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四年级英语下册重难点汇总班级: 姓名: 1-3课要求会读、会背、会写的重点内容:1、数字1-21,以及30,40,50,60,70,80,90的英文表达(共28个单词)如下:1 one、2 two、3 three、4 four、5 five、6 six、7 seven、8 eight、 9 nine、10 ten、11 eleven、12 twelve、13 thirteen、14 fourteen、15 fifteen、16 sixteen17 seventeen、18 eighteen、19 nineteen、20 twenty、21 twenty-one、30 thirty、40 forty、50 fifty、60 sixty、70 seventy、80 eighty、90 ninety2、“该干的时间” 的2种表达法:1)Its time for+名词。例:Its time for breakfast/ lunch /supper/ class/ music class/ bed/ school。该吃早饭/午饭/晚饭/上课/上音乐课/睡觉/上学了.2)Its time to+动词。例:Its time to have breakfast(吃早饭)/have lunch (吃午饭)/ have supper(吃晚饭)/ have class(上课)/ have music class(上音乐课)/ go to bed(去睡觉)/ go to school(去上学)/ go home(回家)/ watch TV(看电视)/ get up(起床)/ play games(做游戏)/ go swimming(去游泳)/ wash the face(洗脸)/ play basketball(打篮球)/play volleyball(打排球)/ play football(踢足球)/ play ping-pong(打乒乓球)/ do the homework (做作业)/ do my homework (做我的家庭作业)/ do her homework (做她的家庭作业)/ do his homework (做他的家庭作业). 3、1-3课重点句子8个:1)询问时间的2种表达法:(1)What time is it?/(2)Whats the time?回答: Its eight oclock/seven thirty/.2)-I get up at seven fifteen。我7:15起床。(向划线部分提问)-What time(几点?) do you get up?你几点起床?3)-Its eight oclock.现在8:00.(向划线部分提问)-What time is it?现在几点了?4)-Whats the time (for)?现在该干什么了?- Its time to have breakfast./ Its time for breakfast.该吃早饭了。5)Is it time to have breakfast?现在该吃早饭了吗?-No,its time to wash my face./Yes,it is.6)Every day I get up early at six in the morning.每天早上我6点起床。7)If you waste time,You make a crime.如果你浪费时间,那就是一种犯罪。8)I can run and fast.I can wake Jack up .My name is “Clock”.我能跑能停。我能叫醒杰克。我的名字叫“闹钟”。4、背诵1-3课课文共5个:5页、6页、12页、13页和18页。4-6课要求会读、会背、会写的重点内容:1、重点单词14个:run(跑)、join(加入)、Sunday(星期天)、Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday(星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)、pass(传递)、mend(修理)、computer(电脑)、move(移动)、hammer(榔头)2、重点短语9个:play with a yo-yo(玩悠悠球)、make a present(做礼物)、draw a picture /draw picture(s)(画画)、listen to the radio(听广播)、sing songs(唱歌)、jump rope(跳绳)、pass me the hammer/ball(把榔头/球递过来)、move the computer/chair away(把电脑/椅子搬走)、mend the clock/desk(修理闹钟/桌子)3、重点句子7个: 1)-What day is today?/ What day is it today?(今天星期几?)-Its (星期几)。2)-What are you doing?(你在干什么?)-Im making a present (for) my mother (in )my room。我正在房间给妈妈做礼物。3)You (are)really a nice girl!你真是个好女孩!4)Lets go and join him(他)/her(她)/them(他们)。让我们过去和他/她/他们玩。5)Morning bells (are) ringing.早晨的闹钟在响。6)A:Please pass me the hammer and move this chair away。请把榔头递给我,把这把椅子搬走。 B:All right。好的。7)A:May/Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? B:Oh,yes.哦,当然可以。4、现在进行时的表达4个:1) A:What is Mike doing? B:Mike (is) jumping rope on the playground. 2) A:What is he/she doing? B: He/She (is) watching TV.A:What are you doing? B:Im mending the desks and chairs.4) -The boys/The girls (are) playing basketball.-What are the boys/The girls doing?5、祈使句的表达:1)Let me help you.让我来帮你。 (注意let sb后加动词原形。)2)Thanks a lot= Thank you very much.谢谢。3)Please pass me the hammer. 请把榔头递给我。6、动词的ing形式:1)一般是在动词后直接加ing,例如:jump(ing)、play(ing)、draw(ing)、listen(ing)、sing(ing)、watch(ing)、wash(ing)、do(ing)、mend(ing)、pass(ing)、sleep(ing)睡觉2)特殊的有:run(跑)running 是双写n再加ing; swim(游泳)-swimming 也是双写最后一个字母m再加ing; make(制作)-making、move(移动)-moving 是去掉末尾的e 再加ing。7、单词单三形式:1)一般加s,例如:get(s),play(s).例如:Sue (gets) up at seven thirty.2)以s,sh,ch,o,x,结尾加es, 例如:watch(es),wash(es),do(es)例如:Jack (washes) his face in the morning.3)特殊:have-has. 例如:LiMing (has )lunch at twelve fifteen.8、几个介词短语:1) 时间点的前面用介词at。例:at seven thirty.2) 星期的前面用介词on。例:on Mongday/Tuesday. On Monday moring. On Friday afternoon. 3)区别短语:in the morning(在早上)、 in the afternoon(在下午)、in the evening(在晚上) 9、背诵4-6课课文共4个:19页、25页、30页和、31页。10、读熟课文1个:36页Lesson7 Hurry up!1、 重点单词6个:hurry(赶快)、late(迟的)、early(早的)、film(电影)、begin(开始)、match(比赛)、2、 重点短语5个:1)a basketball/football match一场篮/足球比赛2)be late for 干要迟到了(be要随人称的变化而变化,be指的是am、is、are)3)a quarter to 几点差一刻(-:45),例如:a quarter to seven 6:454) a quarter past 几点过一刻(-:15),例如:a quarter past seven 7:155) half past 几点半(-:30),例如:half past twelve12:303、单词正确形式2个:begig开始(过去分词)begun leave离开(现在分词)leaving4、重点句子5个:1)Hurry up! 赶快! 2)Classes begin at eight.八点钟开始上课。3)We/They (are) late for school.我们/他们上学迟到了。I (am) late for class.我上课要迟到了。She/He/人名( is) late.她/他/人名迟到了。4)There is a basketball/football match in the afternoon.在今天下午有一场篮/足球比赛。5)What time do you get up/have breakfast /go to school/have lunch /go home /go to bed?你几点起床/吃早点/去上学/吃午饭/回家/睡觉。5、背诵并会默写2个课文:37页和40页。6、读熟课文1个:42页。Lesson8 Im sorry.1、重点单词9个:sorry(对不起)、tired(累的)、broken(坏的)、seat(s)座位、use(用)、watch(手表)、Miss Green(格林老师,女士)、Mr Green(格林老师,男士)、Mrs Green(格林夫人)2、 重点句子7个:1)You look very tired.你看起来很累。2)My bike is broken,and I ran here.我的自行车坏了,我是跑来的。3)Please go to your seat and sit down.请回到座位并坐下来。4)I didnt (get )my today.我今天没带我的。5)I havent (got) .我没有。6)May I use your ?我可以用一下你的?7)Thats all right.=Thats OK.没关系。3、单词正确形式3个:run(过去式)ran、 do(过去式)did、 get(过去式)got4、背诵并会默写2个课文:43页和47页。5、读熟课文1个:48页。Lesson 9 Dont worry.1、重点单词7个:worry(担心)、cry(哭)、push(推)、shout(喊)、read(读)、policeman(男警察)、policewoman(女警察)2、重点句子6个:1)Dont worry/cry/move/push/shout/read in bed/be late.别担心/哭/动/推/喊/在床上读书/迟到。2)-Why are you crying?你为什么哭?-I cant (find )my mother.我找不到我的妈妈了。3)Let me help you.让我来帮你。 Let us help you.= Lets help you. 让我们来帮你。4)Lets go to for help.让我们去找帮忙。例如:Lets go to that policeman for help.让我们去找那个警察帮忙。5) cant后跟动词原形。例如:I cant (speak )English./I cant (swim).我不会讲英语/我不会游泳。6)You are welcome.不客气。3、单词正确形式4个:1)can not(缩写) cant 、 2)cry(现在分词) crying 、3)let us(缩写) lets 、 4) policeman(复数) policemen4、背诵并会默写2个课文:49页和53页。5、读熟课文1个:54页。Lesson 10 You must be careful.1、重点单词7个:stop(停止)、cross(穿过)、park(停车)、must(必须)、green(绿色)、red(红色)、yellow(黄色)、2、重点词组10个:be careful(小心)、traffic lights(交通灯)、turn left(向左转)、turn right(向右转)、cross the road(穿过马路)、park here(停在这儿)、wait a moment(等一等)、red light(红灯)、yellow light(黄灯)、green light(绿灯)3、重点句子9个:1)Dont turn left/ turn right/cross the road/ park here/ stop here.禁止左转/右转/横穿马路/停车/停在这儿。2) A car is coming.小汽车过来了。3) It doesnt matter.没关系。4)You must be careful.你必须小心。5)Look at the traffic lights.看交通灯。6)The light is red and you (must )stop.红灯停。7) The light is yellow and you (must) wait a moment. 黄灯亮了等一等。8) The light is green and you( can) cross. 绿灯行。9)-What does it mean?这个标牌什么意思? -It means “Park here”/ Park here.它的意思是“禁止停车”/禁止停车。4、背诵并会默写1个课文: 50页。5、读熟课文1个:60页。Lesson 11 What colour is your dress?1、重点单词12个:purple(紫色)、blue(蓝色)、black(黑色)、white(白色)、dress(连衣裙)、T-shirt(T恤)、jacket(夹克衫)、jeans(牛仔裤)、sweater(毛衣)、shorts(短裤)、hat(帽子)、colour(颜色)、2、重点词组4个:my favourite colour(我最喜欢的颜色)、a new purple T-shirt(一件紫色的T恤)Toms blue jeans(汤姆的蓝牛仔裤)、I have got=Ive got我有3、重点句子9个:1)A:What colour is your dress? /What colour is it?你的连衣裙是什么颜色?/它是什么颜色? B:My dress is red./Red.我的连衣裙是红色/红色.2)Ive got a new purple T-shirt.我有一件紫色的新T恤。3)My favourite colour (is) green.=Green (is) my favourite colour.我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。=绿色是我最喜欢的颜色。My favourite colours (are) white and red.= White and red (are )my favourite colours. 我最喜欢的颜色是白色和红色。=白色和红色是我最喜欢的颜色。4)-Is purple your favourite colour? 紫色是你最喜欢的颜色? -Yes,it is./No,blue is my favourite colour.是的,它是。/不,蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色。5)-Where is my dress?我的连衣裙在哪儿? -Here it is./It is on the .在这儿/它在上。6)-Which jacket/one do you like?你喜欢那件夹克衫? -I like the red one/The red one.我喜欢这件红色的/这件红色的.7)Here (are) the hats.帽子在这儿。8)Excuse me!打扰一下!9)Thats right.对了/很正确。4、背诵并会默写2个课文: 61页和62页。5、读熟课文1个:66页。Lesson12 Which is your favourite subject?1、重点单词10个:subject(s)科目、science(科学)、art(美术)、PE(体育)、ME(思想品德)、learn(学习)、Chinese(语文)、English(英语)、maths(数学)、music(音乐)、2、重点词组6个:at school(在学校)、in PE class(在体育课上)、our English teacher(我们的英语老师)、speak English(讲英语)、in the same school(在同一所学校)、how many(多少)3、重点句子12个:1)-Which is your favourite subject?你最喜欢哪门课? -My favourite subject (is) English./ English.我最喜欢英语/英语.2)-How many subjects do you have at school?你在学校上几门课? -Eight subjects.8门课。3)We learm Chinese,maths, English, science, ME, music, art and PE, eight subjects all together.我们上语文,数学,英语,科学,思想品德,音乐,美术和体育,总共八门课。4)We often( play )football in PE class.我们经常在体育课上踢足球。5)She is our English teacher.她是我们的英语老师。6)My Chinese teacher (can )speak English well.我的语文老师英语说得很好。7)We/They/I (learn) science at school.我们/他们/我在学校学习科学。8)He/She/人名 (likes) music.他/她/人名喜欢音乐课。9)They (are )good friends.他们是好朋友。10)Look (at )the five students (in )the picture.请看图中的5个学生。11)They study in the same school.他们在同一所学校上学。12)ZhaoYus favourite subjects (are) English and maths.赵宇最喜欢的课程是英语和数学。4、背诵并会默写2个课文: 67页和71页。5、读熟课文1个:72页。


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