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国外邮政金融发展模式及对我国的借鉴与启示Foreign postal financial and development model to China and draw inspiration中文约2900字First, foreign financial development model Post 1、Post and confuse the financial business model 2、 postal and financial business model separation 3、the Post Office to withdraw from the financial services area 4、with the color of the postal savings mode一、国外邮政金融的发展模式 1、邮政与金融混同经营模式2、邮政与金融分离经营模式 3、邮政退出金融服务领域 4、具有行政色彩的邮政储蓄模式 Second, foreign postal financial development model of comparison and reference二、国外邮政金融发展模式的比较与借鉴 (A) national postal savings business development in common(一)各国邮政储蓄业务发展的相同之处 1. Persist in the public nature of banking services.1.坚持大众银行服务本色。Postal savings and other financial business formed from the start full use of the postal network advantage, directly to the majority of ordinary residents of urban and rural services. At the same time cultivating citizens thrift, the good habit of saving, accumulate funds for national construction. Postal financial services in the public has enjoyed in the bank of civilians, a reputation. Netherlands Bank has become the countrys largest retail bank, but still has not changed for the civilian population of the qualities of service. Netherlands Bank has become the countrys largest retail bank, but still has not changed for the civilian population of the qualities of service. Compared with the general commercial banks, the Netherlands Bank adhere to three basic operating principles: First, regardless of who the users are high-income or low-income people, Post Bank are to provide good service; Second, the Post Bank to provide users with the services as simple as possible products, services, facilities and scope for the Popularization of the needs of the three services is to uphold a lower price. In the Netherlands 15650000 population of 6.7 million households, more than two-thirds of the families are Bank of users. In the Netherlands the countrys savings business and banking payment card market, the Banks market share reached 15 percent and 42 percent.邮政储蓄等金融业务的形成从一开始就是充分利用邮政网络优势,直接为广大城乡普通居民服务。同时培养公民节俭、储蓄的良好习惯,为国家建设积累资金。邮政金融服务在公众中一直享有“平民银行”的美誉。荷兰邮政银行已经成为本国最大的零售银行,但仍没有改变为平民大众服务的本色。与一般商业银行相比,荷兰邮政银行坚持三条基本的经营原则:一是不论用户是高收入者还是低收入者,邮政银行都为其提供良好的服务;二是邮政银行为用户提供尽可能简单的服务产品、服务设施和范围适用于大众化的需要;三是坚持较低的服务价格。在荷兰1565万人口的670万个家庭中,三分之二以上的家庭都是邮政银行的用户。在荷兰全国的储蓄业务和银行支付卡市场上,邮政银行的市场占有率分别达到15%和42%。2. To establish an effective financial product marketing system. Postal financial services sector is the biggest advantage of relying on the postal network formed by strong sales ability. In France, financial services products through three levels of sales channels to achieve. First, 17,000 points of window services, mainly to provide the simplest service products and the other is based on the financial markets demand the establishment of the 24 financial services centre, providing more complex services; Third, in accordance with the requirements of business development, the establishment of 5 Special financial services centre, to provide special financial services.2.建立有效的金融产品营销体系。邮政部门提供金融服务最大的优势就是依托邮政网络所形成的强大销售能力。在法国,金融服务产品通过三个层次的销售渠道实现。一是1.7万个网点的窗口服务,这主要提供最简单的服务产品;二是根据全国金融市场需求建立了24个金融服务中心,提供比较复杂的服务内容;三是按照业务发展要求,建立5个特别金融服务中心,提供特殊金融服务。3. Through Direct Mail, telephone and the Internet to promote financial services products. With all retail services, postal financial network of retail business in addition to providing services, but also make full use of various channels of publicity and marketing, business correspondence, telephone and Internet direct postal financial services are the main marketing channel choice. In Japan, postal savings every year sent 25 million letters a commercial site, referring users to service products. For example, users of postal savings in the use of payment cards, if they deposit has been exhausted, will soon receive a letter from the postal savings to customers on consumer credit and provide credit overdrafts or other services. Netherlands Bank in each of the various users to dial direct telephone 60000000, publicity referral to a variety of retail financial services business. In addition, the Bank has also established a dedicated web site, the average daily traffic over 70,000 people. By telephone and the Internet, the Netherlands Bank also offers telephone banking and Internet banking services.3.通过商函、电话和互联网推销金融服务产品。与所有零售服务一样,邮政金融零售业务除了利用网点提供服务外,还充分利用各种渠道进行宣传和营销,商业信函、电话直销以及互联网服务都是邮政金融选择的主要营销渠道。在日本,邮政储蓄每年都要发出2500万封有址商业信函,向用户推荐服务产品。例如,邮政储蓄的用户在使用支付卡时,如果发现存款己经用完,很快就会收到一封邮政储蓄的信函,向用户介绍并提供消费信贷或其他信用透支服务。荷兰邮政银行每年要向各种用户拨打6000万个直销电话,宣传推荐各种零售金融业务。另外,邮政银行还设立了专门网站,每天的平均访问量超过7万人次。通过电话和互联网,荷兰邮政银行还能提供电话银行和网上银行服务。(B) national postal savings business in the development of different(二)各国邮政储蓄业务发展的不同之处 1. Width different lines of business. Postal savings banks business scope of the basic equivalent to other commercial banks, with the Post in a mixed operation or implementation of the prospective commercial operation in the postal savings permitted scope of business than the postal savings bank to be much more narrow. Such as Deutsche Post Bank as the Almighty Bank; still in a mixed operating under the French postal savings business only species of savings, insurance, financial management and liquidation four major categories, the postal savings funds can only be used to buy treasury bonds or treasury of national savings, Japan Post Savings in a very long period of time will all of its funds through the Department of the Ministry of Finance uses of funds, to finance investment and financing to use their own funds may not use any form.1.业务范围宽窄不一。邮政储蓄银行的业务范围基本等同于其他商业银行,而处于与邮政混合经营或实行准商业化经营的邮政储蓄获准的业务范围比邮政储蓄银行要狭窄得多。如德国邮政银行为全能银行;尚处于混合经营下的法国邮政储蓄业务品种仅有储蓄、保险、理财及清算四大类,邮政储蓄资金只能用于购买国债或转存国家储蓄金库;日本邮政储蓄在很长一段时期将其全部资金通过大藏省资金运用部,交给财政投融资进行运用,自己不得对资金进行任何形式的运用。 2. Varying support for the Government. Germany, the Netherlands postal savings bank and commercial banks no longer any difference between the Government of the postal savings basically no special policy support. France, Japan there are different levels of policy support. Such as the French postal savings entitled to certain preferential policies for the exemption of interest income tax, while Japan established the annual October for postal savings, postal provinces nationwide savings in promotional activities, government departments full assistance2.政府扶持力度不一。德国、荷兰邮政储蓄银行与一般商业银行已无什么差别,政府对邮政储蓄基本没有特别的政策支持。而法国、日本都存在不同程度的政策扶持。如法国邮政储蓄享有一定的免征利息所得税优惠政策,而日本确定每年的10月为邮政储蓄月,邮政省在全国范围内开展储蓄促销活动,政府部门通力协助。 3. Service concept means different. Despite the different business models under the postal savings and service targets are located in the basic personal, pay attention to the quality of service, but the national postal savings service concept and meaning there is still some difference. Such as Germany, the Netherlands and other countries of the postal savings, their services are generally reflected in the retail business of constant innovation and development, the full range of business, or stability to attract new customers, while still in the development stage of the postal savings reform, the general Highlighted their financial business concessions and convenience.3.服务理念手段不一。尽管不同经营模式下的邮政储蓄,服务对象基本都定位于个人,都注重服务质量,但各国邮政储蓄的服务理念及内涵还是存在一定的差别。如德国、荷兰等国的邮政储蓄,其服务一般体现在零售业务的不断创新和拓展上,以业务种类齐全、新颖来吸引或稳定客户群;而对于尚处于发展改革阶段的邮政储蓄,一般突出其金融业务的优惠性和便利性。 Third, foreign postal financial development models of Chinas postal savings business of the Enlightenment三、国外邮政金融发展模式对我国邮政储蓄业务的启示 Through the above analysis, foreign postal financial model of successful development experience, with Chinas national conditions, I believe that the establishment of China Post Bank after the main wholesale business, retail business, supplemented by, and vigorously develop intermediary business.通过以上分析,借鉴国外邮政金融发展模式的成功经验,结合我国国情,笔者认为,我国成立邮政银行后应以批发业务为主、零售业务为辅,大力发展中间业务。 (A) in the maintenance of the existing system on the basis of supporting reforms(一)在维持现行制度基础上进行配套改革 Chinas postal savings under the current development situation, the reform must take a gradual approach, that is, in a certain period of time remained of central bank funds to the mode of operation, began supporting reforms, for the next step to prepare for the establishment of Post Bank. On the one hand, to be in the form of law provisions of the statutory supervision of postal savings institutions, a sound legal system, postal savings to truly help the restructuring of financial institutions; On the other hand, but also as soon as possible so that the postal savings independent accounting and solve the postal savings and the costs, benefits division. We must also intensify efforts to train financial professionals, the current employees in the postal savings deposit and remove operational, it almost does not have any financial knowledge, this will be the next Post Bank after the founding of the biggest problems. Therefore, the problem of the scarcity of talent is supporting the reform of postal savings in most urgent need to address the problem.根据我国邮政储蓄目前的发展情况,改革必须采取渐进的方式,即在一定时期内仍保持资金转存央行的经营模式,同时开始进行配套改革,为下一步成立邮政银行做准备。一方面,要以法律的形式规定邮政储蓄的法定监管机构,健全法规制度,帮助邮政储蓄向名副其实的金融机构转型;另一方面,又要尽快让邮政储蓄独立核算,解决好邮政与储蓄之间的成本、利益分割。同时也要加大力度培养金融专业人才,邮政储蓄目前的从业人员除去存取款业务操作外,几乎不具备任何金融知识,这将是未来邮政银行成立后面临的最大难题。因此,人才稀缺问题是目前邮政储蓄配套改革中最迫切需要解决的问题。 (B) establishing the conditions of our countrys postal savings bank(二)建立符合我国国情的邮政储蓄银行 Postal savings in network resources, capital and market environment has inherent adaptability of comparative advantage, but in the release of the loan has obvious disadvantages. To maintain financial stability considerations, Chinas postal savings system should be designed as a mobile service functions and credit functions of the separation of the pattern of development. In the composition of assets and liabilities, in the form of books or CDs from residents, businesses, governments absorb the savings deposits and cheque deposits, and if these deposits to invest in government bonds, corporate bonds, commercial paper, lending and other high security and The mobility of financial assets, not operating on city business and personal credit business. Segregation of the functions of commercial banks, thus to prevent bank run from happening. This pattern of Chinas postal savings should be chosen on the basis of retail banking, wholesale business in the city run, run credit business in the rural areas, the establishment of a wholesale + retail urban + rural credit model.邮政储蓄在网络资源、资金和市场环境方面具有先天适应性比较优势,但在贷款的发放上却存在明显的劣势。从维护金融体系的稳定考虑,我国邮政储蓄应设计成流动服务职能和信贷发放职能相分离的发展模式。在资产负债构成方面,以存折或存单的形式从居民、企业、政府处吸收储蓄存款和支票存款,并将这些存款投资于如政府债券、公司债券、商业票据、同业拆借等具有高度安全性和流动性的金融资产,不经营对城市工商企业和个人的信贷业务。分流商业银行的职能,由此来防止银行“挤提”的发生。由此我国邮政储蓄的模式应选择在零售银行的基础上,在城市开办批发业务,在农村开办信贷业务,建立“零售+城市批发+农村信贷”模式。 In addition, the rapid development of postal savings to a large extent benefited from the post office network advantages bodies, as if all this from the Post and lose, the new postal savings bank would have the advantage. As a result, the postal savings bank in any case can not be with the postal agency network separation. Germany can learn from the practices, the establishment of a Post Bank, post offices in their establishments, facilities and network discount shares and the remaining shares held by the Government or the community or the public to raise funds to become shareholders. Of course, the Post Office can also purchase the remaining shares, the Post Bank into a wholly owned subsidiary of post offices. When the time is ripe, Post Bank will also be listed.此外,邮政储蓄的快速发展在很大程度上得益于邮政局的机构网点优势,因此假如这一切都随着脱离邮政而失去,新成立的邮政储蓄银行就会没有了优势。因而,邮政储蓄银行无论如何不能同邮政机构网络相分离。可借鉴德国的做法,成立一个邮政银行股份有限公司,邮政局以其经营场所、设施和网络折价入股,其余股份或者由政府持有或者向社会公开募集资金入股。当然,邮政局也可以购买其余股份,使邮政银行成为由邮政局完全控股的子公司。在时机成熟的时候,也可将邮政银行上市。 (C) innovation of postal services(三)创新邮政业务 The core competitiveness of enterprises is a key factor in the continued success and the core competitiveness of enterprises in general from the comparative advantage. Postal savings identified choice city wholesale+ retail + rural credit model of development, should make full use has been access to the comparative advantages, development of its staff, technological equipment and other aspects of the initiative latent creative potential comparative advantage, through Increased capital investment and accelerating the speed of technological change, increase market competitiveness. At the same time because of the popularity of postal outlets, the absorption of postal savings deposits to a large extent from the rural areas. To enable the funds can come from rural areas to promote rural economic development, may wish to adopt a system designed to absorb some of the postal savings deposits in rural areas to stay. For example, given the policy tilt, allowing for the following Post in Qixian small mortgage business. Will solve the postal savings funds drawn from the rural areas over the issue. Based on these comparative advantages, the postal savings banks development strategy can be identified as urban wholesale + + remote rural credit clearing operations and then form their own core competitiveness.核心竞争力是一家企业实现持续成功的关键因素,而核心竞争力一般来自于企业的比较优势。邮政储蓄确定了选择“零售+城市批发+农村信贷”的发展模式后,就应充分利用己经获取的比较优势,开发它在人员队伍、科技设备等方面潜存主动创造性的潜在比较优势,通过加大资金投入力度,加快科技更新速度,提高市场竞争力。同时由于邮政网点的普及性,邮政储蓄吸收的存款在很大程度上来源于农村。为使来自农村的资金能够用于促进农村经济的发展,可以考虑通过某种制度设计让邮政储蓄吸收的部分存款能够在农村留下来。例如,给与政策上的倾斜,允许邮政在旗县以下开办小额抵押贷款业务。也就解决了邮政储蓄从农村过度吸取资金的问题。根据这些比较优势,邮政储蓄银行的发展战略可确定为“城市批发+农村信贷+异地结算业务”,进而形成自己的核心竞争力。 To sum up, foreign financial Post in its development process, both successful experience, many problems exist. The ongoing reform of Chinas postal savings, foreign experiences and lessons to learn from China have a certain significance. However, Chinas postal savings system has its own characteristics, can not copy foreign methods, must be integrated with Chinas reality, and embark on a line with the characteristics of Chinas postal savings system development.综上所述,国外邮政金融在其发展历程中,既有成功的经验,也存在不少问题。对于正在进行改革的我国邮政储蓄而言,国外的经验与教训对我国有一定的借鉴意义。但是,我国邮政储蓄有自己的特点,不能照搬照抄国外的做法,必须结合我国的实际,走出一条符合我国邮政储蓄特色的发展之路。


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