead staff to assembly point.领导员工到集合集合中心E.Make a roll call of Front Office staff after evacuation and report the result to Human Resources Department.同时向前厅部所有员工发出信号,随后将事态发展结果向人力资源部做出汇报After evacuation, assist Housekeeping staff in accounting for the number guests from room floors.疏散撤离后, 前厅部员工协助客房部员工于客房楼层清点统计所有客人的人数EVACUATIONSPECIFIC DUTIES疏散撤离具体职责Food and Beverage Management餐饮部A.On receiving the “Evacuation” message当获知疏散撤离指令时B.Instruct Executive Chef to assign staff to switch off electrical appliances and gas equipment wherever possible and close the doors behind.指令行政总厨安排员工于关闭房门疏散撤离之前尽所有可能关掉电器设备以及煤气设备C.Instruct staff to assist guests to leave via staircase exits.指令员工协助客人从消防楼梯出口出去D.All staff will leave after the guests have evacuated to assembly point.所有员工将在全部客人疏散撤离后统一汇集至集合中心E.Make a roll car on all F&B staff and report the result to Human Resources Department.同时向餐饮部员工发出信号,并将事态发展结果向人力资源部做出汇报F.Employees will assist Hotel in providing service to our guests - and if necessary and with consultation with Hotel Management meals for staff and guests.员工将协助酒店为客人提供良好服务,如有必要向客人提供食物应与酒店管事部协商后决定EVACUATIONSPECIFIC DUTIES疏散撤离具体职责Ban


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