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上海牛津英语2B复习作者:_日期:牛津小学英语二年级(上)期末试卷、写出5个元音字母的大小写:5%、认真抄写下列单词和词组:5%naughty windowin her hands三、看图写单词:10%四、圈出不同类的词:5%1onintheunder2runhopswingorange3.faceheadhairgiant4.finefourfivenine5.catmousedogmouth五、选择正确答案前的序号填入句前括号内:10%()1. How many? Two windows.AwindowBwindowsCdoors()2. Whats this in the park?a big tree.AThis isBIt isCThereis()3. Whats in the zoo?a big lion.AThisisBIt isCThereis()4. I cant see my cat Ginger. It is the bed.AinBonCunder()5. At night. Can you see the sun?A Yes, I can. BNo, Im not.()6. Look at the elephant. It grass.A likeBlikes()7. There three plates on the table.A isBare()8. climb the tree. Im sorry.A NotBdont()9. is the umbrella? Its white.A WhatBHow many()10. is this? Its a red apple.C No, I cant.C can likeC amC DontC What colourC What colour六、认真阅读短文,根据短文内容判断,正确的用4表示,不正确的用父A WhatBHow many表示:5%Look at the kitchen. Its big and clean. There are many bowls and plates on the table. The spoons are in the plates. Look, theres a cat under the table. Its Ginger. It likes to eat fish. It can jump and dance. But its very naughty. Look, its on the table now. Oh, the bowls are on the floor. Too bad!1. ( ) The plates and spoons are on the table.2. ( ) Ginger can dance and sing.3. ( ) Ginger likes to eat fish.4. ( ) The bowls are on the floor now现在).5. 将最适合这篇文章题目选项前的括号内打,()AThe kitchen()BNaughty Ginger()CThe cat1. A.gloves2. A.wind3. 4 A.tree B4. A.presentB.hatsB.snowkinB.stop圈由与图对应正确的单词(10)5.A.fast B.bell.选择正确的句子。(10)1.把星星放在树上。()Put the tree in the room.()Put the star on the tree.2.穿上你的外套。()Put on your coat.()Take off your shoes.3.我需要一条新的连衣裙()I need a new belt.()I need a new dress.4 .请扫地。()Clean the desk, please.()Sweep the floor, please.5 .我能要一个热狗吗?()May I have a hot dog?()May I have a pizza?七.情景对话。(10)()1.当小朋友想下公共汽车时,会说:A. Get in the car. B. Get off the bus.()2.小红想吃热狗时,小红对服务员阿姨说:A. May I have a hot dog ? B.May I have a pizza()3.老师问你住在哪里,你回答老师A.I live in Hefei. B.Have some soup.()4.你和小朋友说:“我喜欢跑步”A.I like to swim. B.I like to run.()5.当你过马路时看见红灯,你会说:A.Red light,stop. B.Green light,Go.3 .圈由不同类的单词(5)1. A.father B.brother C.coat D.mother2. A.pizza B.swim C.hot dog D.biscuit3. A.plane B.train C.on D.ferry4. A.go B.bell C.star D.tree5. A.hats B.gloves C.light D.scarfs4 .圈由正确的单词(5)slow star biscuit present winterl t y b i s c u i t d t b s l o w a c u e y r f u f rd u n b c r t p r e s e n t a s t a r w i n t e r c vTHE END, THERE IS NO TXT FOLLOWING.


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