英语:Unit 1 How do you study for a test知识梳理(人教新目标九年级)

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英语:Unit 1 How do you study for a test知识梳理(人教新目标九年级)_第1页
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英语:Unit 1 How do you study for a test知识梳理(人教新目标九年级)_第3页
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Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?一、 词组1. make mistakes 2. later on 3. it doesnt matter 4. be afraid to do sth.5. laugh at 6. take notes 7. look up 8. make up 9. deal with10. be angry with 11. try ones best 12. break off 13. by working with friends14. by making flashcards 15. by making vocabulary lists 16. by reading the textbook17. by listening to tapes 18. by asking the teacher for help 19. watch sb. do sth.20. the best way to learn new words 21. get excited 22. end up doing sth . 23. First of all 24. To begin with 25. have trouble doing sth . 26. make sure27. regard sth . as sth . 28. change . into. 29 compare .to 30. not. at all31. complain about 32. with the help of sb. 二、句型1. How do you study for a test ? I study by listening to tapes . How do you learn English ? I learn by studying with a group . Do you learn English by reading aloud ? Have you ever studied with a group ? I have learned a lot that way.2. What about listening to tapes ? What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ?3. It is too hard to understand the voices . The best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines . Its our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers .4. Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language . Watching English movies isnt a bad way because we can watch the actors say the words . He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly .5. I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word . Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar . Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning .三、语言点1. what about = how about .怎么样 ?(后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式)。如:How about this one ? What about going with me ? How about having a rest ?2. 介词by的用法。 by , 通过(表示方式),后接名词或动词ing形式。如: I go to school by bike . I learn English by using it .3. 动名词或现在分词(统称动词ing形式)的作用相当于名词,可作句子的主语, 谓语动词用单数。 如:Eating lots of fruits is good for your health . Memorizing the words of pop songs also helps a little .4. 介词as的用法。 as的意思是“作为 ,当作”。如: As a student , we should be thankful to our teachers .- 2 - / 6 We should regard Mr Li as our friend .5. 动词 + 副词 结构的短语, 如:write down , put up , look up , make up , put on等, 当它们后接宾语,宾语若是人称代词时it, them时,则it , them须在中间。如:write it down , put them up , put it on等。6.有些动词如stay , keep , look , sound ,get , turn , taste,become等既可做实义动词,又可充当连系动词。作连系动词时,它们后面要接形容词。 如:People can stay angry for years about a small problem . You can stay healthy if you eat less junk food .四、语法-动词不定式 (一)基本形式 to + 动词原形 (to + do ) (二)动词不定式短语 to + do +宾语 疑问词 + to + do (三)动词不定式的用法 动词不定式在句子中除了不能当谓语外,可充当主语、宾语、定语(后置)、状语、补语、表语。如: It is easy to learn English well .(To learn English well is easy ) (- ? ) She doesnt know where to go. (.? ) Our teacher ask us to stay at home . (.? ) Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language . (.? ) The only thing you can do is to study hard . (? ) The old man went home to get some money . (.? ) 一、单项选择( )1. Meimei left without goodbye to me . A say B saying C to say( )2. They bought some books the money they had saved . A. in B at C with( )3. How about a taxi ? Its too far . A to take B taking C takes( )4. Getting up early me feel tired . A make B to make C makes( )5. Do you learn English by aloud ? A reading B to read C reads( )6. These words are very important , please . A write it down B write them down C write down them ( )7. is interesting to watch the game on TV. A That B It C He( )8 The old man regards the child his own son . A as B into C for( )9. You must stay every day . A happy B happily C unhappy( )10. The best way is sleeping . A to relax B relaxing C for relax ( )11. There are many new tall buildings on side of Hubin Road A both B either C all( )12. Its a little than that one . A expensive B cheap C cheaper( )13. He walked fast for us catch up with . A so.that B too.to C enough.to( )14. My mother often asks me early . A get up B getting up C to get up( )15. We can study better than before the help of our teachers . A under B with C for二、英汉短语互译1.通过和朋友一起学习 2. 首先 3.嘲笑 4.通过向老师求助 5. 把。变成。 6. 确信 7. complain about 8. To begin with 9. compare.to 三、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 你是如何为考试而学习的? 我通过在课堂上做笔记学习。 you study a test ? I study in class .2. 我想学习语法是学习一门语言的最好办法。I think grammar is the best way a language . 3. 看英语电影是一个不错的学习英语的办法,因为我们能看到演员讲的话。 English movies isnt a bad way English because we can the actors the words.4. 他发现看英语电影令人沮丧,因为剧中人物讲话的速度太快了。 He finds English movies because the people too quickly . 四、完形填空 Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall . It makes us 1 : if scientists can send a man to the moon , 2 cant they find a good remedy (疗法)for the common cold ? The answer is easy . There are hundreds of kinds of cold viruses(病毒)out there . You never know which one you will 3 , so there isnt a remedy for each one . When a virus attacks(攻击)your body , your body works hard to get rid of (清除)it . You feel terrible but your body is actually 4 with the virus . Your temperature goes 5 and you get a fever , but the heat of your body is killing the virus . Different people have different remedies for 6 . In America and some other countries , some people take hot baths and drink warm water to feel better , others 7 to stop the fever and runny nose . There is one interesting thing to note- some scientists say bodies can do an amazing job on their own when you have a cold , so taking medicine isnt actually 8 for you . The virus stays in you 9 because your body doesnt have a way to kill it by itself . There is a 10 , however , on taking medicine when you have a cold . It goes like this : It takes about 1 week to get over a cold if you dont take medicine , but only 7 days to get over a cold if you take medicine .( )1. A wonder B invent C wait ( )6. A colds B trouble C health( )2. A where B why C when ( )7. A take the temperature B take some medicine C take a rest( )3. A fix B get C hit ( )8. A bad B good C serious( )4. A helping B playing C fighting( )9. A longer B shorter C fewer( )5. A on B down C up ( )10. A hope B plan C joke 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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