外研版英语七年级下册Module10Unit3 课件

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Module 10Unit 3 Language practiceLanguage practice 活动:活动:朗读朗读P64P64的的Language practiceLanguage practice,做,做有关特殊疑问句的练习。总结本模块中出有关特殊疑问句的练习。总结本模块中出现的不规则动词的过去式。现的不规则动词的过去式。目的:目的:与总结归纳语法与总结归纳语法,是学生能够熟练,是学生能够熟练运用。运用。 Write the past tense of the verbsgo get have leave meet see spend swim take went hadmetspenttook got left sawswam When did he die? 他是什么时候去世的?他是什么时候去世的? He died in 1989. 他是他是1989年去世的年去世的. What did she want just now? 她刚才想她刚才想要什么要什么? She wanted some juice. 她想要一些橘汁。她想要一些橘汁。 How long did the space flight last? 航天航天持续了多长时间?持续了多长时间? It lasted 21 hours. 持续了持续了21 个小时。个小时。 Read the sentences When was the meeting yesterday?昨天什昨天什么时候开的会?么时候开的会? It was at 4:00 pm. 下午下午4点。点。 Where did you go last night? 你昨晚去了你昨晚去了哪里?哪里? I went to Toms home. 我去汤姆家了。我去汤姆家了。 How long did the trip last? 旅行持续了旅行持续了多久?多久? It lasted one week. 持续了一个星期。持续了一个星期。 1. We visited Beijing last summer. (对画线部分对画线部分提问提问)_ did you visit last summer?2. She did her homework at home yesterday evening. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ did she do at home yesterday evening?3. He had to stay here for two hours. (对画线部对画线部分提问分提问)_ _ did he have to stay here?WhereWhat How long Practice-1Change the sentences. (易) 1. Nie Haisheng was born in Zaoyang, Hubei province. _2. He joined the Chinese Air Force in 1983. _3. He joined the Chinese space programme in 1998. _Where was Nie Haisheng born?When did he join the Chinese Air Force?Who joined the Chinese space programme in 1998?Practice-2Change the sentences. (易中-难)4. The party began at 9:00 in the evening. (就划就划线部分提问线部分提问)_5. The meeting was about animals. (就划线部就划线部分提问分提问)_6. Bill walked to the zoo. (就划线部分提问就划线部分提问)_When did the party begin?What was the meeting about?How did Bill go to the zoo?7. He trained for seven years. _8. He and his brother studied at No. 13 Middle School last year. _How long did he train?Where did he and his brother study last year?1. 上周六你给朋友们买了些什么?上周六你给朋友们买了些什么? 2. 你什么时候去的机场?你什么时候去的机场? 3. 他去哪里了他去哪里了?What did you buy for your friends last Saturday?When did you go to the airport?Where did he go?Practice-3Translate these sentences. (难) Write six things you did on your last holiday.On my last holiday, I bought some presents for my friends._ _ _ _ _ 1._I bought a T-shirt for my father.I swam in the sea.I took some photos.I saw some animals.I went for a picnic.I saw a famous building.Write an email to your friend about your holiday.Dear ,On my last holiday, I went there with I got there by I did lots of things there. I Writing-2 (难)(难)根据中文和图画示意写一篇报道。(根据中文和图画示意写一篇报道。(80-100字)字)这是一个真实的事情。这是一个真实的事情。20112011年暑假,两个表兄弟年暑假,两个表兄弟(1212岁,岁,1414岁)进行了一次特殊的旅行岁)进行了一次特殊的旅行-徒步从徒步从邢台到天安门。目的是为贫困山区上不起学的小女邢台到天安门。目的是为贫困山区上不起学的小女孩捐款。沿途他们做了很多事情孩捐款。沿途他们做了很多事情,终于集资,终于集资(raise moneyraise money)28002800多元,多元, We are going to travel _ the country. A. at B. on C. around D. in2. How long did it _ you to finish the work? A. take B. spend C. spent D. took3. I _ three hours swimming in the river. A. take B. spend C. spent D. took单项选择单项选择补充练习补充练习4. Who did you go to Los Angeles _? A. to B. with C. and D. /5. I want to do some _. A. shop B. shops C. shopping D. shopping6. We _ have a football match next week. A. will B. are going to C. go to D. going to 7. What house do you want _? A. living B. living in C. to live D. to live in 8. I love winter _ it snows. A. because B. so C. and D. but 9.Im interested in animals, so I _ lots of time playing with my pet dog.A. pay B. take C. spendAround the worldAn interesting holidayRead and discuss.What do tourists do on holiday?Some like to learn about the places they see, some like to take photos.Complete your email.


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